Answer Keys

Do You Like Yourself: Answer Key

1. A=1; B=0; C=2

2. A=0; B=1; C=2

3. A=1; B=0; C=2

4. A=2; B=1; C=0

5. A=2; B=0; C=1

6. A=0; B=2; C=1

7. A=0; B=2

8. A=2; B=0

9. A=0; B=1; C=2

10. A=0; B=2

11. A=2; B=1; C=0

(0–6) Self-hatred

When you look in the mirror, all you see are flaws. You imagine that other girls have perfect lives, and you’d love to be them. You’re sure that everyone else talks about your faults all the time. Because you dislike yourself, you assume everyone else does, too. You struggle to think of something you like about yourself, and don’t get you started on all that you’d love to change! Maybe you even wonder if God made a mistake with you. Every blunder you make seems huge in your eyes, and you can’t get it out of your mind.

(7–14) Self-doubting

Your thoughts are dominated by the “if onlys”—“If only I were thinner, smarter, more talented, etc.” You find yourself trying to imitate other girls, and you often compare yourself to others. Sometimes you want to do something, but you hold back—you’re just not quite sure of yourself. You like some things about yourself, but you tend to focus on the negatives at times. You have a handful of things you’d like to change about yourself. You wonder what other people say about you, which makes you a little self-conscious around other people.

(15–22) Self-accepting

You’re comfortable with the way you are. No, you’re not perfect, but you can live with yourself. You spend a reasonable amount of time in front of the mirror but don’t catch yourself obsessing. When you look at the girl everyone envies, you see the person inside, not her perfect exterior. You’re confident enough of yourself that you’re not crippled by others’ opinions. You want to improve as a person but won’t compromise who you are. In general, you feel comfortable around others. You accept the way God made you. You’re able to laugh at yourself and brush off your mistakes.