at a glance
author: The apostle Paul.
date: About AD 64, probably between Paul’s first and second imprisonments in Rome.
setting: Paul had previously directed Timothy to lead the church in Ephesus; now he writes with advice on how to manage the church.
verse to remember: Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity (4:12).
theme to consider: Ever feel you are too young to serve? Then you will want to carefully read Paul’s advice to his young friend, Timothy.
unchanging truth
Guess who was behind some of the most significant revivals the church has ever seen. Stuffy old preachers? Veteran Sunday school teachers? Seminary professors? No, no and no. It was young people like you. Some of the most significant players in the revivals that have swept the world have been students who caught a fresh vision of faith.
So where is God moving today? You got it—students. Students are riding the wave of excitement when it comes to worshiping God. Student-led Bible studies are cropping up on campuses everywhere!
All it takes is one person to make a difference. Ask Paul. He realized early on that Timothy was the real deal—a true believer who, in spite of some apparent shyness (see 2 Timothy 1:6–8), was willing to stand up for Christ. Timothy was a young leader who accompanied Paul on some missionary journeys. Paul didn’t overlook Timothy because he was young. Who knows? Maybe Paul put Timothy in the game because he was young. He had twice the energy and enthusiasm of the older believers.
So, why are you waiting around for God to use the “grown-ups” in your church? Do you think that only professional youth ministers can reach your school for Christ? Check out the book of 1 Timothy and think again.
1. It helps to have an older “Paul” to encourage us when we’re young in our faith (1:1–2). Sometimes we find them. And sometimes they find us.
2. Listening to advice is crucial—don’t shipwreck your faith (1:18–19).
3. God can use anyone at any age for his purposes—as long as she’s devoted to him (4:11–16).