

Abel, Rudolf, 266

Aberdeen Proving Ground, 68

Adventures of Superman, The, 156-158

aircraft accidents, 197-314

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP), 122, 124

Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE), 413-415

aircraft safety measures, 286-324

Akimov, Aleksandr Fyodorovich, 362-365, 369

alpha particles, 10, 13, 19

American Nuclear Society, 222

americium contamination, 228-233

Anglo-Canadian nuclear efforts, 85-90

Argonne National Laboratory, 33, 91, 114-122, 129-136

Argonne West, 114-115, 122

Arzamas incident, 69-71

atomic bomb development, 35-36

atomic bomb explosion

energy from, 40-43

heat from, 41-43

mechanics of, 40-43, 87, 92

testing, 63-66

Atomic Energy Act, 159

Atomic Energy Authority, 158, 169, 180

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 81, 113, 117-123, 129-130, 192, 415

Atomic Energy for Military Purposes, 264

Atomic Man incident, 231, 234, 344

Automated In-Flight Insertion (AIFI) mechanism, 289-290


Bailey, Dr. William John Aloysius, 16-18, 20-23, 33, 79

Bakerville, Charles, 26

Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS), 316, 323

Banting, Frederick, 19

Barnes, DeWitt, xiv

Baum, L. Frank, 1

Becquerel, Henri, 7

Bergstrom, Louis, xiv

beryllium, 54, 63-64

Bethe, Hans, 50

Bikini Atoll, 63, 76, 80, 159, 170, 295

Blackoak Ridge, 44-45. See also Oak Ridge facilities

Bock’s Car, 43

boiler explosion, xii-xvi, xviii

bomber accidents, 293-324

bombing campaigns, 35-45, 37, 39

BORAX-I, 131-134, 144-145

BORAX-II, 131, 133



BORAX-V, 133

Bothe, Walther, 52

Boyceyer, Bill, 1-3, 11, 13

Breitenstein, Dr. Bryce D., 235

Bridenbaugh, Dale G., 382

Bridge on the River Kwai, The, 188

British accidents, 173-188

British Blue Peacock weapon, 188

British nuclear reactor testing, 153-188

“Broken Arrow” accidents, 287-288, 304

Brouma, Andre G., 134

Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant, 333-336

Bryukhanov, Viktor Petrovich, 361

Burst Cartridge Detection Gear (BCDG), 168

Byers, Eben McBurney, 21-25, 30, 33, 79

Byrnes, Jack, 139-142


Cain, Charles, xii

Calder Hall reactors, 181-185

Camp Century, Greenland, 134-143

Canadian accidents, 94-111

Carter, James Earl, 104, 419, 420

Castle Bravo, 76-81

Castle Cue, 79

Cavendish Laboratory, 84

Chalk River accident, 95-111

Chalk River Laboratory, 83, 90, 94-111, 166

Chapelcross reactors, 181-185

chelation therapy, 232-235

Chelyabinsk incident, 71, 280-284

Chem Plant, 147-152

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster, 357-375

Chernobyl RBMK nuclear reactor, viii, 102, 357-369, 359, 370, 371-372

“China Syndrome,” 400

China Syndrome, The, 343, 382

Church, Henry, 236

Church, Marcus, 237

Cisler, Walker Lee, 206-207, 216-218

Clancy, Tom, 286

Cleanup Project, 152

Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project, 218-219, 419-420, 423

Clinton Engineering Works, 45, 51, 62. See also Oak Ridge facilities

Cockcroft, Dr. John Douglas, 89-90, 165-167

“Cockcroft’s follies,” 166, 178

Connolly, “Head-On” Joe, xv-xvi

Cosmic Voice, 278

“credible accident” criterion, 273

Crested Ice, 322-323

criticality accident explanation, 51-52, 59. See also specific plants

criticality accidents review, 93, 258, 271

criticality experiment, 59-60, 64, 69

Crush, William “Bill,” ix, xi-xv, 131

Curie, Iréne Joliot, 33

Curie, Marie, 7-8, 10, 18, 20, 32-33

Curie, Pierre, 7-8, 10, 18


Daghlian, Haroutune “Harry” Krikor, Jr., 57-61, 63

Daigo Fukuryu Maru, 80-82

Dally, Charles M., 8-9

D’Amario, Alfred J., 317-321

D’Aquino, Iva Toguri, 39

Darnall, Ernest, xiv

Darzens, Auguste George, 196

Davey, H. Gethin, 175-176

Davis-Besse Plant, 337-341

de Hoffman, Frederic, 145

Deane, J. C., xii

Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), 286

Dempsey, John, 1-3, 13

Dentuna, 66

Department of Energy, 152, 252, 425

Department of Energy Explosive Safety Manual, 252

Derivan, Mike, 337-339

deuterium, 47, 52-54, 76-79, 85-88

“DEW Line,” 134

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, 387, 391

Diesel, Rudolph, 112

Direct Contact Reactor (DCR), 413-415, 422

Distant Early Warning System, 134

Döpel, Klara, 52

Döpel, Robert, 52-55

Dougherty, Terry, 348-349

Douglas, Michael, 343

Dounreay Fast Reactor (DFR), 226

“Dr. Freezelove,” 322

Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 145, 322

Duke, Derek, 303

Dyatlov, Anatoly Stepanovich, 361-365, 369

Dyson, Dr. Freeman, 145


E. I. Hatch Nuclear Power Plant, 325-326, 404

Early Warning Systems, 134, 316

earthquake damage, 391-401, 421

earthquake predictions, 389-390

earthquake protection, 387, 391

East Urals Radioactive Trace (EURT), 284-285

Eden, Anthony, 171

Edison, Thomas, 4, 8

Effects of Nuclear Weapons, The, 41

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 74-75, 123, 156, 265-266

Electrical Review, 6

electrodes, 4-6

Elms, Joan, 296

Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS), 327-341

Eminger, Verle “Lefty,” 242-243

Emlet, Logan, 199

Enewetak Atoll, 76, 170

Engineer Reactors Group, 134, 425

Enola Gay, 36, 38

Evans, Robley D., 33

Experimental Breeder Reactor One (EBR-1), 114-122, 147, 196


Fabian, Blain, 350

Failla, Dr. Gioacchino, 169

Fair, D. R. R., 153

Faro incident, 307, 311, 314, 324

fast breeder reactor, 116-118, 192, 208-210, 220-226, 273, 410, 420

Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR), 224

“Fat Man” nuclear weapon, 35, 40-43, 42, 55-56, 63, 240, 250, 323

Fermi, Dr. Enrico, 53, 62-63, 114, 207, 216

Fermi 1 plant, 207-210, 211, 213-219, 224

Fermi 2 plant, 218

Feynman, Richard, 50-51, 74

Field, Paul “Spider Fuzz,” 325

fireballs, 41-43, 76-80, 147, 236, 288, 396

fission chambers, 57

Flinn, Frederick B., 23

fluorescent lamp, 8, 9

fluoroscope, 9

Fomin, Nikolai Maksimovich, 361

Fonda, Jane, 343, 356, 382

Forbidden Planet, 157

Ford, Gerald, 39

Francis, Anne, 157

Frederick, Ed, 346, 348

Frisch, Otto, 57

Fryer, Grace, 29

Fuchs, Klaus, 158

Fukushima Daiichi plant

construction of, 383-387

“credible accident” criterion, 273

earthquake damage, 391-401, 421

earthquake predictions, 389-390

earthquake protection, 387, 391

fuel-handling schematic, 388

radioactive dust from, 395-396, 399-400

tragedy at, viii, xxi, 102, 376-403

tsunami damage, 392-402

tsunami protection, 387

tsunami warnings, 389

“Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities,” 405


Gagarin, Yuri, vi

gamma camera, 141-142

gamma radiation, 13

Gausden, Ron, 153, 174-175

Generation IV International Forum, 425

Genie weapon, 155-156

Gilda, 66

Gilliam, 66

Giraud, André, 222

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 222

Glasstone, Samuel, 41

Godiva, 67-68, 120

Godzilla, 82

Goering, Kent, 134

Goldsboro incident, 307-314

Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich, 371

Graphite Low Energy Experimental Pile (GLEEP), 160

Graves, Dr. Alvin C., 64-65, 79

Great Artiste, 36

Greenland incidents, 134-143, 314-323

Gregerson, Soren, 134

Gregg, Walter, 305-306

Griss, Curtis R., Jr., 317-321

Groves, Leslie R., 45, 90


Hallum Nuclear Generating Station, 205

Hansen, Chuck, 286, 287

Harrisburg, 342, 350, 353-355. See also Three Mile Island (TMI) disaster

Harteck, Paul, 52

Haug, John M., 317-321

Hayworth, Rita, 66

Heilstollen, 32

Heisenberg, Werner, 52-55

Helney, Otto K., 193

Hemmerly, Robert J., 59-61

Hendrix, John, 44-45

Henry, Bill, 1-4, 11, 13-14

Heran, Donald F., 300

Hicks, Thomas, 18

High Temperature Reactor Experiment 1 (HTRE-1), 124-125

High Temperature Reactor Experiment 2 (HTRE-2), 125

High Temperature Reactor Experiment 3 (HTRE-3), 125-127

high-pressure coolant injections systems (HPCI), 384-385, 391-392, 396

Hinton, Joan, 59

Hirohito, Emperor, 35, 55

Hiroshima bombing, 36-41, 39, 45, 367

Holthaus, Richard, 260, 262-263

Hoover Dam, vi

Hopkins, Frank F., 317-321

Hopper, Jeff, 404, 406

hormesis, 19

hot springs, 19, 31-32

Howard, W. J., 303

Howells, Huw, 175

Hubbard, Richard B., 382

Hughes, Tom, 174-175

hydrogen bomb

development of, 75-77, 236-237

fission device of, 291

illustration of, 308

program, 169-172

Hyperion reactor, 424


Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, 147-152

Idaho Cleanup Project, 152

Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC), 152

Idaho testing, 112-152

“Incident in the Wuergassen Nuclear Power Plant,” 381

induction coils, 5

in-flight insertion mechanism, 289-290

integral fast reactor, 116. See also fast breeder reactor

“iodine valley,” 363-364

ionizing radiation, xix-xxi, 15, 27

“Ivy Mike” device, 76-77, 170-172. See also thermonuclear devices


Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion Company, 272-277, 275

Japanese accidents, 272-277, 376-403. See also Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant

JCO accident, 272-277, 275

Jesser, Wayne, 246

Johnson, Edwin “Big Ed,” 237

Johnson, Howard, 376

Joliot-Curie, Frédéric, 90

Joliot-Curie, Iréne, 33

Jōyō reactor, 224-225


Kelley, Cecil, 254-256

Kendrick, Nesbit, 56

Kennedy, John F., 74, 129, 415

Kershenbaum, Igor, 365

Khrushchev, Nikita, 266, 282

King, George, 278-279

Klein, George, 90

Koch, E., 381

Koehler, Captain, 304-306

Kopermann, Nicholaus, 52

Kowarski, Lew, 90

Kuboyama, Aikichi, 81-82

Kubrick, Stanley, 322

Kudryavtsev, Aleksandr, 369

Kulka, Bruce, 304-307

Kunder, George, 349

Kunst, Frederick, 26

Kyshtym disaster, 277-285


Lagerstrom, Robert J., 301

Lagoona Beach, Michigan, 206, 215-218

Land of Oz, 1

Lang, Casey, 407

Lawrence, Dr. Ernest, 49

Lawrence-Livermore Laboratory, 68, 181, 383

Lean, David, 188

Legg, Dick, 139-141

Lehman, Dr. Edward, 29

Leib, James L., 10-11

Lemmon, Jack, 343

Leslie, Dr. Frank, 180-181

Lewis, W. B., 95

“Lexington Report,” 123

L-I reactor, 52

L-IV reactor, 53-55

Lichtenberger, Harold, 120, 131-132

Lilienthal, David, 113

linear non-threshold (LNT), 19

lithium deuteride, 69-70, 76-79, 172, 314, 323

“Little Boy” nuclear weapon, 36, 37, 45

Locke, E. W., Jr., 123

Looney, Margaret “Peg,” 30

Lorz, Fred, 18

Los Alamos Molten Plutonium Research Reactor (LAMPRE), 412-415

Los Alamos National Laboratory

accidents at, 57-60, 63-73, 79, 252-256, 254, 263

British and, 158

concerns at, 48-50

Omega Site, 57-60

Lucky Dragon incident, 80-83

Luttrell, Don, 155-156

Lyon, George, 21


MacLeod, John, 19

Macmillan, Harold, 171

MAGNOX reactor, 182, 183-186

Makhijani, Dr. Arjun, 205

Manchester Guardian, 181

Manhattan Engineer District, 45, 90

Manhattan Project, 44, 52-57, 62, 75, 83-85, 89, 232, 253

Mars Bluff incident, 304-313

Marsden, B. J., 175

Marshall, George C., 300

Martin, John R., 298

Marx, Richard E., 317-321

Mastriani, Robert, 260, 262

Matsumoto, Kazuhiko, 390-391

Mattocks, Adam C., 309-310, 314

Mayak Production Association plant, 265-272, 267, 268, 277-280, 285

McCluskey, Harold, 227-233

McKinley, Richard, 139-142

Medvedev, Zhores A., 280-281

Mehler, Brian, 349


causes of, 47

at Chalk River facility, xx, 100-101

at Chernobyl, 357

criticality accidents and, 51

at National Reactor Testing Station, 114-121

preventing, 327, 337, 383

terminology for, 100

at Three Mile Island, 102, 205, 326-327, 342-350, 355-356

Metlenko, Gennady Petrovich, 362

Michalon, Vital, 222

Michelson, Carl, 340

military safety measures, 286-324

Miller, Gary, 350

Millikan, Eugene, 237

mineral water, 31-32, 47

mini-reactors, 289, 424

Minor, Gregory C., 382


launching, 223, 265-266, 295

monitoring, 316, 365

producing, 134, 248, 251

modular reactors, 422-424, 423, 424

Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE), 415-417, 417

Monju reactor, 225-226

Morgan, Karl Z., 63

Morrison, Philip, 40

Morse, Francis, 123

Moyar, Dr. Charles Clinton, 22-23

Murdock, Eric Conda, 315

Murrow, Edward R., 194


“nack,” 117-118, 121, 147, 200, 226

Nagai, Mikoto, 389

Nagasaki bombing, 35-36, 43, 55, 66, 250, 289

Nagato, 66

Nagel, John P., 11

NASA, 146

National Reactor Testing Station (NRTS), 114-126, 129-138, 143-152, 328

National Research eXperimental pile (NRX), 89-95, 98, 100-104, 166, 170

Nautilus, 106, 113, 156, 189, 198

Naval Proving Ground, 113

Necessary Evil, 36

Nevada, 66

Nevada Test Site, 155, 181

New Scientist, 280-281

New York Times, 24, 60, 124, 356

Nicolas II, Czar, ix

Nielsen, Leslie, 157-158

Nishiwaki, Yashushi, 82

Nobel Prize winners, 19, 20, 33, 49, 52, 90

Novosibirsk Chemical Concentration Camp, 265

Nuclear Chain Reaction: The First 50 Years, 93

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), 179

nuclear energy release discovery, 19

nuclear fission

accidents with, 35, 113-114

demonstration of, 35

energy from, 40-43, 169, 192, 322-323, 379, 403, 412-415

heat from, 41-43

mechanics of, 40-43, 87, 92

results of, xix-xx, 35-36, 60, 84

nuclear power today, 421-426

nuclear reactors, inventing, 43-51

nuclear weapons safety measures, 286-324

Nucleonics, 121

NuScale reactor, 423, 423


Oak Ridge facilities

concerns at, 50-51

construction of, 45-48

production in, 49-51, 62-63

reactor at, 114-117, 157-158, 165

O’Leary, Tom, 188

Omega Site accident, 57-60

On the Beach, 82

Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant, 390

Operation Castle, 76-81, 294

Operation Chrome Dome, 299, 315

Operation Crested Ice, 322-323

Operation Crossroads, 63

Operation Desert Storm, 295

Operation Grapple I, 171-172

Operation Grouse, 85

Operation Gunnerside, 85

Operation Iraqi Freedom, 295

Operation Plumbbob, 155-156

Operation Sandstone, 166

Operation Smiling Buddha, 103

Operation Snow Flurry, 304

Operation Southern Belle, 301

Operation Teapot, 194

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 49-50, 90

Ouchi, Hisashi, 274-277

Owen, Bruce, 242-243

Ozark Mountains, 1, 10-11


Palomares incident, 315-316

Pantex bomb assembly plant, 248-252, 323

Papin, Denis, 366

Paulson, Bjarnie Hannibal, 110

Peabody, Anna, 258, 262, 264

Peabody, Charles “Chickie,” 262, 264

Peabody, Robert, 258, 260-264

Pearl Harbor attack, 66

Peck, Gregory, 82

Pellegrini, Mark, 404, 405

Penney, William, 158-161, 164-166, 170-171, 180-181

Perevozchenko, Valery Ivanovich, 361, 366

Phénix, 221-222

phosphorescent paint, 25-26

Pint Bottle Experiment (PBX), 415

Pintek, Mike, 350

Plokhy, Taras Grigoryevich, 361

Plowden, Edwin, 177

plutonium ball, 56-61, 64, 70, 249, 289

plutonium breeders, 207-208, 218-219

plutonium components, 55-64

Plutonium Finishing Plant, 228-233

plutonium fires, 237-248

Poole, Jerry, 34

Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC), 225

Powers, Francis Gary, 265-266, 278

Princess Project, 123

Pripyat, Ukraine, 361, 373

Proceedings of the Physical Medical Society, 6

Project 4.1, 79-80

Project Alberta, 38

Project Alberta: The Preparation of Atomic Bombs, 40

Project Apple, 236-237

Project Bell Boy, 154

Project Crested Ice, 322-323

Project Iceworm, 134-143

prompt criticality, 65-66, 70-73, 79, 255-256, 262-263

Proskuryakov, Victor, 369

Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR), 226

Pryatt, Joe, 44-45

Pugh, Larry A., 193

Pulyui, Ivan, 6

“pumpkin bombs,” 35, 43


Quebec Agreement, 85, 89-90



dangers of, 7-14, 26-29, 42

discovery of, 7

gamma radiation, 13

ionizing radiation, xix-xxi, 15, 27

long-term hazards, xix-xxi, 33

overexposure to, 7-8, 26-29

radiation burns, 8-14, 42

radiation poisoning

Arzamas incident, 69-71

Atomic Man incident, 231, 234, 344

Chernobyl disaster, 373-374

exposure time for, 99

first person with, 60

Lucky Dragon incident, 81

radiation sickness

Chernobyl disaster, 369

discovery of, 33-34

early documentation of, 12

Mayak accident, 271-272, 285

radioactive cocktails, 27

radioactive dust

breathing, 12, 100, 351

from Chernobyl disaster, 372

dangers of, 247

from Fukushima disaster, 395-396, 399-400

from Kyshtym disaster, 280

from Lucky Dragon incident, 81

preventing, 166

radioactive gas, 13, 146, 196, 204, 355

radioactive water, 31-32, 102, 109

Radioendocrinator, 20

radioisotope research, 19

radiology, discover of, 5-7

Radithor, 20-24, 33, 79

radium, discovery of, 7-10

radium, lawsuits, 29-30

Radium Dance, The, 27

“Radium Girls,” 29-30, 32-33

radium poisoning, 24, 29

radium springs, 31-32

radium therapy, 16, 19

radium-dial industry, 26-31

radon decay products, 14-15

radon gas, 12-15, 19, 25, 31

railroad accidents, x-xxi

Rapsodie, 220-221

Rardin, Richard, 309-312

“Rat Cable Problem,” 405-408

reactor isolation cooling system (RCIC), 385-386, 393, 397

Reagan, Ronald, 420

Reeves, George, 156

Reuther, Walter, 207

“Review of Criticality Accidents, A,” 93, 258, 271

Rickover, Hyman, 103-104, 189, 191, 218, 327, 380, 409-413

Rickover Trap, 404, 411, 426

Ring of Fire, 376, 387

Robertson, Ian, 153, 173-174

Robinson, Cliff, 373

Rocky Flats Plutonium Component Fabrication Plant, 236-248

Roentgen Equivalent Man (rem), 60, 99, 254-256

Rogers, Leland, 349

Rongelap Atoll, 78

Rongerlick Atoll, 78

Röntgen, Wilhelm, 6-7

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 45, 113, 333

Ross, K. B., 177

Ruhmkorff coil, 4, 6

RUN 13/14, 198-203

Russ, Harlow W., 40

Russian accidents, 69-72, 265-272, 277-285

Rutherford, Ernest, 10, 89


S-50 site, 45-46

Safety Parameter Display System, 404

Santa Susana Field Laboratory, 193, 197, 205

Savannah River Project (SRP), 89, 232, 301-302

Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro Power Plant, vi-viii

Schiemann, Fred, 344-345, 349

Schwartz, Jean, 27

scram system, 70-72, 92-97, 130, 358

Seawolf, 189, 192

Segré, Emilio, 49-50

Serber, Robert, 40

Shakespeare, William, 157

Shinohara, Masato, 274-277

“Short Granite,” 171-172

Shot John, 155-156

“Shrimp,” 76-81

Shute, Nevil, 82

Siberian Chemical Combine, 265

single-electrode tube, 4-5

SL-1 design, 136-138, 137

SL-1 incident, 113-114, 135-147, 188, 231-235, 422, 424

Slavsky, Yefim P., 219

Slotin, Dr. Louis A., 62-67, 73, 79

Smith, Clifford, 260, 262-263

Smyth Report, The, 264

SNAP-10A, 146-147

Snapp, Calvin W., 317-321


Soddy, Frederick, 19

sodium pumps, 195-198, 200-202, 205, 212-213

Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) reactor, 193-195, 195, 200-205

sodium-cooled breeders, 193-197, 209, 218-226, 425

Sorsa, Kalevi, 372

Soviet accidents, 69-72, 265-272, 277-285

Special Power Excursion Reactor Test One (SPERT-1), 143-144

Spencer, George, 260, 262

spent fuel

burying, 152, 418-420

disposing of, 148, 193, 220, 256-257

at Fukushima, 398-399

illustration of, 257

repository for, 418-420

“SRE Fuel Element Damage,” 203

Stalin, Joseph, 282-283, 357

Stanton, C. E., xii

Stardubtsev, Gennadiy S., 271

Starmer, Sergeant, 59-60

steam engine explosion, xv-xvii

Steiner, Joseph, 23

Stetter, Georg, 52

Stewart, Clarence Arville, 301-302

Strauss, Lewis L., 81

strontium compound, 25


Arzamas incident, 70-71

Chelyabinsk incident, 281

Chernobyl disaster, 365

explanation of, 51, 61, 255

Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, 150-152

JCO accident, 276

Los Alamos accident, 255

Mayak accident, 270-271

NRTS testing, 131, 146

Omega Site accident, 56-61

plutonium fires, 247

SL-1 incident, 138

Wood River Junction accident, 263-264

Superphénix, 222-223

Suslov, A. P., 271

Svitenko, Leonard, 317-321


Tadlock, Sevier, 44-45

Teller, Dr. Edward, 145, 168-169, 356

Tempest, The, 157

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 45, 113, 333, 340-341

Tesla, Nikola, 4-6

thermal breeder reactor, 192-194, 219

Thermal Tunnel, 32

thermonuclear devices

bomb safety, 290-296

development of, 111

Faro incident, 307, 311, 314, 324

“Ivy Mike” device, 76-77, 170-172

Mars Bluff incident, 304-313

Palomares incident, 315-316

Thule incident, 316-317

Tybee Island incident, 300-304

Thornburgh, Richard, 354

Three Mile Island (TMI) disaster

meltdown, 102, 205, 326-327, 342-350, 352, 355-356

reactor construction, 342-344, 380

reactor schematic, 342

TMI-1, 342-343, 348, 356

TMI-2, 342, 342-343, 346-356, 352

Thule incident, 314-323

Tibbets, Paul W., 38

Tohoku Earthquake, 391-401, 421. See also Fukushima Daiichi plant

“Tokyo Rose,” 38-39

Tomsk-7 Reprocessing Plant, 265

Toptunov, Leonid, 361, 363-365, 369

train accidents, x-xxi

Travis, Robert F., 299

Tregub, Yuri, 363, 364

TRIGA, 145

tritium, 31, 76-79

Truman, Harry S, 75, 236, 237

tsunami disaster, 392-402

tsunami protection, 387

tsunami warnings, 389

Tullock, Walter, 309-312

Tumerman, Leo, 281-282

Tuohy, Tom, 167, 176

“Two decades of Dissidence,” 280

two-electrode tube, 6

Tybee Island incident, 300-304


Ukraine, 102, 357, 374-375

underwater reactor, 424

United Kingdom accidents, 173-188

United Kingdom testing, 153-188

United Nuclear Corporation, 257

United Nuclear Fuels Recovery Plant, 257-264

Untermyer, Samuel, II, 129-133, 380

uranium, mining, 12-13, 27, 45-46, 115, 237

uranium ore, 7, 12-13

uranium oxide, 31, 47-53, 84, 105, 148, 272-274

uranmaschine, 52

US Nuclear Weapons: The Secret History, 286, 287


Vandegriff, Bob, 242-243

Voigt, O., 381

von Ardenne, Manfred, 52

von Halban, Hans, 84, 90

von Lénárd, Phillipp, 6

von Neumann, Johnny, 74

von Sochocky, Sabin A., 29


Walker, James J. “Jimmy,” 24

Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton, 90

Wassaw Sound incident, 301-304

waste-disposal problem, 148, 193, 220, 256-257, 418-422

Watson-Munro, Charles, 90

Wells, Lee, 193

Wendt, George, 20

Westinghouse, George, 5

White Sands Missile Range accident, 68

Wigner Energy, 169

Wigner Growth, 164-165, 169

Wilbur, Mike, 214-215

Windscale reactor accident, 173-183

Windscale reactors, 160-161, 162, 163, 163-187

Winn, Robert H., 23

Wood River Junction facility, 257-264

Woolard, Leland W., 301

Wuergassen Nuclear Power Plant incident, 381-382


X-10 reactor, 62, 119, 157-161, 163, 165

x-ray beams, 5-8, 16

x-ray machines, 16


Y-12 site, 45-46

Yokata, Kazuma, 390

Yokokawa, Yutaka, 274-277

Yoshitake, George, 156

You Are Responsible!, 279


Zero Energy Experimental Pile (ZEEP), 90-94, 91, 101, 106

Zewe, Bill, 343-348, 350

Zinn, Walter, 114-119, 129-134, 207