Chapter 60

Henry Oakes paused in the shady gardens just outside Oliver Ward’s private villa. He had been doing a lot of thinking and had decided that he could not wait any longer. He was Nick Tremayne’s special friend, after all. He had to do whatever was necessary to protect his pal. Someday Nick would understand and thank him.

It had been easy enough gaining access to the hotel grounds. He had crawled into the back of a delivery truck bringing crates of fresh vegetables to the hotel kitchen. There had been a guard at the gate but he recognized the driver and waved him through.

Henry had jumped out of the truck at the first opportunity. The driver never knew that he had a passenger.

Once on the hotel grounds Henry had made his way into the extensive gardens. He was dressed like a maintenance man in overalls and boots. He had a cap pulled down low over his eyes. He kept his head down and walked purposefully toward his goal. He had learned long ago that no one ever paid any attention to a workingman who looked like he knew where he was going.

He stood in the shade and watched the front door of the villa. No one else had appeared after Ward left. The woman who was causing trouble for Nick Tremayne was inside.

She was still hanging around the hotel, still trying to find a way to hurt Nick Tremayne.

One of the hotel security guards was watching the front door of the villa.

Henry took the small bottle of chloroform out of his pocket.

He had warned Irene Glasson.