Chapter 8: Sumbel Toast Sequences

A Disting Sequence

For fertile fields,
to Freyr I hail
and for harvests great and good.
For frith with folk,
to Freyr I hail
and for peace and plenty this year.
For passage through winter
and the wooing of Gerð,
hail to fruitful Freyr!

To völur among ancestors
and their visions I hail:
in faith you served the Folk.
May your sight today
resurge in the world;
hail to visionary völur!

Hail to Disting,
for deep are my seeds
planted for greatest growth,
planted for holiest harvest:
for Freyr to make fertile
the fields of my mind,
so that I grow in wisdom and wynn,
so that I harvest words and works;
for völur’s visions
to vivify my mind,
so that I read the runes aright,
so that I pour the precious mead.
For growing in might
and growing in main,
hail to furrowed fields,
hail to Holy Disting!

A Summerfinding Sequence

Hail to Ostara,
the Eastern lady
and glorious spirit of spring!
Dróttning of dawn,
dear and shining:
hail to Holy Easter!

Hail to Sigurð,
Sigmund reborn,
the highest hero of the Folk!
He fearlessly slew
the serpent Fáfnir;
hail to Sigurð Sigmundarson!

Hail to my rebirth
that’s bright with runes,
shining and sure in this year,
tried and true in this year.
My doom shall be
the deeds of a hero,
bright like Easter’s brilliance,
famous like Sigurð’s feats.
For my words and works
to wax in greatness,
hail to the spirit of spring,
hail to my rebirth in brightness!

A May Day Sequence

Hail to Óðinn,
highest of Aesir,
for giving self to self.
For poetry’s power
and potent runes,
hail to holy Óðinn!

Hail to that tree,
our holy ancestor,
and the worlds it brightly bears.
Of trees we were made,
but that tree was first:
Hail to Holy Yggdrasil!

Hail to the Runes
that rightly I seek:
both the bright and the murk,
both the inner and the outer.
Awesome Óðinn
I echo in my search,
hanging tree on tree,
giving self to self.
By seeking mysteries
I swell in might:
hail to the righteous Runes,
hail to my quickening Quest!

A Midsummer Sequence

To the gods of the Folk
and glorious Sunna,
your lives enlighten our hearth.
To Óðinn and Týr
and awesome Baldur,
to Frigg and fruitful Iðunn,
to Thor and Freyja
and Freyr her brother,
hail to Gods and Goddesses!

To Hengest and Horsa
who harried Britain,
and Beowulf of the glorious Geats,
to Sigurð and Sinfjötli
and Sigmund their father,
those valiant heroes of Völsung,
to Bragi and Ref
and brilliant Egill,
poets who poured the mead,
and to numerous awesome
others unnamed:
Hail to the Heroes of the Folk!

Hail to us heathens,
happy and proud,
and all our holy heroes,
and all our glorious gods.
Our strong community
is standing with might,
sturdy and whole for heroes,
shining and grand for gods.
For glory we strive
and greatness we struggle,
to remember our mighty heroes
and honor our awesome gods.
For kith and kin,
and keeping together,
hail to our famous Folk,
hail to the Hearth of Yggdrasil!

A Freyfaxi Sequence

One-handed Týr:
the Wolf he raised,
courageously feeding Fenrir.
Bravely he paid
the price to bind him.
For his hand I hail to Týr!

Hail to the Norsemen
for the holy Thing,
that gathering of folk in frith,
that joining for joy
and justice-keeping:
one of their wondrous gifts.
For hallowed custom,
helpful traditions,
honorable ancestors’ wisdom,
valuable virtues,
and volumes of lore,
hail to the noble Norsemen!

Hail to the Hearth
and its holy traditions:
its Althing of rightful rulings
and its Keys of valuable virtues.
Though young in years
it yearns for greatness,
through its deeds and doings of glory,
through its honor of ancestors and gods.
At this tide we toast
to Týr and Freyr
for courage true and trustworthy,
for harvest full and fortunate.
For its life to lengthen
and last forever,
hail to our heathen kindred,
hail to the Hearth of Yggdrasil!

A Winterfinding Sequence

Hail to Thor,
hearty thunderer,
greatest in might and main!
For watching well
and warding our steads,
hail to thunderous Thor!

Hail to the Dwarves
in Dark-Elf home
for the many crafts they ken.
For the might and main
they make into treasures,
hail to the industrious Dwarves!

Hail to the ancestors
for their arts and crafts
that through archaeology we know:
culture’s legacy,
kept by the Dwarves.
Hail to the holy ancestors!

Hail to the Hearth
for its heathen pride
and its steady presence in Pittsburgh
and its powerful presence in the world.
For its growing reach
in the realm of Midgard,
hail to our guiding gods,
hail to the Hearth of Yggdrasil!

A Harvest Sequence

Hail to the Vanir,
holy and virtuous,
for seasons of growth and goodness.
Hail to Freyja
and Freyr her brother;
hail to Njörð and Nerthus.
Hail to the Alcis
of elder days
and more who are lost to memory.
For the wealth and weal
to the world they bring,
hail to the wondrous Wanes!

Hail the Ynglings
by Yngvi sired,
that famous line of Fjölnir.
Glory and legends
they gained for the Swedes;
hail to the Ynglings of old!

For my wealth and weal
to wax and grow
as it did for the Ynglings of old,
as it does for the wondrous Wanes,
I honor the Ynglings
and I honor the Wanes
for my glory to greatly increase,
for my fortune and fame to grow.
I quest for goals
to quicken my glory
that the fire of fame I kindle,
that the line of legends I join.
With runes and mead
I make the road:
hail to my growing in glory,
hail to my waxing in worth!

A Winternights Sequence

Hail to the Elf-Lord,
and hail to the Vanadís,
the Lord and Lady of the Folk!
Your warmth we welcome
as winter approaches,
that lengthy looming darkness.
King of the Álfar
and Queen of the Dísir,
you keep us hale and whole!
For frolic and frith
and fire in winter,
Hail to Freyr and Freyja!

Hail to the Álfar,
and hail to the Dísir,
the awesome ancestors of the Folk!
We welcome you here
as winter approaches;
watch and ward our stead.
Olden fathers
and olden mothers,
in memory your lives yet live.
For the wyrd you made
that works in our lives,
hail to you holy ancestors!

For my words and works
to wax in might
and honor the Lord and Lady,
and honor the Álfar and Dísir,
I seek the Runes
and rightly aim
to stain those staves within,
to stain those staves without,
and I quest to quaff
the quickening draught
to stir my wode and will,
to work as skald and scholar.
For the groundwork laid
by gods and ancestors,
hail to their helpful wyrd,
hail to my holy quests!

Another Winternights Sequence

Hail to Ingvi,
the Elves’ high lord,
for the gift of harvest you’ve given.
Elf-home you got
as a gift for teething.
Hail to awesome Ingvi!

Hail to the Álfar
in the heights of Álfheim,
those awesome fathers of the Folk!
For your frith and help
to the Folk in Midgard,
hail to you holy Elves!

Hail to our ancestors,
ancient and modern,
who’ve joined the Elves in the air.
We honor you now
through needful duty.
Hail to our holy ancestors!

Hail to the Hearth
as it heads into winter
for its layers of wyrd in the well,
for its folk and the frith in their lives.
The Aesir and Elves
for aid we thank:
Hail for their helpful doings,
hail to the Hearth of Yggdrasil!

A Fallen Heroes Sequence

Hail Hropt,
the heroes’ god:
his stead they strive to reach.
The hospitality
as host he offers
is unrivaled in all the realms.
Valhöll’s lord
is a valiant hero
who calls to the few who’d follow
to ride his road
for Runes and Mead.
Hail to Óðinn for heroes!

Hail the Einherjar,
the heroes of Valhöll,
the champions chosen by Óðinn.
The mead they drink
is a mainful boon;
hail to the excellent Einherjar!

Hail the Heroes,
the highest of the Folk,
for words and works unmatched:
the fallen in war,
famed for battles
and fearless in the face of death,
and the skalds and runers
who by skill with words
spoke of their spirits in Valhöll.
For the holy wyrd
in the well they laid,
hail to the Heroes of the Folk!

A Mothernight Sequence

Hail Frigg,
holy mother
and lady of the awesome Aesir.
In the Yuletide now,
we yearn for her might.
Hail to helpful Frigg!

Hail the Dísir,
our holy mothers
and awesome ancestors of the Folk!
We welcome you here
as winter approaches;
watch and ward our stead.
Awesome mothers
of elder times,
in memory your lives yet live.
For the wyrd you made
that works in our lives,
hail to you holy ancestors!

To the year completed
and the Jera I gained
— my learning of lore and tongues,
my victory and skills at skaldcraft,
my work and growth in the Gild —
for filling my life
with fortune and wonder,
hail to my words and works!

A Yule Sequence

Hail Óðinn,
holy father
and lord of the excellent Aesir.
As Jólnir he rules
the Yuletide now;
hail to all-father Óðinn!

Hail the Goths,
by Gaut brought forth,
that hardy host of old.
Gold they plundered
and gained from Rome;
hail to the glorious Goths!

To the year to come
and the Jera I’ll gain
— in my scholarly writing and research,
in pouring my poetry’s mead,
in progress on my runic road —
for greater words
and more glorious works,
hail to my victories ahead!

Another Disting Sequence

Hail Freyr
for holy frith
and the hope of harvest to come.
For peace and plenty
and the plows he charms,
hail to helpful Freyr!

Hail the Dísir,
our dear ancestors
and mighty mothers of the Folk!
They began our wyrd
and watch us now;
hail to the holy Dísir.

My mind is plowed
and prepared for growth
with skill in skaldcraft great,
with skill in scholarship great.
For a mind that’s filled
with fruits to harvest,
hail to the seeds I’ve saved,
hail to the seeds I’ve sown.

Another Midsummer Sequence

Hail to the Gods
and Goddesses all,
our awesome elder kin.
Their bright blessings
are a benefit here
to the men and women of Midgard.
Through words and works,
our worth we grow,
and our offerings are filled with honor;
their gifts with gifts
we gladly repay!
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses!

Hail to our ancestors
of elder times
for their mighty words and works.
That folk endured
with fame undying,
preserved in legend and lore.
Our efforts today
honor them anew
with further words and works.
For the bright blessings
in the bonds we share,
hail to our holy ancestors!

Hail to us Heathens
in the Hearth of Yggdrasil
at the height of summer sun,
as we here in sumbel celebrate!
We restore the troth
and trust in virtues,
to learn and live as heathens,
to gain and grow as heathens!
While the World-Tree
yet waxes green,
Yggdrasil’s Hearth is whole,
Yggdrasil’s Hearth is hale.
Ever onward,
it’s always thriving —
hail its lengthening life,
hail the Hearth of Yggdrasil!