Chapter 3: Short Calls

Aegir Call

Hail Aegir,
the Aesir’s brewer:
in your hall you hosted the gods.
The drink you brewed
in that deep cauldron
served itself at the feast.
Son of Fornjót,
fare to our stead:
we host you here today.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us the best of ales.

Aegir’s Daughters Call

Hail the daughters
of Hlér and Rán,
the waves on widest oceans!
Hrönn and Hefring
and Himinglæva,
Bylgja and Blóðughadda,
Dröfn and Kólga,
and Dúfa and Uð,
seek now our holy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
fill us with ocean’s awe.

Aesir Call

Hail the Aesir,
you awesome tribe
of mighty gods and goddesses.
Sovereign main
and soldiers’ might
your bring to Midgard’s Men.
Riding right,
to our realm journey
from Asgard’s strong estate.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us life and light!

Álfar Call

Hail the Álfar,
at home in the air,
you spirits of honored ancestors.
With beauty greater
than the glorious sun,
you are the Aesir’s fairest friends.
Soar through sky,
soar through the clouds,
and stream to our stead in frith.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us your loftiest light.

Ancestors Call

Hail the Ancestors,
you holy ancients
and Folk of former days.
Kept in our memories,
your might lives on,
ever a boon and blessing.
From realms beyond,
arrive at our garth,
coming across the veil.
Hear our call
and come today:
join your kin with joy.

Ask and Embla Call

Hail Ask,
and hail Embla,
you eldest ancestors of Man!
In gifts from the gods,
you gained the wyrd
that continues to work for weal.
From ancestral realms,
seek now our stead
for the blessing we brightly offer.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our joyful gathering.

Auðumbla Call

Hail Auðumbla,
the ancient cow
who fed the infamous Ymir.
You birthed Búri
from blocks of rime
by licking three days long.
From a world forgotten,
wander to our stead,
O best and eldest bovine.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us the milk of memories.

Baldur Call

Hail Baldur,
beautiful god,
whose light has lifted our spirits!
In Hringhorn swift,
hie to our stead
from Breiðablik pure and bright.
Son of Frigg,
son of Óðinn,
and father to Forseti the Just,
hear our call
and come today:
wend to our wynnful garth!

Bestla Call

Hail Bestla,
holy mother
to Óðinn, Vili, and Vé.
O bride of Borr
and Bölþorn’s daughter
in the time of ancient Ymir,
from realms forgotten
ride to our stead,
you elder mother we honor.
Hear our call
and come today:
tell us the tales of old.

Borr Call

Hail Borr,
to Bestla wedded
when everywhere Ymir ruled.
The greatest gods
you gained as sons:
Óðinn, Vili, and Vé.
From realms forgotten
ride to our stead,
you elder father we honor.
Hear our call
and come today:
speak us the spells of old.

Bragi Call

Hail Bragi,
O brilliant skald
and husband to Iðunn of apples.
Son of Óðinn
and sire of poetry,
your staves and stanzas shine.
Ride to our stead
with runes on your tongue
and speak a spell in verse.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us a bounty of song.

Brokk and Eitri Call

Hail Brokk,
and hail Eitri,
you smiths unmatched in might!
Your gleaming boar
and golden ring
and iron hammer we honor!
Avoid the sun
and sneak to us here
as we praise your precious work.
Hear our call
and come today:
teach us your keenest craft.

Búri Call

Hail Búri,
born from the ice
freed by ancient Auðumbla.
You were first of gods
and father to Borr
and grandfather to glorious Óðinn.
From a stead unknown,
stride to our hearth,
you eldest god we honor.
Hear our call
and come today:
teach us of elder times.

Dag Call

Hail Dag,
Delling’s son,
you bringer of welcome bright.
Son of Nótt
and sib of Jörð,
we crave the gift your give.
Drive onward
with doughty Skinfaxi
as you ever circle the earth.
Hear our call
and heal the world
with the spirited lift of light.

Dísir Call

Hail the Dísir,
the holy mothers
of our noble kindred clans.
For the wyrd you made
that works in our lives,
as ancestors we honor you now.
We welcome you here;
wend to our stead
as you watch and ward our hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
join your kith and kin!

Dvergar Call

Hail the Dvergar
in Dark-Elf home,
you makers of mighty treasures.
With gleaming gold
and glowing iron,
your skill is best and brightest.
Burrow through rock
to be with us now
but avoid the searing sun.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us your keenest craft.

Einherjar Call

Hail the Einherjar
in Óðinn’s hall
who fight and feast all day!
The Valkyrjur bear
the brightest mead
for you chosen champions to drink.
From battle’s sport,
spare a moment,
and stride to our stead in glory.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us wode and wonder.

Eir Call

Hail Eir,
helpful Ásynja
and valiant valkyrie of Óðinn.
You bring healing,
O best of doctors,
and are a norn who's shaped our need.
From Hill of Healing,
head to our stead
and cure the ails of kin.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us your healing hands.

Forseti Call

Hail Forseti,
the famous son
of brightest Baldur and Nanna!
God of justice,
gentle and fair,
by you we’re rightly reconciled.
Queller of quarrels,
quickly to our stead
from gleaming Glitnir fare.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us with truth and justice.

Freyja Call

Hail Freyja,
O famous Lady
and wisest woman of seið.
On fair Fólkvang
is found your hall:
Sessrúmnir seats your host.
Drive your cart
that’s drawn by cats
and ride to our rightful gathering.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us in fun and frolic.

Freyr Call

Hail Freyr,
O famous Lord
and mighty Ing of Álfheim.
Fare to our stead
with fairest winds
in Skíðblaðnir skimming the waves.
Lord of elves
and lord of frith,
ruler of rain and sunshine,
hear our call
and come today:
join us in peace and plenty.

Frigg Call

Hail Frigg,
famous queen
and mother of Baldur the bright.
Wife of Óðinn,
wise with prophecy,
you keep your sooth in silence.
Fly from Fensalir
in your falcon shape,
and fare to our holy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us with grace and glory.

Frigg’s Handmaidens Call

Hail the handmaidens
of holy Frigg,
those loyal Ásynjur ladies!
O Sjöfn and Snotra
and Sýn and Gná,
also Eir and Fulla,
and Vár and Hlín
and Vör and Lofn,
seek now our holy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our joyful gathering.

Gefjon Call

Hail Gefjon,
Gylfi’s opponent,
who plowed from Sweden Sjælland.
With oxen sons
your awesome work
was done in a day and night.
Goddess of plowing,
gift us some time
and journey to our joyful stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us clever craft.

Gerð Call

Hail Gerð,
the holy wife
to fruitful Freyr of the gods.
Daughter of Gymir,
daughter of Aurboða,
at Barri your marriage was made.
From the home of the gods,
hasten to our stead,
mother of frithful Fjölnir.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us grith and goodness.

Gríð Call

Hail Gríð,
to Gaut a mistress
and mother to valiant Víðarr.
Gloves and Gríðarvöl
you gifted to Thor
to save him from Geirröð’s snares.
From realm of Etins,
ride to our stead,
you thoughtful ally of the Aesir.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us frithful friendship.

Gunnlöð Call

Hail Gunnlöð,
you guarded the Mead
that Suttung snatched from dwarves.
You gave Óðrœrir
as a gift to Óðinn
for the nights you laid in lust.
From Hnitbjörg’s dark
to our hearth journey,
and seek our blessing for solace.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our joyful gathering.

Heimdall Call

Hail Heimdall,
Heaven’s Warder,
by nine of mothers nurtured.
You roamed the world,
O whitest of gods,
and as Ríg you fathered the Folk.
From high Himinbjörg
head to our stead;
on Gulltopp gallop swiftly.
Hear our call
and come today:
watch and ward our hearth.

Heimdall’s Mothers Call

Hail the mothers
of Heimdall the white:
you bore him at the edge of the earth!
O Gjálp and Atla
and Greip and Eistla,
with Ulfrún and Eyrgjafa as well,
and Imð and Angeyja
and also Járnsaxa,
seek now our holy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our joyful gathering.

Hel Call

Hail Hel,
holder of the dead,
that host in your hospitality.
Our forebears you keep;
they feast in Éljúðnir.
We ask that you honor them well.
Daughter of Loki,
daughter of Angrboða,
look to our living stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us a blessing of remembrance.

Helgi Call

Hail Helgi,
Hunding’s bane,
the brave one twice reborn.
Borghild’s son,
you were bound to your fetch
through deeds in life and death.
From Valhöll’s realm,
ride with your valkyrie
and journey to our joyful stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us noble bearing.

Hermóð Call

Hail Hermóð,
you hastened to ride
for rescuing brightest Baldur.
You rode Sleipnir
to reach Hel’s gate,
crossing gold-covered Gjöll.
On a swift horse ride
and seek our stead,
galloping from Asgard’s gates.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us speed for a spell.

Höð Call

Hail Höð,
Hermóð’s brother
and blindest son of Báleyg.
After Ragnarök,
you’ll be reconciled
at last with brightest Baldur.
From the gods’ garth come
by the guide of our sounds
and seek our happy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us settlement with sibs.

Hœnir Call

Hail Hœnir,
Hropt’s companion
and with Mímir’s memory an advisor.
Wode you gave
to wood made human;
on that shore you shaped our wyrd.
The wood of lots
one day you’ll handle,
but stride to our stead for now.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us brilliant thoughts.

Honored Dead Call

Hail to all
the Honored Dead
who’ve left the world of the living.
Your might lives on,
and in memory you dwell
in a well beneath that Wood.
Lighten your spirits
and speed to our land
and bring your glory to our garth.
Hear our call
and come today:
a gift for a gift we offer.

Iðunn Call

Hail Iðunn,
you’re always young,
keeping those apples for the Aesir.
Wife of Bragi,
that wise poet,
your beauty brightens our lives.
Fare from your orchard
with that awesome fruit;
bring us a bite to taste.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us in fruitful feasting.

Ívaldi’s Sons Call

Hail to those smiths,
the sons of Ívaldi,
who made the mighty treasures!
Your hair of gold
and greatest ship
and unequaled spear we honor!
Dodge the daylight
and drive to us here
as we praise your precious work.
Hear our call
and come today:
teach us your excellent art.

Jörð Call

Hail Jörð,
the holy earth
and mother of mighty Thor.
Rival of Frigg
and Rind as well,
the quick require your blessings.
Daughter of Nótt,
daughter of Annarr,
may we keep you healthy and whole.
For the bounty you give,
we greet you today:
hear our holy call!

Kvasir Call

Hail Kvasir,
O keeper of wisdom
that you eagerly shared with all.
From shared spittle
you were shaped by the gods
as a truce for the warring tribes.
Your precious blood
was brewed with honey
and poured as the poetry we seek.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring your blood to our mead!

Landvættir Call

Hail the Landvættir,
the holy spirits
who ward both land and life.
You roam and rest
in rocks and trees
and live on might and main.
From forest and field,
fare to our stead;
arrive at our garth in grith.
Hear our call
and come today:
share in our blessing’s bounty.

Lóðurr Call

Hail Lóðurr,
holy life-giver
from the doom-filled elder days.
Blood you gave
and bright good looks
to the humans worked from wood.
Friend of Óðinn,
friend of Hœnir,
stride to our holy strand.
Hear our call
and come today:
renew the gifts you gave.

Loki Call

Hail Loki,
Lopt of the gods
and brother of blood to Óðinn;
maker of mischief
and mother of Sleipnir,
by cunning and craft you thrive.
Son of Laufey,
son of Farbauti,
and friend to thunderous Thor,
hear our call
and come today:
with laughter lift our spirits.

Máni Call

Hail Máni,
you mighty orb;
shine on our holy hearth!
Brother of Sunna,
son of Mundilfari,
hasten away from Hati.
Your shining light
shimmers brightly;
both might and main you give.
Your silver light
lifts our spirits;
hear our holy call!

Mímir Call (God)

Hail Mímir,
the mighty Ás,
whose advice is wise and welcome.
Goodly counsel
you gave to Hœnir
until your head was hewn.
Secrets you tell
to Sigtýr now,
but pause to speak us a spell.
Hear our call
and come today:
let us hear your hidden wisdom.

Mímir Call (Etin)

Hail Mímir,
the mighty etin,
who wards the famous well.
Under Yew’s root,
in Jötunheim,
with Gjallarhorn you get your drink.
From watching the well,
wander a spell
and travel to our trothful stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us a draught to drink.

Móði and Magni Call

Hail Móði,
and hail Magni,
the sons of thunderous Thor.
Angry and strong,
awesome in might,
his hammer you’ll one day wield.
Gallop to our stead;
on Gullfaxi ride
from Bilskirnir, biggest of halls.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us might and main.

Nanna Call

Hail Nanna,
Nep’s daughter,
to Baldur the bright you’re wedded.
To fairest Forseti,
you're the fortunate mother;
rightly you’ve raised your son.
Brightly beaming,
from Breiðablik travel
and seek our happy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
fill us with faith and devotion.

Nerthus Call

Hail Nerthus,
the holy mother
who brings the blessings of peace.
An island home
in the ocean you have,
far from a world of war.
Hidden from sight,
hie to our stead
in your cart that’s drawn by cows.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us a bounty of frith.

Njörð Call

Hail Njörð,
Nóatún’s lord
and ruler of riches vast.
Father of Freyr
and Freyja as well,
the fairest of feet you have.
From ocean’s strand,
to our stead journey
and spend a spell with the Folk.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us with wealth and weal.

Nornir Call

Hail the Nornir,
you holy three
who water the World-Tree’s roots:
Urð and Verðandi,
you are awesome maidens,
and Skuld the obscure is third.
From work at the Well,
wend to our stead
on the strands you string in your web.
Hear our call
and come today:
weave us a joyful wyrd.

Nótt Call

Hail Nótt,
Nörvi’s daughter,
you bringer of darkness deep.
Mother of Auð,
mother of Jörð,
we crave the gift you give.
Drive onward
with doughty Hrímfaxi
as your ever circle the earth.
Hear our call
and heal the world
with the rightful rest of dark.

Óðinn Call

Hail Óðinn,
O highest of gods
and master of skaldic mead.
Lord of the Runes,
looking for wisdom,
you hung on that holy tree.
Ride on Sleipnir
and seek our stead;
from Glaðsheim gallop swiftly.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our joyful gathering!

Others Call

Hail to Others,
unasked but friendly:
the wynnful wights and gods
of land and water
and the lofty air,
who come in kinship and frith.
If you wish wend here,
we welcome you now
to our happy and holy stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us in merry and mirth.

Rán Call

Hail Rán,
to Hlér a wife
and mother of maidens nine.
With the coins they carry
when coming below,
the drowned at sea you receive.
From your sunken hall,
seek now our stead
beyond the realm you rule.
Hear our call
and come today,
carrying the ocean’s calm.

Rind Call

Hail Rind,
to Rögnir a mistress
and mother to valiant Váli.
Your rightly raised
and readied your son,
who avenges brightest Baldur.
From realm of Etins,
ride to our stead,
you rival to Gríð and Gunnlöð.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our joyful gathering.

Sága Call

Hail Sága
in Sökkvabekk,
where waves are cold and crashing.
From golden cups
you gladly drink
every day with Óðinn.
For a spell with us,
speed from your sumbel
and join our drinking today.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us merry and mirth.

Sif Call

Hail Sif,
your hair is gold,
finely forged by dwarves.
Beautiful goddess,
your brightest hair
glows like fruitful fields.
Mother of Ull,
mother of Thrúð,
and wife to thunderous Thor,
hear our call
and come today:
bring us bountiful harvests.

Sigyn Call

Hail Sigyn,
unswerving in loyalty,
you bear that bowl of venom.
Married to mischief,
mother of Narfi,
you endure with pride and patience.
Spare a moment
and speed to our stead
while waiting for Ragnarök.
Hear our call
and come today:
in fidelity and duty join us.

Sigmund Call

Hail Sigmund,
son of Völsung,
and father to Sinfjötli and Sigurð.
A sword as a gift
you gained from Óðinn,
and you valiantly avenged your father.
From Valhöll’s realm
ride to our stead
for the blessing we brightly offer.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our joyful gathering.

Sigurð Call

Hail Sigurð,
of heroes greatest:
Fáfnir you fearlessly slew.
Son of Sigmund,
son of Hjördís,
you are famed for daring deeds.
From Valhöll’s realm
ride to our stead
on Grani gotten from Sleipnir.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us a bounty of courage.

Skaði Call

Hail Skaði
of the high mountains
who’s married to Nóatún’s Njörð.
Thrymheim’s lady
and Thjazi’s daughter,
by weregild you’re welded with Aesir.
With skis on snow,
skillfully travel
and journey to our joyful stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us the wonders of winter.

Sunna Call

Hail Sunna,
heaven’s light,
shine on our holy hearth!
By Árvak and Alsvið
you’re always drawn,
scurrying away from Sköll.
Shining beauty,
shimmering brightly,
light and life you give.
Your light we love:
it lifts our spirits.
Hear our holy call!

Thor Call

Hail Thor,
holy thunderer,
greatest in might and main!
Your hall stands
in the home of strength:
Bilskirnir is biggest of all.
Drive your goats,
galloping onward,
toward our holy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us glad in grith.

Thrúð Call

Hail Thrúð,
holy goddess
and valkyrie in Valhöll for Óðinn.
Daughter of Thor
and daughter of Sif,
you were saved by sunlight from Alvíss.
Wend from Valhöll
and wing to our stead,
flying with feather cloak.
Hear our call
and come today:
bear us strength and beer.

Týr Call

Hail Týr,
hofs’ chieftain
and courageous ruler of the Thing.
God of war,
you gave your hand
to firmly fetter the Wolf!
Travel from the sky,
with skill bring truth,
and swiftly seek our stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
join the Folk in justice!

Ull Call

Hail Ull,
Ýdalir’s lord:
of the gods your bow is best.
With glorious skill,
on skis you hunt,
and on bone you wend o’er waves.
Son of Sif,
sail to our stead
on the shield you ride as a ship.
Hear our call
and come today:
fare to our garth in glory.

Váli Call

Hail Váli,
avenger of Baldur;
his slayer Höð you slew.
Son of Óðinn
and son of Rind,
a duty of death you filled.
Washed and combed,
wend to us now,
and tread to our trothful stead.
Hear our call
and come today:
guide us in victory and vengeance.

Valkyrjur Call

Hail the Valkyrjur
in Vegtam’s hall
who ride to the harvest of heroes.
You choose the slain
as champions for Óðinn;
the greatest honor he offers.
Swiftly flying
with swan feathers,
soar to our happy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
weave us victorious wyrd.

Vanir Call

Hail the Vanir,
you virtuous tribe
of mighty gods and goddesses!
Peace and plenty
and prosperous seasons
you bring to Midgard’s Men.
Striding strong,
to our stead journey
from Vanaheim’s fields and forests.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us health and heart!

Vár Call

Hail Vár,
O vital goddess,
the Ásynja who hears our oaths.
You bring accord
and bless marriages
and perceive our secret agreements.
While watching all,
wend to us now,
the men and women of Midgard.
Hear our call
and come today:
hear the pledges we proffer.

Víðarr Call

Hail Víðarr,
avenger of Óðinn
and enemy of the evil Wolf.
Son of Óðinn
and son of Gríð,
your mighty shoe is sure.
Seek our stead,
O silent god;
from Viði venture forth.
Hear our call
and come today:
join our service in silence.

Vili and Vé Call

Hail Vili,
and hail Vé:
brothers to awesome Óðinn.
From Ymir’s corpse,
you crafted the worlds,
setting our wyrd as well.
From creation’s work,
wend to our stead,
here in the Midgard you made.
Hear our call
and come today:
join your joyful kin!

Völund Call

Hail Völund,
valiant hero,
matchless in skill with metal.
You wrought on Níðuð
needful vengeance
for slavery and sinews’ cutting.
From realm of heroes,
hie to our stead,
flying on the wings you fashioned.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us clever craft!

Zisa Call

Hail Zisa,
the happy wife
to the great and trothful Týr.
The Suebi’s sacrifice
you received in the past
as a patron of victory and valor.
Sail in warship
and seek our stead;
hinder harm against it.
Hear our call
and come today:
bring us valiant victory!