Call to Óðinn
Wassail Óðinn,
O awesome god,
join our joyful gathering!
We boast your deeds
and bid you to come:
wend to our wynnful garth!
Welcome Hangatýr,
you won the Runes
by hanging on the highest tree.
Nine of nights
you needed to give
yourself to self for gain.
Welcome Hropt,
you are wise in seið,
learned from Freyja the fair.
Death at need,
knowledge of wyrd,
and many mysteries it brings.
Welcome Sigtýr,
you saved the head
of Mímir’s mighty wisdom.
You sang galdor
and smeared herbs;
it tells you many tidings.
Welcome Báleyg,
you are wisest of gods:
water from that well you drank,
guarded by Mímir,
who grimly demanded
an eye as the price you paid.
Welcome Bölverk,
you burrowed to Gunnlöð
to gain the greatest of meads!
To skillful skalds
and scholars poured,
that brew is the best of treasures!
We’ve gathered here
to give and share
a bounty of might and main.
Hear our calls
and come today:
join us in frith as fellows,
join us in wode and wisdom!
Call to Freyja
Lovely Freyja,
fairest Lady,
join our joyful gathering!
We boast your names
and bid you come
to our blessing with beauty and grace.
Welcome Vanadís,
the Vanir’s queen
and leading light of that tribe.
Lover’s trysts
are a lusty gift
of your work in the world today.
Welcome Mardöll,
maid of the sea
and bearer of Brísingamen.
Your pride and joy
is a precious jewel:
a sign of seið and magic.
Welcome Heið,
you weathered spears
and the Aesir’s fiercest fires
as Gullveig to gain
a glorious rebirth
as a shining lady of light.
Welcome Valfreyja,
victory’s lady
and decider of half of the slain.
Fólkvang’s warriors
are fortunate indeed
to join your joyous host.
We’ve gathered here
to give and share
a bounty of might and main.
Hear our calls
and come today:
join us in frith as fellows,
join us in fun and frolic!
Call to Thor
Thunderous Thor,
Asgard’s chosen champion,
we boast of your might
and bounty of main
in the call we declare today.
At Grjótúnagarðar
in the greatest of duels,
heavy Hrungnir you slew.
Glorious honor
you gained that day,
strengthening the Gods’ establishment.
A serpent you challenged
and smote with your hammer
while fishing in far-off waters.
In farthest future,
you’ll fight again
and sunder that snake at last.
With molten iron
you offed Geirröð
in that brutal play of battle.
Thrym you thrashed,
that thoughtless etin
who dared to hoist your hammer.
Famed among gods,
your family is honored
by your deeds and doings of might:
Sif your wife,
and your sons and daughter,
Móði, Magni, and Thrúð.
Your hall stands
in the home of strength:
Bilskirnir is biggest of all.
With Tooth-Gnasher
and Tooth-Grinder,
your chariot charges quickly.
Drive your goats,
galloping onward,
and reach our holy hearth.
Hear our call
and come today:
join us in frith as fellows,
join us with might and main.