Part 1: Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)


The horse, the ass, the zebra, and the quagga, are distinct species and distinct types: and so with the Jew, the Teuton, the Sclavonian, the Mongol, the Australian, the coastal Negro, the Hottentot, &c.; and no physical causes known to have existed during our geological epoch could have transformed one of these species into another. A type, then, being a pristine or primordial form, all idea of a common origin for any two is excluded, otherwise every landmark of natural history would be broken down.

—Samuel George Morton, Types of Mankind (1855)


Mysterious plant! whose golden tresses wave

With a sad beauty, in the dying year,

Blooming amid November’s frost severe,

Like a pale corpse-light o’er the recent grave.

—Unknown poet, “To the Witch Hazel” (1831)