

This may be a funny way to start a foreword, but I must admit that when I first began glancing at the manuscript for McMoneagle's The Ultimate Time Machine, my reaction was, frankly, less than enthusiastic. "Oh, no!" I thought, "I've agreed to write a foreword for this book because Joe's first book was so important, and now it turns out this one is all about psychic predictions of the future! These kinds of books are usually by self-styled, egotistical, and often dubious 'psychics.' They are boring, highly pessimistic (lots of predicted catastrophes as punishments for our sins and stupidities), and, from a scientific point of view, the predictions are so vaguely worded as to be meaningless and/or just plain wrong—they never come to pass. How many times has the end of the world been predicted by one psychic or another since I've been researching parapsychology, but we're still all here? What have I gotten myself into?" I could imagine other potential readers feeling the same way.

Then I stopped muttering to myself and actually read the manuscript—the sensible advice I usually give to others when I hear them complaining about something they haven't actually read. Well, my advice is pretty good, for real acquaintance with the book completely changed my reaction, and I'm now honored to be writing the foreword.

Why is this book so importantly different from the usual psychic prediction books?

First, the author, Joe McMoneagle, is not some self-styled "psychic" of dubious skill, but one of the very few people whose considerable psychic skills have been validated over and over again, validated not only in the laboratory under the strictest scientific conditions, but also validated in practical intelligence-gathering operations during his many years as a remote viewer in the United States government's classified STARGATE remote viewing program. This is not to say that any psychic who hasn't been tested in the laboratory isn't genuine, of course. There are lots of people labeled psychics out there, ranging from genuinely talented and mature people at one end of the spectrum to sincere but not so talented and somewhat deluded people in the middle range to the low end of outright charlatans who fake psychic abilities for their own gain. But there are very, very few scientists who have the interest, skills, and time to test people for psychic abilities, so Joe is a rare bird indeed to be so well validated.

Second, Joe is not egotistical; he doesn't go around putting on airs and acting special because of what he can do. The fact that I automatically think of and call him Joe, as does everyone who knows him, reminds me of that. So this book has no hidden agenda of showing off Joe's ego, which is very refreshing and makes for straightforward reading.

Third, this book is not boring. To my pleasure and amazement, Joe has not only remote viewed (a systematic and controlled form of ESP) the future occasionally, he has done so many times, kept records and systematized the results to provide a comprehensive and sophisticated vision of what the future may be like.

Note I used "may" be like, not "will" be like. As part of genuine intelligence and sensibility (Joe would probably be embarrassed if I used the word humility), Joe readily admits that both he and the remote viewing technique, while often leading to startlingly accurate psychic descriptions of the past, present and future, are also often just plain wrong. Sometimes it's clear in retrospect why the remote viewings were wrong (misleading targeting directions, for example), but we often have no idea why. In presenting his predictions, Joe makes it clear that he could be psychically wrong on some of these and that other events could change the future on some of them, so he's sharing a fascinating and thought-provoking vision of what's likely, what may be, but not an ironclad forecast of what must be. If this raises questions in your mind about free will and determinism—how can you predict the future unless it's fixed and we have no free will—well, those are good questions, and Joe shares some sophisticated thinking about it.

Indeed, one of the things I most liked about this book was the insightful and sophisticated psychological thinking Joe brings to life in general as well as to the area of psychic predictions. What we think is "real" is often mainly a projection of our belief systems; understanding these filters that we see through is the key to real growth.

Fourth, Joe's predictions are not simplistically pessimistic, not the "The world will end next year because you are all such miserable sinners!" style. Life is never a matter of all bad or all good, and Joe's predictions are of negative and positive changes, diseases and wars and catastrophes on the one hand, major advances in medicine and political freedom and technology on the other. This is a realism I find so lacking in most psychic predictions and in many people's interest in such predictions. It's as if we want some major catastrophe (or salvation) to happen that will take away the necessity of choice. I sometimes jocularly kid with such people that my "psychic" prediction is that the world will not end soon or be saved soon; I harshly predict that life will actually continue to go on as a mixture of good and bad, requiring us to make intelligent moral choices just like it always has! I'm just drawing on general principles, of course. Joe is intelligently aware of how such general principles affect life, but has the added advantage of being able to remote view to get specifics.

Finally, in my initial reaction I complained that most psychic predictions are too general and vague to be useful, or are just plain wrong. If you look at the prophecies of Nostradamus, for example, they tend to be fuzzily symbolic and vague as to time and what's supposed to specifically happen. With hindsight, you can read anything you want into them, but you don't find clear and accurate predictions like "Buy IBM in 1955." While Joe admits that some of his remote viewings of the future are vague in spite of his attempts to get clarity, a lot are much more specific. Many are far enough in the future that we will probably be dead before we know whether they are valid or not—but a fair number are scheduled for our lifetime, so we'll know. As I said above, Joe has been extensively tested and validated; we know that sometimes his remote viewings of future events are very accurate and detailed. As Joe himself admits, it's going to be very interesting to see what does and doesn't come true!


Charles T. Tart, Ph.D.

Professor, Core Faculty Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

Palo Alto, California

Professor Emeritus of Psychology University of California, Davis