Chapter 6




During an extended period of experimentation at the Monroe Institute, in Faber, Virginia, in 1983, I did a number of "explorer sessions" with Robert Monroe, the author of Journeys Out of the Body, 1971; Far Journeys, 1985; and Ultimate Journey, 1994, Doubleday and Company.

These explorer sessions were not based on a remote viewing protocol, but were performed exactly as titled. Bob would take a subject into his lab and hook them up to biomonitoring equipment. He would then subject them to varying mixes of Hemi-Sync signals' to achieve a form of altered-state perception. Once he could see that the subject was in an altered state, he would then ask a question. The question was usually worded to disguise the actual intent of his experiment, or in some way mask what he was actually after.

Under a great deal of pressure from my friends, I've decided to share two of the explorer sessions in which I was a participant. I'm doing this for a number of reasons. I want to show just how far back one can journey into time, and how interesting the responses can be—especially when relatively blind. I would caution the reader to understand that neither Bob Monroe, nor anyone else, actually knows where the information may originate. In all of the years of research he did, no clear proof was ever produced that guarantees where the information comes from. On the other hand, there were many of what one could call "very good clues." Over the years, Bob came to feel very strongly that the information was probably originating from some kind of a holistic or general "information field." I tend to agree with him.

In the simplest of terms, I believe that all knowledge exists in a pure form. For lack of a better word, I will call it "spiritual." David Bohm, Ph.D. refers to this state of matter as the "implicate order," the physical being the "explicate order." For Hindus it's the "Brahman." This is a general concept that is also supported by kabalistic commentary, numerous other religions, as well as nearly all forms of shamanistic teachings. In other words, all things in reality just exist, and are therefore accessible.

Using the modern techniques of Hemi-Sync, Bob Monroe was able to engineer a direct contact between us normal human beings and this knowledge bank, vis-a-vis a deeper altered state. The following is the first example of such an explorer session.


The Jesus Transcript


This session was taped in the Monroe Institute laboratory on December 28, 1983. The actual targeting material was contained within a double-wrapped, opaque envelope, with the following question written on a piece of folded paper inside:


"Who or what was Jesus, and why was he here?"


I was asked to go to my remote viewing window—a place commonly referred to back then as "The Library." Once there, I was asked to tell the monitor when I was ready. The monitor was Robert A. Monroe, and there were no other personnel within the lab during the session. The session lasted seventy-eight minutes, including pauses, some which exceeded five minutes in length. Robert Monroe of course knew what the question in the envelope was. As monitor, he was in a room remote from the isolation chamber that I was lying in.

This isolation chamber is a large black cube, heavily soundproofed, and frilly shielded with copper sheeting. It is engineered to dampen vibrations other than what might be felt as a result of the Hemi-Sync process (Signals designed to affect hemispheric-synchronization, thereby inducing an altered state condition).

Once I was relaxed within this cube, Bob would throw a switch to his microphone when he wished to speak to me, otherwise, I was speaking into a mike that was recording my responses.

Because we were remote from one another, and the isolation cube was dark, the possibility of Monroe leading me with body language was eliminated. However, there is still cause for concern that he was leading me by the way he phrased his questions. I will leave it to the reader to decide. After a long pause of nine minutes, in which I was adjusting to the changes in Hemi-Sync signals he was piping into the booth, I told him that I was ready.


Joe: OK. Whenever.

Bob: Now that you are at the library, tell us something about the target in the envelope.

Joe: Something seems to be very active here. This really seems to be very interesting . . . I have a sense of some kind of energy forms which are coming and going. I've not seen them before today.

Bob: Tell us something about them.

Joe: There is a next level in here which I wasn't perceiving as well before. I'm perceiving an exterior to this place which has an airplane-like appearance without wings. It's sitting on a flat rock of a place in the middle of what appears to be a large cavern, or cave, or something. (I'm describing the library here.)

Bob: Is your library . . . is this a vehicle of some kind?

Joe: Apparently it is . . . the library itself is a vehicle of some kind . . . and the exterior appears to be a physical thing. However, the interior seems to be more of a sensed kind of thing—more esoteric kind of thing—not real, but real. When you're inside of it, it appears to be extremely large. When you're outside, it appears to be  very small . . . you know, large, but not as large as it appears on the inside.

Bob: Why don't you move around inside, explore the inside, see what develops in reference to the target envelope, which I now have in my shirt pocket.

Joe: OK.

Bob: Your target is important, specifically because of its impact on our civilization, so see what information you can search out in reference to the target.

Joe: Ok. I see a tube . . . a tube of light. I'm going to try and interface with it. It's an energy column or beam or whatever they would call it.

Bob: An energy beam?

Joe: Yes. That's what it appears to be. I don't remember ever seeing anything like this here before. It might have something to do with the target.

Bob: Interface with it then and tell me what you feel. Joe: Just a minute. (long pause)

Joe: I'm getting an impression of a very interesting Being. Ah . . . getting a . . . getting like an advanced Being here that is . . . ah . . . temporarily occupied the body of a man named . . . (chuckle) . . . named Jesus.

My laugh was a direct result of humor passed to me by this being that I was sensing—almost a jovial, fun type of feeling.

Apparently this Being was ah . . . ah . . . this is really fascinating, it's like a double loop kind of thing. The . . . this man called Jesus was a multiple aspect . . . evidently . . . personality? One of his higher selves took control of the physical . . . the physical body, for some reason. I'm trying not to create overlay here. I'm trying to find the reason. Evidently there is a . . . (long pause)

During this very long pause, Bob thought that I had actually gone to sleep, which frequently happened when he "unreeled" to such a deep altered state at the edge of consciousness.

Bob: It's OK, you can continue with what you were saying.

Joe: . . . it has to do with the salvation of an ideal. There were too many ideals, so there was required a consolidation of ideals. Ah . . . it's also very interesting, in that . . . this wasn't the first time this happened.

(another long pause)

Joe: . . . hope this is Jesus you're interested in. I think this is so. (pause) Where was I? (pause) It's like on a number of occasions . . . one of the occasions was the . . . time just before the period of Greece . . . the Grecians.

The frequency of pauses is usually a result of mental detachment. The disassociation or detachment was one of the effects resulting from the type of Hemi-Sync mix that Bob usually used with the explorers. This was varied based on the biofeedback he was seeing on his monitors during the session in real time. As someone who had experienced this many times, it was somewhat akin to being at the very edge of sleep, where one is totally detached from one's sense of being. It was certainly very difficult staying awake and concentrating on what was actually going on. In some cases, I would retain no memory of what was said at all.

Bob: Tell me something about that.

Joe: Primitive man . . . yes . . . primitive man knows of this in the South Americas. There was a time when ah . . a speaker, or teacher walked among two or three Indian tribes in the Americas.

Bob: Is that the only time?

Joe: In a physical sense only for a short while did this happen . . . ah . . . less than ten years, and then he vanished. There was a time in the beginning of Grecian history that it happened again. It was prior to the Greek philosophers. There were two or three places of learning established. There was also a time in the . . . ah . . . in China. There was a learned man who walked there. I have a strong sense of commonality in this, incidentally. They were all cases of a physical manifestation of . . . where the physical manifestation was all somewhat similar. A tall man, six foot two, or six foot three, abnormally large for that period of time. Ah . . . auburn hair, light skinned, no olive tint to skin, in all cases, it was an abnormal physical manifestation of this energy . . . this Being, this aspect of Being—a truly powerful human being.

Bob: Tell us something about the importance of this Being you are calling Jesus. Tell us something about the more important years of this Being.

Joe: Oh . . . that would have been later, at least . . . feels like later.

(long pause)

Joe: This man I call Jesus was crazy. Not crazy as we understand the term, totally crazy for his times . . . I guess. His culture would have called him crazy. And ah . . . he was seeking a form of truth. Apparently, there is truth to his going into the desert when in early . . . in his early twenties. There he stayed with a tribe of people. I get the . . . I just get like a group of people that were culturally different, in a significant way. Ah . . . almost one-eighty out of phase with the rest of the existent world at the time . . . or at least the world this man came from. I see a tremendous amount of physical sacrifice and meditation, an attempt to grasp the truth, and . . . ah . . . attempt to sheer away from the politics of the time, the indulgences of the time. There, he allowed this aspect to take control of him . . . a powerful occurrence, which caused some differences even in his physical manifestation. Then ah . . . he came to where or what was then the center of learning for an entire race of people who were strong enough to remain separate, to be different.

(long pause—probably off getting information)

Joe: What I find interesting here is the . . . apparently there was a knowing or a knowledgeability that this teacher had . . . of the . . . ah . . . the frug . . . ah . . . ah . . . oh hell, how in the heck am I going to translate this? Bear with me for a moment . . . the necessity to mask the ideal. And ah . . . so he chose an esoteric, or a mystification that was different from all the others that was . . . er, were existent. All the others . . . the other mystifications were dependent on physical reward. And these ideals (of his) were masked in a lack of need for physical reward. It had an interesting effect, in that it seemed to spark something within the intellect of man.

Bob: Move forward in time and tell us something about this Being's primary objective.

Joe: OK. Hold on for a moment.

(long pause)

Joe: Hmmmmmmm. There is an answer here . . . It's kind of neat. It's not like knowledge you would expect. It's more like a . . . the ideal is that . . . in his ideal it is important to understand that in the interaction of the elements, all the elements of the whole, we would call that human race by the way, there is ah . . . the interaction itself is the learning, the development, the growth of mankind. And that in that interaction, that growth, between people . . . apparently the static on the line or the interference in the process is created by what we call fear. I'm looking for a reason for fear.

(long pause)

Joe: And . . . ah . . . the answer that I am getting is . . . when we reach a certain point of understanding and learning we don't need it anymore. The whole idea was to establish that there was fear. His ideal is to make us understand there is fear and how to . . . deal with it, learn to deal with it. That fear is nothing—our own creation. And that ah . . . the opposites of fear are within the focus of life. Some would call that love of fellow man, but this is not true. It is far more encompassing than that. It's the drive to interact. Human beings must interact, we are driven to it, in order to learn. There is no set piece of truth. As in the interaction between human beings, neither . . . of any side can claim truth. It's the interaction that's important. It's like where neither . . . of any two sides can claim perfection within an argument. It's like truth is a result of a pure form of interaction—but without fear. It's what creates truth. Then all sides can see clearly. Such a truth, a truth evolving out of interaction, does in itself then interact with other truths, which develop into a even further reaching out of truth—a more encompassing truth. It's a growth in simpler terms, like a tree growing. Constructed of all elements,  none specifically good or bad. In order to get rid of the fear and do that however, the specific fear has to be identified.

(long pause)

Joe: In the case of this manifestation, this man I'm calling Christ, it was to show that there was no such thing as fear . . . other than as a self-imposed creation. But . . . he did all of this in a very mystical way, though. It originally wasn't meant to be. I sense history played a hand in the over-mystification of the message. People quickly lost sight of the reasons for what happened because of the re-mystification. The ideals are the same, however, we are always wanting to go back and understand the ideals as they were then, but the basic ideals are the same, they don't change.

Bob: Tell us something about the immediate effect of his teachings. Was there something that we have missed? Joe: That's an interesting question, which I don't know.

I'll try and find out . . . give me a moment . . . to . . . ah . . . (long pause)

Joe: The ah . . . (chuckle) . . . the life as chronicled, is inaccurate.

Bob: How?

Joe: There was an awful lot left out. There was very little data passed through the . . . ah . . . through the . . . what was then perceived as a secret brotherhood. Bits and pieces were sewn together in a pattern and embellished, hashed over, talked about, edited, edited, etc. The man was far more intense, far more ah . . . ah . . . what do you say? Far more . . . ah . . . nonparticipating in what was going on around him. It was as if he knew the course, so to speak, but knew the result, and . . . ah . . . pursued it with a very intense way about him. It doesn't appear that the intensity is established in any way, historically that is. Ah... he had another interesting thing here . . . he had a tremendous understanding of communications with people in his time. He understood the more . . . ah . . . it was like a building scale of things, the faster he climbed the scale of communications with the people, the more effectiveness he would have. I need to clarify this. It's kind of like . . . ah... an allegory today would be, to start by writing to a local newspaper and then wind up syndicated in seventy-five newspapers, fifty television stations, etc. He did this kind of communicating in a period of six years . . . We're talking phenomenal growth. He understood this . . . this patterning of lines, orchestrating and developing this form of interaction. He was the cause of people discussing it . . . the ideal ... whether they agreed with it or not. He forced them to do this.

(long pause)

Joe: There seems like there is a missing piece here too, and I'm trying to grasp it. Hold on a second. Let me . . . (long pause)

Joe: He ah . . . he was very ah . . . evidently he had a far greater deal of . . . a far greater number of people followed him as opposed to what's known or available in the historical record. He ah . . . he didn't spend time detailing his ideals or anything to like . . . student type of people. But, he did take the more brilliant people he became involved with and ah . . . and instructed them in the philosophic side of the ideal. He secretly made them understand the necessity for the interaction. They in turn, with that single key, spread their information as well. It was as if it was all hinged on a single precept. I think the historical record is a compilation of not only information from this man I call Jesus, but . . . an awful lot of information was credited to him that was provided by or taught by others based on a like premise, and included as well.

Bob: How about the end of his life? Can you provide any information that might be relevant?

Joe: I want to say . . . the death was as represented . . . but he didn't die on a cross. He died before he was nailed to the cross. He wasn't nailed in that respect either, he was . . . his body was hung by ropes which were nailed. I see them driving spikes into the wood and then they tied the body to the spikes.

Bob: How did he die then?

Joe: Ah . . . I see intense torture—multiple beatings. I only identify with a strike to the head regarding that. I think he was struck in the head with an object.

Bob: Of what sense can you make of his death then? Joe: Hold on a second and I'll try and find out.

(long pause)

Joe: Ah . . . have to create a place . . . or a . . . you have to create a parameter in which the higher experience can be experienced, in order to develop information based solely on the higher experience. Ah . . . it's kind of like . . . I'm trying to figure out a way of translating . . . of putting it . . . but I'm really having trouble doing this. Ah . . . it's like a . . . man until that point, or interaction between men created a form of learning or a form of information that was called learning, and this form of learning had become stagnated. It needed kind of a kick in the pants, in order to progress to the next level. So . . . the reason for his . . . his actions, were to . . . to initiate a question or a . . . a questioning that would grow as a blossom in the minds of men and women. It's sort of like promulgating a new . . . a totally new experience, or a new experiential type of thing that men would come to know, that would cause them to participate or interact on a higher level of what man was really supposed to be.

(long pause)

Joe: I'm trying to . . . I'm trying . . . be very . . . it's kind of like ah . . . man at the time was like two kids on the street corner. And their interaction at first is a discussion on who has the prettiest models or the best looking bike, or I bet I can jump out of that limb in the tree and you can't, etc. That . . that form of interaction was producing a truth or information of certain level. So then, these two boys are met by a man, and the man says, have you ever wondered where that tree came from, or how it might have grown? And the boys find that in the next day they are discussing the more esoteric nature of the tree, or the possible manufacturer of the bicycle, or how marbles are made—it kind of like shoved them up to the next level of understanding, of curiosity. The interaction between them produces a truth that's a tenfold higher step than who has the largest bag of marbles—that kind of an effect. (long pause)

Joe: I feel a need . . . I just want to say one thing here. In the course or history of humanity this manifestation, this Being called Christ . . . well . . . that was one way of doing this . . . doing it. There are many ways of doing this . . . doing it. World War for example is another way of doing it. (long pause)

Bob: Can you explain that in more detail? Give us an example. What has this to do with this man Christ or Jesus who you are talking about?

Joe: OK. That may be a tough one. Hold on and I'll try and find out.

(long pause)

Joe: ex . . . even . . . (laughing) got a humorous answer here. Really fascinating as well . . . ah . . . first off, I have to say to you in exactly these words; that you Robert . . . that Robert Monroe already knows this answer. I don't know why, but I'm just supposed to tell you that. I'm also supposed to tell you that it was his best or own idea. Now this is something I don't understand myself. I don't know who or what is meant by this . . . or his. That's the message I got, and it was followed by a laugh (which caused me to laugh). Like a humorous thought, stuck into the middle of all of this. OK.

Bob: I'm not sure about that message. Can you tell me more? What about continuing on with this man Jesus you were speaking of earlier?

Joe: The only other thing that I can say is . . . I also get a flood of faces when I got that answer. Faces . . . none specifically . . . just . . . and not specifically human faces, more a presentation of identity, I guess—a multitude of identities. You know . . . not faces of faces, but . . . essences of identities I guess. I don't know what any of this means. I don't know why I'm getting this specific information now. What do you want me to do?

Bob: Tell us about the other ways—why not go back to the singular energy (beam) and tell us more about it. (long pause)

Joe: OK. Suddenly I feel as though I'm being whipped around here quite a bit. You know . . . shaken somewhat . . . and . . . I'm trying to find out . . . but . . . ah

(long pause)

Bob: Find the energy (beam) and reach out and touch it . . . make contact directly if you can.


Joe: I've got kind of a . . . ah . . . I've got a problem here.

Bob always joked about how I sounded like one of the astronauts that suddenly discovered there is a major leak in the capsule. Sort of a very downplayed "Gee Houston, I think I've got a problem here."

I've done that . . . I say the answer is yes, I can touch . . . it. But I'm suddenly in a different kind of operational mode here. It's a new . . . like a totally new . . . it's a new . . . ah . . . new . . . window? Yes, that's it . . . a new window or something. Very interesting . . . very interesting. It's like a totally different kind of window. It's suddenly evolved.

(long pause)

Joe: I don't feel like I have any control with this window. That's new . . . it's also very interesting. When I enter it (window), I feel as though I'm being blasted apart in all different directions. There's a way of doing this, but I'm not sure exactly yet how it's going to be. I'm trying to explain what I'm experiencing here. It's kind of like all these thought balls as you would call them, especially the ones in the past, are all linear, and then all of a sudden I'm dealing with thought balls that are horizontal as well as linear. There seems to be a spatial difference in these thought balls.

(long pause)

Joe: I just keyed into something else now that's really interesting. The coming together of two realities, isn't too far off in the . . . ah . . . the far-flung future. It's not too far off and that is apparently one of the reasons why the . . . this cogent Being has been going and coming over the years. There are two time tracks intersecting soon. (Soon in this case is relative to man's history, could be a year, could be a thousand years.)

Bob: Can you touch the energy in any way?

Joe: I don't know. I'll attempt to actually do that and see what happens . . . see what happens to the parameters here . . . the . . . I won't lie to you. I've never tried this before . . . so I'm having some degree of ambivalence, but that may be just crap I have to get out of the way.

(long pause)

Joe: That's it. OK. Hold on.

(very long pause)

Bob: Are you OK?

There was no response. Just a very long continued silence that Bob patiently waited through. He later told me that he was very concerned for me, as my breathing seemed to vanish and the biofeedback signals dropped to an unusually low reading. He toyed with the idea of going to the cube and shaking me back to reality, but decided that might generate a worse string of events.

Joe: OK. I'm back. It would appear that our historical record doesn't do justice to the man's intelligence. Ah . . . everything that is written in the book we call the Bible . . . the books within the Bible . . . are very shallow. Very shallow. There is an even deeper understanding that can be gotten from the book called Bible if you can just see past the garbage. In its entirety . . . it's a carrier of a larger message. In that respect it has survived . . . historically it has survived. There's a much larger message there.

Bob: Is there anything else I should know?

(long pause)

Joe: OK. That's it. I've got to turn on the light. That should do it I think.

(end of transcript)


As you can see, the explorer sessions were quite interesting and sort of open-ended. They are not the same as remote viewing, because Robert Monroe usually knew what the subject or topic was that he was seeking information on. This automatically voids the remote viewing protocol, even though he generally tried not to lead us in any specific direction.

He preferred "intent," getting a remote viewer to the target, and so allowed us to sometimes ramble in an explorer session, knowing that eventually we would get to where he wanted us to go anyway.

In the case of the Jesus transcript, I knew very early on that my perceptions were centered around the historical and religious figure of Jesus Christ. So, there is probably a lot of personal overlay mixed in with what I was trying to decipher from the experience. An interesting side note to this explorer session is that I had then, and have now, no recollection of anything that I said during the session. My only consistent memories of the events that transpired were the constant and overwhelming sensations of humor and joy. It was as if I were constantly in the presence of a truly happy and joyful being.




On November 29, 1983, I did another explorer session with Robert Monroe that dealt with the past, only it goes back about as far into humankind's history as I've probably been. I've included it to demonstrate just how far back in time one might go, and the interesting information that might be uncovered as a result.

The targeting material was contained within a double-wrapped, opaque envelope, with the following question written on a paper inside:


"From where did man originate? Describe the beginnings of man."


I was asked to go to my remote-viewing window—"The Library." Once there, I was asked to tell the monitor when I was ready. The monitor was Robert A. Monroe, and there were no other personnel within the lab during the session. The session lasted 129 minutes, including pauses, some that exceeded five minutes in length.


Joe: OK. I'm back in the Library.

Bob: Do you feel comfortable?

Joe: Very.

Bob: That's good. Reach out in the Library and find a book that will tell me what I want to know.

Joe: It's a dusty book and there seems to be a title on it. It says, "Earth." It's really fascinating. I'm now seeing a . . . ah . . . a collage of faces. And ah . . . I'm going back . . . I feel like I'm going back through history for something. And now I'm falling backward through this long tunnel that's filled with a collage of faces. Each representing a . . . ah . . . nationality or a period within time. I just keep . . . just falling through this tunnel and it's really fascinating. Almost like I could just stop and pick a specific period, time, or face and study it.

Bob: If you wish you can stop at any point that will answer the questions in the envelope.

Joe: Something just caught my eye. I guess I'll just remember where that is and come back to that later. I'll kind of fall then drift to your area of interest, whatever that might be.

Bob: Very good.

(long pause)

Joe: Get a interesting picture now. I'm on a . . . shoreline. Breakers and surf with lots of rocks sticking out of the water. They are very ragged rocks . . . like they're . . . they're like new in some way . . . edges still sharp—maybe volcanic. And there's ah . . . some . . . some kind of tribal clan . . . er . . . no. I've got to correct  that. It's not a tribal clan at all. Ah . . . it's a family of sorts. A very large family . . . of . . . what appears to be some kind of animals . . . yes, I'd have to call these animals. I think anyway.

(long pause)

Joe: They are not at all like us, that is man . . . especially the way we look today . . . but there is a sense of man about them for some reason I can't be sure about. They are not like monkeys either. I would say ah . . . they are small. Not too tall, four feet maybe, very long hair, covering most of their bodies but it's like a . . . ah . . . it's like it's different . . . a different kind of hair. It's short, short in some respect in some areas, but long in others. Like the . . . long hair is decorative, or sex oriented, and the short hair is protective in some way.

(long pause)

Joe: These little guys are much like a . . . ah . . . sea otters. They're . . . are . . . ah . . . very native to the water . . . appear to be. Appear to be living mostly in the water. And they are coming up on the rocks to sun themselves. Eating in the rocks. Lots of grooming going on. I'm trying to pick out some features and I see a . . . I see foreheads and noses and parts of faces that are very humanlike to a certain extent. Not apelike or gorilla-like at all. Just . . . ah . . . just a little different from modern man's characters. Cranial capacity of course looks to be quite a bit smaller. I wonder why they keep reminding me of man? Interesting. Can't seem to figure this out.

(long pause)

Joe: Sorry. Just a minute, I want to check something out here.

(very long pause)

Joe: Looking for a form of communication, and I . . . ah . . . and I'm not getting much of one except . . . there's an awful lot of touching . . . and . . . it seems the posturing of the head is extremely important. The way they hold their chin and there is . . . ah . . . a lot . . . of expression in the eyes. There is a lot of intelligence in the eyes as well . . . again the man thing. They stand upright and I haven't seen any of them moving on all fours, except for climbing. There seems to be quite a bit of similarity to the movements, climbing and walking . . . almost . . . almost as if they . . . these actions are strongly related in some way.

(long pause)

Joe: Another interesting thing is they . . . ah . . . have a more extended webbing between the toes of the feet . . . toes which are a little bit longer than they are in us. The hands also have a definite webbing between the fingers. Very efficient swimmers. Their nails are very hard as well. Thicker . . . thicker nails, but a lot . . . a lot longer. They have almost no hair at all on their . . . ah . . . forehead and around the . . . ah . . . eyes and nose. And ah . . . apparently the hair grows very short on the facial area. I don't see any with long hair on the facial area.

Bob: Can you communicate with them?

(long pause)

Joe: Just a minute . . . trying . . . trying to.

(long pause)

Joe: They alert like . . . ah . . . they . . . sense ah . . . the direction the message is coming from. But, they don't see me of course, they do . . . acknowledge . . . yes . . . that's the word . . . They acknowledge me or at least a higher communication. They are sort of . . . sort of half bending over and just scanning or staring in my direction. They don't seem to be abnormally excited, though. It's like they can sense in multidimensional space or something—like they are mystically-oriented creatures.

Bob: Nice. The implication is what?

Joe: I don't know. Let me find out what's next on the agenda here.

(long pause)

Joe: Another interesting thing here . . . is that they ah . . . they're afraid of the ah . . . they're afraid of the inside of the jungle area or the ah . . . trees . . . the trees alongside  the beach. They are sticking to the edge of the shore . . . not actually living in the water . . . but they're . . . right on the water's edge . . . just like it's a form of security . . . or they're . . . it's a comfort zone for them, probably an escape route. It's like they are playing off the land and sea, one against the other for survival.

Bob: Good.

Joe: Let me see if I can find out anything else here that I am supposed to be picking up on.

(long pause)

Joe: It's really interesting. I don't get much of anything else going on here for some reason. I get ah . . . I get a . . . (long pause)

Joe: I get an interesting . . . interesting presentation here. There's a significance between the . . . there is a significance in that the Earth is very, very primitive for some reason. And there is a huge contest going on for control between species on the land and control between those in the water. These . . . this particular species of animal is put . . . specifically in that barrier area . . . called the meeting of the land and the sea. It's like they know they can participate in both and are using it for survival and knowledgability. I also get an impression that they're . . . ah . . . they were put there. They mysteriously appeared. They are not descended from a earlier species, they were put there.

Bob: Begs the next question doesn't it?

Joe: (laughing) I'm already asking that now . . . but am not sure I'm getting an answer that I like.

(long pause)

Bob: Just report what you are perceiving.

Joe: Yeah . . . I'm getting an answer that ah . . . a seed ship . . . no that's not right. Keep wanting to say a ship, but it's not a ship. I keep seeing a . . . self . . . myself I keep seeing . . . oh hell, for lack of a better word . . . let's call it . . . a laboratory, where they are actually inventing these creatures. They are actually constructing animals from genes. Why would they be doing that? Can we do this yet . . . here and now? Like cutting up genes and then pasting them back together. You know, sort of like splicing plants . . . or grafting them, one to another.

(long pause)

Joe: Interesting. It's like they are building eggs by injecting stuff into them with a mixture of DNA or gene parts or pieces.

Bob: Who's the "they"?

Joe: I'm asking that too and I keep getting ... hold on a minute. I keep getting nothing ... but ... ah ... that may be my problem. Hold on a second and let me work on this a minute.

Bob: Very good.

(long pause)

Joe: I'm getting a . . . I'm getting a false picture here and I think it's a . . . it's an implanted picture. I'm getting an impression of a very aquiline-featured entity of extreme delicacy. Very much like a human being, except that there is a prehensiled tail, no evidence of clothing or sexuality. Doe-like eyes . . . extreme . . . ah . . . fine boned, very long fingers . . . extremely long fingers, almost spiderlike. Hmmmm . . . I keep saying in the back of my head . . . is this they . . . "they"? And . . . I keep getting a no . . . it is more like an "I" or a "me."

Bob: Interesting. Then probe the I or me.

(long' pause)

Joe: All I get is . . . ah . . . ah . . . all I get is like looking into a . . . like peering into a black . . . ah . . . oh . . . what I would translate as a . . . ah . . . perfect blackness. With an extremely bright flashing light . . . like a flashing light. The two are so absolutely perfect though, the white and the black. Flashing white is ah . . . very rhythmic and it has like . . . an aura coming out from a central point. Much like a new sun with a specific frequency or pulse.

Bob: Can you match that particular flashing . . . is it slow or is it fast?

Joe: Let me look. Let me count.

Bob: I can match it with a Hemi-Sync pulse if you wish and we can see how close we can get to it.

Joe: OK. Give me the pulse.

Bob began generating a Hemi-Sync pulse at this point and altering its speed or rate in an attempt to match the pulse that I was perceiving visually from a star field.

(long pause)

Joe: Hold it a second.

(long pause)

Joe: Slow it down just a little bit.

(long pause)

Joe: Hold it right there . . . right there.

(long pause)

Joe: Ah . . . that's it.

Bob: Very good.

Joe: It's really hard fighting it off when I'm hearing it, too . . . did you shut it off? Yeah.

Bob: No, not yet. What is the effect if you don't fight it off? Joe: Let's find out.

Bob: OK. But, take it easy.

(very long pause)

Joe: Feel like my whole body has turned into pure energy. Heart rate has doubled. Makes me feel very excited. Feel like with each flash I'm expanding in some kind of way. As the flash goes away, I'm contracting. Evidently there is a direct line of some kind to an energy source which has a stamp-like effect on life . . . ah . . . living beings. It's like a nuclear-driven lamp which has a specific energy signature or frequency signal that directly affects life. I know that's kind of hard to understand the way I've expressed it, but it's kind of a hard concept. It's like our Sun impressing us with a set frequency or broadcast of light for developmental purposes.

Bob: Do you feel comfortable enough to stay with it for a little while?

Joe: Yes.

Bob: Move closer if you can.

(long pause)

Joe: Oh for crying out loud . . . I can't believe it. Hah. I get a single cross corollary with this, Bob. It's a grow lamp, for Christ's sake.

Bob: It's a who?

Joe: (laughing) It's a grow lamp.

Bob: Describe what you are sensing more carefully.

Joe: It's a fucking grow lamp. There is a need for a stable energy source for some reason in this procedure . . . ah . . . in this lab . . . and this is like a generator for a stable energy. A simulation of sunlight, but on a grand scale of things. They are replicating the exposure from what one might call an M-Class planet's sun.

Bob: What's its source?

Joe: Like stepping into . . . in . . . to . . .

(long pause)

Joe: Like stepping into a huge undulating cloud or mist of . . . specks of color. I don't get anything from the cloud at all except for very vibrant colors.

(long pause)

Joe: There's an intelligence here, too . . . but I can't seem to get close to it or touch on it . . . I keep getting overwhelmed with confusion. There's got to be a different way of . . . ah . . . trying to . . . to .

Bob: Ask for help.

(long pause)

Joe: Get two messages . . . ah . . keep getting shown the flashing light. And there is a message that comes with the . . . flashing light that says ah . . . nothing ever comes here. Yes. Interesting message. Nothing ever comes here. This is evidently a . . . some . . . an entity of some kind that's ah . . . like in charge of the lab . . . the ah . . . generating power? That actually sounds very simplistic . . . but that's what I keep getting. An entity . . . cloudlike in form that generates power. This cloud just is for that purpose . . . its whole goal in life. Life . . . like a sun has life. He, she, or it, isn't old or new. It's kind of like a . . . spark . . . explosion or beginning of some kind. An ectoplasm that just generates energy. I get the sense that it's sort of an explanation for how things begin.

Bob: What directs that energy?

Joe: Ah . . . wow. Hmmmmm. Ah . . . keep getting a very intense . . . a very intense charging when I do that. Like ah . . . pulling wires apart or something. Only these are hot wires. Now I'm back on the beach with the natives. Kind of interesting. I felt like I was being pulled apart. Like a very large . . . ah . . . very intense charging was taking place when I tried to penetrate that. And ah . . . all my wires were being pulled apart or something . . . similar . . . something similar to going back to a . . . a raw beginning.

Bob: What was the answer that you said you were getting that you didn't like? Do you remember now?

Joe: Ah . . . Yeah. There's a . . . I don't so much mind . . . but others might find it cruel. It's like someone tending a garden and planting the seeds. But apparently ah . . . I'm expecting a reason for that, a response that I'm getting however is that there really isn't any concern about the seeds after they are planted. Which is really kind of strange or even cruel. I don't detect a purpose. It's simply like . . . well . . . put these seeds here and on to better and bigger business. No concern about backtracking and checking on the condition of the seeds. They can live or die, survive or perish.

Bob: What period are we talking about here? What year would you say it is?

Joe: I'll see if there is something that I can associate this with here. So far there doesn't seem to be much of anything that looks even remotely familiar.

(long pause)

Joe: It's ah . . . the beach creatures are a much larger animal in comparison to most of the others. There's no large land animals in the area that I can determine over perhaps the size of a dog. Lots of very heavily armored land animals, by that I mean they are carrying shells, or have hard, crustaceous types of skin. There are some very large sea animals. But, no grass eaters yet. Plants appear to be large fungi instead of trees. I'd say it's . . . ah . . . at minimum . . . it's ah . . . ah . . . gosh I don't know . . . ah . . . at least thirty to fifty million years post dinosaur age. But I don't have any idea what that means in time. There's nothing that even remotely looks like a dinosaur on this planet, that is Earth.

Bob: Move forward in time then and tell me when you can clearly communicate with this creature.

(long pause)

Joe: A significant point occurs . . . ah . . . at two points. Two points occur that seem to cause a significant change in communication ability. Ah . . . first is, the shoreline is invaded by large animals. Major change in communications is what are apparently loud whistles. Almost like a clucking or clicking kind of a noise, like a coughing noise of some kind. It's been developed for signaling the presence of threat . . . warnings about larger animals . . . the presence of larger animals. Warnings. Giving locations through sound. Seems to be some sketching in the dirt as well. Like they are drawing things pictographically to represent things. Not letters or words but layouts of . . . layouts of position . . . characterization. Physical characteristics have changed significantly as well. These are now much heavier animals. More like man to a certain extent? A tremendous amount of muscular growth. Can this be man? Some kind of ugly if it is. That is ugly bodies, but nice faces. The ah . features are not as loosely drawn as in the smaller creatures . . . chest development has increased from moving and constructing things . . . maybe shelter? I don't know. Calluses down the feet . . . the webbing is beginning to lose ground. Upper shoulders and neck area is losing much of the hair covering. Many parts of the longer mane of hair is now gone. Backs of hands and arms losing hair. Second point of communications . . . significant change in communications is ah . . . they've gone from sea creatures and a sea source for food to hunting for small rodent-like animals on land using mostly traps . . . dead fall types of traps. Digging holes. First appearance in decorations as well, tying bits of fur to their body hair.

Bob: Go further forward in time.

(long pause)Joe: OK . . . there seems to have been a profound change here . . . a very profound . . . ah . . . change. See a change occurring about the time of the loss of . . . perhaps about another million years. See tribalization. Gathering together of these creatures into groups, not just based on family structure anymore. Looking for a cause for that and I get a change in the . . . frequency of the flashing light. It's been increased. It's been speeded up. Light is also no longer intently white anymore . . . it's starting to get a slight tinge of yellow in it. Maybe the Sun is changing.

Bob: Let me change the Hemi-Sync speed and tell me when I've matched it.

Joe: OK.


Joe: Right there? Back it up just a hair. That's good. Back it off just a little bit more. Hold it. Nope still not fast enough. Speed it up just a bit. Hold it . . . hold it. That's about right. Starting to lose it here. In watching this particular pulse rate, I just kind of started drifting here. Seems to be causing a bit of a problem with concentration and sort of . . . ah . . . wandering off. Might be seeing the ah . . . birth time of the duality of . . . what is this? The brain. Birth of the duality of the brain. What an interesting input. Wonder where that came from? Mind-brain aside. At least its (brain's) ability to function one side or the other . . . no that's not right . . . inside or outside. Prior to this point there was either no left/right brain communication, or no higher thing called mind. Two totally different functions were being performed within the same animal but with no correlation. A beginning of dual functioning and perhaps higher consciousness. Sort of like the birth of curiosity . . . yes that's the word.

Bob: OK. Move forward in time again.

Joe: OK.

Bob said I sounded like I actually went to sleep here for about fifteen minutes, then suddenly and inexplicably woke up.

Joe: Must have gone off somewhere, Bob. Can't remember what you asked me to do.

Bob: Move to a primary change.

Joe: OK.

(long pause)

Joe: Ah . . very primitive Indians of some kind. Herd-following Indians, it would appear. Migrating. Migrate to live. Just see primitive Indians making temporary shelters . . . travel behind herds of game. Maybe some kind of gathering going on as well, hard to tell.


At this point, I drifted off to sleep in earnest. Bob turned off the equipment and left the lab. I woke up a couple of hours later, very well rested.

While the past may be very, very interesting to some, it is still science fiction to others. There are some very provocative statements contained within these two examples, which were done in 1983.

Talking about gene splicing or the alteration of DNA in 1983 is somewhat fascinating. And suggesting that changes in the Sun's frequency or pulse rate may be having a direct effect on the development of life, does give one reason to pause. However, a lot of the information departs quite radically from the norm, so as a result, could be quite threatening to some. Just the targeting of the past is a major departure from reality for most people. The in-your-face commentary of a remote viewing or explorer transcript usually runs counter to many people's beliefs. It certainly runs counter to what science and/or history might be saying at any specific point in time. All of which has a direct bearing on what most people might accept at any given time as reality.

Targeting the future opens even larger and more problematic doors to areas that one then has to deal with. To more clearly understand some of these difficulties, we first need to address some of the concepts surrounding future viewing.