Because I view predicting the future as being an intentional act of creation, I approach it with a deep sense of responsibility to my fellow human beings. Stepping outside the Unconscious Consensus and attempting to influence what might be waiting down the road requires some degree of caution. There are a number of very good reasons for this.
First, while I would like to feel that I have had a direct part, albeit a small one, in creating the future, my conscious and corporal existence may be long extinguished from the physical by the time many of the predictions have come to pass. So I want to be careful about what I may have helped to create for others.
Also, I view the process of writing this book and its predictions as a deliberate and meaningful test of the efficacy of psychic functioning, remote viewing, and its part in the creation of a specific future. If a large portion of what I say happens, then perhaps it will influence or foster a greater belief in the role remote viewing can play in the development of our reality—a critically important message, in my opinion.
Lastly, this is a modest attempt to keep at least one copy of my book in existence until the end of the predictions, the year 3000. I would be less than honest if I were to deny the natural desire to extend my influence beyond a physical lifetime. Like most artists, musicians, and especially writers, I want to see my work survive.
During the past few years, there have been a lot of psychics, seers, scryers, and even remote viewers who have spoken about the future. They have usually restricted themselves to a few dozen years, the next century, or centered their predictions around the beginning of the next millennium. Almost exclusively, their predictions and perceptions focus on the "negative" or "crisis" types of events.
There are predictions for earthquakes, floods, major land shifts, sudden rises in water levels, runaway population growth, explosive wars, the spread of pestilence, new diseases, and even pathogens coming from space. All manner of dire and dangerous epochs of doom are being predicted as unavoidable.
Sadly, quite a bit of what has been predicted is probably going to be true. It is a fact that we live on a planet that spins through space, circling a medium-sized sun, within a whole galaxy of other systems, each with its own set of planets, all of which is quite vulnerable to circumstance. We need to understand that, within the vagaries of possibility, we have always been at risk, and that sometimes the risk is high.
I believe that my home, planet Earth, is a living, breathing entity—many don't—and that we are like parasites trying to ride and live on what is virtually a cosmic speck of matter zooming through space. The fact that we exist and can extend our consciousness beyond our immediate surroundings is a miracle of creation in itself. We are one of the Grand Engineer's marvels, probably one of many.
Earth is and always has been subject to certain cycles and changes that evolve from the fact that it is a living and breathing entity. While the Native American Indians and many other cultures acknowledge this, modern civilizations have for some reason chosen to look upon the globe as a place to control, to cut up, divide, and pump clean of its resources.
We think of it as a place where we can be in charge of ourselves. In our attempt to control, we have created institutions to address problems of weather, water, geology, ecology, and other Earth patterns in the hope that we can predict, alter, or change the course of these effects upon our existence. This has simply created an illusion of control. The truth is, we control nothing.
So, it is relatively easy to predict that there will be more earthquakes in the 8.0 range or higher. There will continue to be megalithic volcano eruptions that exact huge costs in property damage or the loss of human life. As we continue to populate and spread humanity across the globe, we are beginning to live where we probably shouldn't. Humanity continues to waste what we have always assumed is replenishable, and to quickly forget the lessons of the past.
As long as we insist on doing whatever we want, instead of what we should, we will continue to suffer the consequences. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, and other climatic Earth cycles will continue to ravish us. They certainly aren't going to go away, and believe it or not, we are not going to control them at any time in the near future.
While this paints a pretty dark picture, there is a solution, although it may seem impossible. Like it or not, we have to come to some agreement about our vulnerability then make the necessary changes in our society to stop stealing from our future. It is no longer a matter of "if" we should be paying attention to these things. It is a matter of "we now have no choice," if our species is going to survive.
Because I view most of these natural events as a growing part of the norm, I certainly can't ignore them. But I will focus on them in the predictions only when I see them as being very significant to the evolution of our species.
Using earthquakes as an example, on any given day in the world there are probably over 300 earthquakes—some felt, some not. It is only reasonable to assume that as population centers continue to expand, and humanity shifts across the globe, more individuals will be experiencing these ground-shaking events and the damage that accompanies them. In some cases, you can point to specific areas of the world where, sometime in the next hundred years, tens of thousands will die, as a direct result of a significant earthquake.
They are easy to predict. Japan, parts of eastern Russia, the West Coast of the United States, and the eastern shores of the Mediterranean are just a few. These are earthquake centers because the plates and magma of the Earth are shifting and those plates are constantly moving. There is nothing mankind can do about it. The possibility of such an occurrence in any one person's lifetime remains approximately the same. This holds true whether you were born seventy years ago, were born yesterday, or thirty years from now.
People living at the base of large and active volcanoes are also at high risk. Predicting another Krakatoa is relatively easy. Yes . . . there probably will be another eruption the size of Krakatoa or Mount Vesuvius, and it will occur within the next hundred years. It will most certainly take place within the "Ring of Fire" as the Pacific Rim area has been so aptly named. It might occur in the northwestern United States, the Aleutian Island chain, or off the coast of Borneo. People who live near or at the base of large and active volcanoes in these areas are simply betting a pleasant view or peaceful lifestyle against suddenly finding themselves in the line of fire. Again, it is not a question of if one of these will occur; it is a question of when.