By 2035, fresh water will be a major issue within the United States, specifically in Florida, Colorado, Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, and throughout most of Texas. Interstate water agreements will be worked out for sharing. The primary impact will be on movement of citizens. No new building will be allowed in areas of these states post 2040.
By 2030, flooding will become a much more frequent occurrence within the lowland areas of North America, especially along the major rivers in the Midwest.
By the year 2041, some sections of major world cities will be abandoned or converted to uses other than residential and business, as a result of the changes in climate and the constant rises in water levels. Sections of some cities will be leveled to create the foundation for replacement cities, which will then be built up over them—on higher ground.
By the end of 2050, we will begin to see a substantial rise in the average water level along the coasts of the world. By that time, drinkable water will become a major issue.
By the year 2038, we will begin to see a rise in the average sea level. The average rise in water level will be 2.5 to 4 feet. This will be due to a radical melting of the Arctic and Antarctic polar icecaps. The melting has already started, but as we progress to 2038, this process will begin to accelerate. Most of the northern and southern icecaps will be gone from the face of the Earth by 2080.
The results of the constant rise in water level will cost the American taxpayer over six trillion dollars in damage to existing buildings and infrastructure along current shorelines by the year 2050. Most of this damage will be the result of increasingly severe storms—a secondary problem stemming from the changes in climate as a result of the meltdown.
In 2044, northern states will be called upon to create watershed regions for supplying those states with minimal drinking water supplies. By 2055, the North and South American continents will be crisscrossed with a significant number of fresh water supply pipelines, all running north and south.
Also as a result of weather changes, hurricanes will become much more frequent and much more deadly. By 2025, the United States will be averaging twenty-five to thirty hurricanes a year. At least two of these will be killer storms. People will begin to abandon island living in the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands.
The states that will be most severely affected by these hurricanes are Texas, Alabama, and North Carolina, where beach erosion and tidal surges will destroy extensive areas of property. Florida will suffer, but because of the way it has been constructed, it will weather these storms the best.
Planetary Issues
This is a section of my predictions for which I've always seemed to get mixed support. There are a number of people with whom I've discussed these topics who feel that by addressing such issues I may, in some way, be damaging the credibility of my book. There are, of course, others who feel these things should be included in the book at any cost, because they are important issues.
I've chosen to include them because of recent articles in the Washington Post, specifically a headline in the Sunday edition, April 12, 1998, that read
"Crying wolf over asteroids leads to new guidelines."The subtitling read "NASA officials drew up guidelines to prevent a repeat of what they consider an embarrassing false alarm that threatened Earth with an asteroid collision a month ago."
The rest of the article goes on to talk about NASA's responsibility to the American public and how they are now contemplating additional guidelines that will prevent this from occurring again. They want such future news reported only to specific departments within
NASA, where groups of NASA professionals can then go over the materials and, after due consideration, decide the veracity of the material and decide what should or shouldn't be reported publicly.
I translate this to mean censorship) It is totally unacceptable. If we let a handful of people decide what "we the public can handle or not handle," we are entering very dangerous waters indeed. I especially resent it when it comes from an agency that deals with matters that are and should be open, and do not concern or relate to national security. We pay your salary, NASA! Every ship you launch, every study you make, and every photograph you take belongs to the American public. In a greater sense, simply because we can afford it and others can't, it probably belongs to the rest of the planet and all of humanity as well.
Having said this, it would be remiss of me not to include something that I have also collected. Hence my decision to include the material in this section. I will trust in the public to temper what I say with caution, and respect it for what it is—simply psychic information, unproven, unverified, and possibly wrong.
Sometime in the year 2016, an asteroid will bypass Earth, missing our globe by less than 1.3 million miles. It will be large enough to cause a measurable electromagnetic effect on the Earth's surface. This will be the first of four that will visit our neighborhood over the next hundred years. The second will pass around 2030, the third in 2044, and the fourth in 2071. None of these rocks will strike our planet.
However, we can expect a large impact from an asteroid exceeding 1.5 kilometers in size by the year 2200. This event will probably occur closer to our next century than toward the end of the second—or sometime between 2120 and 2130.
While there should be some concern, there should be no reason for panic. The events surrounding such an impact as presented by the media are not accurate. While damage will be extensive within a thousand-mile radius of the landing site, it will not create a firestorm that will burn up the Earth's atmosphere, or shift the planet on its axis. It will shake hell out of things and there is a slim possibility that humankind's diet will change drastically overnight, but the species will survive.
The other reason we will survive is because by that time, we will have the capacity for steering, delaying, or altering much of the asteroid's course, if not breaking it up completely.
By the year 2010, astrophysicists will discover at least four or five other M-Class stars in our galaxy. We will verify that all of them possess planets within five years of their discovery.
Planet X, the tenth planet in our solar system, will be verified in the year 2015. It will have an elliptical orbit with a mean distance from the Sun of 51.50 AU, and a density approximately equal to that of Mercury. The discovery will be a result of modifications to an Earth-bound telescope of more than twelve meters, which has not yet been completed (constructed).
Believe it or not, there are "Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)." The problem is that we think of this phenomenon in this way, and are probably too quick to associate them with the existence of extraterrestrial beings.
Truth is, there are probably extraterrestrial beings as well, but the two do not necessarily go together. In other words, one does not necessarily lead to the other. I believe that by the year 2020, sufficient hard proof will exist to establish that UFOs are real vehicles, and are probably piloted by intelligent beings. But, it will take another forty years to establish where they come from.
Sometime after mid-century, we will establish that these vehicles are probably, for lack of a better word, time machines. The question of whether they come from our future or our past will be moot, since we will discover about the same time that time as a construct, does not operate as we have assumed it does until that point.
By 2075, we will have a working understanding of how we can violate time in the same way we have violated space—by simply moving through it. Movement in time will also establish that reality is not just linear, in either space or time modalities, but actually consists of an array of universal constructs that we have, until that point, ignored. Near-instantaneous travel over great distances will also become moot, since the perceived laws surrounding the prohibition of such travel will fade by the end of the next century.
While this prediction makes it all sound real easy, it won't be. The effects these discoveries will have on the self-designated guardians of our spiritual precepts will be profound. It will make for a tough and uphill fight, to keep the topic within a realm of responsible science and religious evaluation, and not let it fall prey to aberrant interpretation, twisted remystification, or a medieval-style persecution.
Also as a result, formal contact with other intelligent beings will take place sometime between 2075 and 2077. This contact will be at their instigation, not ours. We will discover that they are from another time and space, just because they have traveled to us. They will bring nothing, nor give us anything that will help us, except the knowledge that we are not alone and that we are on the right track.
By 2025, the nations of the Earth will be operating from an expanding space station, high in orbit around the Earth. Off to a rough start, with a launch just after the change to a new millennium, this space station will accelerate as a result of new, discoveries in space flight, e.g., development of a space plane that can take off and land from runways with large payloads.
By the year 2050, civilians will be visiting a second space station that will be privately owned and financed by a consortium of six large corporations. For the small price of two million dollars, you will be able to spend a week in space, drinking vodka martinis.
Construction of an Earth/Moon Bus will begin before 2025; by 2070, we will have an operational base on the Moon, where new methods of manufacturing will be established for primarily producing exotic drugs and metal alloys for electronics. These are the beginnings of the electronic systems that will usher in our understanding of space/time travel, as well as produce unlimited supplies of power.
Attempts to utilize robotic vehicles to collect and carry ore-bearing asteroids into Earth orbit will be made just prior to the turn of the century (2100).
Information collection satellites will circle most of our sister planets by 2050, and we will discover at least two of those planets have basic forms of life extant on their surfaces—Venus and Saturn.
By 2035, we will confirm that life existed at one time on Mars, but probably did not develop there. Life arrived there on a crashed vehicle from another time/space, and certainly from a much earlier age than our own.
A coherent signal will be discovered emanating from another planet, in another solar system within our galaxy by 2018. While the signal will make no sense to us, it will aid in our discovery that we are not alone.
We will know how to create clouds and produce rain in selected places of the Earth's surface by the year 2015. This will virtually eliminate drought in narrow or selected areas. However, changing the weather in one location will significantly alter the weather in others. These issues will become of interest to the world court by 2025.
On the other hand, Western Europe will suffer a significant drought between 2018 and 2024. This will be a direct result of 2.5- to 3.5-degree water temperature changes in the North Atlantic, due to polar ice melt.
By the year 2026, scientists will successfully demonstrate the ability to make significant changes in weather patterns across the American Midwest. These interruptions in normal weather patterns will create a conflict between the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. Lawsuits will be filed in U.S. federal courts by 2031, as a result of weather manipulation.