There doesn't appear to be a single ground level, but each of the levels seem to be particular to a specific function or design within the cities overall form.

There are no paved streets. My sense is that vehicular traffic is forbidden within the confines of these cities. The spokes and concentric circles are open spaces filled with small gardens and parks. Not a design flaw, these open spaces hide modes of public transportation well below ground. Small and silent subways are moving as if by magic through a horizontal maze of multipurpose tunnels.

In the city proper, or where the skyscrapers jut from deep within the ground, there are various connections to what appear to be primary public transportation systems that move vertically, like elevators skimming upward along the exterior skins of the buildings. Within the rings outside this area, the primary mode of movement from one level to another is by stepping onto rotating platforms.

There are also subways that follow each of the rings, providing access to other portions of the city.

Most of the residential units that are part of this city are constructed within the outer rings. The upper floors have skylights or rooftop balconies that open to the manicured gardens around them. Encased within these sections of trees and gardens, the units look like small cottages, belying the size and space of the rooms below.

The main services, such as sewer, power, communications, and water are apparently run through multipurpose tunnels used for public transportation. Also contained within these tunnels are conveyors that carry a minimum of refuge or garbage to a collection point some distance outside the city.

The average city appears to be quite small, something less than perhaps 200,000 people. Most of the cities I can see on the planet seem to be very similar in appearance. There are differences based on climate, or perhaps because of location, but for the most part they are remarkably alike.

Large industrial parks, where all manufacturing takes place, sit on the outer edges of the cities. Everything moving into or out of the city goes through these parks. There are vehicles here that load or unload products packed in containers, uniform in appearance, used to carry things into the city and elsewhere. They look a lot like the luggage carriers on aircraft today, only they float just off the ground and seem to be individually powered. They, too, move throughout the subway system.

Adjoining these industrial parks are processing facilities apparently designed for reclaiming nearly all of the waste being produced by the city.

The sewage, rather than being treated, is actually being pumped out into a large man-made swamplike area. The swamp is like a large ingress to a series of lakes and water impoundments, occupying hundreds of acres of land. Surrounding these lakes are smaller processing plants that appear to be handling fish, algae, crustacean, and other aquaculture products.



Pumping stations at the outer edges of the swamp are being  used to circulate fresh water into the swamp area itself, as well as to pump effluent out to the fields and farms beyond the city, where it is being macerated in with natural farm wastes to be used as fertilizer.

Hard waste or garbage is being processed within the industrial park area. All that can be reclaimed in terms of recycling is being done here. My sense is that most of the products that are being used are actually designed with eventual waste management in mind. It is as if things that will be used are deliberately designed and manufactured so they can be run through a recycling process at the end of their usable life.

Very little appears to require burning, water and chemicals being the preferred method for recycling.

I also have a very strong sense that most of the heat being generated by the industrial section of the city is also being used by the city for power and heat.

The primary source of heat used by the city is hard to identify, perhaps because it is being delivered by numerous methods and from several localities, as well as on some kind of a beam from above. It is probably a combination of solar and industrial in origin, with over half being some form of chemical interaction or reaction.