Power is being provided by a separate facility that doesn't seem to have any operating parts—that is, no moving parts or engines. There are large cylindrical pie-shaped forms that are made of a metallic substance I've never seen before. Inside, I have an impression of electromagnetic current that keeps some form of fluid moving at a constant speed. The output of these devices is tenfold greater than the electrical requirement for keeping the fluid rotating.
Beyond the cities are small towns. They, too, are nearly perfectly circular and have no roads. Less than ten city blocks across, they are mostly residential. A few buildings within their centers appear to be miniaturized versions of the city skyscrapers. I have a sense that most of the services within these villages or towns are relegated to these buildings, much like the larger buildings in the bigger cities.
There are very smooth ribbons of highways interconnecting the towns, which are all centered around the larger cities, forming clusters occupying areas of approximately 100 by 100 miles. There do not appear to be connecting highways between the city clusters. I have a sense that there is no reason for travel between the two, or if there is, it is a means of travel that is inherently invisible to the casual observer.
There are isolated buildings located here and there, throughout the woodlands between the city clusters. These appear to be quite rustic and are built to blend in gracefully with the surrounding countryside. They have the feel of resorts, but I don't believe they are run that way. My sense is that while many families can be staying at one of these facilities, they are shared or communal by nature, and are meant to support a singular function. They are places of solitude, rest, peace, and simplicity, almost like a monastery, where people go for a retreat, or to pray.
There are a few individual residences sporadically scattered between city clusters, but they, too, appear to be set aside for some special purpose. They are not family residences, but have a feel of authority about them. They are being used for something to do with government, retention or detention.
There are some differences between North American, West European, East European, African, South American, and Asian countries with regard to cities.
Within North America, the city clusters are mostly as I have described them.
West European cities are clustered in much tighter arrays. Most of the land between cities is tillable or open acreage. Forests have been relegated to mountainous or rocky and uneven ground areas. Most of the great cities along the coast have been moved fifteen to twenty miles inland, except for those occupying great harbors. The harbor cities are much smaller than they are in present time, and appear to be predominantly dedicated to the seafaring trade.
Eastern European cities are much like those found in North America, but are centralized in three primary bands: a band running north to south along the western borders of what used to be Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, and the Ukraine; a second band running north to south through what used to be St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Kiev, splitting the Black and Caspian Seas; and a third band, running from the central region of the Ural Mountains to along the northern China border.
African cities are clustered in the southern tip of Africa, as well as along the southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. But those that were immediately on the shore, however, have moved inland approximately twenty miles.
South America remains fairly unchanged except for the slight move inland that is so much in evidence everywhere.
China is split horizontally. The upper half shows very little evidence of population. The southern half has a thick band of city clusters blending into those of India and the Southeast Asian peninsula. Japan contains only three or four city clusters, all huge in comparison to other cities throughout the world.
My sense is that the world's population, based on what I see of the cities, is only about one-sixth what it is today.
It is evident that new rules have been established with regard to energy, its production, use, and availability. There is now an unlimited supply of power. There do not seem to be any hydroelectric plants or atomic fission or fusion devices left. Nor are there large and powerful electron-storage devices required. Unlimited power seems to be a reality.
We have apparently figured out how to harness the power of the cosmos—the power of the stars.
One interesting development is that, as a result, we have also learned to alter the effects of gravity. This in turn has led to the creation of brand-new alloys, combinations of known elements into new or unknown elements, which has led to actual physical materializations. This new knowledge has permitted immense changes in the way we view and utilize other forms of transportation, communication, even how we now address disease. The power units look like huge, living machines that are capable of enormous, almost incalculable, power output.
Similar to the way we envision the elusive UFOs of today, these vibrating and focused power-generating machines exist within reality as singularities—anomalies that are capable of existing within our reality, but that are not actually subject to it. There are doorways to the universe of power just beyond the envelope of our planet. With these machines, we possess a potential for altering space/time, at least in how the machines and people directly relate to it.
The machines appear to be circular, spherical, or conical in shape and have some kind of interior movement. This probably has to do with the distribution of power within our space/time, because there seems to be a singular flow, which is always outward.
The power generated by these machines is kept local, or under control, by the balance between the reality within and without. While each machine will have the enormous power of a universe behind it, it cannot exceed itself or the space in which it sits—a cosmic check valve.
My sense is there is an action or reaction taking place at the periphery of these machines that appears as an aura or glow surrounding or enveloping them. Altering output on one side of the machine or the other results in a near-instant exchange or relocation of energy. It is conceivable that this could occur over a great distance.
Left to run unattended, or in a balanced condition, the machines generate huge amounts of electrons, which are being harnessed for whatever purpose is required. It may be for running other machines, producing unlimited heat, or supporting the surrounding industries and homes within the city. There are no limits to the machines' output, as they are only dependent on the capabilities of mechanisms used for stripping off or delivering power from the machine.
I have a sense that there has been a great religious war that ravaged the land, but it has long since ended. Only four of the larger religious sects survived. They no longer exist separately but are now considered segments of the whole. They are highly modified from their original concepts, or at least the concepts by which we judge them today. They seem quite similar in content, and are treated as such. Buddhism,
Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam are now being commonly referred to as "The Guiding Principles of Spirituality," or "The Ways of Belief." They are based on a common principal, which is that once in a while the Grand Engineer (that which we currently call God) manifests a representative with an exceptional insight to spirituality. Over the centuries, this job or responsibility has been shared among a number of people (those we call prophets.)
Religion and government support the observance of specific religious holy days set aside to honor the Grand Engineer. Religion also establishes that it is far better for everyone to practice their religion, not by prayer, but through actions and deeds.
These actions and deeds are outlined within a group of manuals or writings so that we can understand them. The writings cover such things as not using intoxicating or mind-altering substances to excess; personal and family cleanliness and hygiene; acceptance of neighbors, friends, associates, even strangers as close family members; mutual respect for all others, their ideas, their space, and above all else, their differences. In other words, religion is now an everyday action. It is a common code of action and decision making in the year 3000.
There are still churches. They contain no statuary, no crosses, no candles, no low light, no religious imagery of any kind. They do appear to have certain forms of mandalas, which are used for meditative practices, as well as a form of art. These churches are generally circular, step downward toward the center, and are used more for socializing than anything else. They are bright and sunny places, with lots of glass and beautiful indoor and outdoor gardens. They are places where people seem to gather for two reasons.
First, they gather to share in meditation on holy days. The forms of meditation used are not related to prayer, but are considered necessary for becoming centered and clear about our actions. The point is to be awake and aware. People are encouraged to congregate in large groups on holy days, so that they might meditate for a brief period together. In this case, performance by example is thought to be of more value than directed teaching of any sort.
There are combined teachings of great religious leaders that people sometimes bring and read or share with others, but these types of readings are usually done in private at home, since they are more of personal taste.
I can see no evidence of the Old Testament, except a formal, museumlike place, nor do any of the primary religious writings of today exist in common hands. They are reserved only for study and historical purposes.
Over the years, religious conferences have provided guidance on which portions of the Bible, Koran, Dhammapada, Tanakh, Rig-Veda, and at least six or seven other sacred writings were of real value and should be combined within the five volumes that now comprise "The Way."
Almost without exception, the portions of text that dealt with everyday life, the treatment of others, or the treatment of oneself, were kept. Dogma addressing the past, fear, retribution, revenge, or punishment was deleted. Much of the newest writings apparently deal with focus, awareness, and the implementation of religious practice by the living of it—the obvious reason for the new documents.
Before and following the period of meditation, people appear to meet in very large groups. These are social get-togethers and are like large family gatherings. There are no religious requirements at these times other than to be friendly and open to one another. Exchanges of the vows for matrimony and the dedication of children to living a life in honor to the grand design are some of the events surrounding these holy days and church-type social gatherings. These are celebrated and supported by everyone present.
There are those among the followers of "The Way" who apparently do not support a belief in the Grand Engineer, or a God. They believe in a single unifying power that drives the cosmos they live in, but do not ascribe to the personalized vision of a creator. There are segments of writings that also integrate this belief within the basic spiritual tenets. These people are not viewed as different, only as having a different perception(s) of the same thing.
People are encouraged to use these churches at other times as well. Large gatherings like picnics, parties, or even larger social affairs, which are communal in nature, take place throughout the year in these churches. It is as though religion has become an expression of life, a way of living more than worship. It no longer emphasizes a judgment call on whether or not someone is a sinner. Caring about others and oneself and living as an example of balance within the universal law is the entire thrust of "The Way."
While "The Principles of Spirituality," or "The Way," seem to substantially represent the majority of the population, there appear to be others as well.
There are major existing cultural distinctions. Large segments of the world population have adapted their ways of living to the overall belief that religion must be demonstrated to be of any value.
Large regions share similar traits. North America and Western Europe are generally the same. Eastern Europe, including Asia, share similar cultural and spiritual aspects with one another, but South America and Africa differ from the rest. Their cultural expressions within the framework of "The Way" seem to harbor a much greater diversity. These cultural differences, whether diverse or generalized, are respected.
Smaller sects and cults that attempt to deviate from the overall consensus still exist. They vary according to the very nature of the cities in which they are present. Because they are mostly city-dependent, the groups are not large, but they are tolerated as long as the basic tenets of the over-all belief structure are being maintained---lived through example.
Most of these smaller sects and cults are either being driven by strong personalities, or are seeking something in addition to that which is expected or accepted as the norm. There are some who are using drug-induced altered states, or ritualistic prayer, as an example.
I have a sense that these small cults or groups seek direct answers to the great mysteries—such as why humankind exists—and ultimately, a more direct connection to God. These pursuits are not only tolerated by the whole, but are encouraged, as the overall consensus is that humankind has a basic natural drive to find such answers. As long as they are not disruptive to the whole, or affect society in a negative way, they are pretty much left alone.
Synods, or great meetings, are held every ten years, and are hosted by centers of religious investigation. Each region has its own major center for spiritual development, and they bring their findings to these great conventions to be discussed and shared.
All governments accept and financially support the religious requirements of local cities. They build the churches and provide for their maintenance and upkeep. Aside from the act of living the religion, and demonstrating tolerance and support, there is no other connection between government and spirituality. That seems to be enough.
One of the basic tenets that seems to come from the religious beliefs of the time is that there is a single power within the universe that has caused all matter, both inanimate and animate, to exist. It is viewed more as a "way" or ((method" by which humans can be connected to each other, as well as to the creator, or the power behind creation. There is no pretension that we might ever know the face of this Grand Engineer, beyond what we see displayed within the magic of our reality.
There is a strong indication that humankind has developed a much greater understanding of the role we play in the construct of reality, and how a single purpose of being is our best protection or insight for learning most about what might affect us. In other words, we now recognize the true or universal laws that govern our reality, our place within the physical, and how our actions affect the other species within it.
There is an assumption that all other life on the planet, as well as within the universe, shares in this concept. Actions are taken from a personal, group, governmental, and planet-wide viewpoint. It is understood that whatever our actions may be, they affect not only those closest to us, but have a decisive effect on life we may not even know exists. Everything is inter-connected; all of reality within our cosmos is one. Birthed from a single source, everything is related. Cause and effect is the single constant that directly affects change.
Within the community, there are keepers of the Seal, the Covenants of Agreement. They are not priests in the way we understand now, but more like protectors.
For nearly four hundred years, humankind has come to realize that science and religion are virtually the same. Actions taken in the name of science are not always the best actions, nor are those taken solely in the name of religion. None of the learned men or women who are the protectors are individually powerful enough to effect a change. However, they understand that change can be effected by the course of a society.
Their job is to be vigilant, to constantly be on the cutting edge of cultural action, which may be the cause of sudden changes to the future of humanity. They study the ethics, keep a watchful eye over knowledge, and sit in the driver's seat of progress or change for the collective.
Progress alone is no longer a reason for opening doors to a new technology. The possible impact that technology might have on the whole is viewed as a serious consequence. By the year 3000, we have a much greater understanding of how our very actions, thoughts, words, and deeds change reality as we understand it to be.
The spirituality of the future isn't perfect. Because we are human, there are still glitches and flaws. But we have apparently traveled a long way down the road of understanding, and are now standing in the doorway of conscious awareness. We seem to have a much better grasp of what that awareness can bring. It is clear that prayer is now viewed as action, and action is viewed as creation.
The population is very small. In searching for a cause, I sense that there were at least two great wars, but they were not the cause. There were terrible plagues that stripped the world—over six hundred years past—during a dark time when men created germs that would not have otherwise seen the light of day. Now population controls are voluntary and precise.
Births are planned and orchestrated according to both need and desire. Death, on the other hand, still comes as a part of life. Care is no longer taken to ensure a higher IQ, the right kind of eyes, or additional strength. Even the sex of a child is held in wonderment till birth. The only concern is health. At the moment of conception, genes are checked to ensure that the child will have every reason to expect the best of health. If a defect is found, it is corrected in the womb. Abortion is the final recourse and used only within the first two weeks of pregnancy.
Children are viewed as the future, the light of humanity. Abuse is never tolerated and all children are treated as one's own till the age of ten. Children are never seen by anyone as strangers. There are no ethnic groups. There is little variance in skin color, size, shape, color or consistency of hair, eyes, and teeth.
Children are no longer children when they pass their first decade and begin their learning in earnest. They are required to learn and possess at least two technical skills and two arts by age eighteen. They must show equal ability in all four. They learn these things through formal schooling and through mentoring with four adults of like skills.
They are taught their sexual manners by age sixteen and understand that the sharing of one's body is viewed as a spiritual act, one that should be held in some respect. All men and women are protected medically against conception by a reversible vaccine used only at the times when conception is desirable.
Beyond advisement of social functions, musicals, plays, artistic displays, and other human social interactions, there are no product advertisements because there are no products. Work is considered a privilege, an honor, by which one can provide something that is constructive for others. Everyone receives what is needed, and there is no reason to compete for sustenance. Therefore, there are no banks.
Food production and manufacturing are driven by need, and only a set rate of excess is allowed to guarantee delivery in case of an emergency. There are no retail sales, but there are skilled individuals trained to provide things, such as clothing; the cleaning, production, and delivery of food; utensils; and other necessities. There are also technicians capable of providing materials for the expression of art and other social amenities.
Bridges, buildings, forests, transportation, communication systems, etc., are held in common rather than privately.
There are security personnel available in the event of crime, which apparently still occurs. Security is not a full-time job, but one of the four skills learned, and secondary to what are considered more primary skills.
Behavioral modification for criminals is considered a primary skill. It's always conducted away from normal society, in a thoroughly isolated location. Criminals are never allowed to congregate or speak with one another, but are instead assigned mentors who see to the specifics of their modification. Their original skills are re-evaluated to see if they might be better suited to another area of training. Once their skills have been reinforced, and they have demonstrated their ability to appropriately fit in with other people, they are returned to society—but always to a different city. Behavior modification includes gene, hormone, psychiatric, and emotional therapy. Those who cannot be rehabilitated, or who fail rehabilitation more than twice, are remanded to a city where they are forced to live within certain rules, under penalty of more radical punishment.
There is no military, however there is a diplomatic corps that is responsible for monitoring agreements and treaties. Violations of the treaties or agreements between states are dealt with by a world court, consisting of seven members. Lower courts can deal with minor problems, such as arguments between people. Majority vote rules, so no court has less than three, or operates with an even number of judges. These courts are concerned with fairness at the time and place of offense, and only secondarily with set precepts of law. That means that just because a decision was made a certain way in one case, it will not always be made that way. A defendant has an automatic right to one appeal, which requires a completely different court and members.
There are no taxes, and there are no wars. The decisions of the world courts are honored by all. Apparently, that is a residual of the terrible wars of the twenty-third and twenty-fourth centuries.
There do not appear to be many differences in art, entertainment, sports, or socializing, other than the technologies involved. The greatest interest appears to focus on things that give rise to anticipation, emotional feeling, and beauty. Violence is not totally eliminated from these activities, but it is viewed as being in very bad taste when it exceeds a certain level. It is sometimes considered necessary to make a point, particularly in historical reference. It is used rarely and only when absolutely necessary to the plot or statement. A good test of skill or ability, sportsmanship, joy, beauty, and relaxation are the treasures far more sought after. Sex is a gift readily shared.
Technology is so advanced it seems almost invisible. Everything happens almost automatically. Sensors are tuned to respond to the human presence, any human presence. Voice stress, body heat or temperature, even the content of conversation is monitored by intelligent machines that then attempt to provide what might be necessary. The room temperature, air movement, ambient sounds, or music are all automatically set or changed based on how the machines read a human's presence.
Almost any command can be carried out at any location, provided the person frequents that area more than occasionally. As a result, the place of employment, home, and general social areas offer extreme comfort for any individual.
Instant communication is possible no matter where one is located. Simply calling out someone's name is sufficient to initiate a near-instantaneous, pictographic, and real-time conversation. The feature can be disconnected for periods of privacy. Food processors are available in many locations, and are capable of providing a preselected diet that has already been programmed for specific individuals. All doors and windows open automatically by gentle touch. At home, they respond only to the touch of those residing there.
Transportation is automatically activated on command by any human, as are all service modules, such as public bathrooms, moving walkways, beverage dispensers, etc.
There are a number of different forms of transportation, the most important being local. This includes electromagnetic elevators, underground tubes, moving walkways, and teletransporters that can move a person from one town to another almost instantaneously. These are all voice- or touch-operated and free of charge.
Travel between cities is possible in two ways. Hover cars are used for vacations and sightseeing, and are considered an adventure. The other is the teletransporter, a machine that pulls space/time from one place to the next. Whatever happens to be contained in that space/time location is moved. The size of the area can be modulated on command, so that it will accommodate either a single person or a group of people being transported. Its physical range is limited only by the power feed. Small machines about the size of today's phone booth are good for intracity movement (within a single city—street to street.)
Larger machines, about the size of a bus, are intercity capable (can move one or a group of individuals from city to city). Mainframe teletransporters are located in central cities and are used for transport between planets within the solar system, Earth to Mars, Mars to the Moon, and return trips.
The ultimate transporters are the ships. These are singularities that are kept in orbit, and are small realities unto themselves. Once you have been transported to one of these ships, it is capable of crossing the universe, visiting any galaxy desired. The only problem is, they are still experimental in the year
3000. Mapping and controlling a fourth-dimensional location in space/time over vast distances is a brand-new science that is still being learned. Local travel is difficult enough, but because the differences in time are so minute, there's no getting lost locally—even between planets. Time differences over the vastness of the universe is a whole different matter. Teams of explorers have been literally "lost in space."
The discovery and development of this new technology has opened a new chapter in human culture and evolution, which actually began as far back as our own time—the twenty-first century. But the history books of the future will tell us that because of our primitive and less-than-desirable behavior traits, no one wanted any formal contact with us beyond an acknowledgement of our existence. So formal contact did not take place until well into the middle of the twenty-second century.
It was up to us to ferret out the way and means of joining the others. By the year 3000, we will be well on our way to doing so. Under our own power, using our own capabilities, and as equals, we will be joining the other sentient beings who occupy space. It will be a long and interesting journey in finally getting to that very special point in space/time.