A Shiver in the Leaves

Are you, are you

Coming to the tree

Where the dead man called out

For his love to flee

Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met at midnight

In the hanging tree

—James Newton Howard, “The Hanging Tree”

A muss of flies showers his open mouth

where the blood crusts.

Dead, he will not speak.

I can see how pain chewed the neck.

I rest my head against the tree, sleep

and wake in his call.

Like legs of a spider, his nature extends,


Like you I once harbored beauty


Like you my beauty takes the kingdom of blackness.

It is dawn in the man’s eyes,

a cavern, a slow thaw to memory.

I look

and look

and look.

Who is to say what death is or is not?

He has his limbs, a sky overlooking…

I know he is dead, nothing will change

but still I whisper in his ear,

Breathe. I want you to breathe.