hot mexican coffee

Preparation time 10 minutes

Cooking temperature low

Cooking time 3–4 hours

Serves 4

50 g (2 oz) cocoa powder

4 teaspoons instant coffee granules

1 litre (1½ pints) boiling water

150 ml (¼ pint) dark rum

100 g (3½ oz) caster sugar

½teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 large dried or fresh red chilli, halved

150 ml (¼) pint double cream

To decorate

2 tablespoons grated plain dark chocolate

Preheat the slow cooker if necessary; see the manufacturer’s instructions. Put the cocoa and instant coffee in a bowl and mix to a smooth paste with a little of the boiling water.

Pour the cocoa paste into the slow cooker pot. Add the remaining boiling water, the rum, sugar, cinnamon and red chilli and mix together. Cover with the lid and cook on low for 3–4 hours until piping hot or until the coffee is required.

Stir well, then ladle into heatproof glasses. Whip the cream until it is just beginning to hold its shape and spoon a little into each glass. Decorate each drink with a little grated chocolate and a dried chilli, if liked.

For hot mocha coffee, reduce the amount of boiling water to 900 ml (1½ pints) and use 1 teaspoon vanilla extract instead of the rum and chilli. Cook as above, then whisk in 300 ml (½ pint) milk. Pour into heatproof glasses, top with cream as above and decorate with a few mini marshmallows.

