Super-duper juice

I would say this super green juice falls into the ‘good for you’ category, rather than the super tasty – not that it’s offensive, just a bit ‘green’! It’s worth having a go at growing your own sprouted seeds and beans and it is very easy to do; turn to page 21 for full instructions.

3 apples, quartered, cored and cut into wedges

3 handfuls of spinach

1 handful of broccoli sprouts

2 handfuls of seedless white grapes

2 teaspoons lime juice

1–2 teaspoons barleygrass powder (see page 14)

¼ teaspoon chia seeds (see page 15)


Juice the apples, spinach, broccoli sprouts and grapes. Stir in the lime juice, barleygrass and chia seeds.


cucumber Cucumber adds a refreshing, cooling note to this juice and is low in calories. Perhaps surprisingly despite its high water content, it is a good source of vitamins A, C and K as well as potassium.
