Sweet as…

Nurturing and sustaining, this juice provides a valuable cocktail of nutrients, protein and carbohydrates – just what you need to get you back to good health after a bout of illness. The Peruvian fruit camu camu gives us impressive levels of immune-boosting vitamin C.

1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cut into long wedges

2 large Chinese leaves, each halved and rolled up

1 medium red (bell) pepper, deseeded and cut into long wedges

2-cm/¾-inch piece fresh root ginger, peeled

2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

1–2 teaspoons wheatgrass powder (see page 18) or camu camu extract powder (see page 15)

¼ teaspoon bee pollen


Juice the sweet potato, Chinese leaves, red (bell) pepper, ginger and pumpkin seeds, adding a splash of pure or filtered water if your machine struggles with the seeds. Stir in the wheatgrass powder or camu camu powder and sprinkle with bee pollen.

pumpkin seeds For their size, pumpkin seeds pack a powerful punch. Most notable is their iron content: a 50 g/2 oz. serving provides almost three-quarters of our daily requirement.

