Brandon and Evan launch themselves into Alex, and they collide with the new Bear Cub and knock him backward into Christian’s tent.
The orange emergency beacon goes flying, and Brandon bolts up and runs to it, picks it up as Evan stays on top of Alex, pinning him to the ground.
Dawn sees it happen, but it doesn’t quite register.
Not until Brandon hurls the beacon into a rock.
No, Dawn thinks, feeling paralyzed and suddenly sick. No, Brandon, what the hell are you doing?
The beacon explodes against the rock. Clatters to the ground as Dawn and Lucas watch, incredulous—
(and Brielle and Kyla pick their way into camp behind them)
(and Alex struggles underneath Evan, who still has him pinned)
—as Brandon walks to where the beacon landed.
He kneels down.
He picks up a nearby rock, about the size of a grapefruit.
And slowly, methodically, he begins to pound the beacon into tiny, useless pieces.