The final evacuation of Krasis was about to begin. Steven discussed with Hague and Vichek the nature of their mission to Earth, and Hague suggested to him that he should talk to the freed soldiers and explain what might have befallen their homeworld. Steven did so, as best he could, but he made sure that the remaining Securitats were safely under lock and key and guarded by men he could trust before he shared what he knew with the rest of them. He was afraid that the Securitats would be torn apart otherwise, even though Alis had scanned each of them—including, before their final shuttle trip, the late Reutan and his fellow volunteers—and found no trace of the Others among them.

The telling of the tale was horrible, but then how could it be otherwise? Once the commotion and shouting had died down, Steven informed the men that, of the ships captured with the prison, only the cruiser was fast enough to be able to keep pace with the Revenge. Between them, the two vessels could probably accommodate a force of fifty to sixty men, but that was as large a contingent as they would be able to take to Earth. For the others, the Velder Sel and the smaller vessels would have to suffice, but he had other plans for the remaining Brigade troops following the evacuation. He told them of the Military convoy they had seen, and advised them to make their way toward Passienne and try to link up with it. If they encountered a Corps vessel, they could either attempt to outrun it—which, in a big, slow transporter would be difficult—or seize it.

The latter would require convincing the other ship that the Velder Sel and its escort craft were crewed by Securitats, but Alis gave them some help in that regard by ensuring that the three ships were supplied with the most recent security protocols and all necessary codes and call signs. She also disabled the visual imaging systems on all three ships so that any curious Illyri would not be able to see the crew. Thankfully, six or seven of the men spoke Illyri well enough to be able to pull off the deception, if required, and they had five pilots among them.

“What do we do with the ship once we’ve seized it, sir?” asked one of the men.

“If it’s better than yours, you keep it,” Steven replied. “If it’s worse, then destroy it.” He recalled a word from his childhood reading. “Consider yourself privateers.”

“Private-what?” asked the same man, to some laughter.

“It’s a polite way of saying ‘pirates,’ but with a mission to attack enemy shipping,” Steven explained. “For better or worse, in this fight you’ll have to side with the Military. Most of them may not like Brigade troops very much, but at least they won’t try to kill you, and they need all the help they can get.”

The prospect of attacking more Illyri Diplomats and Securitats pleased the troops. Anything was better than Krasis, even war against superior opposition. Vichek asked for permission to lead the privateers, which Steven granted. He gave Rizzo command of the second cruiser, the Ilfen, which would join the Revenge, and which Rizzo immediately renamed the Marauder. She would be assisted by the last of the sergeants, an Italian named Agostino whose family, as it turned out, came from Calabria, the same region of Italy from which Rizzo’s family had immigrated to the United States a generation before. It was a match made in heaven.

•  •  •

Alis found Steven in his cabin, immersed in the final checks and preparations.

“Are you okay?” she asked him.

He knew what she was talking about. She had seen the look on his face when the shuttle had returned following the execution of the Securitats.

“I’m trying not to think about it,” he replied.

He ceased what he was doing.

“I could have stopped it,” he said.

“Could you?”

“I could have ordered them to leave Reutan and the others alive.”

“You could have tried, but I don’t believe they would have listened. They might not have inflicted the same death on them, but they would have killed them nonetheless. A blade or a noose would have worked just as well. You would have discovered them dead in their cells before we left, and every man on Krasis would have confessed ignorance of how it had happened.”

“It doesn’t make me feel any better. I didn’t even try.”

Alis moved closer to him. She brushed a hand through his hair, the first time she had touched him since their relationship had changed.

“I saw the same expression on your brother’s face when he was forced to reduce Archaeon to a nuclear wilderness,” she said. “I will tell you what I told him: the fact that this troubles you is what makes you a good man. Only if you felt no guilt would I be concerned for you.”

Steven wasn’t sure that he agreed. Doing nothing to prevent something awful from happening didn’t make you a good person, and neither did feeling bad about it afterward. Preventing it from happening in the first place would have been the right thing to do. But he decided to say nothing more about it. It wasn’t a discussion that he wanted, or needed, to have with Alis. They were on different ground with each other now, and he felt a new distance between them.

“Have you decided what to do with the remaining guards?” Alis asked.

“They can stay on Krasis. With life support. There’s been enough killing here.”

He reached up and squeezed her hand, then released it before she could. Such small gestures were still awkward, and painful.

“Thank you, Alis. You did well,” he said. “Without you, we would not have taken Krasis.”

“I did advise you that mine was the better plan.”

“I didn’t know smugness was part of your programming,” said Steven.

Alis headed for the door.

“If it was not,” she said, “then I believe that it should have been.”

•  •  •

The Revenge and the Marauder were the last vessels to leave Krasis. Steven waited until the other ships were out of sight before they finally ascended from the surface of the moon. He was well aware of the mutterings of dissent that had accompanied his decision to let the remaining Securitats remain alive, and there was nothing that he could do to stop the former prisoners from returning once he had gone and destroying the life support systems. He just hoped that they would be relieved to have put the prison behind them, and instead concentrate on finding more worthy targets for their anger. The cell doors were on a timer, and would only unlock once the last two ships were safely away from Krasis. Steven had ordered the communications array to be disabled before they left, and all drones destroyed, so the guards wouldn’t be able to send a distress call. It wouldn’t be too long before someone came to investigate their silence, but by then his two cruisers would be well on their way to Earth, while the rest would either have hooked up with the Military or found a base of operations from which to attack Corps shipping.

As an alternative, Alis had suggested to Vichek that one of the moons orbiting Royas, in the Evis system, might provide a reasonably secure refuge. At least two of them had water and a breathable atmosphere, and no indigenous life capable of posing a serious threat to safety. They were also within strike-and-run distance of a series of Illyri shipping routes. She guessed that it would be quite a while before the Corps began to suspect that the attacks were not the work of guerrilla activity by the Military and connected them to the Brigade escapees, if they ever did.

“They won’t know if we don’t leave any survivors to tell,” Vichek said.

And Alis could only agree that, yes, this would probably solve the problem.

•  •  •

The journey back to Earth was not uneventful. As before, they did their best to steer clear of Corps and Military vessels, but on the second boost they emerged straight into the heart of a small convoy escorting a crippled Corps destroyer back to its base. It was the first test of the ability of the Revenge and Marauder to fight in unison, and of Rizzo’s command capabilities. The destroyer never made it back to base, and the two escorts were annihilated, but not before one discharged a drone toward the wormhole. The Marauder blew it up just before it entered, but it was a close-run thing.

As they drew closer to Earth, all shipping vanished from their screens. The planet had been isolated, probably because those responsible for unleashing the Others upon it did not want what they had done to become widely known. Steven wondered what excuse they had given for the evacuation and quarantine of Earth. Perhaps nobody even bothered asking, because nobody really cared.

Steven would make them care.

And if his mother was dead, he would make the Illyri wish that they had never heard his name.