greet the day

Start your morning right with yoga and Pilates moves anyone can do.

by Robert Powell, Ph.D., CEP, CSCS, CDE

Incorporating range-of-motion exercises, like those performed in yoga and Pilates classes, can help increase flexibility and core strength. This will in turn improve activities of daily living and reduce risk for injury. Yoga and Pilates have shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Perform these exercises in the morning as a great way to start the day. Grab a mat or find a comfortable spot on the floor and get started!

Downward Dog

A) Get down on all fours, palms shoulder width apart, elbows extended, and toes tucked under (knees and feet together). B) Slowly raise your knees off the floor, bracing yourself with your hands and feet. C) You should create a “V” with your body. Hold for 10–30 seconds. D) Lower yourself back to the floor by bending the knees and returning to start. E) Rest for 1 minute. Perform 3 times.

Benefits Stretches the entire back part of your body to maintain and improve range of motion and posture.

Mindful Tips Focus on engaging the core and feeling a stretch in the shoulders and backs of the upper and lower legs. Try to press your heels toward the ground. Exhale as you raise yourself up and breathe throughout the hold.

Progression Increase the time in the V position or decrease the distance between your hands and feet by flexing hips and creating a steeper/tighter V shape.

Cow and Cat Poses

A) Get on your knees, allowing shins and tops of feet to rest on the floor. Lean forward, placing hands directly under shoulders and hips above knees. For Cow Pose, drop your stomach toward the floor (back swaying down) as you inhale. Look up while lifting chin and opening chest, dropping shoulder blades down to create distance between shoulders and head.

B) Transition to Cat Pose, pulling stomach in as you exhale, arching your back like a cat. At the same time, drop head slowly toward the floor, bringing chin toward chest. Repeat the Cow to Cat Poses for 10–15 repetitions.

Benefits Improves the range of motion in the core and teaches you how to engage the core, strengthening it.

Mindful Tips Focus on engaging the core throughout the transitioning of poses.

Progression Increase the reps or the amount of sets you perform. Increase the range of motion (stretch) to improve mobility.

Pilates Crisscross

A) Sit with your legs straight out in front, feet slightly wider than hip width. Sit up straight, spine neutral, with your arms straight out to your sides parallel with your shoulders. B) With the core engaged, slowly twist your torso to the right, drawing your left arm toward your right leg (do not reach with arms). Continue to twist as far as you can while simultaneously bending forward at the hips to draw your left hand toward your right foot. Pause and perform 3 slow, short pulsating motions at the hip (like your hand is sawing into your foot). Slowly reverse the movement back to start. Perform the same pattern on the left side. Repeat 5 times on each side. Rest 1 minute and repeat on each side 2 more times.

Benefit Improves strength and flexibility in the core.

Mindful Tips Engage your core to maintain your posture in the starting (central) position. Twist as far as you can without causing pain or your hips (buttocks) to raise off the floor. Breathe out during the twist and forward movement; pause to breathe in and then breathe out as you return to the central position.

Progression Increase your range of motion as you get more flexible. Increase the number of sets.

Pilates Leg Circles

Lie on your back with your legs extended, arms at your sides. Engage your core by pulling your abs inward toward the spine. Draw left leg up so it is bent with left foot flat on the floor for stability. Slowly raise your right leg up until it is perpendicular to the floor (or as far as you can). In a clockwise pattern, slowly make 5–10 small circles with your raised leg and then reverse the motion counterclockwise 5–10 times (or until your leg tires and starts to drop). Alternate legs. Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times.

Benefits Improves strength and flexibility in the hips and knees while strengthening the abdominal region.

Mindful Tips Engage the core, not allowing your body to lean to one side or the other. Breathe throughout the rotations. Use your core, floor leg, and arms for stability.

Progression Increase the amount of rotations per set. Create a larger circle with legs.