standing core

Work your core without ever getting down on the floor.

A strong core is essential to provide stability and protect the back and torso when doing everyday activities, helping to reduce the risk of lower-back pain, hernia, and falls. The body’s “core” includes the abdominals, lower back, hips, upper thighs, and upper torso. By doing these exercises in conjunction with a regular exercise plan, PWDs can increase core strength and range of motion and better manage their blood sugars.

Standing Side Crunch

A) Stand with knees slightly bent and feet hip width apart. Hold a dumbbell or resistance band at your side (or a soup can). B) Slowly bend at the hips on your right side, lowering the dumbbell toward the floor to mid thigh level. Engaging your left side, pull your body back to the starting position. Aim for 10–15 repetitions. Next, perform the same movement on the left side. Note: If using a resistance band, step on the band with your right foot, making it taut enough to provide resistance.

Benefits This move works the side (oblique) abdominal muscles that aid in bending to the sides and stabilizing your spine when you are carrying objects at your side (suitcase, groceries, etc.).

Mindful Tips Pull your stomach muscles in to support the spine. Stop prior to knee level if you feel pain in the back and/or hip or if you start to lose stability.

Progression Perform more repetitions per side until you reach the 10–15 repetition range, then increase resistance weight. Or bend farther down the side of the knee. Increase the number of sets you perform or reduce the rest period between your sets.

Good Mornings

A) Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell (or grocery bag with items) with both hands in front of you with your arms straight. B) With your abs and lower back engaged, slowly bend forward at the hips and lower until you’re parallel with the floor. (As you lower your weight, move hips slightly backward and keep knees stiff.) Slowly raise yourself back up by extending the lower back and hips while bringing your hips slightly forward to the starting position. Aim for 10–15 repetitions. Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times.

Benefits Works the lower back, glutes (butt), and hamstrings.

Mindful Tips Be sure to keep spine rigid. Do not round at the shoulders. Stop if you feel too much strain on the back side of the body (particularly the lower back).

Progression Increase the range of motion (goal: parallel upper body). Increase the weight to add more resistance.

Standing Crunches

A) Drape a resistance band over the center of a door; close the door. Grab the band with both hands, standing about two steps from the door. Slightly bend the knees and engage your abs by pulling them toward your spine. B) Bend forward at the hips by pulling your elbows toward your waist, creating an abdominal crunch motion. Aim for 10–15 repetitions. Rest for 1 minute. Repeat 2 more times.

Benefits This move works the front of the abdominals that aid in core stability and spine stabilization.

Mindful Tips Breathe out when crunching and breathe in when returning to standing. Keep abdominals engaged.

Progression Increase the resistance by standing farther from the door. Increase the number of sets or reduce the rest period between your sets.

Wall Planks

Stand with forearms and palms resting on the wall and slowly step back, creating a diagonal line. Engage your core (lower back, front abs, hips), keeping your body aligned. Hold this position for 30 seconds or until you break form. Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2 more times.

Benefits This move provides static strength and endurance of the entire core, which will help to protect the spine from injury.

Mindful Tips Keep your torso straight and rigid. Breathe throughout the hold.

Progression Hold for 60 seconds or as long as you can. Make it harder by stepping farther from the wall. Increase the number of sets you perform the exercise.

what you’ll need

• Resistance band

• Dumbbell weight (or household items and a grocery bag)

• Doorway

• Wall