Index of People


Aaron 130

Abercrombie, Sir Patrick 14

Abergavenny 1st Earl of 127

Addison, Joseph 60

Alexandra, Princess 51

Allgood, Thomas 129

Amundsen, Roald 96

Anglesey, 1st Marquess 3

Anglesey, 6th Marquess 35

Arnodin, Ferdinand 132

Arthur, King 72, 98, 129, 130, 167

Ashley, Laura 144

Ashley, Sir Bernard 25

Baker, Stanley 18, 110

Baldwin, Stanley 143

Barlow, Bishop 148

Barlow, Catherine 151

Barri, Gerald de 162

Baskerville, Thomas 167

Bassey, Dame Shirley 97

Beatles, The 35

Beatty, Warren 65

Beaufort, Margaret 10, 85, 87, 148, 153

Bennett, Hywel 65

Bestall, Alfred 46

Betjeman, Sir John 37

Black Bart 159

Blackmore, R.D. 111

Booth, Richard 26

Borrow, George 81, 164, 166

Bowdler, Thomas 104

Bowen, Jeremy 98

Boyce, Max 110

Bradshaw, John 165

Brangwyn, Frank 103

Branson, Sir Richard 173

Briggs, Sir 133

Britten, Sir Benjamin 143

Brown, Sir Samuel 107

Buckland, Jonny 89

Burges, William 94, 95

Burke, Edmund 76

Burne-Jones, Edward 9, 86

Burrows, Stewart 107

Burton, Philip 101

Burton, Richard 101, 156

Bute, 1st Marquess of 95

Butler, Eleanor 76

Cadfan 11

Cadwaladr 11

Caine, Michael 18

Cambrensis, Gerald 148

Campbell, Jane 170

Campbell, Lord Chief Justice 165

Campbell, Sir Malcolm 61, 62

Cardigan, 7th Earl of 48

Carnegie, Andrew 128

Carnegie, Lady Katharine 134

Carter, Isaac 58

Carter, Jimmy 103

Caryll, Mary 76

Castlereagh, Viscount 138, 139

Cawdor, Lord 155

Cayo-Evans, Julian 58

Chantrey, Sir Francis 54

Chaplin, Charlie 109

Charles I 50, 165

Charles II 133, 140, 163

Charles VI 10

Charles, Prince of Wales 31, 35, 44, 58, 82, 83

Charles, Thomas 117

Christie, Sir Archibald 25

Church, Charlotte 98

Churchill, Winston 42, 62, 109, 162

Cighill, Lieutenant 17

Clare, Gilbert de 49, 110

Clare, Richard de 152

Clemenceau, Georges 42

Clinton, Bill 27, 108

Clive of India 141

Clough, Richard 81

Coburn, Alvin 43

Colby, Charles 158

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 53

Collins, Michael 119

Colton, James 65

Columbus, Christopher 78

Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 167, 109

Constable, John 88

Constantine 31

Cooper, Tommy 110

Corbett, Judy 44

Cornwall, Duchess of 115

Cothi, Lewis Glyn 67

Coward, Noel 121

Crawshay, Richard 105, 106

Crawshay, Robert Thompson 106

Crawshay, William 105

Cromwell, Oliver 24, 50, 110

Cruise, Tom 86

Cyngen, Prince 75

Dahl, Roald 96

Dale, David 141

Dalton, Timothy 81

David, Bishop of Bangor 34

Davies, David 142, 143

Davies, Glyn 57

Davies, Gwendoline 143

Davies, Hywel 159

Davies, Jonathan 65

Davies, Lord 143

Davies, Margaret 143

Davies, Marion 109

Davies, Revd. D.M. 19

Davies, Rupert 39, 40, 71

Davies, Russell T 103

Davies, W.H. 130, 132

Davies, Walter 64

Diana, Princess of Wales 115

Douglas, Michael 104, 115

Drevacus 23

Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester 70

Duff, Lady Caroline 35

Duff, Sir Michael 35

Dwight, Geoff 72

Dylan, Bob 64

Earhart, Amelia 68

Edward I 4, 5, 11, 12, 30, 31, 50, 54, 60, 69, 72, 80, 85, 86, 91, 171

Edward III 19

Edward VI 137

Edward VII 22, 51, 95

Edward VIII 28

Edwards, Gareth 64, 65

Edwards, Thomas 70

Edwards, William 67, 107

Eisenhower, General 62

Elgar, Sir Edward 56, 143

Eliot, George 153

Elizabeth I 69, 81, 164, 172

Elizabeth II 31, 35, 92, 115, 147, 152, 163, 169

Elizabeth, Queen Mother 35

Ellis, Ruth 91

Epstein, Brian 35

Epstein, Jacob 97

Evans, Edgar 111

Evans, Ellis Humphrey 124

Evans, Gwynfor 47, 60

Evans, Mary Ann 153

Evans, Richard 7

Evans, Sir Geraint 56, 57, 107, 163

Evans, Theophilus 19

Evans, William 108

Everest, Sir George 24

Everett, Robert 14

Fairlie, Robert 116

Ferain, Catrin O 81

Fleming, Ian 61

Foley, Admiral Thomas 150

Foley, Richard 150

Follett, Ken 98

Fonda, Jane 13

Foot, Michael 135

Ford, John 111

Foster, Sir Norman 66

French, Dawn 14

Frost, John 131, 135

Fychan, Ednyfed 10

Gaunt, John of 126

Geldof, Bob 81

Gelert 46

George III 93

George IV 9

George V 115

George VI 163

Gibson-Watt, Lord 170

Gilbert, Sir Alfred 143

Gilchrist, Percy Carlyle 128

Gill, Eric 26

Gladstone, William 51, 86

Gloucester, Robert of 99

Glyndwr, Owain 50, 139, 165, 166, 170

Glynne, Catherine 86

Godwin, Mary 169

Goldman, Emma 65, 66

Goodman, Dr Gabriel 71

Greene, Hughie 82

Green-Price, Sir Richard 166

Greville, Charles 151, 152

Gruffudd, Llywelyn ap 18, 167, 171

Gruffudd, Rhys ap 148

Gruffydd, Ioan 79

Gruffydd, Lord Rhys ap 49, 54

Guest, Josiah John 105

Guest, Lady Charlotte 105, 136, 157

Guinevere, Queen 167

Gwilym, Dafydd ap 54, 55

Gwynedd, Owain 34, 78

Hahn, Kurt 109

Hall, Sir Benjamin 136

Hamilton, Emma 127, 151, 153

Hamilton, Sir William 127, 151, 152, 153

Hanbury, John 129

Hanratty, James 91

Hansom, Joseph 4

Hardie, Keir 106

Harlech, Lord David Ormsby-Gore 123

Harris, Howell 20

Harrison, Rex 65

Hatton, Sir Christopher 165

Havard, Rt. Revd. W.T. 28

Healey, Denis 101

Hearst, William Randolph 44, 109

Hemans, Felicia 84

Hemmings, David 13

Henry II 151, 171

Henry IV 81, 85, 139

Henry V 10, 84, 126, 148

Henry VI 153

Henry VII 10, 11, 85, 87, 131, 148, 153, 163

Henry VIII 54, 55, 64, 148

Henry, Lenny 14

Heseltine, Michael 101, 103

Heslop, Thomas 58

Hildred, Falcon D. 116

Hill, Thomas 127

Hillary, Sir Edmund 45

Hill-Johnes, Sir James 66

Homfray, Samuel 106

Hoover, J. Edgar 65

Hope, Bob 109

Hopkins, Gerald Manley 85

Hopkins, Sir Anthony 101

Hopkins, Thomas 127

Hopper, Thomas 35, 99

Howe, Lord 101, 103

Hughes, Henry 54

Hughes, Nerys 91

Hughes, Richard 64, 123

Humphrys, John 97

Hutchence, Michael 81

Iddon, Prince 25

Ifans, Rhys 151

Jack 103

Jackson, Colin 98

Jaffreys, Judge George 74

James of St George 5, 86, 91

James, James 107

Janes, Evan 107

Jenkins, Arthur 135

Jenkins, Katherine 101, 108

Jenkins, Roy 135

Joan, Princess 5

John, Augustus 153, 154

John, Barry 64, 65

John, Gwen 150, 154, 155

John, King 5, 34, 151

John, Sir Goscombe 107

Johnes, Judge John 66

Johnes, Marianne 54

Johnes, Thomas 53, 54

Johnson, Amy 62

Johnson, Dr 79

Jones, Aled 14

Jones, Arwel 82

Jones, Elizabeth 92

Jones, Inigo 81, 90

Jones, John 80

Jones, Lewis 118

Jones, Mary 117

Jones, Michael D. 117, 118

Jones, Sir Tom 108

Jones, Terry 81

Jones, William 135

Jones-Parry, Sir Love 118

Jones-Parry, Sir Thomas 40

Joyce, William 116

Julius 130

Keck, Anthony 99

Kemble, Charles 18

Kennedy, J.F. 109

Kilvert, Revd. Francis 167

Kinnock, Glenys 14

Kinnock, Neil 14, 135

Koestler, Arthur 116

Lancaster, Duke of 10

Lancelot, Sir 98

Lawrence, T.E. 45

Leland, John 100

Lennon, Cynthia 72

Lennon, John 72

Lennon, Julian 72

Leopold II 71

Leverhulme, 1st Viscount 121

Lewis, Richard 106

Lewis, Saunders 51

Lewis, St David 136

Liddell, Alice 37

Liddell, Very Revd. Dr Henry 37

Lincoln, Abraham 21

Livingstone, David 71

Llewellyn, Richard 111

Lloyd George, David 37, 42, 43, 44

Lloyd George, Mair 43

Lloyd George, Margaret 43

Lloyd Jones, Anna 57

Lloyd Price, Richard John 118

Lloyd Wright, Frank 57

Lloyd, Charles 144

Lloyd, Emmeline Lewis 169

Lloyd, Richard 42

Llwyd, Humphrey 70

Llywelyn the Great 5, 46, 54

Llywelyn, the Last 172

Lockley, Ronald 161

Lowe, Howard 79

Lyne, Joseph Leycester 25

Lyttelton, Lord 88

Macdonald, Flora 88

Mackworth, Sir Humphrey 100

Macmillan, Harold 35

Macnamara, John 25

MacSweeney, Terence 119

Madoc, Prince 78

Maelgwn, King 33

Malory, Sir Thomas 55, 126

Mandela, Nelson 109

Manic Street Preachers 136

Marconi, Guglielmo 111, 129

Margaret, Princess 35

Marx, Karl 141

Mary, Queen 115

Masefield, John 132

Matthews, Cerys 98

Maximus, Magnus 31

Maybery, John 110

McCartney, Sir Paul 72

McDougall, Sir Arthur 122

McGoohan, Patrick 121

Meadow, James 9

Melus, The Doctor 46

Melville, Lieutenant 17

Mendelssohn, Felix 89

Merlin 59, 156

Milland, Ray 101

Mills, Hayley 96

Mollison, Jim 62

Monmouth, Duke of 163

Monmouth, Geoffrey of 126, 130

Montgomery, Field-Marshal 62

Montgomery, Roger de 138

Moore, Arthur 129

Morgan, Bishop William 46, 81, 83

Morgan, Capt. Godfrey 133

Morgan, Captain Sir Henry 134

Morgan, John 57

Morgan, Mary 165

Morgan, Sir Charles Gould 133

Morris, William 9

Mortimer, Edmund 166

Mortimer, Roger de 80

Mostyn, 3rd Lord 38

Myddelton, Richard 70

Myddelton, Sir Hugh 70

Myddelton, Sir Thomas 70

Nash, Beau 103

Nash, David 116

Nash, John 50, 54, 57, 60, 150, 157

Nation, Terry 97

Naylor, John 145

Naylor-Leyland, family 72

Nelson, Lord 105, 126, 127, 151, 152, 153

Neufmarche, Bernard de 16, 17

Newcastle under Lyme, 4th Duke 53

Nicolas, Jemima 155

Nicolini, Ernesto 21

Norton, Tom 168

Nott, Sir William 60

Novello, Ivor 97

Oates, Titus 136

O’Connell, J.J. 119

Oldfield, Mike 173

O’Toole, Peter 65, 111

Owen, Daniel 88, 89

Owen, David 135

Owen, Robert 141, 142

Owen, Sian 121

Pantycelyn, William Williams 66

Parry Thomas, John 61, 62, 74

Parry, Elizabeth 71

Parry, Joseph 106, 108

Patti, Adelina 21, 22, 102, 103

Paxton, Sir Joseph 80

Paxton, William 66

Peck, Gregory 156

Penrhyn, 2nd Lord 36

Penson, Thomas 142

Perrins, Mrs 119

Perrot, Sir John 64

Peters, Mike 93

Petty, Sir William 15

Phaer, Thomas 158

Philby, Kim 116

Philby, Sir John 116

Phillips, Sian 65

Plaid Cymru 46, 47

Ponsonby, Sarah 76

Pope Calixtus II 148

Pope Paul VI 136

Potter, Beatrix 79, 153

Powell, Annie 111

Powell, George Paul 55, 56

Powell, Howell 18

Powell, Thomas 55

Powis, Earls of 141

Powys, John Cowper 116

Pratt, Benjamin 127

Prescott, John 91

Presley, Elvis 157

Price, Dr Hugh 18

Price, Dr William 107, 108

Price, Sir John 18

Pryce, Jonathan 85

Pryce, Tom 72

Pryce-Jones, Sir Pryce 142

Puget, Admiral Sir Peter 165

Quant, Mary 144

Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother 115

Recorde, Robert 154

Rees, Thomas 157

Rennie, John 134, 135

Repton, Humphry 124

Reuter, Julius 22

Rhys Jones, Griff 98

Rhys, Gruff 150

Richard ap Meryk ix

Richard II 85

Richard III 153

Richards, Brinley 60

Richards, Ebeneezer 57

Rinvolucri, G 9

Roberts, Rachel 65

Robertson, Henry 77

Roche, Lord Adam de la 162

Rodgers, William 135

Rodin, Augustus 150

Rolls, Charles Stewart 126, 135, 136

Rowlands, John 71

Rowlands, Richard 4

Royce, Henry 136

Rudd, Anthony 67

Rush, Ian 84

Russell, Bertrand 123

Salusbury, Colonel William 124

Savin, Thomas 50

Scott, Ridley 99

Scott, Robert Falcon 98, 111

Scott, Sir George Gilbert 9, 34, 148

Scott, Sir Walter 76, 77

Scott-Lee, Lisa 84

Scurlock, Mary 60

Secombe, Sir Harry 103

Seymour, Jane 137

Shakespeare, William 23, 85, 126, 166

Shelley, Harriet 168, 169

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 168, 169

Siddons, Sarah 18, 76

Siemens, William 102

Simenon, Georges 39

Sinclair, Sir Clive 112

Smith, Janie 79

Snowdon, Lord 35

Somerset, Duke of 10

St Alban 130

St Asaph 83

St Augustine 90

St Bueno 38, 84

St Cadfan 40

St Cybi 9

St David 55, 58, 148, 150, 157

St Dwynwen 12

St Elvis 157

St Govan 160

St Kentigern 83

St Maur, Sir Roger de 137

St Melangell 145

St Non 149

St Nywyn 41

St Seiriol 6

St Trillo 78

St Tysilio 2

St Winefride 84

Stanley, Henry Morton 71, 92

Stapleton, Maureen 66

Steele, Sir Richard 60

Stephens, Adrian 105

Stephenson, Robert 2

Stereophonics, The 112

Stevenson, Frances 43

Super Furry Animals 150

Sutherland, Graham 161

Sweyne, King 102

Talbot, Christopher 99

Talbot, Fanny 119

Talbot, Thomas Mansel 99

Tate, Colonel 155

Tate, Jay 173

Taylor, A.J.P. 63

Taylor, Elizabeth 156

Taylor, George 82

Taylor, Mrs A.J.P 63

Teg, Evan 144

Telford, Thomas 1, 2, 9, 31, 77

Tennyson, Lord 129

Thatcher, Margaret 101, 103

Thomas, Caitlin 63

Thomas, Colm 63

Thomas, Dylan 57, 62, 63, 102, 103, 133, 156

Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist 128

Thomas, Sir Rhys ap 60

Thomas, William 57

Tolkien, Professor 120, 126

Tolpuddle Martyrs 141

Tracy, Henry Hanbury 143

Tredegar, Viscount Evan 133

Tremble, Harry 66

Trevithick, Richard 106

Trevor, John 75

Trevor, Sir John 89

Tudor, Edmund 10, 148, 153

Tudor, Henry (Harry) 60, 119, 163, 153

Tudor, Jasper 10, 131, 153

Tudor, Owen 10, 153

Tudur, Fychan ap 11

Tudur, Owain 10

Turner, JMW 53, 64, 68, 88, 157

Tyler, Bonnie 101

Valois, Catherine de 148

Vancouver, Captain 165

Varney, Reg 91

Vaughan Williams, Sir Ralph 143

Vaughan, Sir Thomas 168

Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford 163

Victoria, Queen 21, 36, 38, 86, 142

Vorderman, Carol 91

Vortigern, King 39, 154

Vosper, Sydney Curnow 121

Waddington, Augusta 136

Wagner, Richard 56

Wales, Don 62

Walter, Lucy 163

Watt, James 75, 170

Waugh, Andrew 24

Webb, Captain Matthew 82

Welford, Peter 44

Welles, Orson 44

Wellington, Duke of 76

Wen, Dafydd y Garreg 45

Wesley, John 112, 145

Whistler, Rex 3

Whitehead, Tatham 34

Wiiliams-Ellis, Sir Clough 118

Wilkinson, Ann 74

Wilkinson, John ‘Iron Mad’ 74, 75

Williams, Dr Rowan 103

Williams, Evan 28

Williams, JPR 64

Williams, Shirley 135

Williams, Talog 19

Williams, Zephaniah 135

Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough 25, 43, 72, 81, 121, 124

Williams-Ellis, Susan 121

Williams-Wynn family 81

Williams-Wynn, Sir Watkin 88

Willoughby de Broke, Lady 92

Wilson, Richard 88, 157

Wilson, Woodrow 42

Wingfield, Major Walter 72

Wogan, Sir John 162

Wordsworth, William 76

Wright, Wilbur 136

Wyatt, James 3

Wyatt, Thomas 21

Wynn, Sir John 44

Wynne, Robert 33

Yale, Elihu 73, 74

Yates, Jess 82

Yates, Paula 81, 82

Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh 35

Yorke, Philip 80

Young, Francis Brett 169

Zborowski, Count 61

Zeta-Jones, Catherine 104, 115