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Numbers in italics indicate captions; those in bold indicate maps. ‘A.’ indicates Akhenaten and ‘N.’ Nefertiti.
Abd el-Rassul, Mohamed 172
Abd el-Rassul family 159, 172
Abu el-Haggag mosque, Luxor 21
Abu Simbel 30
Abusir 202, 245
Abydos 90, 98, 100, 209, 245
tomb of King Djer 100, 197
acromegaly 70
Adapa 299
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge 136
Aegean pottery 61, 83, 295
Aegean region 228, 287, 314
Aegean Sea 22, 35, 228
Afghanistan 234
Afterlife 4, 5, 12, 16, 23, 25, 27, 68, 84, 107, 111, 163, 179, 189, 199, 225, 253, 321, 322, 328, 335, 352, 363
Aha, the Fighter 197
Ahhotep, Queen 192, 209, 210
Ahmes, tomb of, Amarna 303
Ahmose, King 108, 153, 209, 210, 211
Ahmose, Queen 213, 216
Ahmose (royal scribe and fan bearer) 88
Ahmose-Nefertari, Queen 24, 107-8, 153, 155, 194, 211-12, 213, 226, 257
Aiguptos 14
Akenkheres 46, 314
Amarna Letters 50
and the body in tomb KV.55
his buildings demolished 19, 20, 23
builds Aten temples at Karnak 70, 142
cartouches 36
changes name from Amenhotep IV 46, 54-5, 258
childhood in Thebes 51
choice of Amarna 264, 266
clothing 103, 281, 283
co-regency with N. 37, 314-15, 315
death and burial 326-9
depicted 29, 35, 44, 45, 45, 47, 52-3, 56, 57, 60 70 71-2 85, 88, 89, 90, 94, 138, 140, 259, 260, 261, 276, 296, 302, 304, 308, 311, 315, 322, 325
erases father’s name 20
fails to consult mother 313
fails to respond to anarchy in the empire 312-13
false beard 73
gender issue 46, 55, 66-7, 70, 261
his golden ship 272
Great Reception 314-19
image excised from mother’s shrine 179
international relations 254-5
jubilee 260
lack of ethics 68-9
loyalty to Maat 187
make-up 290
marries N. 256
monuments vandalised 219
his mummy 56, 68, 118, 123-4, 140, 177-80, 327-8
N. dominates his burial process 75
his officials 15
and Palestinian pleas for military support 50
Pendlebury’s belief that he was N.’s brother 68
personality issue 379
Petrie on 55, 61-2
as Prince Amenhotep 247, 250-51 253
sarcophagus 75, 76, 85
statue in the Cairo Museum II
strong resemblance to Tutankhamen 120
successor 58, 67
sun worship 19, 44, 45, 45, 46, 52-3 213, 258- 9 275-8
Tiy acts as effective regent 254, 255-6
tomb 140, 266
and the two foetuses 128
Woolley’s opinion on his reputation 65
Akhenaten Temple Project 71
Akhmim 226, 246
Akhmim Temple, near Luxor 146
Akka (modern Tell ed-Duweir), ruler of 312
Alabastron 43, 44
alchemy 38
Alexander VI, Pope 38-9
el-Amarieh 43, 49
Amarna 29, 37, 269, 272, 333
Ahmes’ tomb 303
A.’s choice of site 264, 266
alabaster quarries 43
Barsanti’s security gates 55, 56
Bureau for Royal Correspondence 310
Carter joins Petrie in 52
Carter’s discoveries 53
Champollion and l’Hote visit 43
Channel 4 filming 138
Davies’ work 67
Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft’s excavations 59
Egypt Exploration Society’s excavations 35-6
‘Foreign Office’ 53, 64
founded (1347 BC) 267
Great Aten Temple 52-3, 65, 87-8, 148, 275, 276, 277, 295, 298, 309
Great Official Palace 51, 64, 273, 293-4 306
Great Reception 313, 314-19
Green Room 296
House of Life 64, 310
Huya’s tomb 304
jewellery production 288-9
King’s House 52, 64-5, 293, 294-5
Kingsway royal road 273, 294,
Kiya’s estates 271
Lepsius’ team visits 44-5
map of 265
Martin re-examines 73-4
Maspero team 46
Meryra Il’s tomb 315
Meryra’s tomb (high priest) 58, 87
Meryra’s tomb (steward) 58
N. as sole ruler 73
Northern Administrative Building 310
North Palace 65, 89-90, 273, 293, 296-7 315, 317
palace interiors 292
Panehesy’s tomb 58, 89, 90
Pendlebury’s work 63-5, 67-9, 74
Petrie’s discoveries 31, 35, 36, 51-4, 84
population 309, 310
range of housing 63-4
Riverside Palace 293, 297, 318
road system 273, 293
royal burial ground 266, 321
Royal Road 265
Royal Tomb 48, 55-6, 68, 84, 103, 175, 178, 279, 287, 289, 296, 300, 307, 346
A.’s sarcophagus 75, 76, 329
ancient heirlooms 299-300
chamber alpha (? Kiya) 48, 325
chamber gamma (Meketaten) 48, 57, 321
Great Reception depicted 318
jewellery 290
large unfinished suite of rooms 48, 77
pillared hall E (Akhenaten and ? Tiy) 48
Queen Tiy interred in 77, 324
removal of 336
Samson’s study of the Amarna material 36, 37
Sicard discovers Stela A 39, 44
Small Aten Temple 65, 295-6
Stela P 57
Stela S 44, 45
Stela U 44
tomb for sun god’s sacred bull 266-7
Tutankhamen’s birthplace 86 ‘viewing temples’ (maru) 65, 296
Wilkinson’s discovery (1824) 41-3
Woolley directs work (1921-2) 63
Workmen’s Village 265, 309
zoological gardens 297, 317
Amarna Letters 49-50, 53, 64, 229
Amarna Period 38, 50, 79, 101, 123, 149, 178, 187, 225, 280, 284, 285, 290, 306, 307, 314, 336, 352, 379
map of Egypt in ix
‘Amarna sashes 283
Amen (state god) 17-20, 23, 24, 84, 86, 110, 212, 218, 223, 230, 258, 268, 334
name removed 262, 267
Pawah begs him to return 331-2
priestesses of 212
priests of 178, 216, 220, 223, 227, 262, 331, 352
statues melted down 263
Temple of, Karnak 91
tribute to 222-3
unemployment due to dissolution of the temples 263, 264
Amen-Ra 215, 216
Amenemhat, son of Tuthmosis IV 224
Amenemhat I, King 205
Amenemhat III 206, 207
Amenemhat IV 207
Amenhotep, son of Hapu 244-5, 247, 250
Amenhotep I 24, 108, 150, 153, 154, 155, 212-13
Amenhotep II appearance 221, 285-6
builds a temple beside the Sphinx 223
on cartouches 155
empire 4
executes Syrian rebels 4-5, 221-2
image on a large stela 93
love of horses 273
his mummy 182-3, 348
new emphasis on the Aten 223 ‘the one whom Neith fashioned’ 192
statue in Karnak Temple 18, 24
Amenhotep II’s tomb (KV.35) 24-5, 27, 154, 347-8
Amenhotep III reburied in 254
described as ‘unfinished’ 28
discovered (1898) 5, 108, 157, 160-65
electric lighting 172-3, 343
the first chamber 4-6, 161-3
group of royal mummies 5 -6, 25, 106-7, 158, 165, 166-7, 169, 170, 179, 183
the king’s mummy 108-9, 123, 158, 162-3, 166, 170-73, 182-3, 185
mummy on the boat (in first pillared hall) 158, 160-61, 165-6, 170, 171
reopening of the remaining sealed chamber 3-4, 6-7, 116, 340-41
sealed chamber 25, 91, 109
side chamber resealed 353, 354
Smith’s hasty examination of the mummies 182
three mummies in side chamber 6-7, 8, 109-16, 149, 158, 163-4, 166-71, 173, 180, l82-5, 339, 340-57, 358-80
see also Boy; Elder Woman; Younger Woman
tourism 172, 173
and the Zaghlul mausoleum 183
Amenhotep III 102, 148, 220, 314
A. erases his name 20
Amarna Letters 50
appears as Hapi 188
big-game hunting expeditions 241
builds Luxor Temple 19, 20
builds Malkata 240-44
coronation 225
country retreat at Gurob 83
court 92
death 252-3
depicted 93, 113
Egypt’s ‘Sun King’ 6, 123, 188, 244, 251, 288
grand burial of Tuyu and Yuya 184
hairstyle 286
inspired by Hatshepsut 245
international relations 229-31
jubilees 247, 248, 250, 251, 251-2
love of chariots 241, 273
marries Tiy 226, 257
his mummy 123, 167, 179, 253
and N.’s daughters 70
and plague 320
reburial 5, 25, 254
restoration of ancient sites 245
second name (Nebmaatra) 187
statue in the Cairo Museum 10, 22
succeeded by his son 54
Theban palace 51
Thoth statues 86
tomb 77, 113, 253-4, 324
and the two foetuses 128
Amenhotep III’s funerary temple, Thebes xi
Amenhotep IV see Akhenaten
Amherst, Lord 52, 54
Ammut (Devourer of the Dead) 188
amphorae 276
amulets 5, 34, 47, 53, 83, 120, 163, 175, 176, 234, 235, 238, 249, 270, 289, 300, 320, 325, 328, 350, 367, 373
Anat (Syrian war goddess) 191
Anatolia 230
see also Arzawa Andes 135
Andrews, Emma 172, 173
Anen 227, 250
Anglo-Yemeni Mummy Research Project 143-5
ankh 4, 27, 31, 73, 163, 225, 281, 291, 293
Ankhesenamen (N.’s daughter) 121, 128, 331 334, 367
statue in Karnak Temple 18
Ankhesenpaaten (N.’s daughter, alternative name) 57, 268-9, 271 323, 333
depicted 283, 326
and the Great Reception 318
made Great Royal Wife to Tutankhamen 327, 329
Ankhkheperura Neferneferuaten (A.’s co-regent) 59, 67, 69, 72, 103, 281, 300, 327, 331
Ankhmahor (doctor) 15
Ankhnesmerire 203
antiques 299-300
Antonous 66
Anubis (god of mummification and guardian of the Valley) 4, 24, 27, 97, 147, 162, 281
aphrodisiacs 238
Apis bull, cult of 248, 250
Apy (royal steward) 259
Arab Conquest 21
Archaeological Science conference (Oxford, 2003) 181-2
armbands 104
Arwa, Queen 143
Arzawa 50
see also Anatolia
Ashayet, Queen (QA.39) 124-6, 205
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 54
el-Ashmunein 39, 86
Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire 58
Asqaluna (Biblical Askelon), mayor of 312
Asru (a priestess of Amen) 95
Assyria 229
king of 274, 294
Assyrians 311
Astarte (Syrian war goddess) 191
Aswan 94, 159, 216, 259, 332
Atacama Desert, Chile 140
Aten (sun god) 13, 19, 25, 36, 45, 52 53, 62 71 73, 88, 94, 120 123, 138, 139, 142, 148, 174, 188, 205, 213, 217, 220, 256, 258-9, 285, 346
A. and N. create Aten shrines and temples 259, 260
and A.’s mummification 328
and Amarna 264
dancing for the god 278
and erosion of Amen priests’ powers 262
given a recognisable form by Amenhotep II 223
and a Great Reception 313, 315
named on A.’s sarcophagus 329
priests of 267
Atum (sun god) 192, 256
auditory exostosis 141
August Barge 272
Ay, Vizier 27-8, 138-9, 227, 257, 273, 283, 327, 329, 330
tomb of Ay and Ty 138, 258
Ayrton, Edward 174
Azmar, Miss (an Egyptian guide) 10
Babylon 50, 245, 280, 289
Kings of 229, 231-2, 243, 255, 289, 311
Babylonia 229, 271, 285
Babylonians 312
baldness disguising 105, 107-8
remedy for 202
bangles 289
Bank of England 64
Barnsley, Yorkshire 8, 79, 103, 175
Barsanti, Alessandro 55, 56, 67
Bastet (cat goddess) 238, 278
Bates, Andrea 355, 358, 359, 361-4, 368, 369, 370, 372, 376
bathing 236, 242, 276, 279
Batrawi, Ahmed 122
Battle of the Pyramids 117
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 8-9, 34
Radio 4: Midweek programme 99
World Service 99
beauty preparations 236
Bech-en-aten see Akhenaten beds 292-3
beer 306
beeswax 100
Bek (royal sculptor) 94, 259-60, 308
Beketaten 247, 308
ben-ben stone 261
Benben Temple, Karnak 71
Beni Amran nomads 40
Beni Hassan 86
Bentham, Jeremy 32
Berlin Bek’s statue 94
Egyptian Museum 50, 100
N.’s bust 29, 59-61, 84, 110, 111, 287, 289, 291, 309, 342, 369, 376
small limestone statue of N. 330
Bes (household god) 243, 269, 270, 292
Biban el Moluk see Valley of the Kings
Bible, the 31, 143
King James Version 62
Psalm 104 62
Bilqis, Queen 143
Bioanthropology Foundation 122, 124, 134
Birket Habu Harbour, Thebes xi
Birmingham City Museum 102
birth bricks 270
bitumen 75
board games 298-9
body piercing 110, 122, 131, 224, 235, 290 351 355, 375, 379
Bolton, Lancashire 258
Bolton Museum 356
Book of Amduat 4
Book of the Dead 249, 346, 373
Borchardt, Ludwig 59, 60, 61
Boundary Stela A 283
Boy (in Amenhotep II’s tomb) 169
attacked with an axe 372-3, 377
attacked quite soon after death 377
brachycephalism 110, 348, 364
brain present 349, 362
close family resemblance to Elder Woman 365, 366, 373
clothing 349-50
compared with Tutankhamen 110
description 341, 348-50
jewellery 373
Loret describes 115, 163-4
massive leg injury 365
mummification technique 349, 350 352 362 364, 371 380
sealed up with other two mummies 115
Smith describes 109-10, 349, 372
X-rayed 184, 185, 364-5
bracelets 289
brachycephalism 110, 348, 364
Bradbury, Kate 58
braids 100, 101, 105, 107, 135, 209, 235
bread-making 304-5
breast-feeding 268
Breasted, James Henry 62
British Council, Cairo 133
British Medical Association 145
British Museum, London 9, 30, 49, 50, 61, 81, 99, 102, 145, 146
British Museum Press 129
broad collar 176, 289, 330
Brothwell, Professor Don 136, 137, 143, 144, 145, 345, 347, 355, 358-63, 367-70, 372-7
buck teeth 107, 153, 209, 362
Buckley, Dr Stephen 137, 142, 143, 145, 150 153, 343-4, 347, 352 353, 358, 362 364, 371
Budge, E. A. W. 49-50, 50
Burraburiyash, King of Babylon 311
Burton, James 42, 43
Byblos 311, 312, 319
Cairo 13, 16, 30
airport 245
Berlin bust 60
British Council 133
City of the Dead 13-14
founded (AD 969) 13
el-Rifai mosque 13
Saladin citadel 13
Sicard in 39
Sultan Hassan mosque 13
Cairo Museum 6, 10-11, 15, 22, 50, 56, 84-5, 93, 116, 121, 124, 247, 295, 359
A.’s tomb contents 55
Ahhotep’s treasures 210-11 Amarna Room 11, 29, 33
Amenhotep II’s mummy 182-3, 348
author sees the royal mummies 122-3
falcon with obsidian eyes 129
items from Amenhotep’s tomb 165
jewellery of ‘Djer’s queen 197
lock of Tiy’s hair 85, 114
Mummy Room 11, 25
Narmer Palette 129
Nefret’s statue 199
opens (1902) 106
Ramses V 345
royal mummies returned from Zaghlul mausoleum 183
Smith’s work on royal mummies 106 -11
Tutankhamen’s treasures 10, 11, 26, 28
wigs 84-5, 102, 103, 107, 124
Cairo Times 133
Cairo University: School of Medicine 106, 117-18
Callendar, Arthur 26
Cambridge: Addenbrookes Hospital 136
Cambridge University 32
camera lucida 43
Canaan 312
Canary Islands 136
Canon 355
canopic equipment 11, 85, 114, 161, 162, 164, 175, 176, 178, 179, 199, 225, 248, 250, 325, 327, 338
Capuchin friars 39
carbon dating 136
Carchemish 334
Carnarvon, earls of 113
Carnarvon, George Edward Stanhope Molyneaux Herbert, fifth earl of 8, 16, 26, 113, 114, 175
Carter, Howard 3, 16, 25, 76, 104, 157, 183, 354-5
and Amenhotep I’s tomb 150
assists Smith 107
Chief Inspector of Upper Egypt 169
clears Tutankhamen’s tomb 103, 153
corresponds with Ogden 147
discoveries at Amarna 53, 72, 87, 148-9
discovers mummified foetuses 121, 128
discovers Tutankhamen’s tomb 2, 8, 26, 113
and electric lighting in Amenhotep II’s tomb 172-3, 343
employed by Lord Carnarvon 175
joins Petrie in Amarna 52
on KV.35 mummies 169-70
response to KV.35 robbery (1901) 171-2
sees A. and N. as male kings 66
sketches Akhenaten’s tomb 56
and three mummies’ semireclining position 343
and Tutankhamen’s mummy 119, 120-21, 165, 179
watches unrolling of Tuthmosis IV’s mummy 106
The Tomb of Tutankhamen 120
cartonnage 347
cartouches 36, 37, 73, 94, 120, 155, 161, 166, 178, 197, 198, 288
‘Castle Carter’ 2
castor oil 236
cats 300
Champollion, Jean Francois 41, 43
Egyptian Grammar 44
Channel 4 series on pharaohs’ lives 137, 138
Channel Islands 79, 81 chariots 241, 273, 274, 294, 300, 311, 317, 318
Cheops, King 12
childbirth 268-71, 330, 333, 366-7, 369, 379
Chile mummies 140-41
Chinchorro culture 140-41
Chiribaya 134, 135
Christianity, Christians and hair 102
role of women 62
Roman conversion 21
vandalism by 31, 42, 57, 86-7
Christie, Agatha 18, 63
Akhenaten 63
Chubb, Mary: Nefertiti Lived Here 66
cinnamon 238, 293
City of Akhenaten, The (Egypt Exploration Society report) 36
City of the Dead, Cairo 13-14
Cleopatra 91, 186
clothing 281-4, 283
of ancient South Americans 135
Egyptian linen 281
of Hathor’s priestesses 234
Leiden research 103-4
Sobekneferu’s cross-dressing 207-8
suggesting divine associations 200
of Tutankhamen 134
see also under individuals
Clothing of the Pharaohs exhibition (Rijksmuseum, Leiden) 103
cluster analysis 112
‘cold cream’ 236
Colossi of Memnon 21-2, 132, 267
combs 82, 83, 99, 146, 285
computerised tomography (CT) 136, 144
Conquistadors 134
convolvulus 270
copper 311, 314
Coptic architecture 89
‘corpse oil’ 5
cosmetic boxes 82
cosmetic chests 103, 291
cosmetics 129, 131, 135, 236-7, 290-91
see also make-up
craniofacial morphology 184
creation myths 191-2
Crete, Cretans 68, 69, 91, 208, 317
palace of Knossos 63
Cromer, Lord 106
crook and flail 72, 73, 261, 288
Crusaders 13
CT scans see computerised tomography
cuneiform script 49, 50, 299
curling tongs 285
Cypriot pottery 53
Cyprus 229, 289, 319
king of 311, 314
Dahamunzu 334
Dahshur pyramid 14, 199, 206, 208
Daily Graphic, The 56
Daily Mirror 99
dance 278, 279, 319
d’Athanasai, Yanni 131
Davies, Norman 58, 59, 67
Davis, Theodore 118, 172, 173-7
Dazzling Aten (golden barge) 272
Death on the Nile (film) 18
Deir el-Bahari 105, 127, 151
caches of mummies 106, 122, 124, 126, 152, 154, 155, 159, 166, 209
Hatshepsut’s funerary temple xi 2, 23, 126, 216, 218
Montuhotep II’s funerary temple 205
Deir el-Medina xi, 81, 102, 196, 212
demotic 40
Dendera 30
Hathor’s temple 90-91
deodorants 236
Derry, Douglas 118-22, 124, 126, 127, 128, 179, 200
Derry-Batrawi Collection 122-9
Description of Egypt, The 41
Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane: Tutankhamen: Life and Death of a Pharaoh 8
Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (German Oriental Society) 59
digital X-ray detector 355-7, 375
el-Din, Dr Azza Sarry 137 ‘Disc Worshippers’ 43-6
Discovery Channel 141, 355
Discovery series: Post-Mortem 129
Disraeli, Benjamin 131
Djedkare 122
Djehuty 220
Djer (Zer), King 101, 197, 198
tomb, Abydos 100, 197
Djoser, King burial chamber 122, 198
statue in the Cairo Museum 10, 15
DNA analysis 135-6
dogs 300
Dream Stela 223
ear plugs 290, 321
earrings 290, 330, 348, 351, 375
East Karnak 71
East Valley of the Kings xi
Edinburgh: Royal Scottish Museum 49
Edwards, Amelia Ann Blandford 30-34, 58, 82
A Thousand Miles up the Nile 30
Egypt alliance with Mitanni 224, 229-30, 254, 312
Anglo-French relations 158
blurring of line between genders 188
close connections with Crete 208
earliest brewery 129
earliest-known temple 129
Edwards’ efforts to save Egypt’s heritage 31
first painted tomb 129
French invasion (1798) 117
Great Reception (year 12) 313, 314-19
Greek Ptolemies rule 186
hospitality 130-31, 144
literacy 80
map of Egypt in Amarna Period ix
map of Egypt and Nubia x Murray’s excavations 33
origin of the word 14
part of the Grand Tour 39
places claimed for herself 22
population 310
regarded as source of all wisdom 38
reopening of temples 332-3, 335
reunited (c 1550 BC) 208
thrives under Hatshepsut’s rule 215
trade connections 144, 215
Turkish viceroys 117
the Two Lands 92, 217
unification sealed by Narmer 197
Egypt Exploration Fund later Society 31, 35-6, 58, 63, 66, 82, 84
Egyptian Air Force 64
Egyptian Antiquities Service 44, 46, 50-51, 55, 106, 108, 157, 167, 168
Egyptian Empire 16, 50, 213, 228, 229, 251, 259, 311, 312, 313, 330, 331
Egyptology birth of the subject 41
Britain’s first chair in 31
most significant discovery 40
el-Einy, Ahmed Ibn 117
Elder Woman (in Amenhotep II’s tomb) 109-12, 169, 349
brain present 362
close family resemblance to the Boy 365, 366, 373
description 341, 344-7
hair compared with that of Queen Tiy 183
identified as Queen Tiy 112, 114, 178, 184, 344, 354, 357, 373
Loret describes 115, 163
marks on face 345, 372
mummification technique 346-7, 350, 352, 362, 364, 371, 380
queen’s pose 109, 111, 114, 341, 345
sealed up with other two mummies 115
Smith describes 109
X-rayed 183-4, 185, 361-4
Elwat el-Diban (‘Mound of Flies’) 151
Enisasi 228
epiphyses 180, 181 Eratosthenes 204
Ertman, Earl 149, 355, 380
‘Tut-Tut: Newly Identified Images of the Boy-king’ (paper) 149
Ethiopian Orthodox 143
Eugenie, Empress 210-11
Euphrates River 228
Eye of Horus amulet 346
eye paint 82, 83, 86, 236-7, 290-91, 330
eye paint container 85, 290
eyeliner 104
Fairman, Herbert 69, 72
false beard 11, 72, 73, 175, 201, 219, 261, 286
Farouk, King 13
Fayum oasis region 174
First World War 59, 63
fishing 304
Fletcher, Dr Joann adopted family in Qurna 131-3, 141
appearance 131, 144
awarded three-year studentship 95
background 8
begins to research Egyptian hair 35, 79-80
dissertation on Egyptian hair 81 early interest in Egyptology 8-9
education 9-10, 29-30, 32, 35, 79
family history of hairdressing 79, 81
first trip to South America 134-6
first visit to Egypt 10-29
at Hierakonpolis 129-31
invited to examine Derry-Batrawi Collection (1997) 117, 122-9
Nile Studentship 84-94
permitted to use digital X-ray machine in tomb 357
postgraduate studies at Manchester 82-4
reopening of chamber in Amenhotep II’s tomb 3-4, 6-7, 116, 340-54
skull find near her Yorkshire home 133-4
team X-rays the three mummies 358-75
writes first book 129, 133
Egypt’s Sun King: Amenhotep III, an Intimate Intimate Chronicle of Ancient Egypt’s Most Glorious Pharaoh 137
Oils and Perfumes of Ancient Egypt 133
flowers 293, 308
food 243, 301-5, 303, 318-19
footwear 283-4
frankincense 238
French exploration of 1883 49
French-run Egyptian Antiquities Service 46, 50, 55
mummy found torn to shreds 56
reconstruction work 71
Royal Tomb wall scenes drawn (1894) 76
scholars record and document Egypt 40-41
Stela S found 44
Freud, Sigmund 62
Froehlich’s Syndrome 70
funerary bier, lion-headed 154
funerary priests 12
funerary temples 21
furniture 292
galena 237, 290
Garstin, Sir William 168, 169
Gaskin, Andy 358, 359, 361, 367
Gauthier, Henri 59
Gazru, mayor of 255, 320
Gebel Silsilah 259
Gell, Sir William 41, 42
Gempaaten Temple, Karnak 71
Germans Pendlebury executed by 69
and ‘talatat’ blocks 71
Girigar, Ahmed 159, 160
Giza 30, 85, 200, 245, 273
first Cairo Museum 170
Great Pyramid 11, 12-13, 199
Great Sphinx 13, 192, 199, 223, 225, 300
Human Remains Centre 137
limestone quarries 245
mummies of high officials 122
Mycerinus’ pyramid 11
pyramids 11-13, 14, 31, 201, 207, 223, 300
Giza Plateau 11
Glanville, Stephen 35
Golden Age 209, 254
Golden Flies of Valour 211, 234
Grand Tour 39, 131
Great Green Sea (Mediterranean) 317
Great Pyramid, Giza 11, 12-13, 44
Great Reception (year 12) 313, 314-19
Great Sphinx, Giza 13, 192, 199, 223, 225, 300
Greek graffiti 21, 88
Greek Ptolemies 186
Greek texts 38, 40
Greeks 12, 14, 21, 39, 229
Guanche population 136, 137
Guardian 99
Guilmant, Felix 166
Gurob 83, 98, 228, 240
Hadnakht (scribe) 15
Hadrian, Emperor 66
haematite 82
Hagg Qandil 49
Haggard, H. Rider 49
hair colour 97-8, 125, 184, 200, 236, 344
cropped 199, 200, 236, 252
curls 100
earliest evidence of false hair in Egypt 130
examination of hair at KV. 39 151-2
holds clues to Egypt’s ancient past 78, 97
long 102, 122, 135, 161, 224
Manchester Museum’s hair samples 96-8
part in love and seduction 101-2
of Queen Tiy 85
setting lotion 100, 107
shaven 80, 97, 98, 102, 110, 236, 276, 285
as a votive or funerary offering 97, 100
hair dye 98, 125, 128, 130
hair extensions 80, 96, 100, 105, 126, 130, 236
hair net 142
hair pins 82, 284-5
hair restorer 236
hair-curlers 82
hairdressing tools 81
hairstyles Chiribaya 134, 135
Egyptian 89, 135, 235-6, 284-6
men/women 101, 135
Nubian 89
Sidelock 89, 248, 326, 341 swept back 317
Syrian 89
Hamdi, Saleh Bey 118, 119, 120
Hapi (a god) 188
Harem Conspiracy 194
Harmose 127-8
Harris, John R. 72, 73, 114
Harrison, R. G. 128
Harrogate 54
Kent/Ogden collections 147-9
Land of the Pharaohs exhibition 147
Hathor (goddess of love and beauty) 4, 11, 21, 24, 25, 27, 82, 101, 161-2, 191, 195, 197, 200, 205, 206, 207, 210, 249, 256, 287, 300
alter ego (Sekhmet) 190, 228
and Aten 278
and childbirth 269, 270
coiffure 127
dancing and singing for the
goddess 278
Dendera temple 90-91 depicted in royal tombs 225, 253
gazelle image 155
the Golden One 128, 190, 206, 252
inter-marriage 193
‘Lady of the Turquoise 215
menat necklace 206, 214, 233, 247
and Menkaure 201
mother, wife and daughter of the
sun god 247
priestesses 233-4
and Queen Tiy 227
and ritual drunkenness 307
and Sneferu 199
and the souls of the dead 23, 127
Hatnefer 126, 127, 129
Hatshepsut 66, 67, 73, 148, 192, 244, 288
one of Egypt’s great female pharaohs 2, 46, 186, 213-20
achievements of 30
Amenhotep III inspired by 245
divine paternity 23
false beard of kingship 11, 72, 286
funerary temple at Deir el-Bahari xi, 2, 23, 126, 216, 218
her co-regent 73, 217-18, 218, 219
makes her daughter queen 323
marriage 213
monuments vandalised 219
name erased from the records 23
obelisks honouring Amen 18
Pakhet shrine 86
second name (Maatkara) 187, 214
tomb 24, 173
Hattusas (modern Boghazkoy) 334
Hawara 206
Hawass, Dr Zahi 2, 4, 340-41, 343, 359
Haworth, Jesse 82
Hay, Robert 43
head lice 98-9, 133, 236
egg cases (nits) 98, 99, 122, 344
eggs 99, 105, 125
headgear 135, 286-7
headscarves 286
Heart Scarab 346
hedgehog fat 236
Heket (frog goddess) 269
Heliopolis 245, 250, 267, 275
House of the Benben 275, 276
Hemetnisu-weterneheh 258
henna 98, 125, 130, 184, 236, 344, 361
Hentempet, Princess 107
Henuttaneb, Princess (A.’s sister) 83, 247
Herbert, Lady Evelyn 26
Herodotus 98, 193, 204, 207, 278
Hetepheres I, Queen 199
Hetepheres II, Queen 200
Hetephernebty, Princess 198
Hierakonpolis 175, 197
Horus temple 129, 197
hieroglyphs on Cairo city walls 13
indecipherable for centuries 39
l’Hôte records Amarna hieroglyphs 43
Rosetta Stone 40, 41
Unas pyramid, Sakkara 85
Wilkinson’s studies 41
Highclere Castle, Hampshire ‘After Tutankhamen’ conference (1990) 114
Carnarvon collection 113-14
Hitler, Adolf 61
Hittites 311, 312, 314, 317, 320, 331, 334, 335
Holy Land 38
Home Office 133
honey 306-7, 320
Horemheb 330-31
horses 273-4, 311
Horus 21, 189, 197
Horus temple, Hierakonpolis 129
Horus-lock 109
House of Idols cult centre, Mycenae 228
Hull 145, 368
Hull Museum: Egyptian mummy 145-6
hunting 241, 300-301 Hussein, F. 180
Hut-ka-Ptah, Ineb-hedj 14
Huya (Tiy’s steward) 58, 301, 316
tomb of 304
hydrocephalus 177, 179
Hyksos 208, 209, 212, 217
Hyksos Period 217
Hymns to the Aten 62, 138
Hypostyle Hall, Karnak Temple 18
ibis 15
Imhotep (King Djoser’s architect) 15
Inca Empire 134
Incas 135
incense 23, 276-7, 319
incest issue 323
Ineb-hedj (later Memphis), Hut-ka-Ptah 14
Ineni 215, 218
Inhapi, Queen 107
inter-marriage 193
International Congress of Egyptologists 149
ion etching 114
Iput, Queen 202-3
Ipy 272
Iran, Shah of (Muhammad Reza
Pahlavi) 13
Iranian Revolution ( 1979) 13
Iraq 228
Ishtar (a goddess) 230
Isis (a goddess) 21, 90, 97, 188, 189, 190, 191, 270
Isis (Amenhotep III’s daughter) 228, 247
Islam 21
Ita, Princess 206
Iuty (master craftsman) 308
Jerusalem, ruler of 255, 312
Jesus Christ 190
jewellery 74, 101, 109, 119-20, 127, 131, 147, 149, 154, 175, 176, 197, 206, 210, 211, 229, 230, 234-5, 246, 254, 288-90, 293, 311, 321, 324, 335, 367, 373
Jewish scriptures 143
Jibla 143
Jones, Harold 175
Jones, Terry 141 Joppa ( Jaffa) 220
Joseph 38, 39
Judaism 62
Kadashman-enlil, king of Babylon 231-2, 243
Kahun 82-3, 99
Karnak Temple, Thebes xi, 16-19, 21, 23, 29, 69, 132, 210, 216-17, 276
A. and N.’s innovations 259-61
Amen’s golden statue 18, 19
Aten temple complex 70-71, 93, 93, 94, 142
Gempaaten Temple 71
Benben Temple 71
depiction of A.’s co-ruler 69
gardens 221
greater emphasis made on Ra 223
‘holy of holies’ 18
Hypostyle Hall 18, 71
N. shown to have political
importance 71-2
obelisks honouring Amen 18, 23
pylon gateways 17, 18, 71, 259
First 141-2
Ninth 93-4
Sacred Lake 18
‘Sexless Colossus’ 70
so-called grotesque statues 70, 72, 93, 94, 192, 260-61, 337
sphinx with the Face of
Tutankhamen 18
statue of Ramses 11 18
statue of Tuthmosis IV and Tia 222
Temple of Amen 91, 95
Tutankhamen portrayed as Khonsu 109-10
KCARE (King’s Centre for the Assessment of Radiological Equipment) 355, 376
Kebra Nagast 143
Keftiu 91, 317
Kent family 147, 148, 149
Kha 103
Khafra 199, 223, 300
Khamerernebty 201 Khary (an Amen priest) 95
Khasekhemwy, King 129
khat headscarf 286
khener 195
Khentkawes 186, 201-2, 204, 219
Khentkawes 11 202
Khnumnakht (brother of
Nekhtankh) 95, 96
Khonsu (son of Amen) 109-10, 268
Khufu, King 12, 199, 200
Kiluhepa 229, 232
King James Bible 62
king lists 45, 46, 203, 207
King’s Centre for the Assessment of Radiological Equipment (KCARE) 355, 376
King’s College Hospital, London 355
Kiya A.’s wife and N.’s rival 76, 178, 272, 325-6
and the body in tomb KV. 55 180
cosmetics 291 death 324-6
depicted 271-2
estates at Amarna 271 Maru-Aten temple 296
names and images replaced 77, 326
possibly mother of Tutankhamen 77, 272, 325
Knossos, Crete, palace of 63, 228
kohl 86, 92, 104, 131, 237, 290
Kom el-Hetan 21
Kom el-Nana 296
KV. 35 see Amenhotep II’s tomb
KV. 39 royal tomb, Valley of the Kings 3, 5, 149-56, 212
hair examination 151-2
Loret discovers 159
Lower Burial Chamber 152
main Burial Chamber 152
KV. 43 royal tomb, Valley of the Kings 224-5
KV. 46, Valley of the Kings 184
KV. 55 royal tomb, Valley of the Kings
A. possibly in coffin made for Kiya 336
Ayrton discovers on Davis behalf (1907) 174
burial site of Queen Tiy 149, 154, 174, 177, 336
controversial mummy 123-4, 176, 177-82, 346, 364, 367, 368
Davis stream of visitors 174-5
Ertman works in 149
gilded coffin 175-6, 179, 338
gilded shrine 174, 179, 336
jewellery 74, 289, 379
and Kiya’s funerary items 325, 336
Tutankhamen’s official seal 336
KV. 56 tomb, Valley of the Kings 336
KV. 62 see Tutankhamen’s tomb
Lacau, Pierre 119
Lakisa, mayor of 312
lamp wicks 154, 293
Latin graffiti 21
Lawrence, T. E. 54
Lebanon 319
Leeds 95
Lefébure, Eugène 46, 59
Leiden, Rijksmuseum: Clothing of the Pharaohs exhibition 103
Leiden University 139
Textile Research Centre 103, 104, 153
Lepsius, Karl Richards 44, 46, 51, 55, 58
Lesko, Barbara 201
Levant 332
l’Hôte, Nestor 43-4
Libya 198, 314, 318
Libyans 317
life expectancy 181
lion fat 236
lip colour 82, 237, 291, 330, 333
Lister Healthcare 146
literacy 80
Liverpool City Museum 49
Liverpool University 128
Loftie, Reverend W. J. 48-9, 68
Loret, Victor 157, 158-70, 343, 344-5, 362
appearance 159
on the boy from group of three mummies 109, 115
Carter writes that KV. 35 mummies reached Cairo 169-70
discovers Amenhotep II’s tomb (KV. 35) 108, 157, 160-65
discovers KV. 39 159
and the Elder Woman 115
head of Egyptian Antiquities Service 108, 168
missing excavation plans 115
ordered to return mummies to KV. 35 168, 170
removal of KV. 35 mummies 165-8
Tuthmosis III’s tomb 159, 160, 161
and the Younger Woman 110, 115, 185, 351, 368
lotus 10, 95, 176, 238, 242, 246, 270, 280, 295, 321 Louvre, Paris 91 love poems 101-2
Lower Egypt 197, 316
Lucas, Alfred 119, 349
Luxor 16, 19, 30, 91, 132, 169, 217
airport 4
first Europeans to visit 39
largest-ever find of royal mummies (1881 ) 46
Museum of Ancient Egyptian Art 93-4, 225
Winter Palace Hotel 16, 113, 356
see also Thebes
Luxor Temple, Thebes xi, 16, 19-21, 22, 132, 245
Luxor West Bank 151
Maat (a goddess) 187, 189, 256
Hall of the Two Truths 187
weighs hearts of the dead 187-8
Mackenzie, Alistair 355, 358, 359, 361, 364, 372
Mahu (police chief) 300, 310, 327
make-up 101, 236-7, 290, 335
see also cosmetics
make-up artists 237, 291
make-up chests 237
malachite 290, 291
Malkata Palace, Thebes (later Castle of the Aten) xi, 83, 132, 228, 240-46, 247, 251, 255, 273, 279, 296, 297, 299, 306, 316
Middle palace 248
Mallowan, Max 63
Malta 33
Manchester 107, 133
Manchester University 82-4, 118
Manchester Museum 82-4, 95-6
copy of Berlin bust of N. 84, 110
hair samples 96-8
mummy unwrapping by Murray (1908) 95-6
Manetho (scribe) 187, 204
manicurists 237, 345
‘Mansions of Millions of Years’ 21
Marfan’s Syndrome 70
Mariette, Auguste 44, 46, 210, 211
marriage ceremony 195, 230
Martin, Geoffrey 73-5, 76, 77
Maru-Aten 296
Maspero, Gaston 46, 106, 119, 157, 168, 170, 172, 173, 182, 343
maxillary prognathism (buck teeth) 107, 153
May (royal scribe) 245, 272
Mayet 205
Mazghuna 208
meals 301-2
Medinet Habu 217
Medum Pyramid 14, 85, 245
Megiddo 220
Meketaten (N.’s daughter) 45, 53, 56, 57, 75, 76, 140 267-9, 271, 283
and the body in tomb KV.55 180
childhood painting 295
death and funeral 322-3, 325
and the Great Reception 316, 318
‘She Whom the Aten Protects’ 267
tomb 321, 324
Memnon 21, 22
Memphis (previously Ineb-hedj) 14, 222, 225, 240, 248, 250, 264, 272, 273, 306
temple of Ptah 259
menat necklace 206, 214, 233, 247
Menet, Princess 206
Menhet, Queen 221
Menkaure, King 201
Menkheperre (high priest) 155
Menkheperre (Tuthmosis III’s throne name) 155
Menwi, Queen 221
Merenptah 6, 167
Mereruka, vizier 15
Meresankh III 200
Meretseger (serpent goddess) 24, 149
el-Merghani, Samia 359, 360, 361, 364, 375
Meritaten (N.’s daughter) 55, 266, 267-9, 271, 323, 367
‘The Aten’s Beloved’ 261 and the body in tomb KV.55 180
childhood painting 295
depicted 45, 53, 57, 89, 283, 326
and the Great Reception 316, 318
Great Royal Wife 323, 327, 329
her name and image 65, 77
Maru-Aten temple 296
Northern Palace 89, 297
and Smenkhkara 58-9, 67
Meritneith 186, 198
Merneptah 6
Merti, Queen 221
Meryetre-Hatshepsut, Queen 221
Meryra (Aten priest) 87, 88, 277, 301, 308
tomb, Amarna (Aten priest) 58, 87
Meryra II (steward of N.’s Household) 58, 308, 316
tomb of, Amarna 315
Meryt 102-3
Metropolitan Museum, New York 113, 124, 126
Middle Ages 13
Midweek programme (BBC Radio 4) 99
Min (fertility god) 146, 226-7
Ministry of Works (UK) 168
Minoan Cretans 61
Minoan settlement, Nile Delta 208
Minoan women 286
minor wives 195, 213, 214, 221, 224, 228, 249, 251, 252, 257
Minorca 33
mirrors 82, 85, 206, 221, 290, 291
Mitanni 50, 54, 224, 229-30, 242, 271, 283, 285, 311, 312
see alsoSyria
moisturising oils 279-80
monkeys 300
Montuhotep II, King 124, 204-5
Morgan, Jack 157
Morgan, Jacques de 157-8
Morocco 136
Moses 39, 62
mummies Leeds unwrapping (1824) 95
Murray’s milestone unwrapping at Manchester (1908) 95-6
X-ray photography 106
see also names of individual mummies
mummification 56, 75, 77, 97, 112, 120, 121, 123, 126, 127, 129, 136 137 145 147 153 185 199, 209, 215, 249, 322, 327-8, 337, 342, 343, 344, 346-7, 349, 362, 363, 364, 366, 372
late 18th dynasty techniques 347, 349, 350, 352, 362, 364, 366, 371, 380
mummy bands 338
Murray, Dr Margaret 32-4, 79, 81-2,95-6
My First Hundred Years 34
The Splendour That Was Egypt 33
music 19-20, 232-3, 252, 260, 277-8, 284, 298, 301
Mut (Amen’s consort goddess) 224, 268
Mutefpre 258
Mutemwia 22, 224, 225, 226, 228, 249
Mutnodjmet 89, 258, 275, 279, 287, 329
Mycenae 226, 245
pottery 53
Mycerinus, King, statue in the Cairo Museum 10-11
myrrh 238, 280, 291, 319, 320
Nagada 197
nails 122, 125, 127, 128, 136, 148, 224, 237, 345, 361 364
Nakht, tomb of, Qurna 131
Napata, Sudan 222
Napoleon Bonaparte 40-41, 117
Narmer 197
Narmer Palette 129, 197
National Geographic 143
natron 119, 276, 279
Near East 213, 318
Nebetah 247
Nebmaatra see Amenhotep III
Neferneferuaten Tasherit ‘Junior (N.’s daughter) 57, 271, 318, 323
Neferneferura (N.’s daughter) 271, 279, 318, 321
Nefertiti Berlin bust 29, 59-61, 84, 287, 289, 291, 309, 369, 376
and the body in tomb KV. 55 180
builds Aten temples at Karnak 70, 142, 260
cartouches 36
childbirth 268-71, 330, 333, 367, 379
clothing 103, 281-4, 283, 335
co-regency with Akhenaten 37, 72 314-15, 315, 323, 331
death and burial 335-6, 338
depicted 29, 35, 44, 45, 45, 47, 52-3, 56, 57, 59-61, 71-2, 73,
74, 85, 88, 89, 90, 92, 94, 140, 256, 259, 260, 261, 276, 279, 283, 286, 290, 301, 302, 304, 306, 308, 309, 311, 322, 329, 330, 333
dominates A.’s burial process 75
execution of prisoners 74, 192, 282
false beard of kingship 72, 73, 261, 286
family connections 256-8
as a female pharaoh 186
Great Reception 314-19
headgear 285, 286, 287-8
hunting 300
jewellery 289-90, 293, 335
and Kiya’s death 325-6
knuckle-duster ring 48
make-up 290, 291, 335
marries A. 256
monuments vandalised 219
musician 277-8, 298
Neferneferuaten Nefertiti 72, 148, 258, 289
Pendlebury’s belief she was A.’s sister 68
possible banishment from court 66, 67, 89, 323
possibly same as Ankhkheperura Neferneferuaten 59, 67, 72, 103, 314-15
powers 72, 73, 74, 89, 329
queen’s lily sceptre 92, 93
skilled horsewoman 274
Smenkhkara identified as 37, 72, 323-4
statue in the Cairo Museum II
succeeds A. as Ankhkheperura Smenkhkara 72, 330-35
sun worship 19, 44, 45, 45, 52-3, 71, 258-9, 261, 275-9, 280, 285
tomb 329-30
and the two foetuses 128
wigs 85, 92, 93, 94, 272, 285, 286, 287, 303, 304, 335
and the Younger Woman 110
Zannanza Affair 334-5
Neferu 205
Neferure, Princess 213, 214-15, 217, 321
Nefret 199
Neith (a goddess) 191-2, 221
Neith (wife of Pepi 11) 203
Neithikret, King (Nitocris) 186, 203-4, 219
Neithotep 197
Nekhbet (vulture goddess) 191, 197, 227, 242
Nekhtankh (brother of Khnumnakht) 95, 96
Nephthys (a goddess) 97, 189, 191
New Kingdom 107, 129, 152, 169
New Scientist 99
New York 54
Metropolitan Museum 113, 124, 126
Newberry, Percy 66
Nile Delta 208, 306, 332
Nile River 10, 41, 49, 188, 297, 350, 354, 365
annual flood 137
author’s Nile Studentship journey 85, 91
bathing in 276
ducks and geese caught for the table 302
East Bank 21 fishing 304
floodplain 14
and Malkata Palace 241
objects from KV.35 taken to Cairo 177
Osiris drowns 189
Prussian Epigraphic Expedition 44
Sicard’s travels 39, 40
sphinx-lined avenue 17
West Bank 21
Wilkinson’s travels 41
Ninurmah, Queen, Lady of the Lions 312
Niphururiya 334
nits see under head lice
North Africa 136
Northern Tombs 86-9, 139, 309, 315
Nottingham University 377, 378
Nubia 213, 215, 228, 245, 259, 314, 318
map of Egypt and Nubia x
Nubians 91, 181, 222, 285, 317
Nut (sky goddess) 27, 202, 269, 289
obelisks 18, 31, 38, 44, 216-17, 259, 262
Ogden, James 147
Old Kingdom 223
Opet festival 19
Osiris (lord of the Underworld) 4, 27, 90, 100, 101, 187, 188, 189, 197, 328
ossification 180-81
Ouabkhousenou (Webensenu), Prince 109, 112, 161, 162, 164
Oxford Archaeological Science conference (2003 ) 181-2
Pitt-Rivers Museum 100
Oxford University 32, 54
Griffith Institute 58
Paatenemheb 330-31
Pain, Dr Maynard 107
Pakhet shrine 86
Palace of the Dazzling Aten see
Malkata Palace, Thebes
Palace Ware 308
palaeopathology 116, 125, 127
Palestine 198, 208, 215, 260, 314
mayor of 255
Palestinians 50, 86, 222
Panehesy 309
tomb at Amarna 58, 89, 90
Pantheon of Ancient Egypt 183
papyrus 10, 270, 295
‘books’ 244
Parenbast 95
Paris 50
Parrenefer (royal cup-bearer) 308
Pase (military officer) 66
Paul, St 102
Pawah (priest of Amen) 331-2
Peak of Meretseger 149
Pendlebury, John Devitt Stringfellow 36, 63-5, 67-9, 74, 75, 84, 155
Pentu 320
Pepi I 203
Pepi II 203
Pè’re Lachaise cemetery, Paris 44
perfume 101, 104, 144, 229, 238-9, 246, 251, 280, 290, 314
Peru 134, 140
Peseshat 196
Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders 50-51, 101, 145
on A. 61-2
admires A. 55
arguments with the Antiquities Service 50-51
chair in Egyptology 31-2
on de Morgan 157-8
discoveries at Amarna 31, 35, 36, 51- 4 84, 148- 9 155
and earliest known false hair 100
gazelle and tree motif 156
Gurob ‘black wig’ 98
joined by Carter in Amarna 52
and Kate Bradbury 58
and ‘King Merneith’ 198
lack of amenities on a Petrie dig 54
on Loret 158
and Manchester’s collection of Egyptology material 82
Murray keeps his memory alive 33-4
Parenbast mummy at Qurna 95
pavement discovery 51, 57
resigns from Egypt Exploration Society 31, 82
Rifeh cemetery tomb 95
studies Giza pyramids (1880) 31
surveying at Amarna 53
view of Smenkhkara 55
Philae 30, 190
Philippe, Duc d’Orleans, Regent of France 39
Pinudjem 167
plague 319-20
plaits 85, 92, 100, 107, 108, 125, 126, 135
police 310
Pollock, Dr 176
Poros, Crete 331
pottery Aegean 61, 83, 228, 295
Cypriot 53
Egyptian 53, 83
Mycenean 53
Syrian-inspired 83
Prussian Epigraphic Expedition 44
Psalm 104 62
Ptah (creator god) 14, 248
temple of, Memphis 259
Ptolemaic pharaohs 194
Ptolemy III 151
Ptolemy V, Pharaoh 40
Puduheba, Queen of Ugarit 280, 311
Punt 23, 215, 216, 314
Pyramid Age 15, 122, 186, 198, 244, 268, 279, 290-91, 318
Pyramid Texts 46, 97, 202
pyramids Amen’s name removed 262
‘granaries of Joseph belief 38, 39
the greatest pyramid builder 198-9
last-known Egyptian royal pyramid 209
remains of the workforce 137-8
tombs of Egypt’s kings 39
QA. 39 see Ashayet, Queen
Qasr el-Einy 117, 118, 122, 124, 128, 129, 202, 205
Qatna (modern el-Mishrife), mayor of 311
Qiltu, mayor of 312
Quran 143
Qurna 2, 91, 210, 331
author’s adopted family 131-3, 141
Parenbast mummy 95
Ramesseum (Ramses II’s funerary temple) xi, 2, 132
tombs of the nobles xi 2, 249-50
Ra (sun god) 21, 191, 199, 216, 217, 220, 223, 256, 259, 270, 300
Radio 4 (BBC): Midweek programme 99
Rai, Lady 108
Ramesseum (Ramses 11’s funerary temple), Qurna xi, 2, 132
Ramose, General 309
Ramose (Hatnefer’s husband) 126, 127
Ramose, Vizier 92, 256
Ramose’s tomb, Thebes 92, 93, 94
Ramses II 6
funerary temple, Qurna xi, 2, 132
statue at Karnak 18
Ramses III 194, 239, 299
Ramses IV 6, 25, 166, 167
Ramses V 5, 6, 97, 167, 345, 372
Ramses VI 6, 25-8, 91, 167
Ranefer, Master of the Royal Horses 274
el-Rashid (Rosetta) 40
razors 83, 86, 279
reading 299
Red Chapel 216
Red Sea coast 215
Redford, Donald 71
Rekhmire, Vizier 220
tomb of, Thebes 91-2
Renaissance 38
resin 100, 109, 123, 124, 127, 153, 165, 206, 215, 238, 276, 327, 345-51, 353, 370
Rib-Hadda of Byblos 312
el-Rifai mosque, Cairo 13
Rifeh cemetery, near Asyut 95
Romans 10
conversion to Christianity 21
Egyptian artifacts taken to Italy by 38
part of Luxor Temple turned into a church 20-21
Roman texts 38
Rome 142, 190
Rosetta Stone 40, 41
Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh 49
Royal Valley 67, 68, 169, 321, 324, 328, 329
Royal Wigmaker and Hairdresser office 100
Sacred Lake, Karnak Temple 18
Sadat, Anwar 10, 11
Sakkara 245
Djehuty’s rewards 220
first Apis burial 248
five royal burial chambers discovered (1881) 46
mummified animals 15
Step Pyramid 10, 14-15, 122
tombs 14
Unas pyramid 85
wall paintings 15-16
Saladin citadel, Cairo 13
Samson, Julia (née Lazarus) 35-7, 69, 72 73, 79, 114
Amarna: City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti 36, 37
Sanaa, Yemen 144
Sanaa University 143
Sandys, George 39
Sanofi 99
Sargon, King of Akkad 299
Satiya 228
Sayce, Henry 55
Memoirs 56
scanning electron microprobe analysis 114
scarab seals 148, 228
sceptres 73, 92, 93, 108, 109, 288, 345, 353, 361
scoliosis 369
Scorpion, King 196, 197
seal stones 53
sebakh (a fertiliser) 49
Second World War 61, 69, 145-6
Sekhmet (lioness goddess) 22, 161, 190-91, 192, 198, 228, 240, 307, 320
senet 298-9
Senmut 126, 127, 214-16, 217, 219
Sennefer’s tomb, near Qurna 91
Septimius Severus, Roman Emperor 22
Seqenre 107
sermet 306
Sesebi: Aten temple 259
Sesostris I 205
Sesostris II 206
Sesostris III 206
Setepenra (N.’s daughter) 271, 318, 321
Seth 189
Seti II 6, 25, 119, 167
setting lotion 100, 107
‘Sexless Colossus’, Karnak 70
sexual behaviour 239-40, 269, 278-9, 298
shamans 135
Sheba, Queen of 143
Sheffield University 377
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Ozymandias 2, 132
Shu (a creator deity) 72, 192, 261, 278, 286
Shuttarna II, king of Mitanni 229
Sicard, Claude 39, 40, 41, 44, 86
Simon, James 59, 60
Sinai 174, 215, 234
Siptah 6, 167
Sitamen, Queen 228, 240, 246-7, 251
situlae 277, 321
smallpox 319, 345, 372
Smendes, King 167
Smenkhkara 294
as A.’s gay lover 66-7
co-regency 37, 55, 66, 67
identified as N. 37, 72, 323-4
KV.55’s body 179, 180, 182
and Meritaten 58-9, 67
and N.’s daughters 70
rules after A. 58, 67
‘uncertain history’ of 36
Smith, Grafton Elliot 70, 117, 118, 122, 349, 352
and Amenhotep II’s whereabouts 183
belief that KV.35 mummy was A. 177-8, 179
on the buck teeth family trait 107, 153
notes on the three mummies 109-12 347, 348, 349, 351-4, 360, 370, 372
and ossification of bones 180-81
‘The Royal Mummies, Catalogue Général des Antiquités Egyptiennes de la Musée du Caire, Nos. 61051-61100‘ 107, 112, 184
work on the royal mummies 106 -11, 122
Smith, Ray Winfield 71
Sneferu 122, 198-9, 218, 245
snowflake effect 362, 364, 366, 371
Sobek (crocodile god) 206, 207
Sobekneferu Sobekkara 186, 207-8, 219
Society for Promoting Women’s Suffrage 30
Soleb: Amenhotep III’s temple 259
Sotheby’s auction house, Bond Street, London 22
soul(s) of Amenemhat I 205
Amenhotep III’s soul merging with that of Amen 19
attempts to revive the soul of the deceased 16, 27
and funerary temples 21
Hathor and 23, 127
‘House of Ptah’s Soul’ 14
of Imhotep 15
of Khufu 13
South America 134-6, 137
southern Egypt 337
Southern Tombs 138
Spanish in Canary islands 137
in South America 134, 135, 137
Speos Artemidos, near Amarna 217
sphinxes 92, 235
see also Great Sphinx, Giza
Staff, Neil 358, 359, 361, 362, 367
stelae 36, 37, 39, 41-44, 56, 57, 58, 66, 81, 198, 209
boundary 265, 267
Step Pyramid, Sakkara 10, 14-15, 122
Sudan 228, 317
Sultan Hassan mosque, Cairo 13
Sunday Times 379
Suppiluliumas I, King of the Hittites 311, 334-5
Supreme Council of Antiquities 359
Swan Hellenic 84
Syria 206, 221, 302, 314, 317
clothing 94, 281, 282, 284
Murray’s excavations 33
rebellion in 4-5
Tuthmosis IV’s alliance with Mitanni 224
see also Mitanni
Syria-Palestine 220, 228
Syrians 91, 139, 232, 277, 317
Ta-aath 95
Ta-miu (Prince Tuthmosis’ pet cat) 248
Tacna, Peru 140
Tadukhepa of Mitanni 229-30, 232, 251, 255, 256
talatat blocks 70-72, 259
‘Tale of Two Brothers 101
‘Tales of Wonder 198-9
Tanis 122
Tao I 209
Tao II 209-10
tattoos 129, 135, 205, 237-8
Tawosret 167, 186
Taylor, Dr John 146
Tefnut (a creator deity) 72, 192, 261, 278, 286
Tell el-Amarna 43, 46, 148
see also Amarna
Tenra (wife of Meryra) 87, 275
Teti, King 202
Tetisheri, Queen 107, 209
Teye, Lady 83
Theban Hills 22, 23
Theban warlords 204
Thebes 50, 209, 269, 272, 333
Abu el-Haggag mosque 21
Amenhotep funerary temple xi, 2, 21-2
Birket Habu Harbour xi
court returns to 178, 330, 331
Davies work 67
Deir el-Medina Workmen’s village xi
first years of A. and N.’s reign 69
Karnak Temple xi Luxor Temple xi
Malkata Palace xi, 83
plan of xi
Ramose’s tomb 92, 93, 94
Ramses II funerary temple xi, 2
Rekhmire’s tomb 91-2
royal cemetery 249
Syrian rebels hung from city walls 5, 222
temple of Ankhkheperura 331
Tombs of the Nobles 91-2
traditional temples reopened 335
training for Amen priestesses 212
Tutankhamen’s tomb 2, 8, 26, 27, 91
Userhet’s tomb 92
see also Luxor
Thomas, Angela 356
Thomas, Elizabeth 185
Thomas Cook travel agents 57
Thoth (Egyptian god of wisdom) 39, 86, 200
throwsticks 84, 162
Tia, Queen 222, 223
tiles 84, 241, 294
el-Till 43, 49, 58, 86
Times, The 168
Tiy, Queen 58, 118, 128, 138, 148, 173, 184, 192, 226-8, 229, 235, 300, 301, 369
A. fails to consult her 313
active role in politics 227
Amarna Letters 50
and Amenhotep III’s third jubilee 251-2
at Gurob 83
death 324
depicted 83, 244, 246-7, 296
as effective regent for her son 254, 255-6
and the Elder Woman 112, 113
and funerary figurines 77
gold foil winding sheets 49, 123, 124, 324, 364
and the Great Reception 316
horses 273-4
identified by an American team 112, 114
interred in the Royal Tomb at Amarna 77
and KV. 55 149, 154, 174, 177, 180
lock of her hair 85, 112, 114, 121
marries Amenhotep III 226, 257
her mummy 324
palace complex 240, 245-6
perpetuates the royal line 246, 251
relationship to N. 257
role of her family in Thebes 227
sarcophagus 75
spends her last years at Amarna 86, 297
statue in the Cairo Museum 10, 22
Theban palace 51
tutelage of Amenhotep IV 54
and the two foetuses 128
widowed 253
Tombs of the Nobles, Luxor 91-2
toys 83
Tractatus De Mulieribus Claris In Bello (‘Women Intelligent and Courageous in Warfare’) 204
transport 272-4, 297-8
Tuna el-Gebel 39, 41, 42, 43
Turin: Egyptology Museum 103
Turkey 64
Tushratta, king of Mitanni 229-30, 253, 254-5
Tutankhamen age at death 120
Amarna Letters 50
appearance 104, 122
born in Amarna 86
clothing 103, 104, 134, 200
death mask 11, 60, 119, 337
funeral 302
gold throne 292
and KV. 55 178, 179-80
marriage 257-8
his officials 15
as part of N.’s plans 327
pierced ears 110, 120
portrayed as Khonsu 109-10
possibly murdered 141, 327
possibly son of Kiya 77, 272, 325
‘post-mortem’ 9
and the Royal Tomb 336
shaven-headed 185
sphinx with Face of
Tutankhamen, Karnak 18
statue in Karnak Temple 18
the succession 55
tragic boy-king image 27, 28-9, 38
treasures 10, 11, 26, 28, 61, 85, 147
Tutankhamen’s Treasures world tour 9
Tutankhamen Textile and Clothing Project 103
Tutankhamen’s tomb 91, 112, 145, 153, 154, 291, 293, 294
attempts to keep its location secret 27
clothing in 281-4, 286, 349
discovery 2, 8, 26, 113, 147
filming in the burial chamber 141
funerary statuettes 337
jewellery in 290
lock of Tiy’s hair 85, 112, 114
senet boards 298-9
three gold coffins 337-8
Tutankhamen’s mummy 27, 97, 118-21, 165, 179, 181, 336-7, 356
two foetuses in 121, 128, 369
vintage wines 306-7
wall paintings 27
weapons 300-301
Tutankhaten see Tutankhamen
Tuthmose 59, 61, 308-9, 333
Tuthmosis, Crown Prince 247-9, 273, 354, 365, 373
Tuthmosis I 24, 108, 155, 213, 218, 219
Tuthmosis II 108, 213
Tuthmosis III 24, 148, 300
Hatshepsut’s co-regent 73, 217-18, 218, 219
lifestyle 220-21
mummy reburied in the Deir el-Bahari cache 159
‘the Napoleon of ancient Egypt’ 24, 108, 220
throne name (Menkheperre) 155
tomb of 24, 159, 160, 161, 165
Tuthmosis IV adds new buildings to Karnak 224
alliance with Mitanni 224, 229
Amenhotep II’s son and successor 5
appearance 224
dismissed by Smith as ‘effeminate’ 122, 224
emphasis on the Aten 223
minor wives 224
modes of transport 272, 273
his mummy 106, 122, 167, 173, 224-5
reburial 5, 25
sets up golden obelisk 224
statue with his mother 222
tomb (KV.43) 173, 224-5
Tutu, Royal Chamberlain 58, 310-11, 312
Tuya (mother of Tiy) 85, 112, 114, 118, 123, 154, 173, 184, 226, 227, 229, 246, 250, 290, 292, 352, 354, 355, 369
Two Mighty Ones 191
Ty (N.’s wet nurse) 138, 139, 257, 258, 275, 329
Ty ‘the Rich’ 15
typhus 98
Tyre, mayor of 312
Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra) 280, 311
ruler of 320
Unas pyramid, Sakkara 85
Underworld 25, 340
United States of America (USA) 71, 181
University of Alexandria 112
University College London (UCL) 73, 79, 206
Anatomy Department 118
Edwards Library of Egyptology 58
Egyptology Department 30, 32, 33, 58
equality in 32-3
Petrie Museum 34, 35, 36, 54, 69, 81, 82
University of Michigan 112
Upper Egypt 169
uraeus snake 176, 202
Userhet’s tomb, Thebes 92
Valley of the Kings xi, 2, 30, 111, 134, 147, 1^ 169, 218, 359
author’s Nile Studentship journey 91
chosen as a royal cemetery 24
Davis’ exacavations 118
first Europeans to visit 39
most famous cemetery in the world I
reinstated as royal burial ground 336
royal mummies’ possible reburial 156
Yuya and Tuya buried in 250
Valley of the Queens 249
Vatican 39
Wadi Abu Hasah el-Bahri 47
Wadjet (cobra goddess) 191
Webensenu see Ouabkhousenou, Prince
Wedding Macehead 197
Weigall, Arthur 63, 108, 149-50, 173, 176, 177, 182, 184, 343
West Valley of the Kings xi
Western Anatolia 229
wet paper squeezes 42
Who Was Who in Egyptology 158-9
wig boxes 11, 81, 85, 102, 104, 105, 184, 285, 293
wig stands 236
Wigan Education Society, Lancashire 68
wigs 79
bobbed 199
Cairo Museum 84-5, 102, 103
curled locks 85, 91, 104-5, 107
earliest known false hair 100
foundation caps 84, 100
function of 80-81
lightweight construction 100
Meryt’s wig 102-3
‘noblewoman’s’ 102
N.’s see under Nefertiti
Nubian 85, 92, 93, 94, 116, 176, 178, 256, 272, 303, 304, 326, 379
and Osiris 90
perfume 87
priests of Amen 84, 155
Rome mother and son 142
‘tripartite’ 285, 337
women’s/men’s 102
see also under Nefertiti
Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia 44
Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner 41-2, 43, 131
Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians 45-6
Window of Appearances 87, 92, 93, 139, 256, 295, 296
wine 243-4, 306-8
Winlock, H. E. 125
Winter Palace Hotel, Luxor 16, 113, 356
women ability to hold office 196
contact with the dead 196
first Egyptian royal woman 196-7
literacy 196
members of the khener 195
minor wives 195
role of 192-3
titles of royal women 193-4, 195
Woolley, Leonard corresponds with Ogden 147
directs work at Amarna (1921-2) 63, 84
on the obliteration of N.’s memorials 65
opinion on A.’s reputation 65
visits Wigan 68
World Service (BBC) 99
writing equipment 244
X-Ray Atlas of the Royal Mummies (ed. Harris and Wente) 112
X-rays 106, 111, 112, 114, 115, 126, 128, 144, 145-6, 167, 180, 182, l83-4, 353, 355, 356, 358-78
Xograph company 358
Yemen 143-5, 149
Yemeni Government 143
York University 136, 142, 144, 145, 345, 375, 377
Mummy Team 149
Younger Woman (in Amenhotep II’s tomb) 7, 110-11, 184
age 182, 366-7, 368
attacked quite soon after death 377
bent right arm ripped off 6, III, 185, 353, 360-61, 370
brain present 351, 362, 366
comparative sketches and drawings of 111-12
continued speculation about identity 379
damage to mouth 6, 110-11, 168, l85, 351-2 373-4, 377
description 341-2, 350-53
double piercing of left ear lobe 110, 351, 355, 375, 379
facial reconstruction 377-9, 380
impression on her forehead 351, 355
jewellery 367-8
Loret on 110, 115, 116, 164, 368
mummification technique 351, 354, 362, 366, 371, 380
possible king’s pose 111, 185, 342, 371, 376, 379
resemblance to the Berlin N. 110, 352
scoliosis 369, 376
sealed up with other two
mummies 115
severed handless straight right arm 342, 353, 361, 370
shaven head 110, 164, 168, 169, 185, 351
Smith describes 110, 360-61, 370
stab injury 374-5, 377
wig near the body 115, 185, 342, 351, 379
X-rayed 366-71
Yuni, Queen 254
Yursa (Biblical Acco), ruler of 312
Yuya (father of Tiy) 85, 118, 123, 154, 173, 184, 226-7, 229, 241, 246, 250, 273, 292, 352, 354
Zaghlul, Saad, Pasha 183
Zannanza Affair 334-5
zodiac 91