I have been fortunate to know the Don and Jane Marshall family of Indiana. While Jane kept the home fires burning, Don traveled as a missionary in northwest Haiti. In 1996, he took one of their daughters, Donja, then fifteen years old, with him on her first mission trip. Among the many mission trips the girls participated in, Donja made eight such ventures to Haiti and her sister, Amanda, made six journeys there. Both girls kept journals of these trips, portions of which were previously published in their local newspapers, the Fountain County Neighbor and the Review Republican.
A few of their tales worked their way into my book, such as the outdoor shower story that Caleb tells JJ, as well as the story of the boy with no poles for his tent. Thank you, Donja and Amanda, for giving me a glimpse of your time there and for sharing your stories with me (and Caleb, of course).