June 30, Monday

The presidential residence, Palácio da Alvorada, is being inaugurated today. It’s the first government building in our new capital, and Luiz and his fellow workers are so proud of its beauty and how they worked night and day to get it built so quickly. The city is still dusty roads and shacks for the most part, but Brazilians never give up, and we will get this city ready by 1960, just as President J.K. has said.

It’s quite chilly today and I’ve wrapped Carlos up warmly. Clouds of red dust are everywhere as Luiz and I walk to join other workers in the back of a truck for the trip to the palace. It’s a festive atmosphere as we ride with all the guys toward the ceremony.

The truck can’t get too close, so we all get out and walk. Luiz hoists Carlos up on his shoulders and Carlos screams with joy and excitement. The streets aren’t paved, even near the palace. As we get closer, we can see the majestic, curved columns that seem to rise out of the ground to support the glass walls all around. The huge sky above the high plain is clear blue with just a few puffs of cloud. We can’t get close enough to hear the dedication, but we return home with pride and happiness that our president can move into his official residence. The city we are building is truly the dawn of a new age for Brazil.