January 14, Thursday
I’ve just arrived home from work and Luiz pulls me outside to talk in the backyard. “They’ve released the National Liberty Action prisoners!” He’s bubbling over with excitement.
“What does it mean?” I’m confused by events, especially because they’re usually not reported accurately on the television news, which is controlled by the dictatorship.
“This is huge. A group of their members kidnapped the Swiss ambassador in December and demanded the release of their comrades in prison. And they won! Seventy political prisoners were flown to exile in Chile, and now they’re telling journalists how they were tortured by Brazil’s military. Not just men, women too.”
I shudder to think about this, and I don’t know where Luiz is getting all this information. “Luiz, are you at risk? Are you getting involved in the resistance again?”
“Eva, you are involved in the resistance. You rescued me from the torturers in Rio and hid me in the car and brought me home. You’re my angel of resistance.” He hugs me close and I can feel his heartbeat.