Battle Order 204 (3)
Target Dortmund

Each crew member kept silent unless addressed over the intercom by the pilot, who was concentrating on the complexity of over 100 switches, gauges, controls and dials in the cockpit. Only the wireless operator was in touch with the outside world, passing on any message to the skipper.

The Master Bomber was code-named Toby and the Main Force had the code words, more apt than usual, Press On. Their target, Dortmund, with a population of half a million, had already felt the devastating effects of previous raids. One of the most important centres of major German industry, the city was strongly defended, and the light cloud afforded little protection for the raiders.

At 17 000 feet D Dog met severe and concentrated enemy opposition. Anti-aircraft guns, both light and heavy, filled the sky with tracer, which burst on impact, and shells, which exploded at a predetermined height.

‘Jerry sure is letting us have it today!’ Boz, the mid upper gunner, thought, as from his turret he watched the fierce bursts of flak, smelling and hearing the barrage exploding perilously close on all sides. In some ways it was even more frightening by day than it had been by night. Instead of seeing quickly fading fireworks, David and his crew could see just how close together were the menacing dark puffs of smoke.

The rest of the crew listened intently to the intercom exchanges between bomb aimer and pilot and the tension was almost unbearable as D Dog ran in towards the target.
