
To my friends: Thank you for seeing me, and for granting me permission to see you. What a privilege it is.

Mom and Dad! You’ve done a good job.

Thank you, Coral Lee, for letting me lean on you more than I should have. I can’t wait to follow your career. Thank you, Mindy Fox, for helping me wrestle with these recipes.

Thank you, Ten Speed Press, for giving us this opportunity. Thanks especially to my editor, Kelly Snowden, who believed in this book and in me, even when I tried to convince her that I didn’t know what I was doing. (I did! I do.) My agent, Stacey Glick, also somehow stuck around. Bless you, Stacey!

Thank you, Emma Campion, Chaz Capobianco, Elle Jaime, Alex Lau, Mike Ley, Sue Li, and Catherine Yoo, for making this book look so good. (It really does.)

Thanks to the drinks experts who shared their knowledge with me, among them Derek Brown, Ryan Chetiyawardana, John deBary, Camper English, Josh Harris, Maggie Hoffman, Emma Janzen, Drew Lazor, Jim Meehan, Brad Thomas Parsons, Matt Poli, Emily Timberlake, Samantha Weiss-Hills, and Evan Zimmerman. (Maggie deserves extra props for answering many anxious phone calls while she was moving her family across the country.) Thanks also to Fabian von Hauske for texting with me about agar from London when you were cooking for a pop-up and had limited time even to sleep. Daniela Galarza: the kumquat assist! A key move. Thank you, Blake MacKay, for helping me think through important pieces of this work. Megan Krigbaum: YOU! <3 Andy Baraghani, thanks for coming over and tasting. I love you.

Thank you to the many many many fellow food and drinks writers who talked to me about this book in some way, shape, or form. The list is too long to fit here, but you’ll be hearing from me.

Thanks to all of you who tagged me on Instagram posts or DM’d me drink menus or otherwise alerted me to happenings in this space. Your enthusiasm (and your intel!) kept me going.

Thank you to the friends who put me up during my long, strange trip: Kimberly Chou Tsun An, Sara Dickerman, Lizz Gregory, Martha Holmberg, Daniel Khasidy, Mary Elizabeth King, Scott Peacock, Louisa Shafia, Alex Shapiro, Michaele Smith (and Mackenzie Smith Kelley!), Celia Soehner, and Hannah Sullivan.

Thanks to all the bartenders who contributed to this book—and to the many more who submitted recipes or met me for a drink.

Thank you to Mickey Bakst, Sean Brock, Katie Button, Scott Crawford, Gregory Gourdet, Matthew Jennings, Kat Kinsman, Steve Palmer, Gabriel Rucker, Michael Solomonov, Philip Speer, and others for supporting the well-being of people working in the hospitality industry.

Thank you to hospitality workers for taking care of us.