Abrahams, Yvette
Achebe, Chinua (Things Fall Apart)
Aeschylus, (Prometheus Bound)
aesthetic nervousness; and the ethical core; and the sublime
Agamben, Giorgio
Albrecht, Gary
Allison, Henry
Ampate Ba, Amadou
Amuta, Chidi
Ashfield, Andrew (and Pete de Bolla)
Attridge, Derek
Auerbach, Erich
autism; and narrative; and metaphor; and silence
Baines, Graham
Bakhtin, Mikhail
Baron-Cohen, Sacha
Bassett, Kate
Beckett, Samuel; and lacunae; and language; laughter and forgetting; and pain; Works: Endgame; Krapp’s Last Tape; Molloy; Murphy; Play; Waiting for Godot
Belmonte, Matthew
Benitez-Rojo, Antonio
Berger, James
Bérubé, Michael
Bhabha, Homi
Bidney, Martin
Billington, Michael
Blackmur, R. P.
Boulter, Jonathan
Bourdieu, Pierre
Braddock, David L. (and Susan L. Parish)
Brennan, Teresa
Brooks, Peter
Brown, Paul
Brutus, Dennis
Bryan, William Frank (and Germaine Dempster)
Brydon, Diana
Caruth, Cathy
Chabal, Patrick (and Jean-Pascal Daloz)
Chabert, Pierre
Clapp, Susannah
Claybaugh, Amanda
Coetzee, J.M.; Works: Disgrace; Elizabeth Costello; Foe; In the Heart of the Country; Life and Times of Michael K; The Lives of Animals; Slow Man; Waiting for the Barbarians
Cohn, Bernard
Collins, Wilkie
Connor, Steven
Corker, Marian (and Sally French)
Crockett, Clayton
Curtis, Perry L.
Davis Lennard
De Man, Paul
De Villiers, Simon A.
Deacon, Harriet
Deutsch, Helen
disability: and children’s literature; and disease; and epiphanies; and ethical impasse; and hermeneutical impasse; and impairment; and medical and social models; and metaphysical order; and the Middle Ages; and monstrosity; as moral test/ null set; and narrative disjuncture; and narrative emplotment; as normality; and the normate; physical and cognitive; poverty; and race; and the Third Reich; and Victorian literature
Douglas, Mary
Du Bois, Andrew
Dubow, Saul
Durkheim, Emile
Ellison, Ralph (Invisible Man)
Elphick, Richard
Ezeigbo, Akachi, T
Faulkner, William
Finding Nemo
Finger, Anne
Foucault, Michelle
Freud, Sigmund
Friedlander, Henry
Frye, Nothrop
Fugard, Athol (The Island)
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
Genette, Gerard
Goffman, Erving
Gontarski, S. E.
Gray, Katherine, M.
Greenaway, Peter
Griffiths, Paul
Grosz, Elizabeth
Gussow, Zachary
Haddon, Mark (The Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time)
Hale, Jane Allison
Harper, Stephen
Haynes, Peter (and John Knowlson)
Hays, Peter, L. (The Limping Hero)
Hegel, G. W. F.
Hegi, Ursula (Stones from the River)
Hertz, Neil
Heywood, Anne Marie
Hillyer, Barbara
Hoddle Glen
Holmes, Martha Stoddart
Honneth, Axel
Hubert, Marie-Claude
Hutcheon, Linda (and Michael Hutcheon)
Impey, Samuel
Ingstad, Benedicte (and Susan Reynolds Whyte)
interlocutor, implied and skeptical
Isidore of Seville
Jacobs, Franz
Jeyifo, Biodun
Kalb, Jonathan
Kane Leslie
Kant, Immanuel
Kathadra, Ahmed
Katrak, Ketu
Kermode, Frank
Klein, Melanie
Knowlson, John
Krentz, Christopher
Kuhl, Stefan
Lacan, Jacques
Landmine Monitor Report
Lane, Richard
Lee, Harper (To Kill a Mockingbird)
leprosy (and lepers)
Linton, Simi
Lloyd, G. E. R.
Loathely Lady
Lorde, Audre
Macaskill, Brian
Macauley, Alistair
Mahfouz, Naguib (Midaq Alley)
Mairs, Nancy
Malherbe, V.C.
Mandela, Nelson
Marback, Richard
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
Mbeki, Govan
Mbembe, Achille
Melville, Herman (Moby-Dick)
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Mitchell, David (and Sharon Snyder)
Morrison, Toni; Works: Beloved; The Bluest Eye; Jazz; Love; Paradise; Playing in the Dark; Song of Solomon; Sula
Mukherjee, Pablo
Murphy, Robert
Murray, Stuart
Norden, Martin
O’Brien, Ruth
O’Sullivan, Ellie
Obafemi, Olu
Okri, Ben (The Famished Road)
Oliver, Michael
Ondaatje, Michael (The English Patient)
Paddy (Irish figure)
Parry, Benita
Pechey, Graham
Pelling, Margaret
Penn, Nigel
Porter, Roy
Propp, Vladimir
Quayson, Ato
Read, Janet
Robben Island
Robben, Antonio (and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco)
Roy, Arundhati (The God of Small Things)
Said, Edward
Sandblom, Philip
Scarry, Elaine
Sidwha, Bapsi
Siebers, Tobin
Slack, Paul
Snyder, Sharon (and David Mitchell)
Sophocles (Antigone)
Soyinka, Wole; Ogun; and ritual; and the systemic uncanny; Works: The Bacchae of Euripides; A Dance of the Forests; Death and the King’s Horseman; Kongis Harvest; Madmen and Specialists; The Man Died; The Road; The Strong Breed; The Swamp Dwellers
Spillers, Hortense
Spivak, Gayatri
Stiker, Jean-Jacques
Stoler, Laura Ann
Suskind, Patrick (Perfume)
Sutcliffe, Rosemary (The Sword and the Circle)
Swartz, Sally
Tagliaferri, Aldo
Tambo, Oliver
Thompson, Robert Faris
Thomson, Garland Rosemarie
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Uhlmann, Anthony
Van Riebeeck, Jan
Vandenbroucke, Russell
Vaughan, Meghan
Wasserman, David
Weiss, Miera
Wells, Julia C.
Wendell, Susan
Wetmore, Kevin, J.
Whyte, Susan Reynolds
Williams, Raymond
Wood, P. (and N. Bradley)
Yankah, Kwesi
Young, Robert
Zipes, Jack
Zola, Irving