Verse XXX

In the sewer underneath the Death Factory Alexis and 808 began to make their way down a long dark corridor.

808 illuminates the path with one of the glow sticks in his backpack.

Alexis's butterfly tattoo seems to flutter underneath the blacklight glow of 808's glow sticks.

They soon arrive at the doorway that leads into the Death Factory.

808 sees that a key code is needed to get inside.

He takes out his Grimoire and begins an attempt to hack the keypad.

He pulls the cord to a Stream Ripper out of his backpack and attaches it to the port on the door.

The door begins to open.


That was quick.

808 throws up the Sign ov tha Horns and suddenly the door jams.

808 pulls some dominoes out of his backpack.

He motions to Alexis to give him the bubblegum in her mouth.

He places the dominoes on the door with the bubblegum like it's C4.

The dominoes explode and the door is blown off its hinges.

They enter the lab of Dr. Necropolis.

Inside there is a giant tube labeled Torment with some kind of monster inside.

Next to the tube is several ampules of Halcyon 1138 and some experimental Nekrotek.


I don't like the look of this place.

Behind prison cells with lasers for bars are many half-starved semi-human beings.

Some have extreme deformities.

808 walks passed a cremation oven filled with half-burned bodies.


I don't know what is going on in here, but I've got an extremely bad feeling about it.

There is a huge super computer with a large screen at the end of the room.

It is labeled the Mind Control Machine.

808 begins to attempt to hack its database.

A file labeled Agenda 33 appears on screen.

808 clicks on it.

A streaming video appears on screen.


Look 808, they've been conducting experiments on these things.

Alexis takes over the controls.

A time lapsed video of one of the subjects appears growing tumorous.


Oh my god those things were once people.

The same nano-bots they've been putting in the Star Dust, they've been putting in their food.

The room in the video is watermarked Sector 3D.

As Alexis continues talking 808 takes one of the weed brownies out of his book bag and begins to eat it.


It's just like Professor Proxy said,

The human test subjects in the video began to eat the food given to them by Dr. Necropolis, labeled PLG-1, PLG-2, PLG-3


Most people, don't even know anything is happening to em'.

The stream shows a pregnant women giving birth.


Look at this, once they're done grafting you if you ever become pregnant the fetus is automatically tagged too.

Right before Alexis and 808's eyes a fetus is being tagged by a nano-bot.


Once the fetus is tagged the controller has complete control over the subjects DNA regardless if it is male or female and can begin to merge the two in order create the perfect slave.

Alexis clicks on another file.

On screen appears an emaciated creature, a new genotype that is neither male nor female.

It is androgynous in appearance and aggressive in nature.


An individual incapable of reproduction without the ability to think for itself.

Several Drones appear in the video alongside Xavier, Dr. Necropolis, and the Marquis Van Gogh.

The Drones begin to whip the hermaphrodite's with laser whips called Morning Stars.


It explains why the Orphans ov Doom were in on the assassination.

The Drones begin to prod it with Circuit Breakers.


They were just patsy's under complete mind control.

A diversion to take the attention away from what the Brimstone Society was really up to.

The creature begins to do as it is commanded.


The fiends in the Grully were just testers to make sure it worked and the forced inoculations a guarantee that the first round of test subjects would be properly exposed.

Alexis looks into the Mind Control Machine with a deep look of concern on her face.


It's like we're all lab rats and the city streets are our maze.

Alexis looks down at 808.


We've got to put a stop to this.

808 nods and spots Scarzensky's Roach running across the floor.

He follows it scurrying across the room.

It runs underneath a large locked door.

Suddenly, the door flies open.

It's Dr. Necropolis with Killer and the Psyborg Corps by his side.