
What makes a great self-help book? Over these many years I have searched for the answer, and now I’ve found it in this book. The formula comes down to three things: expert knowledge, a unique spin on the subject, and most importantly, a deep understanding, beyond the professional, about the subject—in this case, anxiety, and what it is like to struggle with it.

By her own admission, Jennifer Shannon knows her way around the subject. Through her own personal struggle with anxiety, and her years of professional practice, she has learned a few things that she is eager to pass along to her readers. Her message is timely, perfectly suited for the anxiety-ridden society we live in.

In this her third book, Jennifer presents her own unique spin on the problem of anxiety and its treatment in straightforward, inspiring language. Her central metaphor for the source of anxiety, the monkey mind, is an ancient one, but in her hands, it feels both original and fresh. In the first chapter she introduces the three basic tricks the monkey mind plays on us, and the book takes off from there, describing a host of strategies that you can use to break the cycle of anxiety and calm that frisky creature within.

Do not assume, however, that because Jennifer presents anxiety management strategies in a way that is fun and accessible that they are less powerful. We have over thirty years of research that tell us that these techniques are not smoke and mirrors. They are the real deal.

This book lays out a clear and consistent message that will help you overcome any kind of anxiety. If you are suffering, it will touch you. Here is an author who mastered her own monkey mind and who now wishes to help you master yours.

—Michael Tompkins, PhD