7 June 1845. Browning, Robert to Browning, Elizabeth Barrett.
Saturday Mg
I ventured to hope this morning might bring me news of you. First Eastwinds on you, then myself, then those criticisms!—I do assure you I am properly apprehensive. How are you? May I go on Wednesday without too much υθαδια?
Pray remember what I said & wrote, to the effect that my exceptions were, in almost every case, to the “read-ing”—not to your version of it: but I have not specified the particular ones—not written down the Greek, of my suggested translations—have I? And if you do not find them in the margin of your copy, how you must wonder! Thus, in the last speech but one, of Hermes, I prefer Por-son & Blomfield’s ε μηδ'α
τυχων τι χαλ
μανιων—to the old combinations that include ε
τυχη -tho’there is no m.s authority for the emendation, it seems. But in what respect does Prom. “fare well,” or “better” even, since the beginning? And is it not the old argument over again, that when a man fails he should repent of his ways?— And while thinking of Hermes, let me say that “μηδε μoιδιπλας
δoυς πρoσβαλ
ς”—is surely—”Don’t subject me to the trouble of a second journey … by paying no attention to the first.” So says Scholiast A, and so backs him Scholiast B, especially created, it should appear, to show there could be in rerum natura such another as his predecessor. A few other remarks occur to me—which I will tell you if you please—now, I really want to know how you are,—and write for that.
Ever yours