27 June 1845. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett to Browning, Robert.


Friday eg

You are very kind & always—but really that does not seem a good reason against your coming tomorrow— so come, if it should not rain. If it rains, it concludes for Monday … or Tuesday,—whichever may be clear of rain. I was tired on Wednesday by the confounding confusion of more voices than usual in this room; but the effect passed off, & though Miss Mitford was with me for hours yesterday I am not unwell today. And pray speak bona verba about the awful things which are possible between this now & Wednesday—You continue to be better, I do hope? I am forced to the brevity you see, by the post on one side, & my friends on the other, who have so long overstayed the coming of your note—but it is enough to assure you that you will do no harm by coming—only give pleasure—

Ever yours my dear friend,


