The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Aceh coffee (Sumatra)
acid and health
acidity as coffee-tasting consideration
Addison, Joseph
aged coffees
agricultural chemicals and health
Alessi device (stove-top espresso brewer)
All About Coffee (Ukers)
Allegro Coffee
almond flavoring
Alpen Sierra Coffee
Alto Grande coffee (Puerto Rico)
Altura Coatepec coffee (Mexico)
Altura Huatusco coffee (Mexico)
Altura Orizaba coffee (Mexico)
Alves, Mane
amaretto as favoring
“American” as a roast name
Anacafé (Guatemalan National Coffee Association)
Antigua coffee (Guatemala)
Arabadicool Estate (India)
Arabia, coffee cultivation in
Arbuckle Coffee
Armeno Coffee Roasters
aroma as coffee-tasting consideration
Arusafa/Arona coffee (New Guinea)
astringency as flavor taint
Atitlán coffee (Guatemala)
Aztec Harvest
Baba Budan coffee (India)
Baby Lusso piston espresso machine
Bajo Mono Estate (Panama)
balance as coffee-tasting consideration
Bani coffee (Dominican Republic)
bar drink names
bar system (espresso machine)
Barahona coffee (Dominican Republic)
Batdorf & Bronson Roasters
Bayview Farms (Hawaii)
Bella Vista coffee (Starbucks)
Belloy, Jean-Baptiste de
Berlina Estate (Panama)
Bezzera, Luigi
Biggin pot
Bird Friendly coffees
Bjelke, Erik
blade grinders (electric)
Blawan Estate (Java)
blends and blending
from different origins
flavored coffees
personal blends
with chicory of fig
Blue de Brazil coffee
Blue Mountain coffee (Jamaica)
Boa Vista farm (Brazil)
Bodum vacuum brewer
body as coffee-tasting consideration
boiler (espresso machine)
Bold Expressions roast
Boquete coffee (Panama)
Bourbon Santos Brazils coffee (Brazil)
Boutet Estate (Panama)
Brandenburger, L. C. “Brandy,”
Braun Espresso Master
Braun grinders
Braun turbo cappuccino
Brazil, coffee cultivation in
Brazils as a category of coffee. See also Coffea arabica
and espresso
growing regions
Maragogipe (Elephant Bean) coffee
See also Bourbon Santos Brazils coffee; Estate Brazils coffee; Santos Brazils coffee
automatic brewing
concentrate brewing
drip without filters
filter drip
flip-drip or Neapolitan Macchinetta brewing
for two
French press or plunger brewing
getting water to the coffee
open-pot brewing
pumping percolator brewing
separating coffee from grounds
soluble/instant coffee
Turkish/Middle Eastern brewing
water quality and coffee quality
brewing (apparatus)
automatic flip-drip brewers
Biggin pot
ceramic drip brewer
Chemex brewer
gold-plated mesh filters
pour-over filter brewing
press or plunger brewer
strained coffee
vacuum brewer
Brown Gold (Uribe)
Bucks County Coffee
Budan, Baba
Bugisu coffee (Uganda)
Bunn grinders
burr grinders
Burundi, coffee cultivation in. See also Ngoma coffee
Cachoeira farm (Brazil)
café au lait
Café Del Mundo
Café Foy
Café Pepil organic coffee
Café Procope
Cafeieres Natives cooperative (Haiti)
caffè Americano
Caffè Appassionato
caffè latte
Caffè Mediterraneum (Berkeley)
caffè mocha
Caffè Reggio (Manhattan)
Caffè Strada
Caffè Trieste (San Francisco)
caffeine and health
concerns and responses
effects (long-term)
effects (short-term)
health studies
medication, caffeine as
Rumsey’s Cure
virility and caffeine
See also decaffeination
caffeine-free coffee names
carbon dioxide treatment
solvent process
water-only/Swiss Water Process
Calebes (Sulawesi) Island, coffee cultivation in. See also Kalossi coffee; Toraja coffee
candy names
canned coffee
beatnik or Italian American
double cappuccino
and ice cream
iced cappuccino
Cappuccino Magic (Faema)
Capresso grinders
Capresso pump machine
carbon dioxide decaffeination treatment
Caribbean, coffee cultivation in
Caribbean blends
Caribou Coffee
Caripe coffee (Venezuela)
Carlin, George
cause coffees
Cebreros, Karen
Central American coffees
Central American blends
ceramic drip brewer
acquiring from Internet or phone
chai/chai latte
Chai Land
Chai Stall
Chanchamayo coffee (Peru)
Charles II, King of England
Chemex brewers
Cherry Cheesecake Latte
Chiapas coffee (Mexico)
acquiring from Internet or phone
blending with
chocolate as favoring
Cibao coffee (Dominican Republic)
“Cinnamon” as a roast name
cinnamon as favoring
cioccolata con panna
clean cuppers
cleaning and sorting (coffee beans)
color sorting by eye and hand
color sorting by machine
dried fruit residue, removal of
size and density, sorting by
Clement VIII, Pope
Coatepec coffee (Mexico)
Cobán coffee (Guatemala)
coconut as favoring
Coelho’s Gold coffee
Coffea arabica
hybrid varieties from Kenya
Coffea canephora var. robusta
acquiring from Internet or phone
aged coffees
blends and blending
flavored coffees
global coffee community
labor, exploitation of
Peaberry (Caracol) coffee beans
the perfect cup
speciality vs. commercial
See also Coffea arabica; Coffea canephora var. robusta; brewing; cultivation; Maragogipe (Elephant Bean); processing; purchasing; roasting; tasting
Coffee: Botany, Cultivation, and Utilization (Wellman)
Coffee: The Epic of a Commodity (Jacob)
Coffee Bean International
coffee ceremonies
keeping coffee hot
milk and sweeteners
mugs, cups, saucers
serving paraphernalia
coffee fruit
Coffee Growing (Haarer)
Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica
Coffee Kids
coffee oil (“coffeol”)
in the Muslim world
persecution of
and political movements
San Francisco
as a worldwide tradition
Coffex S.A.
Colombia, coffee cultivation in
private mill Colombias
See also Cúcuta coffee; Juan Valdez
Colombia Coffee Federation
commercial coffee
canned coffee
commercial-style brand names
Juan Valdez
vs. speciality coffee
complexity as coffee-tasting consideration
concentrate brewing
Concentrate coffees
Consumer Reports
“Continental” as a roast name
Continental coffee
cooperative associations, cooperatives. See also estates and plantations; small holders
Corcampo farm (Brazil)
Costa Rica, coffee cultivation in. See also Dota coffee; Herediá coffee; Tarazu coffee; Tres Rios coffee; Volcán Poás coffee
Counter Culture Coffee
countertop pump espresso machines
crema (espresso machine)
Cúcuta coffee (Colombia)
cultivation (of coffee)
altitude and
cleaning and sorting
cooperative associations
estates, plots, and plantations
flowering and fruiting
global coffee community
growing at home
labor, exploitation of
processing (fruit removal and drying)
processing method and flavor
shade vs. sun
small holders
varieties, traditional vs. hybrid
cupping ritual
cups, mugs, saucers
D. Uchida Farm (Hawaii)
Dallis, David
“Dark” as a roast name
“Dark French” as a roast name
DaVinci Gourmet (syrups)
dark-roast coffees
de Clieu, Gabriel Mathieu
de Thévenot, Jean
beans, roasting
caffeine-free coffee names
carbon dioxide treatment
ethyl acetate and
health considerations
methylene chloride and
solvent process
water-only/Swiss Water Process
depth charge
Desmoulins, Camille
Diderot, Denis
Dominican Republic, coffee cultivation in. See also Bani coffee; Barahona coffee; Cibao coffee; Ocoa coffee; Santo Domingo coffee
Don Bosco Estate (Panama)
doser (espresso machine)
Dota coffee (Costa Rica)
double or doppio espresso
drip tray (espresso machine)
drum (roasting equipment)
dry-processing (coffee beans)
semidry or pulped natural method
Durant, Nicholas Felix
earthiness as flavor taint
East Timor coffee (Timor)
ECM Giotto pump machine
ECO-O.K. coffees
Ecuador, coffee cultivation in
Egyptians and coffee
El Coyegul Estate (Guatemala)
El Recreo Estate (Guatemala)
El Salvador, coffee cultivation in
El Túcan Estate (Panama)
El Valle Estate (Guatemala)
Elan Organic Coffees
Electra piston espresso machine
Elephant Bean (Maragogipe)
equipment (general)
acquiring from Internet or phone
See also espresso (apparatus); espresso (brewing at home: machines); grinders
equipment (home-roasting)
acquiring from Internet or phone
See also home-roasting equipment
ESE (Easy Serving Espresso)
Esménard, Joseph
Brasil and
development of
espresso cuisines
frothed milk and
misunderstandings and misrepresentations
as a roast name
espresso (apparatus)
caffè espresso machines
computers and
milk-frothing gadgets
specialized espresso grinders
espresso (brewing at home)
coffee and roast
filling filter basket and tapping
frothing the milk
machines, choosing
espresso (brewing at home: machines)
bar systems
countertop pump espresso machines
countertop pump espresso machines (automatic)
piston machines
steam-pressure espresso brewers
stove-top espresso brewers
espresso (cuisine: at home)
caffè Americano
caffè latte
caffè latte, flavored
caffè mocha
caffè mocha, flavored
cappuccino, flavored
chai/chai latte
depth charge
double or doppio
espresso macchiato
espresso Romano
garnishes, flavored
latte macchiato
white-chocolate mocha/mocha bianca
whipped cream, adding
espresso (cuisine: beatnik or Italian-American)
café au lait
caffè latte
caffè mocha
cappuccino (beatnik/Italian-American)
espresso con panna
espresso Romano
espresso (cuisine: classic Italian)
double or doppio
espresso lungo (long)
espresso macchiato
espresso ristretto (short)
latte macchiato
espresso (cuisine: cold drinks)
iced cappuccino
iced espresso
latte granita
espresso (cuisine: coffeeless)
flavored frothed milk
hot chocolate with whipped cream (cioccolata con panna)
espresso (cuisine: postmodern/mail)
caffè latte by the ounce
chai/chai latte
double cappuccino
espresso granita/latte granita
flavored caffè latte
iced cappuccino
iced espresso
mocha latte/moccaccino
espresso (cuisine: soda fountain)
cappuccino and ice cream
espresso egg cream
espresso fizz
espresso float
espresso ice cream soda
Italian sodas
Italian egg cream
mocha egg cream
espresso con panna
espresso egg cream
espresso fizz
espresso float
espresso granita
espresso ice cream soda
espresso lungo (long)
espresso macchiato
espresso Romano
espresso ristretto (short)
Estate Arabica coffee (Java)
Estate Brazils coffee (Brazil)
estates and plantations. See also cooperatives; small holders
Ethiopia, coffee cultivation in
See also Harrar coffee; Jima coffee; Limu coffee; Sidamo coffee; Yirgacheffe coffee
ethyl acetate and decaffeination
European names
FAEMA E61 pump machine
Fair-traded coffees
hand burr grinders
Fazenda Cachoeira (Brazil)
Fazenda Vereda (Brazil)
fig, blending with
filter/filter basket (espresso machine)
filter holder (espresso machine)
filter papers
filter-drip coffeemakers
finish as coffee-tasting consideration
Fishbein, Bill
as coffee-tasting consideration
fruit removal and drying
See also tasting
flavor (taints and defects)
greenness, astringency
hard, musty, or moldy ferment
soft or sweet ferment
See also tasting
flavored coffees
compromises and alternatives
opposition to
flavored frothed milk
flavored names
flip-drip brewing
Fortaleza farm (Brazil)
Fortuño, Jaime
Fortuño, Susan
Fraijanes coffee (Guatemala)
Framingham Heart Study
France, coffee culture in
freezing coffee
“French” as a roast name
French coffee
Fresh Roast Coffee Bean Roaster
and canned coffee
freezing coffee
“Full City” as a roast name
Gaggia, Achille
Gaggia Automatica pump machine
Gaggia home espresso grinders
Gandais, Jacques-Augustin
garnishes, flavored
Gayo Mountain coffee (Sumatra)
Gillies Coffee
Ginsberg, Allen
Girswold, David
glossary of espresso-machine terms
gold-plated mesh filters
grade designations
Graffeo coffee shop
green coffee, buying
Green Dragon coffeehouse
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
greenness as flavor taint
Greenwell mills (Hawaii)
electric blade grinders
electric burr grinders
hand burr grinders
specialized espresso grinders
fineness of grind
group/delivery group (espresso machine)
Guatemala, coffee cultivation in. See also Antigua coffee; Antitlán coffee; Cobán coffee; Fraijanes coffee; Huehuetenango coffee; San Marcos coffee
Haarer, A. E.
Haiti, coffee cultivation in. See also Haitian Bleu coffee
Haitian Bleu coffee
hard ferment as flavor taint
Harrar coffee (Ethiopia)
Harvard University study
Harvey, William
Hawaii, coffee cultivation in
acquiring from Internet or phone, See also Kaanapali Coffee; Kauai Coffee; Kona coffee; Malulani Estate coffee
hazelnut as favoring
hazelnut crème–flavored coffee
health (and caffeine)
concerns and responses
effects (long-term)
effects (short-term)
health studies
medication, caffeine as
Rumsey’s Cure
virility and caffeine
See also decaffeination
health (other considerations)
agricultural chemicals
chemical-free alternatives
flavorings and flavored coffees
Hearthware Gourmet Coffee Roaster
Hearthware Precision Coffee Roaster
“Heavy” as a roast name
Herediá coffee (Costa Rica)
Heritage Coffee
high-grown mild as a category of coffee
See also Coffea arabica
Hirazi coffee (Yemen)
Home Coffee Roasting: Romance & Revival (Davids)
home roasting
resting beans after roasting
home-roasting equipment
acquiring from Internet or phone
Honduras, coffee cultivation in. See also Marcela coffee
hot chocolate with whipped cream
Huehuetenango coffee (Guatemala)
Huixoc Estate (Guatemala)
iced cappuccino
iced espresso
imitate-the-color approach to roasting
Inca Harvest
India, coffee cultivation in
monsooned coffees
See also Baba Budan coffee; Monsooned Malabar coffee; Mysore coffee; Niligris coffee; Sheveroys coffee
instant coffee, brewing
Intelligentsia Coffee Roasters & Tea Blenders
chai, acquiring on
chicory, acquiring on
coffee, acquiring on
equipment, acquiring on
Hawaiian coffee, acquiring on
Italian-style syrups, acquiring on
Ipanema farm (Brazil)
Irish coffee
Irish Creme–flavored coffee
Isle of Bourbon (Réunion)
Ismaili coffee (Yemen)
Italian coffee
Italian egg cream
Italian sodas
Italian-style syrups
acquiring from Internet or phone
J Martinez
Jacob, Heinrick
Jamaica, coffee cultivation in
Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee
Jampit Estate (Java)
Jasuma Coffee
Java, coffee cultivation in, See also Estate Arabica coffee
Jima coffee (Ethiopia)
Jinotega coffee (Nicaragua)
Johns, Joseph
Josuma Coffee (importer)
Juan Valdez
Kaanapali Coffee (Hawaii)
Kalossi coffee (Sulawesi Island)
Kapinga Estate (Zambia)
Katzeff, Paul
Kauai Coffee (Hawaii)
Kayumas Estate (Java)
Kenya, coffee cultivation in
Kilimanjaro coffee
Kolschitzky, Franz George
Kona coffee (Hawaii)
acquiring from Internet or phone
signs celebrating
Kona Historical Society
Kopi Luak coffee (Sumatra)
Krups Perfect Froth
La Florentina Estate (Panama)
La Lucie coffee (Zimbabwe)
La Minita Estate (Costa Rica)
La Torcaza Estate (Panama)
labeling, confusion concerning
labor, coffee and exploitation of
Lambari farm (Brazil)
Larin farm (El Salvador)
Las Victorias Estate (Panama)
Latin America and the culture of coffee
by the ounce
caffè latte
chai/chai latte
latte granita
latte macchiato
mocha latte/moccaccino
Lerida Estate (Panama)
“Light” as a roast name
“Light espresso” as a roast name
“Light French” as a roast name
Limu coffee (Ethiopia)
Lintong coffee (Sumatra)
Lively Impressions roast
Logoa farm (Brazil)
Los Alpes Estate (Guatemala)
Los Alpes Estate (Panama)
Los Ausoles farm (El Salvador)
Los Nubes Estate (Guatemala)
Louis XIV of France
lungo (long) espresso
macadamia as favoring
McAlpin, William
macchiato espresso
Madan Estate (New Guinea)
Malawi, coffee cultivation in
Malulani Estate
Malulani Estate coffee (Hawaii)
Mandheling coffee (Sumatra)
Maracaibo coffee (Venezuela)
Maragogipe (Elephant Bean)
Marcela coffee (Honduras)
Martinique, La (Pardon)
Matagalpa coffee (Nicaragua)
Mattari coffee (Yemen)
Maui Gold coffee (Hawaii)
Maui’s Kaanapali Estate Coffee
Mayfair blend
medication, coffee/caffeine as
“Medium” as a roast name
Meiorin, Leno
Melitta brewers
Mérida coffee (Venezuela)
methylene chloride and decaffeination
Mexico, coffee cultivation in. See also Coatepec coffee; Chiapas coffee; Oaxaca coffee
Michelet, Jules
Middle Eastern brewing
brewing technique
cardamom, adding
Milder Dimensions roast
milk and coffee
milk-frothing gadgets
Minita farm, La
mint flavoring
Mocha (Mokha) coffee (Yemen)
caffè mocha
mocha egg cream
signs celebrating
white-chocolate mocha/mocha bianca
mocha egg cream
Mocha Java coffee (Yemen)
mocha latte/moccaccino
moldy ferment as flavor taint
Monin (syrups)
monsooned coffees
Monsooned Malabar coffee (India)
Montana Coffee Traders
Monte Alegre farm (Brazil)
Morize (French tinsmith)
Muslim world, coffee culture in
Mountanos, Mark
mouth-feel as coffee-tasting consideration
Mr. Espresso
mugs, cups, saucers
Muleskinner coffee (Hawaii)
musty ferment as flavor taint
names (coffee)
ambiguous terms
caffeine-free coffee names
coffee roast and coffee flavor
commercial-style brand names
labeling, confusion concerning
estate names
European names
flavored names
freshness, persevering
grade names
house blends
Internet stores
organic and cause coffees
non-European names
roast names, chart of
traditional blend names
See also roasting
Napier, Robert
National Academy of Sciences
National Cancer Institute
National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia
“Neapolitan” as a roast name
Neapolitan Macchinetta brewing
“New England” as a roast name
New Guinea coffee cultivation in. See also Papua New Guinea coffee
New Orleans, as a grind designation
New Orleans Coffee
Ngoma coffee (Burundi)
Nicaragua, coffee cultivation in. See also Jinotega coffee; Matagalpa coffee; Segovia coffee
Niligris coffee (India)
non-European names
nozzle (espresso machine)
nutmeg as favoring
Oaxaca coffee (Mexico)
Oaxaca Pluma coffee (Mexico)
Ocoa coffee (Dominican Republic)
Oelshlazer, Adam
Old Tavern Estate (Jamaica)
orange peel as favoring
Oren’s Daily Roast
organic coffees
agricultural chemicals and
origin names for coffee
Orleans Coffee Exchange
Orsi blend
Ottoni and Sons farms (Brazil)
pacamara variety
Palheta, Francisco de Mello
Panama, coffee cultivation in. See also Boquete coffee
Pancur Estate (Java)
Pannikin Coffee & Tea
Papua New Guinea coffee
Pasadena Coffee Roasters
Paso Ancho coffee (Panama)
Pastores Estate (Guatemala)
Pavoni apparatus
Peaberry (Caracol) coffee
Pearl Mountain Estate (India)
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Pele Plantations
Peru, coffee cultivation in. See also Chanchamayo coffee; Urubamba coffee
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (Ritchie)
phone ordering
chai, acquiring by
chicory, acquiring by
coffee, acquiring by
equipment, acquiring by
Hawaiian coffee, acquiring by
Italian-style syrups, acquiring by
Piedra de Candela coffee (Panama)
piña colada–flavored coffee
Pioneer Mill (Hawaii)
pipe (espresso machine)
piston espresso machine
plantations. See estates and plantations. Also see cooperatives; small holders
pod espresso
portafilter (espresso machine)
press or plunger brewer
processing (coffee)
and flavor
machine-assisted wet-processing
quality and
semidry or pulped natural method
Sumatra coffees
See also cultivation
Prodocoop cooperative
Proteo Barista
Puerto Rico, coffee cultivation in. See also Alto Grande coffee; Yauco Selecto coffee
pull (espresso machine)
pump espresso machine
purchasing (coffee)
ambiguous terms
blends and blending
caffeine-free coffee names
coffee roast and coffee flavor
commercial-style brand names
estate names
European names
flavored names
freshness, persevering
grade names
house blends
Internet stores
labeling, confusion concerning
non-European names
organic and cause coffees
roast names, chart of
traditional blend names
See also roasting
Rainforest Alliance
Rancilio home espresso grinders
range as coffee-tasting consideration
Raspberry Truffle Latte
refrigerating coffee
“Regular City” as a roast name
Relation d’un voyage fait au Levant (de Thévenot)
Relation of a Voyage to Muscovie, Tartary, and Persia (Oelshlazer)
Renacimiento coffee (Panama)
Repetto, John
Repetto, Luciano
reservoir (espresso machine)
Réunion (Isle of Bourbon)
richness as coffee-tasting consideration
ristretto espresso (short)
Ritchie, J. Murdoch
Rivera Bristol piston espresso machine
Roasterie, The
chart of darkness, names, and tastes
coffee roast and flavor
at home
roasting procedure
by eye, ear, and nose
by instrument
robustas as a category of coffee, See also Coffea canephora var. robusta
romance cuppers
RSW Estates (Jamaica)
Rumsey, Walter
Rumsey’s Cure
MC 2002 home espresso grinders
pump machines
San Francisco, coffee culture in
San Marcos coffee (Guatemala)
San Rafael Urias Estate (Guatemala)
San Sebastián Estate (Guatemala)
Sanani coffee (Yemen)
Santa Cecilia Estate (Guatemala)
Santais, Eduard Loysel de
Santo Domingo coffee (Dominican Republic)
Santos Brazils coffee (Brazil)
screw (roasting equipment)
Seattle, espresso cuisine in
Segovia coffee (Nicaragua)
Shade-grown coffees
Sheveroys coffee (India)
shot of espresso
single-roaster sites and sources
Sidamo coffee (Ethiopia)
Sigri Estate (New Guinea)
Sivitz, Michael
Sivitz roaster
Smaldeel coffee (Zimbabwe)
small holders. See also cooperatives; estates and plantations
Smithsonian Institution
soft ferment as flavor taint
soluble coffee, brewing
solvent decaffeination process
“Spanish” as a roast name
specialized espresso grinders
Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA)
Barista Utopia vacuum brewer
Steele, Richard
steam wand (espresso machine)
steam-pressure espresso brewers
Sterns & Lehman
Stirling Foods (syrups)
storing coffee
refrigeration and
stove-top espresso brewers
stylus (espresso machine)
sugar and coffee
Sulawesi (Calebes) Island, coffee cultivation in. See also Kalossi coffee; Toraja coffee
Sumatra, coffee cultivation in
drying on clay
See also Aceh coffee; Gayo Mountain coffee; Kopi Luak coffee; Lintong coffee; Mandheling coffee
sweet ferment as flavor taint
Sweet Maria’s Coffee Roastery
Swiss Water Process
Táchira coffee (Venezuela)
Tacita Estate, La (Guatemala)
Talboy, Gary
tamper (espresso machine)
Tanzania, coffee cultivation in. See also Kilimanjaro coffee
Tapachula coffee (Mexico)
Tarrazu coffee (Costa Rica)
designations, reliability of
growing conditions and
professional cupping ritual
vague labeling
words and categories
See also flavor
tasting (words and categories)
varietal distinction or character
See also flavor
Terranova Estate (Zambia)
Thanksgiving Coffee
thermal black (espresso machine)
Thomas Cara
Timor, coffee cultivation in. See also East Timor coffee
Timothy’s World Coffee
Tip of the Andes Blend
Toraja coffee (Sulawesi Island)
Torani syrups
Torrefazione Italia
Trader Joe’s
traditional blend names
Tres Rios coffee (Costa Rica)
Trujillo coffee (Venezuela)
“Turkish” as a roast name
Turkish brewing
brewing technique
cardamom, adding
Turkish coffee
as a cultural influence
as a grind designation
Twyman, Alex
Uganda, coffee cultivation in. See also Bugisu coffee
Ukers, William H.
United States Food and Drug Administration
Uribe, Andres
Urubamba coffee (Peru)
vacuum brewer
vanilla-based flavorings
var. bourbon
var. colombia
var. typica
varietal distinction or character as coffee-tasting consideration
Venezuela, coffee cultivation in. See also Caripe coffee; Maracaibo coffee; Mérida coffee; Táchira coffee
Vereda farm (Brazil)
Victoria House Concentrated Coffee
“Viennese” as a roast name
Viennese coffee
as a grind designation
virility and caffeine
Volcán coffee (Panama)
Volcán Poás coffee (Costa Rica)
“Voz que Clama en el Desierto, La,”
Wallensford Estate (Jamaica)
waste tray (espresso machine)
water-only (Swiss Water) decaffeination process
Weaver, John
Webster, Daniel
Wellman, Frederick
wet-processing (coffee beans)
machine-assisted wet-processing
white-chocolate mocha
Willett, Walter
Willoughby’s/New World Coffee
Yauco Selecto coffee (Puerto Rico)
Yauco coffee
Yaxbatz Estate (Guatemala)
Yemen, coffee cultivation in
market names
See also Hirazi coffee; Ismaili coffee; Mocha coffee; Mocha Java coffee; Sanani coffee
Yirgacheffe coffee (Ethiopia)
signs celebrating
Zambia, coffee cultivation in
Zassenhaus grinders
Zimbabwe, coffee cultivation in