Around nine-thirty the next morning, Crockett returned from a visit to his bank after exercising his Big Sur Imports card and found Stitch at the kitchen counter.

“Coffee, dude? It’s fresh.”

“Thanks,” Crockett said, slumping on a stool.

“Bummer, huh?”

“Yeah. Ever brief, our time together, ever changing as the weather. Sun and moon and wind and rain, full of happiness trimmed in pain.”

“Wow. Who wrote that, man?”

Crockett blinked. “I guess I did,” he said.

“Cool. When?”

“Just now, I think.”

“Far out! You’re kinda waxin’, ain’tcha.”

A little embarrassed, Crockett smiled. “Maybe I am, Stitch. Jesus. I gotta get a grip, here. I feel like a fool.”

“That would be a sentimental old fool, man. Nothin’ wrong with that shit as long as you keep it in the kitchen. I kinda like it when the softer side a Crockett shows.”

“You’re not gonna ask me out to dinner are you, hippie?”

“Naw, dude. Not me. But I will fix ya breakfast.”

“Just coffee. I’m not very hungry.”

“Me neither, man. Kinda a downer, ya know?”

Crockett’s reply was stopped by the arrival of Irwin Bergman dragging a duffel bag and carrying a toolbox and laptop.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Hey, Irwin,” Stitch replied. “Got all your shit?”

“Yes. Back to Denver, I suppose.”


“Oh no. I don’t take stimulants.”

“It’s been a pleasure, Irwin,” Crockett said. “I appreciate your help. We couldn’t have done this without you.”

“You are an excessively resourceful man, Mister Crockett. I am certain you would have found a way. That said, I am significantly pleased to have been a part of this venture. It has been, in many ways, quite exciting. I find that I have gained a great deal from the experience with you and your associates. Please give my best to Mister Cletus and Miss Danni.”

“What about Whisper?”

“Ah,” Irwin replied, adjusting his burdens and shuffling toward the door. “She and I spoke earlier. She has given me what she called ‘a day’s head start.’ Therefore, I must be on my way. Goodbye.”

Watching him go, Crockett shook his head. “A day’s head start?”

“Got me,” Stitch said. His gaze traveled over Crockett’s shoulder. “Whisper! Hey, lady.”

Crockett turned to see the girl standing about ten feet behind him. She was dressed in a t-shirt, belled blue jeans, and heels. Perched backwards on her head was a black Moto Guzzi ball cap. Stitch rounded the counter and she stepped forward to give him a hug.

“Been a treat, girlfriend,” Stitch said, releasing her. “You’re a helluva chick, man. You be careful an’ shit, ya know?”

Whisper reached up and gently pulled his beard. “And you are a helluva guy, Stitch,” she replied. “You’ve done Danni a lot of good.”

Stitch kissed her on top of the head. “See ya,” he said, and walked toward the rear of the house.

Crockett smiled as Whisper approached where he sat, stepped in between his knees, put her arms around him, and nestled into his chest. He contributed his portion of the hug and they held each other.

“Got your stuff?” he asked.

“Already in the car,” she said, her voice muffled by his shirt.

“It has been a joy having you around, young lady. You’ve stolen some of my heart, you know.”

Whisper pulled slowly pulled away and looked at him. There were tears on her face. “You’ve stolen some of mine, too,” she said. “Look at me. I’m crying for chrissakes.”

“Looks good on ya.”

“I never cry, Crockett,” Whisper went on, backhanding the tears away from her eyes. “Never. I’m untouchable, and you’ve touched me. I’m unreachable, and you’ve reached me. Goddamn you.”

Crockett opened his arms again and she plunged into them. He held her while she sobbed for a moment or two. Finally she wiped her face on his shirt, twisted, and pushed away from him.

“Enough of that,” she said. “I gotta get out of here.”

“Okay,” Crockett said, removing a wad of cash from his hip pocket and handing it to her. The girl riffled through the bills and peered at him.

“Our deal was for ten grand,” she said.

“Yes, it was.”

“This is twenty-five large.”

“Yes, it is.”

“How come?”

“Because it’s only money, and because I thought you might take some more time off.”

Whisper cocked her head sideways and smiled. “You trying to reform me?”

“Not me, sweetie. I know better. Just trying to give you a break.”

“You’ve given me a lot more than that.” She leaned in again and kissed him gently on the lips. “Thanks.”

Crockett watched as Whisper walked to the door. She stopped before reaching it, turned and peered around the room.

“Gosh,” she said. “There’s nobody here but us. Alone at last. Got time for a quickie?”

Crockett grinned. “Go away,” he said.

Returning his grin, Whisper giggled, lifted her t-shirt, flashed him, and scampered out the door.


Crockett was on his second cup of coffee when Stitch returned. He settled on a stool and looked around. “Ol’ Whisper split, man?”

“Yeah,” Crockett replied. “She hung on me and cried for a while.”

Stitch smiled. “That surprise ya?”

“Yes and no. Then when she left, she flashed me as she went out the door.”

“Dude! That surprise ya?”

“Yes and no.”

“Another notch on your cane, man. You do that to chicks, Crockett. You confuse their asses. They expect somethin’ an’ they don’t get it. They get something an’ they didn’t expect it. Confuses ‘em. A confused chick is a dangerous chick, motherfucker. Ain’t no tellin’ what they might do. Even flash your ass on their way out the door. Far out.”

“Martin Carroll Winkler, the sage,” Crockett said.

“That’s me,” Stitch said. “As long as we’re gittin’ into deep shit here, I got a question for ya. An’ I’m serious, man.”

Crockett sighed. “All right. What?”

“Were them tailor-mades a hers as outstanding as I hope they were?”

“What? Oh, goddammit, Stitch.”

“Settle down, Crockett. That was a preventative action, man. I just didn’t want ya to get all misty an’ wallow in your angst, ya know?”

Crockett glared at him for a moment, then smiled. “Thanks,” he said.

“No problem, dude,” Stitch said. “But, were they?”


Eventually, Crockett’s appetite took over and he was preparing a late breakfast for himself and Stitch when Danni entered the area.

“What are we having?” she asked.

“Hash browns with onion, garlic, and chopped ham, and poached eggs,” Crockett said. Want some?”

“Sure. Everybody gone?”


“How was Whisper?”

“She seemed a little sad, but she got over it.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m sure.””


“I got up last night to get a drink of juice and I heard her crying in her room. It took me over an hour to settle her down, Crockett.”


“Yes, really, dammit!”

“Why are you pissed off at me? What’d I do?”

“You gave her hope, dumbass! Jesus.”

“Silly me. How could I have been so heartless?”

Danni stared at the counter for a moment while Crockett attacked the hash browns.

“You know what I mean,” she said, her voice barely audible.

Crockett stopped and turned to her. “Maybe I do,” he said.

“It’s the same thing you did for my mom. It’s the same thing you did for me.”

“An’ the same thing you did for a lot of other people, too, man,” Stitch said.

Crockett couldn’t think of anything to say. He got busy cracking eggs and avoided conversation. After a few moments, Danni went on.

“Whisper’s a little bit in love with you, Crockett. She doesn’t know what to do with that. It’s never happened to her before.”

“Oh, hell. I’m sorry. That was certainly not my intention.”

“I know it wasn’t. Whisper is fucked up. She’s never had any real kindness in her life, she’s in the industry, she’s alone, and she doesn’t know anything else. Then you’re kind to her and respectful of her, and big, and solid, and older, and you don’t want anything from her, and Jesus!”

“What can I do?”

“You? Nothing! Whisper’s gotta work this out for herself. Maybe she will, maybe she won’t, but there is not a thing you can do about it, except make it worse. Butt out.”

As Crockett was slipping the eggs into the poacher, a mental light came on. “I’ll be dammed,” he said.

“What?” Danni asked.

“As Irwin was leaving this morning, he mentioned something about Whisper giving him a day’s head start. I’ll bet she’s going to Denver and hang out with him for a while.”

“That would be good,” Danni said. “Irwin’ll treat her like a queen.”

“Ah, let’s get realistic,” Stitch said. “The cat’s name is Irwin Bergman, man. He won’t treat her like a queen. He’ll treat her like a princess. Dig it.”


After breakfast was over, Stitch drifted off while Danni stayed to help clean up. Crockett looked at her for a moment and took the plunge.

“Your mother and I are getting married,” he said. Danni froze in her tracks.

“What?” she asked.

“Your mom and I are getting married,” Crockett repeated.

“You asked her to marry you?”

“Almost. I started it and she finished it.”

“You’re getting married.”



“I dunno.”


“I dunno.”

“What in the hell do you know, Crockett?”

“I know that Satin and I have decided to tie the knot, I know that I’m gonna add a little more room and shit to the cabin, I know that her apartment will be empty and I’ll take care of the rent and utilities so you can work, live there if you want to, and save up to go to school and be a mom. I know that you’ll have part-time, let me stress, part-time baby sitters when you need them, and I know that the rest of my life will be a bed of roses wrapped in bliss, covered in contentment, topped off with true happiness and days full of joy.”

Danni grinned. “Yeah. Right,” she said. “I gotta go. Gimmie a hug.”

After the embrace, Danni put a hand to Crockett’s face. “Whisper’s not the only one that’s a little in love with you,” she said. “But, unlike her, I know what to do with it.”

“What?” Crockett asked.

Danni preened. “Be the wonderful daughter you’ve always wanted.”

“Yeah,” Crockett said. “Right.”