Chapter Forty-Five

All that evening Fran was aware of the time passing. With each minute it became less plausible that Cassie had wandered away and was safely caught up with a family who was looking after her. Now it was nearly midnight and in Lerwick the community halls’ Up Helly Aa celebrations were in full swing. In every part of the town, people were dancing and laughing and listening to music. The men were rowdy with drink. This wasn’t a time for children. All the children would be long in bed. She’d concentrated on making the minutes move slowly. She’d never wanted to reach this point. She watched the clock, the two hands coming together, couldn’t bear to see them meet and turned away.

Outside it was freezing. The sort of cold which penetrates clothing and goes straight to the bones. Sitting in the house at Ravenswick, Fran was aware of the cold, even though her fire kept the room hot. She had the curtains open to watch for headlights coming down the road. Every now and then she cleared the condensation from the glass and saw the frost, thick and white on each blade of grass. She thought of Cassie, hoped that she was still wearing her scarf and her gloves, preferred to think of her outside in the open than shut up somewhere. Cassie hated the dark and always had a lamp on when she was in bed. Fran thought of the nightmares which had troubled her daughter, remembered Cassie, still half asleep, blindly reaching out to her for reassurance. Fran blinked, an involuntary response to the image, felt the tears on her cheeks but couldn’t find the energy to wipe them away.

Euan Ross was sitting with her. The fat policewoman was at the table, awkward, silent. Euan had poured Fran whisky, just as she had poured some for him after his daughter had died. She sipped it to be polite. Even now, when she was going crazy, panic-frozen so she couldn’t think straight, she still didn’t want to offend him. He knew his daughter was dead. There was still hope that hers was alive. She wondered that she could have considered herself upset when she found the bodies of the other girls.

She’d shut the dog in the bedroom. It reminded her too fiercely of Cassie. She didn’t want to see her, the smell of her at her feet made her want to retch.

The telephone rang. She sprang to her feet, reached it before the second ring, felt the adrenaline hit her brain, making her suddenly clear headed. It was Duncan.

‘Any news?’

‘I would have phoned you,’ she said. After Perez had visited the Haa looking for Cassie, Duncan had called her, demanding an explanation. She couldn’t tell how he was feeling. She’d expected him to blame her for losing their daughter. In a similar situation she would have torn his eyes out. Instead he seemed distant, icy. At first she’d thought he was very drunk and trying not to show it. That intense effort to seem sober. Now she thought there was more to it. He had called every hour since. She couldn’t be angry with him. It was her fault, not his. If she’d allowed Cassie to go with him to the Haa, the girl would be safe.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said. She said that every time he phoned too.

There was a moment of silence. ‘No,’ he said. ‘There was nothing you could do. You can’t blame yourself. Should I come over?’

‘No. Stay there. There should be someone in both houses. Just in case…’

He was about to speak again but she interrupted him. ‘Please, I’m going to hang up now. The police might be trying to get through. As soon as I hear anything I’ll call you. I promise.’

As she hung up, she saw herself reflected in the window. A dark shadowy figure, unrecognizable, middle-aged. A wave of self-pity took her by surprise. She’d moved here to keep Cassie safe. It had been all she’d wanted. A better life for them both. It was as if she was the object of some twisted prank. To find the bodies had been hard enough. She couldn’t be expected to deal with this too. She realized she was sobbing. Not for Cassie this time, but for herself.

Euan came up behind her and offered her a handkerchief. It was clean, white, ironed. She took it from him. The feel of the smooth cloth against her face was a small comfort.

‘How can you think of ironing? At a time like this?’ It was the first thought that came into her head.

It took him a moment to realize what she meant. He gave a little smile. ‘Not me,’ he said. ‘I have help in the house. Someone to keep things going. Left to myself I’d have fallen apart. You saw that.’

Now, it seemed to her that he was entirely composed.

‘Did you find anything in that writing of Catherine’s?’ she demanded suddenly. ‘Anything which might help them find out who’s doing this?’

Before he could answer there was a noise outside. Her image in the window broke up, as headlights caught it from behind. She held her breath as the car coming down the road slowed and then pulled to a stop. It was Jimmy Perez and she could tell at once that he was alone. She waited, still hoping despite herself, that he would move round the car to help a child from the back seat, but he walked straight to the house. He’s come to tell me that Cassie’s dead. If it had been good news he’d have phoned. He wouldn’t have wasted time driving here. Maggie heard him approaching and started barking and jumping up at the bedroom door.

The first thing he said, as soon as the door was open, was, ‘I haven’t got anything to tell you. We haven’t found her. Not yet.’ Because she’d convinced herself that Cassie was dead in the moment of his walking from the car to the house, she felt relieved. She could have kissed him.

‘I have some questions,’ he said.

‘Of course. Anything.’

He looked over her shoulder at Euan Ross. ‘I’m sorry. We’d like to talk to Mrs Hunter alone. You understand?’

‘I’ll go home,’ Euan said. ‘Give me a ring if you’d like me to come back. Or stay with me, Fran, if you’d prefer. Don’t worry about the time. I’ll be up.’

Fran wasn’t aware of his leaving. She knew she should thank him, see him out, offer coffee and food to the detective, but she sat impatiently waiting for the questions. She thought Perez had an idea, ideas. There was hope. As she waited she saw the lights of another car coming from the direction of Lerwick, but it didn’t stop.

He pulled out a hard dining chair and sat on that, facing her, his long legs twisted under the seat. The policewoman eased her chair back into a corner. Fran sensed an urgency. He was desperate for her to answer quickly. When she paused for a moment he didn’t tell her to hurry, but she knew that was what he wanted. The questions made no sense to her. They seemed entirely random. He asked about Cassie and how she was doing at school, about Fran’s social life and the friends she’d made away from Ravenswick. She didn’t demand to know what the questions were about. She could do nothing more to find her daughter. She was in his hands. And if he wasted time explaining his ideas to her, it might be too late.

It didn’t take long. After a quarter of an hour he stood up again. ‘You shouldn’t be on your own here,’ he said.

‘Euan said he’d come back.’

‘No. Not Mr Ross. He’s too close to all this. There must be someone else.’

Fran thought of Jan Ellis who’d been so kind about the dog, whose husband didn’t mind making a fool of himself by dressing up as a baby. She heard Perez phone her, standing outside, using his mobile. As soon as Jan’s car pulled up outside, he disappeared. He didn’t say anything to her before he left and she didn’t watch him go. She understood he didn’t want to tell her that everything would be OK, to make promises he wouldn’t be able to keep.