Fellow turbo freaks, if you’re interested in turbocharging, then you’re just like me: always wanting to learn more. I’ve been turbocharging for almost 50 years, and I’ve learned some interesting facts while reading Jay Miller’s great new book. No matter how turbo literate you think you are, there’s something new and valuable in the text, illustrations, maps, and photos within this book’s covers.
And know this: In my 50 years in the business of engine design and building and in racing where forced induction is allowed, turbocharging reigns supreme. When properly matched to the engine’s usage, the modern turbocharger is unbeatable. It’s also the least understood form of forced induction. It is so poorly understood that in some forms of racing, it is banned outright.
“To me, turbocharging is all about life after full-throttle”–Gale Banks
For years, turbocharged engines were not allowed in the upper ranks of American Power Boat Association offshore racing. In National Hot Rod Association drag racing, superchargers are legal in the Pro Mod and alcohol- and nitro methane-fueled Funny Car and Dragster categories. Yet in those same classes, turbocharging is banned.
People tend to fear what they don’t understand and understanding the turbocharger and its use remains an area of mystery to many racers and engine builders. This book allays such fear. In just one read you will be well on your way to total turbo knowledge. No matter what your power goal, a turbocharged engine will outlive a supercharged engine. And on the same engine running a fixed octane, turbos make a hell of a lot more power before the engine begins to knock and enter detonation. But many turbocharged engines never realize their potential because the internal components aren’t up to the task or the support systems in the vehicle are not adequate or proper.
Never fear. Mr. Miller covers all of the bases inside and outside the engine and in vehicle subsystems. He addresses all of the common areas where errors are made or things are overlooked. And if that’s not enough, he takes it one step further: He even covers turbo rebuilding, failure analysis and troubleshooting. That’s very cool.
I should note that of all the Banks engines and turbo systems produced over the last five decades, the turbo has not been a source of common failure. In fact, when properly matched to the engine and properly lubricated, the turbo will last the life of the engine and then some. Notice I said “properly.” Properly applying turbos is what this book is all about. If you’re reading this Foreword at the bookstore or on the Web, I urge you to put it in the basket and check out. As a guy who has taught turbo design and application at all levels, I’m here to tell you, this book is well worth the price.
–Gale Banks