11.1 The Scientific Method

Learning Objectives

After Chapter 11.1, you will be able to:

The basic paradigm for all scientific inquiry is the scientific method. The scientific method is a set of steps that defines the appropriate order of events to structure and carry out an experiment. As such, the scientific method is the established protocol for transitioning from a question to a new body of knowledge. The steps in the scientific method are:

  1. Generate a testable question: This usually occurs after observing something anomalous in another scientific inquiry or in daily life.
  2. Gather data and resources: Think back to our introduction; this is the phase of journal and database searches and compiling information. At this step, we as scientists must be careful to look for all information, not just that consistent with our expectations.
  3. Form a hypothesis: A hypothesis is the proposed explanation or proposed answer to our testable question. It is often in the form of an if–then statement, which will be tested in subsequent steps.
  4. Collect new data: This step results from either experimentation, which involves manipulating and controlling variables of interest; or observation, which often involves no changes in the subject’s environment.
  5. Analyze the data: Look for trends and perform mathematical manipulations to solidify the connections between variables.
  6. Interpret the data and existing hypothesis: Consider whether the data analysis is consistent with the original hypothesis. If the data is inconsistent, consider alternative hypotheses.
  7. Publish: Publication provides an opportunity for peer review; a summary of what was done during all six prior steps should be included in the publication.
  8. Verify results: Most experiments are repeated to verify the results under new conditions.


It is easy to focus on research that agrees with our expectations or opinions, and to ignore research that goes against them. This is an example of confirmation bias at work. Specific types of biases are discussed in Chapter 4 of MCAT Behavioral Sciences Review and later in this chapter.

MCAT Expertise

The MCAT will most often test experimental or logical errors during research. Pay particular attention to the scientific method now in order to recognize each area in which an error may occur.

Formulating a testable question often presents students with a challenge because we tend to overreach, creating all-encompassing broad questions; however, in order to form a good testable question, it must be restricted to a relatively narrow area. The same is true of our hypotheses. One might wonder Why do hot objects cause injury? This is not a testable question. In fact, most questions that begin with Why are too broad to be testable through a single experiment. In this case, a better, more testable question could be How do epithelial cells respond to heat in vivo? Even this question is likely too broad for a single experiment, but it is testable, and we can form related hypotheses. One possible hypothesis would be: if heat is applied to in vivo epithelial cells, then those cells will lyse. Pay attention to the format of the hypothesis, as the if–then format ensures that it is testable. We will examine other components of the scientific method as they pertain to basic science research, biochemical and biomedical research, and social science research in the relevant sections.

The FINER Method

The FINER method for evaluating a research question is a method to determine whether the answer to one’s question will add to the body of scientific knowledge in a practical way and within a reasonable time period. The FINER method asks five questions to make this determination.