Chapter 7



Asparagus • Avocados • Broccoli • Celery • Cucumbers •
Honeydew Melon • Kiwifruit • Leeks • Peas • Romaine Lettuce •
Scallions • Spinach • Spirulina • Wheatgrass • Zucchini

Maybe you want to try green smoothies, but hesitate because they’re, well … green! But don’t let their coloring deter you from giving this part of the rainbow a try. Even though you may not think of greens as sweet and delicious, they certainly can be! The green smoothies in this chapter are made up of a delicious blend of green super-foods and compatible ingredients that either complement or soften the taste of the greens. For example, the apples and spices combined with the greens in the Apple Pie smoothie make for a sweet, splendid treat that just so happens to include an entire cup of spinach, which qualifies as a day’s serving! Even the green smoothies that are designed to heighten the taste sensation of the greens are simply delicious. But great taste isn’t all a green smoothie has to give; the recipes in this chapter are also filled with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients designed to make you healthier than ever.

Especially rich in vitamin B9 (otherwise known as folate or folic acid), leafy deep greens help aid in the production of red blood cells, promote optimal brain function and neuron activity, and actually contribute to the composition of the fluid in and around your spinal cord. And, if you’re a woman of childbearing age, B9 is especially important; there’s a strong correlation between B9 and the proper formation and functioning of all of these systems and their parts in a developing fetus. In addition to B9, green produce contains a list of minerals, including calcium (with celery and broccoli containing more than other vegetables); copper (especially high in spirulina); iron (spinach, spinach, and more spinach!); magnesium; manganese; phosphorous; selenium; sodium; and zinc. Each of these minerals contributes to vision health, helps control the body’s cholesterol by reducing the “bad” (LDL) and improving the “good” (HDL), aids the digestive system by regulating bacteria growth, fends off free radicals, and promotes a healthy immune system.

And while the vitamin and mineral content of greens is quite extraordinary, the components that attract even more attention for their astounding health benefits are the phytochemicals responsible for the vibrant coloring of green fruits and vegetables. Chlorophyll, which contains the actual genetic material and chemical makeup of a plant, is arguably the most potent element in greens. Rich in carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, chlorophyll has the same elements that make up human blood. Because of this similarity in genetic makeup and the specific combination of these four elements in particular, chlorophyll powerfully affects almost all of the major components of your body, including your body’s systems and functioning, from the circulatory and immune systems to the digestive and endocrine systems. It also improves your body’s ability to use oxygen, and it raises the quality of your blood through its own oxygen concentration, which promotes your body’s production of healthy red blood cells. Protecting the body from free radical damage at the molecular level, chlorophyll is also a well-known cancer-fighting agent.

What are you waiting for? Get ready to blend up a green smoothie that’s out of this world!


Go Green with Bananas

As a very light-flavored green smoothie, the full 2 cups of spinach and 3 servings of fruit in this recipe offer an excellent amount of nutrition from vitamin K to vitamin C for better blood health and improved mood and balance. And if you want to change the taste up a little and boost the nutritional value, the water in this recipe can be swapped out for any of the alternative milks.



2 cups spinach leaves

2 ripe bananas, peeled

1 apple, peeled and cored

1 cup water

1. Combine spinach, bananas, apple, and ½ cup water in a blender, and blend thoroughly.

2. While blending, add remaining water until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 75 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 14 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 19 g

Go Nutty for Greens!

In addition to the potassium brought in by the banana in this smoothie, the almond milk and Greek-style yogurt provide protein for muscle functioning, which makes this smoothie a powerful start to any day.



½ cup Greek-style yogurt

1 cup iceberg lettuce

1 banana, peeled

1 cup vanilla almond milk

1. Combine yogurt, lettuce, and banana in a blender with ½ cup almond milk, and blend thoroughly.

2. Continue adding remaining almond milk while blending until desired consistency is reached.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 68 | Fat: 1 g | Protein: 4 g | Sodium: 51 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 12 g


The Green Go-Getter

Some people who are new to creating green smoothies can have a hard time enjoying the powerful taste of the greens. In this recipe, the combination of banana, apples, and spinach with more fruit than greens provides an appetizing taste that is more sweet and lessens the intensity of the spinach. This smoothie, which is packed with total body-benefitting essential amino acids, vitamin K, and iron, is a great green starter.



1 cup spinach

2 green apples, peeled and cored

1 banana, peeled

1 cup water

1. Combine spinach, apples, and banana with ½ cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Continue adding remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 89 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 10 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 23 g

An Apple Pie Day

The cloves in this smoothie add a flavor reminiscent of apple pie and add to the immunity-strengthening health benefits already present in the spinach, apples, and coconut milk. Although most consider cloves an essential when it comes time to make pies for the holidays, Ayurvedic healers utilize this spice for its healing powers—it’s believed to alleviate symptoms of irregular digestion and malfunctioning metabolism. Although it is used in only small amounts, its antibacterial and antiviral properties in any amount can only help you stay healthy!



2 cups spinach

1 teaspoon cloves

1 teaspoon cinnamon

3 apples, peeled and cored

1½ cups coconut milk

1. Place the spinach in the blender.

2. Add the spices, followed by the apples.

3. Add coconut milk slowly while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 232 | Fat: 18 g | Protein: 3 g | Sodium: 24 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 19 g


Calming Cucumber

Even though a cucumber is mostly water (and fiber), it is far more than a tasty, hydrating, and filling snack option. These green veggies are a great addition to a diet in need of moisture and clarity … for the skin! By consuming one serving of cucumbers per day, you’ll not only fulfill a full serving of veggies and stave off hunger, you’ll also ensure that your complexion remains—or becomes—clear and hydrated!



1 cup romaine lettuce

2 cucumbers, peeled

¼ cup mint, chopped

1 cup water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, cucumbers, mint, and ½ cup water in a blender, and blend thoroughly.

2. Add remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 24 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 9 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 4 g

Super Celery

This combination of greens and rich vegetables offers a healthy dose of fiber; vitamins A, C, and K; B vitamins; and a wealth of minerals, including iron and potassium, which combine to effectively fight water retention. But, even though this smoothie is healthy, the best part is that it’s absolutely delicious!



1 cup spinach

3 celery stalks

1 cucumber, peeled

1 carrot, peeled

1 cup water

1. Combine spinach, celery, cucumber, carrot, and ½ cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Continue adding remaining water as you blend until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 34 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 72 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 7 g


Very Veggie

The parsley in this recipe is rich in vitamins and minerals. In just one serving of this cleansing green, there are impressive amounts of vitamins C and A as well as iron and folate. But the main benefit here comes from the huge amounts of vitamin K. In fact, by including just 2 tablespoons of parsley in your daily diet, you’ll consume more than 153 percent of your needed vitamin K daily, which adds to the quality of your blood and the strength of your bones!



1 cup spinach

2 celery stalks

2 carrots, peeled

1 tomato

1 green onion

1 small sprig parsley

1 cup water

1. Combine the spinach, celery, carrots, tomato, green onion, parsley, and ½ cup water in a blender, and blend until combined thoroughly.

2. Continue adding remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 32 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 62 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 7 g

Go, Go, Garlic!

The amazing cancer-fighting benefits and strong antiviral and antibacterial properties in the antioxidants found in garlic are maximized when the garlic clove has been crushed and allowed to set at room temperature. Heating garlic cloves inhibits the full ability of important enzymes to do their work. Maximize garlic’s full potential by preparing it at room temperature in your green smoothies.



1 cup romaine lettuce

2 tomatoes

½ cup basil leaves

3 garlic cloves, crushed and allowed to sit for 1 hour

½ cup water (if necessary)

1. Combine romaine lettuce, tomatoes, basil, and garlic in a blender and combine thoroughly until all garlic is emulsified.

2. Add water while blending, if needed, until desired consistency is reached.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 23 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 6 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 5 g


Awesome Asparagus

Rich in vitamins K, A, C, Bs, folate, and a variety of minerals, including iron and zinc, this veggie’s benefits surpass many others. Considering all of these nutrients, it should come as no surprise that introducing 1 cup of asparagus to your daily diet promotes heart health, digestive health and
regularity—and satisfies a daily serving requirement of vegetables.



1 cup romaine lettuce

1 cup asparagus

1 green onion

1 celery stalk

1 garlic clove

2 cups water

Juice of ½ lemon

1. Combine romaine lettuce, asparagus, onion, celery, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water and lemon juice while blending until desired texture and taste are achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 12 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 3 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 3 g

Blazing Broccoli

If you’re like most people, you probably grew up hearing, “You need to finish your broccoli.” The truth is that broccoli is one of the most powerfully packed super-foods you can find! Combining vitamin K, iron, and fiber, this veggie can improve regularity while reducing the chances for colon cancers and ulcers. And it’s delicious, too!



1 cup spinach

1 cup broccoli

1 carrot, peeled

1 green pepper, cored

½ lime, peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, broccoli, carrot, pepper, lime, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 24 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 27 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 6 g


Spicy Garlic Spinach

The garlic in this smoothie may be one of the healthiest vegetables you can add. Studies credit it with fighting bladder, skin, colon, and stomach cancers. Consuming one to three cloves per day is recommended for optimum results and, while
eating—or drinking!—that much garlic may seem difficult, placing garlic in your smoothies is an easy way to meet that requirement.



1 cup spinach

1 tomato

1 celery stalk

1–2 tablespoons cilantro

1 garlic clove

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, tomato, celery, cilantro, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 13 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 24 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 3 g

Zippy Zucchini

Zucchini is well-known for being a blank canvas in terms of flavor, but it doesn’t stand in the background when it comes to health benefits. This vegetable is full of essential nutrients like vitamins C and K, iron, and potassium, which work together to improve your blood health and protect your heart from cardiovascular disease. Adding this healthy and savory ingredient in with the spicy arugula used in this recipe delivers a smoothie with a bite.



1 cup arugula

2 zucchini

1 celery stalk

1 tomato

1 garlic clove

2 cups water

1. Combine arugula, zucchini, celery, tomato, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 25 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 2 g | Sodium: 23 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 5 g


Great Garlic

Not only may it keep vampires away, but the strong addition of garlic to this smoothie can also do so much for your health. Just one small clove of garlic helps promote a strong heart and makes almost anything taste absolutely delightful.



1 cup spinach

1 celery stalk

1 tomato

3 garlic cloves

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, celery, tomato, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water, if needed, while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 12 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 18 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 3 g

Ahhh, Sweet Greens!

Apples and spinach in the same smoothie may seem like an unlikely pair, but one sip of this blend will have even the harshest skeptic agreeing that the duo makes a delicious treat. These veggies are full of fiber, and because fiber is almost completely unable to be digested by the human body, it makes your stomach feel full, and clears your intestinal tract by remaining nearly intact throughout digestion. Although fiber is available in pill and powder forms, those options are a far cry from a healthy bowl of spinach, broccoli, or fresh fruit.



1 cup spinach

2 bananas, peeled

2 apples, cored and peeled

2 cups almond milk

1. Combine spinach, bananas, apples, and 1 cup almond milk in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining almond milk while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 147 | Fat: 2 g | Protein: 2 g | Sodium: 82 mg | Fiber: 4 g | Carbohydrates: 34 g


Broccoli Carrot

Broccoli is not only a vitamin- and mineral-packed green veggie, it also contains more protein than most other veggie options. Due to its high amounts of this essential macronutrient, this smoothie will help you maintain muscle functioning and mental clarity, which could suffer if you’re eating inadequate amounts of protein.



1 cup romaine lettuce

1 cup broccoli

2 carrots

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 22 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 32 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 5 g

Veggie Delight

If you’re in the mood for a refreshingly savory smoothie, this one might be just what you’re looking for! These ingredients create a splendid smoothie that may be delicious and filling enough to take the place of dinner. With a wide variety of veggies that combine for great taste while contributing a range of phytochemicals from lycopene to allicin, this smoothie’s impressive amount of powerful antioxidants helps your body fend off illness and disease.



1 cup romaine lettuce

2 tomatoes

1 zucchini

2 celery stalks

1 cucumber

½ cup green onions

2 garlic cloves

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, cucumber, green onions, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water, if needed, while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 28 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 6 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 6g


Cucumber Zing!

Cucumbers offer up a wide variety of important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and silica, while lending a refreshing and hydrating background to the spicy ginger in this smoothie. This blend will whet your appetite while cleansing your body and building your immunity!



1 cup watercress

2 cucumbers, peeled

2 oranges, peeled and deseeded

1 tablespoon grated ginger

1 cup water

1. Combine watercress, cucumbers, oranges, ginger, and ½ cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 57 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 2 g | Sodium: 7 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 13 g

The Spicy Savior

The ginger in this recipe is what gives this smoothie the spicy zing! But ginger also provides a rich amount of helpful anti-aging, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that multitask as powerful antioxidants that will bring you better health in one easy-to-drink smoothie full of delicious flavor!



1 cup watercress

1 cup broccoli

3 carrots, peeled

1 tablespoon grated ginger

2 cups water

1. Combine watercress, broccoli, carrots, ginger, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 28 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 45 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 6 g


Green Garlic

This savory delight is sure to excite every one of your senses with the potent smell, flavor, and antioxidants in each and every bit of the amazing garlic in this smoothie. Not only does the flavor blend nicely with the other ingredients, but the unique addition of the antioxidant allicin also provides liver-cleansing health benefits.



1 cup spinach

1 zucchini, unpeeled

¼ cup parsley

2–3 cloves of garlic, depending upon size

2 cups water

1. Combine the spinach, zucchini, parsley, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 13 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 16 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 3 g

Fabulous Fiber Flush

Kale provides an abundance of vitamins A and K, which help with your blood, liver, and brain functioning. Combined with the iron- and folate-rich broccoli, pectin-providing apples, and beta-
carotene–filled carrot, the kale makes this smoothie a fiber-filled masterpiece that will improve regularity and keep you feeling more satisfied longer.



2 large kale leaves

1 cup broccoli

2 apples, peeled and cored

1 carrot, peeled

½ lemon, peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine kale, broccoli, apples, carrot, lemon, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 71 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 2 g | Sodium: 35 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 17 g


Apple-Celery Smoothie

The fruits and greens in this smoothie provide natural sugars, sodium, and complex carbohydrates that help your body maintain a regular blood sugar level. But this smoothie doesn’t stop there—the added benefits of the antioxidants in the apples help your body to fend off illness, and the celery helps to regulate the water levels in your body. And it’s delicious, too! What better way to drink the rainbow!



1 cup romaine lettuce

3 Granny Smith apples, peeled and cored

2 celery stalks

¼" gingerroot, peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, apples, celery, ginger, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 64 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 19 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 17 g

“Pea” Is for Prevention

Sweetening this smoothie with green peas makes a delightful treat. And adding just 1 cup of this sweet veggie to your daily diet provides more than 50 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin K, along with vitamins B and C, manganese, folate, fiber, and protein. This results in stronger bones; heightened disease prevention; efficient metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; improved cardiac health; and more energy.



1 cup watercress

2 cucumbers, peeled

1 cup petite sweet green peas

2 cups water

1. Combine watercress, cucumbers, peas, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 39 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 3 g | Sodium: 44 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 7 g


Romaine to the Rescue!

Crisp romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots, garlic, and ginger combine into one satisfying, savory smoothie that will promote health for your eyes, digestion, muscle repair, and mental clarity. The fiber, vitamins C and K, and abundance of iron all join to bring these amazing health benefits to this terrific smoothie!



2 cups romaine lettuce

½ cup broccoli

2 carrots

1 garlic clove

½" gingerroot, peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots, garlic, ginger, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 22 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 29 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 5 g

Rapid Recovery

Tasty and powerful, this recipe’s intense vitamin- and mineral-rich veggies act as a powerful protein source that helps with everything from muscle function and repair to mental clarity and focus. The addition of the lemon and garlic benefit your body by promoting a healthy metabolic level for even more efficient fat burning.



1 cup watercress

1 cup broccoli

1 celery stalk

½ lemon, peeled

1 garlic clove

2 cups Greek-style yogurt

1. Combine watercress, broccoli, celery, lemon, garlic, and 1 cup yogurt in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining yogurt as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 78 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 13 g | Sodium: 67 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 7 g


Broccoli Blast-Off

Broccoli and kale add a great dose of protein in this smoothie, but if you’re looking for even more, there is the delightful option of protein powders available in a variety of flavors, including plain, vanilla, almond, and chocolate, which would blend nicely with savory smoothies such as this.



2 kale leaves

1 cup broccoli

½ red bell pepper, seeded

2 celery stalks

1 green onion

1–2 garlic cloves, depending on size

2 cups water

1. Combine kale, broccoli, pepper, celery, onion, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 23 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 18 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 1 g

Zoom with Zucchini

If you’re looking for a smoothie that will help boost your metabolism, you’ve come to the right place. The vibrant veggies and cayenne pepper in this recipe make for a fat-burning, calorie-zapping smoothie that will fill you up and fire up your metabolic engines! Burn, baby, burn!



1 cup spinach

1 zucchini

1 tomato

2 celery stalks

1 green onion

2 garlic cloves

teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, zucchini, tomato, celery, onion, garlic, cayenne, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 22 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 32 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 5 g


Popeye’s Favorite

When you were a kid, Popeye was one amazing example of what could happen if you ate your spinach! How many times did your parents reference Popeye when trying to get you to finish your greens? Spinach is packed with vitamins A, C, E, K, and B vitamins, as well as iron, phosphorous, and fiber. With all of that nutrition delivered in each serving, spinach should be in every athlete’s daily diet … for strength like Popeye’s!



1 cup spinach

1 kale leaf

1 cup broccoli

3 apples, peeled and cored

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, kale, broccoli, apples, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 76 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 2 g | Sodium: 23 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 19 g

Baby, Be Happy

This simple recipe makes for a deliciously sweet veggie smoothie that you’re sure to come back to again and again. In this recipe, the iron-rich spinach and peas combine with carrots that are full of vitamins C and A for a splendid creation that will satisfy your iron needs for better blood quality.



1 cup spinach

1 cup sweet peas

3 carrots, peeled

2 cups red raspberry tea

1. Combine spinach, peas, carrots, and 1 cup tea in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining tea as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 46 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 2 g | Sodium: 76 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 9 g


Veggies for Vitamins

This delicious savory blend of spicy arugula, tomato, cucumber, celery, onion, and garlic combine with natural tea to give your body an amazing amount of vitamins and minerals for improved immunity, brain functioning, and blood health.



1 cup arugula

1 tomato

1 cucumber, peeled

1 celery stalk

1 green onion

1 garlic clove

2 cups red raspberry tea

1. Combine arugula, tomato, cucumber, celery, onion, garlic, and 1 cup tea in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining tea as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 17 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 15 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 3 g

Perfect Pea Smoothie

Although probably not the veggie that comes to mind when you think “super-food,” peas are an excellent source of iron and folate—both important vitamins and minerals for promoting the best health in women and infants! Men can improve the quality of their blood and reduce the incidence of heart-related illnesses by increasing their healthy intake of iron, too, so drink up!



1 cup arugula

1 cup sweet peas

2 celery stalks

1 cucumber, peeled

1 cup red raspberry tea

1. Combine arugula, sweet peas, celery, cucumber, and ½ cup tea in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining tea as needed while blending until desired consistency is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 36 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 2 g | Sodium: 56 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 8 g


Delicious Bananas and Berries

While satisfying your sweet tooth with this delicious blend of bananas, blueberries, and strawberries, consider boosting your daily protein intake by adding a scoop of whey protein or soy protein powder to the mix. Soy protein has absolutely no milk derivatives in its makeup and is acceptable for a strict dairy-free diet. Whey is made from milk byproducts, making it suitable for those who include dairy in their diet.



1 cup romaine lettuce

2 bananas, peeled

2 cups strawberries

1 pint blueberries

2 cups almond milk

1. Combine romaine lettuce, bananas, berries, and 1 cup almond milk in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining almond milk while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 316 | Fat: 19 g | Protein: 4 g | Sodium: 18 mg | Fiber: 12 g | Carbohydrates: 39 g

Green Ginger Apple

Ginger is hailed as one of nature’s most potent medicinal plants, particularly in terms of curing stomach ailments. Combining ginger with the fiber found in fruits and leafy greens is an effective way to clean out the digestive tract, promote the release of good digestive enzymes, and soothe the stomach.



1 cup romaine lettuce

3 apples, cored and peeled

1 tablespoon ginger, grated

2 cups almond milk

1. Combine romaine lettuce, apples, ginger, and 1 cup almond milk in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining almond milk while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 119 | Fat: 2 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 78 mg | Fiber: 4 g | Carbohydrates: 28 g


Green Pears with a Tart Twist

Providing an amazing amount of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and the plentiful B vitamins needed for the optimal functioning of your mind and body, this smoothie is a sweet, tart, and smart way to pep up your day—and drink green!



4 cups romaine lettuce

4 pears, cored

1 banana, peeled

6 tablespoons lemon juice

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, pears, banana, lemon juice, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 94 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 6 mg | Fiber: 5 g | Carbohydrates: 25 g

Amazing Avocados

Although avocados have been found to fight the free radicals that can cause colon, breast, and prostate cancers, the most notable protective benefit avocados create in the human body is the protection against oral cancer. With a 50 percent mortality rate most commonly due to late detection, oral cancer is a cancer that can be helped with the addition of just 2 ounces of avocado to your diet.



1 cup spinach

2 avocados, peeled and seeds removed

1 lime, peeled

1 cup water

1 cup Greek-style yogurt

1. Combine spinach, avocados, lime, ½ cup water, and ½ cup yogurt in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water and yogurt while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 200 | Fat: 15 g | Protein: 8 g | Sodium: 38 mg | Fiber: 7 g | Carbohydrates: 13 g



Raw food enthusiasts embrace the idea of consuming minimally cooked foods because heat (above 115ºF) drastically reduces the vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Zucchini is usually sautéed, baked, or roasted with salt and seasonings to add flavor. By blending this healthy veggie in your smoothie, you’ll benefit from it in its pure form, without destructive heat and counterproductive seasonings.



1 cup spinach

1 zucchini

3 carrots, peeled

2 red apples, cored and peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, zucchini, carrots, apples, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 76 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 46 mg | Fiber: 4 g | Carbohydrates: 19 g

Red Apple, Green Smoothie

The ingredients in this recipe offer a wide variety of health benefits, including cold and flu protection, better blood quality, and improved mood. Iron, powerful vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and natural diuretics combine to make this a flavorful treat that packs plenty of bonus health benefits like reduced water retention and stronger, shinier hair, too! What a way to make sipping the rainbow easy!



1 cup spinach

1 cucumber, peeled

2 celery stalks

2 red apples, cored and peeled

1 lemon, peeled

1 lime, peeled

1 cup water

1. Combine spinach, cucumber, celery, apples, lemon, lime, and ½ cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water, if needed, while blending until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 68 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 25 mg | Fiber: 4 g | Carbohydrates: 18 g


Ginger and Apple Cleansing Blend

Apples are sometimes referred to as “nature’s scrub brushes” because of the powerful amount of fiber they contain. Found in deep greens, vegetables, and fruits, fiber plays an important role in helping your body rid itself of waste products that may be causing irregularity. The indigestible fibers that pass through your digestive system literally sweep lingering waste with them as they leave your body.



1 cup spinach

3 apples, peeled and cored

½" gingerroot, peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, apples, ginger, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 60 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 8 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 16 g

Sweet Spinach Smoothie

Combining spinach with deliciously sweet apples and bananas can make even the most devout spinach skeptic enjoy this nutritious rich-green veggie as a part of a healthier diet. Essential iron and
calcium—along with bounds of B vitamins like folate—boost your blood health … and it tastes good, too!



1 cup spinach

3 apples, cored and peeled

2 bananas, peeled

½ lemon, peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, apples, bananas, lemon, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 114 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 9 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 30 g


Greens and Berries Smoothie

Well-known for promoting urinary tract health, the antioxidant-rich berries in this recipe also promote a healthy bladder. Combining a variety of these rich berries only compounds their benefits. The berries help alleviate symptoms associated with bladder and urinary tract issues, including minimizing discomfort associated with frequent urination, bladder infections, and urinary tract infections.



1 cup romaine lettuce

2 cups blueberries

1 cup cranberries

1 apple, cored and peeled

1 banana, peeled

½" gingerroot, peeled

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, blueberries, cranberries, apple, banana, ginger, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 102 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 5 mg | Fiber: 4 g | Carbohydrates: 26 g

Apple-Broccoli Blend

If you want to drink the rainbow, you have to try this amazing recipe! Packed with fiber that will clear out your digestive system, B vitamins that work to optimize brain functioning and mental clarity, and vitamin C to revitalize your body’s many systems of operation, this smoothie is a must-have!



1 cup romaine lettuce

2 apples, peeled and cored

1 cup broccoli

1 orange, peeled

cup parsley

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, apples, broccoli, orange, parsley, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 71 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 12 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 18 g


Spinach-Asparagus Smoothie

Bile acids made in the liver and used by the small intestine for breaking down foods in digestion are stored in the gallbladder. A cleansed gallbladder is one that is free of toxins and waste, which ensures that it’s able to function properly and at an optimal level. Fortunately, the vitamins C and K, lycopene, iron, and B vitamins found in the green produce in this recipe work to promote a healthy gallbladder and keep you feeling your best.



1 cup spinach

1 cup asparagus

½ lemon, peeled

1 tomato

1–2 cloves garlic, depending upon size

2 cups water

1. Combine spinach, asparagus, lemon, tomato, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 17 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 11 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Carbohydrates: 4 g

The Deep Colors of Dreamy Health

The vibrant colors of the kale, carrot, tomato, celery, and cucumber combine with potent garlic to develop an intensely flavored, savory smoothie that provides a variety of vitamins and minerals. The vitamin K, vitamin C, iron, manganese, and antioxidants in this smoothie all work together to improve everything from the quality of the blood to a better balanced mood, and cardiovascular and colon health.



2 kale leaves

1 cucumber, peeled

2 celery stalks

1 carrot, peeled

1 tomato

1 garlic clove

2 cups water

1. Combine kale, cucumber, celery, carrot, tomato, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 31 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 39 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 6 g


Refreshing Reprieve

Refreshing flavors can keep a healthy diet on track. Calming cravings for sweets or salty foods can help you keep your focus on your health. In addition, this smoothie is full of rich vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals like vitamins C and K, beta-carotene, and lutein that promote health and fight illness, which makes this smoothie the perfect green answer to “what’s for dinner?” … or breakfast, or lunch.



1 cup romaine lettuce

1 apple, peeled and cored

1 cucumber, peeled

1 celery stalk

1 carrot, peeled

1 garlic clove

2 cups water

1. Combine romaine lettuce, apple, cucumber, celery, carrot, garlic, and 1 cup water in a blender, and blend until thoroughly combined.

2. Add remaining water while blending, as needed, until desired texture is achieved.

PER 1 CUP SERVING Calories: 35 | Fat: 0 g | Protein: 1 g | Sodium: 15 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Carbohydrates: 8 g