Aaron, 45-46
Accomplished Singer, The (Mather), 305
Adams, Samuel, 1
Addison, Joseph, 199, 297
Advice, To the Churches of the Faithful
(Mather), 365Aeneid (Virgil), 159, 160"Affectation of Praehiminincies (a.d.
1663-1675)" (Porter), 277affliction, Puritan views on, 34, 76, 182,
269, 271, 273, 348-349Africa, inoculation in, 338-339Agricola (Mather), 412Ahab, king of Israel, 6lAlden,John and Priscilla, 111"Alice Doane's Appeal" (Hawthorne), 53Andover, Mass., witchcraft in, 104-109,
111, 118Andros, Sir Edmund, 63-74, 78-79, 106,
108, 111, 139, 203, 205, 206, 208, 213,
218, 367Angel of Bethesda, The (Mather), 406-410angels:
fallen, see devil, devils
as protective spirits, 123-130, 135-137,
311-312, 414, 440rcAnglican church, see Church of England;
Episcopal churchAnglican Society for the Propagation of
the Gospel, 208, 216, 241-242Anne, queen of England, 207, 208, 211,
295Apophthegmata (Lycosthenes), 262Appleton, Nathaniel, 366"Apple-Tree Table, The" (Melville), 54Archeus, 409
Arianism, 328-332, 368, 376, 399
Aristotle, 40, 252
Arius, 328-329
Arminianism, 302
Arndt,John, 231, 232, 235, 289
artillery sermon, 36, 47
Ashurst, Sir Henry, 147, 204-205, 206,
211, 213, 216-217, 220, 240, 294Ashurst, Sir William, 240, 241-242, 259,
293, 295astronomy, 22, 40-42, 251-252, 253
see also scienceatheism, 92
atomic theory, 167-168Augustus, emperor of Rome, 309Autobiography (Franklin), 164, 383Avery, William, 41-42, 338Axel, Samuel (Samuel May), 142
Baglivi, Georgi, 233
Balance of the Sanctuary, The (Mather),
400Ballard, Joseph, 104-105Bamberg, Germany, witchcraft in, 89Bancroft, George, 53Banister, John, 223-224baptism:
controversy over, 57, 118-120, 153
by devils, 105-106, 118Baptismal Piety (Mather), 400Baptists:
in Boston, 69, 111, 302
liberty of conscience for, 141, l6l, 302,332
persecution of, 56Barker, William, Sr., 106
Barnard, John, 226
Barrington, John Shute, Lord, 296, 322,
376, 378Bavaria, witchcraft in, 89Baxter, Joseph, 366Baxter, Richard, 87, 115, 116, 125, 1 15,
302, 304, 439^7Bayle, Pierre, 291Beacon,Joseph, 248Bellomont, Lord, 139, 144, 176-177, 204,
205Bercovitch, Sacvan, 159bestiality, 58Bibber, Sarah, 104Bible:
Genesis, 167-168
Old Testament figures in, 34, 42-43, 6lPsalms, 304
quoted, 69, 107, 128, 184, 223, 313Revelation, 107, 170-171translations of, 240, 258"Biblia Americana" (Mather), 172, 199,201, 210, 224, 236-237, 247, 249,257-260, 282, 291, 329, 331, 391, 398,399,424,426,427topics covered in, 166-168, 237, 303,304,413Billings, William, 306Bishop, Bridget, 99-100, 103Blackmore, Sir Richard, 222blacks, 281, 337, 369
in Congregational church, 160, 194,
264, 45lnMather's views on, 264-265, 379, 451 nBlessed Unions (Mather), 146Boehm, Anthony William, 258Boerhaave, Hermann, 344Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas, 291Bonifacius ("Essays to do Good")
(Mather), 2, 197, 232-238, 240, 253,257, 303, 403, 406Bonn, Germany, witchcraft in, 89Book of Common Prayer, 63, 68Boston:
Baptists in, 69, 111, 302
Cotton family in, 4, 24
described, 6, 12-13, 279-281
disestablishment of, 64
earthquakes in, 56, 279, 417-419, 421
economic crisis in, 310, 317, 321-322
epidemics in, 39-40, 56, 126, 173, 182,
192, 269-273, 279, 335, 336-363Episcopal church in, 62-63, 74, 208-
209, 283, 296, 367, 373-376fires in, 20-21, 56, 65, 279, 281first brothel in, 58harbor of, 59, 69-70, 212, 280
Boston (tout )
illegitimacy in, 308infant mortality in, 173
as major city, 6, 12 13, 27, 279 281manners and morals of, ^8 59, 221,
ir 228, 235. 280 281, 308Mather family in, 5 6measles in, 56, 269 273, 336North End of, 9, 12 13printing industry in, 153, 240, 281Reform Synod in (1679 1680), 36, 59religious sects in, 56, <>2. 74, 3()2scientific community in, 11, 167, *(|^
406as seaport. 56, 280smallpox in, 39, 56, 182, 192, 335, 336-
363South End of, 279, 280suicide in, 58
Town House of, 62, 70, 71, 279, 280uprising in (1689), 69-72, 73witchcraft in, 83-87, 95, 120-127, 136yellow fever in, 126Boston Epbemeris, The (Mather), 42Boston Gazette, 1, 341, 342, 349, 357, 416,
417Boston News-Letter, 199, 281, 313, 314,
342, 365, 405-406Boston Philosophical Society, 41, 167Boyer, James, 280Boyle, Robert, 18, 40, 42, 93, 168, 262,
338, 407, 408Boylston, Zabdiel, 337-338, 340-344,
349-350, 355, 361-362Bradford, William, 20, 158, 163Bradstreet, Anne, 184, 203Bradstreet, Simon, 70, 73, 74, 75, 97, 162,
203"Brand Pluck'd out of the Burning, A"
(Mather), 121Brattle, Thomas, 147, 207, 216Brattle Street Church, 147-150, 152-156,
176, 178, 257, 283, 288, 321Brief Discourse Concerning the
unlawfulness of Common PrayerWorship, A (Increase Mather), 68British Empire in America, The
(Oldmixon), 222, 403Browne, Sir Thomas, 92Brownwell, George, 281bubonic plague, 343, 344, 352Buckley, Joseph, 381Burgess, Elizeus, 295Burnet, William, 415Burroughs, George, 106, 109, 110-111,
116Bvfield, Nathaniel, 207, 323
Byles, Mather, 1, 370, 401
Calef, Robert, 87, 100-101, 110, 112, 130-
135, 145, 254, 328, 403Callender, Elisha, 302, 332Call of the Gospel, The (Mather), 48Calvinism, 302
see also Congregationalism; PuritansCambridge, Mass., 26, 40, 178, 374
earthquake in, 279
Mather honored by, 48Cambridge Association of Ministers, 135,
142, 157Cambridge Platform, 3, 60, l6l, 193, 300Cambridge Platonists, 92Cambridge University, 3Canada, in French and Indian Wars, 75,
213-214, 218cancer, 179, 340
Carrier, Martha, 106, 109, 111, 121Carrier, Richard, 105Carver, Mrs., 126, 135Caryl, Joseph, 296
Cases of Conscience Concerning EvilSpirits Personating Men (IncreaseMather), 113-114, 117censorship, 75, 203Chamberlayne, John, 204, 215Charles I, king of England, 59Charles II, king of England, 8, 59, 6l, 64Charleston, S.C., yellow fever in, 143Charlestown, Mass., 56
Mather in, 46, 50Chauncey, Charles, 172Checkley,John, 356, 375Cheever, Ezekiel, 14, 49, 96, 146, 197Cheever, Thomas, 49children:
abandonment of, 58
death of, 76, 173, 272, 390, 400
Puritans' treatment of, 90, 265Christianity Demonstrated (Mather), 197Christian Loyalty (Mather), 400Christian Philosopher, The (Mather), 249-
252Christianusper Ignem (Mather), 168"Chronological Decads" (Stone), 158Church of England:
ceremonies of, 4, 5, 62-63, 68, 366
High Church in, 208, 242, 295
in New England, see Episcopal church
power of, 3-4, 5
Queen Anne's support of, 208
SPG supported by, 208, 216, 241-242Clap, Nathaniel, 411Clark, John, 261, 323, 324-325, 337Clarke, Samuel, 329, 330
"Clear and Colder" (Frost), 277Coelestinus (Mather), 364, 372Colden, Cadwallader, 361Coleson, John, 281
Collection, of Some of the Many OffensiveMatters, Contained in . . . The Orderof the Gospel Revived, A (Mather),154Colman, Benjamin, 146-149, 151-156,
165, 207, 216, 217, 226, 257, 298, 332,333, 369, 373, 376, 384-385, 391-392,426in inoculation controversy, 342, 345,
353Lydia Mather and, 146, 283, 284, 287,
289, 391on Mather, 202, 255, 420, 423, 425Colonial Mind, The (Parrington), 277comets, 40, 42, 56, 251-252, 291communion, 119-120, 148, 150, 152Companion for Communicants (Mather),
119-120Congregationalism, 404-405, 418blacks in, 160, 194, 264, 451 ncommunion in, 119-120, 148, 150, 152Halfway Covenant Synod of (1662), 57,
118, 150Indians converted to, 238, 241memberhip qualifications of, 57, 118-
120, 148, 150, 152, 153ministry in, see ministryordination in, 9, 28, 44-45, 142-143,
147,148,150,366-368, 372-373origin of, 3, 60, 118, 140psalmody of, 148, 238, 303-306, 360Reform Synod of (1679-1680), 59struggles within, 9, 57, 118-120, 140-
146, 148-156, 366-368, 372-376in United Brethren, 140-142, 148-149,
161, 299Universal Religion vs., 300-301see also PuritansConnecticut, 63earthquake in, 417Yale founded in, 298-299Cooke, Elisha, 176, 178, 206, 207, 321Cooke, Elisha, Jr., 321, 322-326, 331, 377Cooper, Edward, 400Cooper, Elizabeth Mather ("Lizzy,"
"Liza"), 263, 267, 270, 324-325, 338,347, 400Copernicus, Nicolaus, 22, 41, 253Copp's Hill, 427Corey, Giles, 112, 113, 191Corey, Martha, 113Corlet, Elijah, 17, 21, 33, 35, 228corpuscularianism, 167-168
Cotton, Joanna, 39
Cotton, John (father), 3-4, 6, 24, 37, 39,40, 86, 140, 143, 155, 159, 195, 301
death of, 5Cotton, John (son), 39-40, 67, 76, 114,380
death of, 143Cotton, Maria, see Mather, Maria CottonCotton family, 3-5, 23, 39-40, 159, 287Cotton's Hill, 5, 9
Council for Safety of the People andConservation of Peace, 70, 72, 75Court of the Gentiles, The (Gale), 101Cowley, Abraham, 199Cox, James, 373Craighead, Thomas, 286-287Cromwell, Oliver, 282Crouch, Nathaniel, 92Culvers Root, 292"Curiosa Americana" (Mather), 244-249,
253, 260, 339, 406, 426Cutler, Timothy, 367-369, 372-376, 401
Dalhonde, Lawrence, 342
Danvers, Mass., 95
Davis, Frances, 374
Davison, Nicholas, 314
Decennium Luctuosum (Mather), 200,
243Declaration of the Gentlemen, 70-71,
436wDefoe, Daniel, 199De la Pillonniere, Francis, 301-302Departure and Character of Elijah, The
(Samuel Mather), 427Deplorable State of New-England, The,
220Derham, William, 249Desaguliers, Jean Theophile, 406Descartes, Rene, 41, 168, 248, 262devil, devils, 414
baptism performed by, 105-106, 118belief in, 88-89, 91-92, 94Cotton Mather on, 91-92, 94, 107-109,119,130, 133-134, 345-346, 409,438rc-439wgood angels' combat with, 123-127Indians and, 108, 239New England as territory of, 106, 108,
115, 130, 239plurality of, 91
traditional Christian view of, 91-92witchcraft and, 85-86, 88-89, 91-92, 94,103, 105-106, 119, 121, 130, 133-134,239, 409, 4$8n-439nwitches' testimony about, 105-106Dickinson, Edmund, 167-168Diluvium Ignis (Mather), 416
"Discourse on Witchcraft" (Mather). 95Dissenters, see individual sectsDoctrine of Instituted Churches
(Stoddard), 150, 153Dogood, Silence (Benjamin Franklin),
359-360Donne, John, 246Dorchester, Mass., 101Mather in, 24, 46-47Mather family in, 3, 4, 24"Double-Headed Snake of Newbury, The"
(Whittier), 191Douglass, William, 344-345, 351, 354,
355,356, 358-359, 361, 362drunkenness, 58
of Indians, 238, 242Drydenjohn, 199, 291Dudley, Joseph, 62, 181
as assistant to Andros, 72, 73-74, 203,
213in England, 204family of, 203, 216as governor, 202-221, 226, 230, 234-
235, 259,267,294-295, 320-321, 323Mather and, 74, 202-203, 205-207, 210-211, 213-215, 217-221, 224-225, 226,227, 230,234-235, 256, 283, 294-295,318on New England's inhabitants, 71, 203Dudley, Paul, 318Dudley, Thomas, 203Dudley, William, 211, 213, 218Dummer, Jeremiah, 296-298, 322, 365,
376-378, 397Dummer, William, 365, 369, 397, 419, 426Dunham, Eliezer, 314Dunton, John, 263Dust and Ashes (Mather), 197Duston, Hannah, 165, 243
Early Piety Exemplified (Mather), 77earthquakes, 56, 107-108, 171, 279, 303,
415,416,417-419, 421Easty, Mary, 113ecumenism, 140-146, 148, 156, l6l, 242,
299-303, 330-332, 367-368, 405see also liberty of conscienceEdict of Nantes, 171Edwards, Jonathan, 401Eleazar, 45-46election sermon, 72Elegy on . . . Nathanael Collins (Mather),
37-38Eliot, John, 36, 44, 45, 67, 240, 258, 281
Mather's biography of, 159-160, 164Elizabeth in her Holy Retirement
(Mather), 197-198ElShaddai (Mather), 411
Arian heresy in, 328-332
in French and Indian Wars, 74
Glorious Revolution in, 55, 68-69, 73
navy of, 59, 69-70
Puritans persecuted in, 3-4, 5, 55, 160-
161in Queen Anne's War, 211Restoration in, 5, 8, 59Salters' Hall controversy in, 328-332smallpox in, 338-339, 351, 352, 362witchcraft in, 115, 116England, Church of, see Church of
EnglandEnlightenment, 233, 234, 301Ephialtes, 12, 25epidemics:
in Boston, 39-40, 56, 126, 173, 182,
192, 269-273, 279, 335, 336-363measles, 56, 269-273, 336scarlet fever, 56smallpox, 39-40, 56, 182, 192, 335,
336-363yellow fever, 126, 143Episcopal church, 56, 67, 148, 366-367in Boston, 62-63, 74, 208-209, 283,
296, 367, 373-376liberty of conscience and, 59, 140-141,
161persecution of, 74see also Church of EnglandEpistle to the Christian Indians, An
(Mather), 242Erskine, Patrick, 257eschatology, 170-171, 303, 413Essay on Scripture-prophecy (Burnet),
415Essay on the Revelation of Saint John
(Whiston), 303"Essays to do Good" (Mather), see
BonifaciusEssay Toward a Natural History of the
Earth (Woodward), 247Europe, witchcraft in, 89, 106, 115, 116,
124Excellency of a Publick Spirit, The
(Increase Mather), 209execution sermons, 47
Family-Religion, Excited and Assisted
(Mather), 198Faneuil, Andrew, 280, 346Fasciculus Viventium (Mather), 416Feveryear, Grafton, 406"Few Remarks ... on the Choice of a
Speaker, A" (Mather), 324Fielding, Henry, 344First Church of Boston, 4, 24, 57, 279
Fly, William, 400Foster, John, 101-102, 110, 123Foxcroft, Thomas, 320France, 121
fear of invasion by, 56, 70, 211
Protestants persecuted in, 171, 399
see also French and Indian WarsFrancke, August Hermann, 231-232, 235,
256, 301Franklin, Benjamin, 91, 164, 234-235,344, 425
on Mather, 2, 234, 383
Mather satirized by, 359-360Franklin, James, 344, 357, 358, 359French and Indian Wars, 74-75, 88, 97,113, 241, 243
Queen Anne's War and, 211-214, 218
Treaty of Utrecht and, 295Freneau, Philip, 2Friendly Debate, A, 358-359Frizzell, John, 292-293, 326-327, 337Frontiers Well-Defended (Mather), 212Frost, Robert, 277Fuller, Ruth, 46
Gale, Theophilus, 101
Gallup poll, 89
Gamaliel the elder, 50
Gassendi, Pierre, 262
Gatchel, Increase, 366
Gay Head, Mass., Indians in, 241
Gee, Joshua, 372-373, 400, 410, 420, 421,
422, 423, 426, 427George, John, 282-283, 290
estate of, 312-315, 317, 346, 360, 366George, Lydia Lee, see Mather, Lydia Lee
GeorgeGeorge I, king of England, 295, 299George II, king of England, 416Germany:
Pietism in, see Pietismwitchcraft in, 89Giles Corey of the Salem Farms
(Longfellow), 191Glanvill, Joseph, 92, 93, 438«Glasgow University, 222-225, 255, 257Glorious Revolution, 55, 68-69, 73Glover, Goody, 84, 95Goddard, Edward, 197Golden Curb for the Mouth (Mather), 228Good, Dorcas, 97Good, Sarah, 96-97, 98, 104, 121Good, William, 96-97Good Fetch'd Out of Evil (Mather), 198Good Old Age, A (Mather), 398Goodwin, John, 83, 86, 90, 119Goodwin, Martha (daughter), 77, 85-86,
91,92,94, 133, 221, 437«
Goodwin, Martha (mother), 119
Goodwin, Nathaniel, 428
Goodwin family, 83-86, 88, 90-95, 119,
165Gospel Order Revived, The, 152-155grace, 28, 57, 118-120, 235, 301Grande Voix du Ciel a la France, Une
(Mather), 399Grandfather's Chair (Hawthorne), 53Great Awakening, 119, 299Great Britain, see EnglandGreat Day of Judgment (Lee), 282Green, Bartholomew, 153Greenwood, Isaac, 406Groton, Mass., King Philip's War in, 19Grounds and Rides of Mustek Explained,
The (Walter), 305-306
Hadrian, emperor of Rome, 162Hale, John, 87, 95
Halfway Covenant, 57, 118-120, 150Hall, Michael G., 59Halle University, 231-232Halley, Edmund, 248, 356Halley's comet, 40, 42, 56Harris, Henry, 374Harvard College, 406
administration of, 17-18, 26, 175-178,216-217, 234, 259, 281, 291, 294, 298,327-328, 374-375, 384-385, 391British views on, 60, 64, 208, 216charter of, 21, 175-176, 215, 217Cotton Mather and, 14-15, 17-19, 21-23, 26, 42, 46, 77, 224-225, 294, 298,327-328, 379, 384-385, 386, 391curriculum of, 21decline of, 17-18described, 17freshmen hazed at, 19Increase Mather and, 3, 15, 18-19, 26,
40, 46, 64, 175-179, 215, 216, 217library of, 262measles epidemic at, 269revival of, 281Samuel Mather (son) at, 291, 298, 310,
332, 369, 384 •SPG at, 208, 216telescope at, 40, 42Hatchets to Hew Down the Tree of Sin
(Mather), 242Hathorne, Judge, 60, 96HatzarMaveth (Mather), 411Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 53Heads of Agreement Assented to by theUnited Ministers In and AboutLondon, 140, 149, 161Heavenly Conversation, The (Mather),232
Hedman, Philip, 280Helmont.Jean Baptiste van, 41, 409
heresy, punishments for, 56Hezekiah, king of Judah, 42-43Hieroglyphica Animalium Tertestriu m
(Simson), 22Higginson, John, 152, 161, 239Higginson, Nathaniel, 212History of New-England (Neal), 327History of Plymouth Plantation
(Bradford), 20History of the Second Church, A
(Robbins), 54History of the United States (Bancroft), 53Hoar, Leonard, 18Hobby, Sir Charles, 211Hollis, Thomas, 310, 332, 398, 412Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 192Hooker, Thomas, 155, 159HorHagidgad (Mather), 411Howell, George, 312-313, 316, 360, 421Howell, Nathan (father), 282, 283, 290estate of, 312-315, 318, 346, 360-361,
366, 397, 421Howell, Nathan (son), 312-313, 316, 360,
421Hubbard, Richard, 26lHubbard, William, 158Hutchinson, Thomas, 323
India Christiana (Mather), 399-400Indians, 121, 237-243, 258, 259, 344, 349,397
alcohol consumed by, 238, 242
conversion of, 3, 36,159-160, 237-242,298, 399-400
devil and, 108, 239
English learned by, 240
in French and Indian Wars, 74-76, 88,97, 113, 211, 241, 243
hostile, 56, 74, 108, 211, 238, 243
in King Philip's War, 19-20
languages of, 240, 242
Mather and, 230, 238-243, 298, 399-400
Puritan view of, 108
in Queen Anne's War, 211
Richard Mather's work with, 3
rights of, 241Instructor (Mather), 400In the American Grain (Williams), 277
Jamaica, earthquake in, 107-108
James, Benjamin, 314
James II, king of England, 43, 64, 67, 68,
72Jefferson, Thomas, 301, 425Jeffreys, George, Lord, 78Jesuit missionaries, 241
Jews, conversion of, as harbinger of
millennium, 170, 171, 303, 304, 416Jurin, James, 362, 406
Keith, George, 206, 208, 209
Kepler, Johann, 40
Kimball, Everett, 215
Kingdom of Darkness, The (Crouch), 92
King Philips War, 19-20, 6l
Kings Chapel, 63, 74, 208-209, 283, 296,
367, 373, 374, 375Kirk, Charles, 78, 205Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 299Kometograpbia (Increase Mather), 40
Lapis e Monte Excisus (The Stone Cut out
of the Mountain) (Mather), 300, 302,
303Larbaud, Valery, 277Lee, Anne, 282
Lee, Samuel, 281-282, 309, 413Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, 249Letter About a Good Management under
the Distemper of the Measles
(Mather), 270-271Letter; About the Present State of
Christianity among the Christianized
Indians (Mather), 241Leverett, John, 207, 216-217, 220, 224-
225, 256, 259, 281, 291, 294, 298, 328,
369,446ndeath of, 384Lex Mercatoria (Mather), 212liberty of conscience, 59, 64, 80-81, 140,
176, 301-302, 331-332see also ecumenismLife of the Very Reverend and Learned
Cotton Mather, The (Samuel Mather),
1"lining-out," 148Londer, John, 100Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 191Lords of Trade and Plantation, 62Louis XIV, king of France, 211, 303Lovelace, Richard, 144, 331Luther, Martin, 199, 300Lycosthenes, Conrad, 262
Maccarty, Elizabeth, 189-190
Maccarty, Katharine, 186-190, 220, 235,281
McSparran, James, 373-374
Magnalia Christi Americana (Mather),54, 126, 157-166, 167, 181-182, 197,234, 258, 291, 357, 424, 426criticism of, 222, 224, 327-328, 355
Maine, 63, 113
Maitland, Charles, 352
Malachi (Mather), 300, 303
Manifesto, 148, 149, 226
Manuductio ad Ministerium (Mather),
402-404, 411,416Marten, Benjamin, 408Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Indians on, 238,
241Mary II, queen of England, 67, 73, 75, 80,
charter of, 59-63, 72-73, 102, 118, 139,141, 160, 162, 175-176, 205, 206, 207,209, 321, 323, 326court system in, 60, 63, 102, 118, 203finances of, 320-322governorship of, 60, 62-64, 71, 73, 74,75, 79-81, 97, 101-102, 138-139, 162,202-219, 234-235, 267, 294-296,320-326, 365, 397King Philip's War in, 19-20, 6lland ownership in, 64, 81manners and morals in, 58-59, 60migration of Puritan families to, 3-4, 59missionaries in, 238-242as Puritan state, 60witchcraft in, see witchcraftMassachusetts Bay Company, 59, 60, 62Mather, Abigail ("Nibby") (daughter), see
Willard, Abigail MatherMather, Abigail (sister), 39Mather, Abigail Phillips (wife), 50-51, 77,85, 101, 248, 283, 286children of, 76, 123, 169, 173-175, 182,
183, 184, 263, 293, 348death of, 169, 179-186, 293, 348Mather, Ann Lake Cotton (stepmother),
287, 369-370Mather, Catherine (sister), 39Mather, Cotton:
ability doubted by, 48-49, 66, 72, 76,
78, 102acts of good performed by, 228-230,
255, 257, 270, 313, 358adolescence of, 20-23, 6l, 67, 93, 101,
128, 229, 257, 262, 277, 338affliction as viewed by, 34, 76, 182, 269,
271, 273, 348-349on afterlife, 413-414almanac written by, 42as amanuensis, 25, 36, 42, 201, 338as American, 425-426angelic guidance perceived by, 126,
136-137angel's visits to, 127-130, 166, 169-170,
311-312, 440rcanger fought by, 35, 227-228, 236, 254,
257, 266-267, 311, 385Arianism refuted by, 328-332, 368, 399
Mather, Cotton (cont.)artillery sermon of, 48attacks on, 87-88, 100-101, lio, 129-
135,152-155, 220-225, 324, 326,
355-360, 379attempted arrest of, 68, 69attempted assassination of, 350-351,
359autobiography of, 117, 175, 228, 268,
308, 388Bible interpreted by, see "Biblia
Americana"Bible studied by, 14, 170as biographer, 39, 77, 159-164birth of, 6, 59blacks as viewed by, 264-265, 379,
451«blamed for witchcraft hysteria, 87-88,
100-101, 110, 129-130, 278, 361books read by, 21-22, 166, 198-199,
262-263in Boston uprising (1689), 69-72, 73brother Nat hansel's biography written
by, 39, 77candidacy for ordination of, 26-33, 42-
43character of, 53-54, 145, 202, 227, 229,
244,254-260, 277, 326-328, 424-425charitableness of, 230, 233, 257, 312-
313, 338, 362, 380, 424childhood of, 6-7, 9, 13-19, 128, 129,
266children of, 76, 123, 169, 173-175, 182,
183, 184, 263, 265-274, 290-294, 310,
324-325, 336, 337-338, 347-349,
381-382, 387, 400-401, 419, 425,
440w, 461 ncommonplace books of, 198-199, 201as conversationalist, 202, 424conversion of the Jews desired by, 170,
171, 303, 304, 416daily routines of, 31-32, 194-199, 201on death, 410-413death of, 420-422on devils, 91-92, 94, 107-109, 119, 130,
133-134, 345-346, 409, 438rc-439rcdevils' persecution of, 123, 409devils tested by, 85-86diaries of, 31, 32, 55, 66, 76, 78, 117-
118, 127, 135, 136, 169, 172, 199, 200,
201, 225, 227, 229-230, 261, 275, 277,
303, 308-311, 315, 335, 345, 358, 370,
379-380, 381, 382, 389, 397, 433ndreams of, 12, 52, 66early success of, 47-48, 72ecumenism of, 140-146, 156, l6l, 208,
242, 299-303, 330-332, 367-368, 405
Mather, Cotton (cont )
education of, 14-15, 17-19, 21 23, 26
effectiveness of. .is preacher, 24, 26, 17,
73,194-196"ejaculatory prayers" of, 32 33, 36
election sermon of, "273
end of world expected by, 103, 107
108, 170-171, 3<>3. 41 * 119eschatology studied by, 170-171, 303
estate of, 395-396, 427 *2Heulogies of, 423 425
execution sermon of, 47 48, 49fables written by, 81fame desired by, 29, 129. 144, 223. 236family of, 3-6, 9,15, 19, 23, 24, 39 K>,
76, 143, 159, 211, 238, 262, 268, 287,
305, 379, 427as father, 76, 173-175, 263, 265-269.
272-274, 290-294, 307-308, 310,
319-320, 325, 337-338, 347-349,
381-382, 387-390, 392-393, 401, 419,
424father as rival of, 26-27, 29, 35, 42-43,
46,49father as viewed by, 8, 371father compared to, 202, 267, 420, 426on fatherhood, 315, 371-372father's biography written by, 371father's relationship with, 16, 22, 25-26,
48-49, 66, 77-78, 79, 112, 117, 199-
200,227,266, 370-372finances of, 194, 259, 267, 283, 310,
312-319, 321, 346-347, 360-361,
365-366, 378, 380, 383, 395-396, 428first book-length publication of, 86-87first extant letter of, 40first marriage of, 49-51, 93, 101, 169,
179-186, 286, 293first public sermon of, 24, 33, 398first published sermon of, 47, 48first work to be published abroad of, 77funeral of, 426-427germ theory of, 343-344, 408gifts given to father by, 26on grace, 119-120, 235, 301grace experienced by, 23, 29-30, 43, 50grace sought by, 28-33, 93grandchildren of, 290, 427handwriting of, 36-37, 202Harvard and, 14-15, 17-19, 21-23, 26,
42, 46, 77, 224-225, 294, 298, 327-
328, 379, 384-385, 386, 391health of, 6-7, 14, 22, 25, 33, 77, 78, 79,
97-98, 126, 171, 236, 267, 397, 399,
410,412-413,420, 421High Churchmen reviled by, 208, 242,
Mather, Cotton (tout.)
as historian, 157-159, 222, 243
homes of, 5, 6, 9, 12, 20, 21, 50, 77, 85,
262, 279, 288-290honorary doctorate of, 222-225, 255,
257, 355-356humility of, 27
hymns composed by, 303, 412as hypochondriac, 22imagery of, 35-36, 129, 196, 411-412imaginaton of, 30-31, 33, 36, 81, 202,
243, 244Indians and, 230, 238-243, 298, 399-
400inoculation advocated by, 192, 253,
335, 338-363last sermon of, 419lawsuits of, 312-319, 346-347, 360-361,
381, 397as letter-writer, 40, 199, 223, 232, 399library of, 172, 262-263, 380, 428as linguist, 14-15, 22, 32, 37, 170, 259lust fought by, 28-29, 51, 179, 188, 382on marriage, 184, 315medical interests of, 22, 233, 247, 253,
270-271, 292, 338, 36l, 406-410meditation practiced by, 23as minister, 194-198, 225-226, 256, 400on ministry, 24, 227, 256, 402-404name of, 6, 23, 200nightmares of, 12ordination of, 43-45, 48, 101"Particular Faiths" of, 173-180, 185-
186, 234, 271as peacemaker, 145-146, 149persecution of, 68Pietism and, 230-235, 238, 258, 289,
301, 302, 399piety of, 6, 7, 13, 23as poet, 37-38, 183-184, 197, 304, 412-
413portrait of, 145, 311, 410prayers of, 25, 31, 34, 49, 66, 170, 173,
195, 196prayers composed by, 7, 14, 32-33, 36,
46preaching style of, criticized, 48precocity of, 13, 14, 15, 21, 72pride fought by, 29, 34-35, 199, 223prose style of, 37, 48, 54, 70, 81, 87,
129, 159, 165, 201, 222, 243, 244, 270,
331,403, 411-412psalmody developed by, 303-306psychical experiences of, 170-174public acclaim of, 24, 48, 72, 87, 222-
223, 400in public disagreement with father,
Mather, Cotton (cont.)114, 117, 156published works of, 77, 115, 144, 157,
195, 197-201, 259, 278, 398, 400,423-424
religious aspirations of, 30-31, 124, 137religious crises of, 22, 43, 50, 51, 93religious doubts of, 22, 50, 51, 93, 102,
378on repentance, 47-48satirized as Silence Dogood, 359-360scandal about, 186-190, 220as scholar, 14, 21
schoolmates' abuse of, 14, 16, 18, 19scientific interests of, 22, 40-42, 93-94,
167-168, 243-254, 262, 405-410second marriage of, 189-190, 220, 261-
263, 271-272, 286, 293secret prayers of, 31, 170, 173self-examination performed by, 28, 334sermon notebooks of, 26, 35, 37, 44,
45-46, 47, 67, 79, 129, 201, 228, 282sermons of, 24, 25, 33, 44, 46-49, 68,
69, 72-73, 77, 81, 95, 115, 184, 194-
196, 198, 201, 212, 226, 228, 232, 256,271, 273, 275, 288, 292, 315, 322, 344,348-349, 370-371, 383, 390, 392, 398,400, 416, 418-419, 423
servants of, 263-264, 270, 272, 290sexuality of, 28-29, 179, 188, 288-289,
311, 382siblings of, 12, 25, 38-39slavery as viewed by, 264slaves owned by, 263-265, 290, 45\non spectral evidence, 98-99, 100"spiritual alchemy" of, 32, 36stammer of, 15-17, 18, 19, 22, 33-38,
48-49, 129, 145, 172-173, 202, 227,
303, 348, 371, 408, 432rc, 433w-434rcthird marriage of, 281, 283-293, 308-
310, 381-389, 397Universal Religion of, 299-303, 330-
332, 367-368unpublished works of, 198, 398on witchcraft, 83, 88, 91, 94-95, 98-99,
103, 107-109, 122, 133-134, 409witchcraft trial judges and, 97, 101-102,
112witchcraft trials criticized by, 100witchcraft victims examined by, 86, 91,
92,94, 95, 121-133, 136witch interviewed by, 84, 95wit of, 36, 38, 165, 222, 243, 244on women, 275, 309, 379as writer, 37-38, 54, 115, 159, 165, 195,
197-201, 222, 243, 244, 400, 402-403,
Mather, Eleazer (son), 271, 272Mather, Eleazer (uncle), 8-9Mather, Elizabeth ("Lizzy," "Liza")
(daughter), see Cooper, Elizabeth
MatherMather, Elizabeth (sister), 12, 39, 370Mather, Elizabeth Hubbard Clark (wife),
189-190, 220, 261-263, 269-270, 286,
324-325children of, 263death of, 261, 271-272, 336Mather, Hannah ("Nancy") (daughter),
173-174, 182, 263, 270, 348, 381, 384,
386, 419, 428, 46l«Mather, Hannah (sister), 25, 39Mather, Increase ("Creasy") (grandson of
Cotton Mather), 427Mather, Increase, Jr. ("Creasy") (son of
Cotton Mather), 174-175, 182, 263,
269-270, 274, 292-294, 307-308, 315,
319-320, 326, 346, 357, 366, 370death of, 387-390, 392,412Mather, Increase (father), 4-16, 23, 80,
86, 101, 102, 136, 141, 157, 159, 162,
167, 204-205, 227, 240, 246, 251, 268,
282, 288, 320, 342arrest of, 64-65in Brattle Street Church controversy,
149, 150, 152-154, 176, 178British government defied by, 61, 63,
117British royalty and, 67, 73, 81, 117Cambridge (Mass.) despised by, 26, 40,
179character of, 6, 7, 8, 176, 179, 202childhood of, 4death of, 364, 368-373death as preoccupation of, 8-9, 25, 45-
46,79, 193, 293, 311depression of, 8-9, 12, 225, 353diaries of, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 311doctorate of, 224education of, 4-5
in England, 5, 55, 67-68, 77-78, 140Ephialtes of, 12escape of, 65-66execution sermon of, 47, 48, 49as father, 6-7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 22, 38, 48-
49, 77-78, 79, 117, 129, 199-200, 266,
370, 371, 372finances of, 10, 13, 194, 369-370first marriage of, 5, 11, 275funeral of, 369, 426-427Halfway Covenant opposed by, 57, 119Harvard and, 3, 15, 18-19, 26, 40, 46,
64, 175-179, 215, 216, 217health of, 4, 11-12, 20, 25, 42, 45, 193,
263, 310-311, 334-335, 353
Mather, Increase (father) (COM >library of, 20, 21, 263, 369 370Massachusetts charter defended by, 61,
206, 209. 521as minister of North Church, 9 10, 12,
13, 21, 24, 25, 26 27, 203. 225mysticism of, 8 9nightmares of, 12ordination of, 10persecution of, 5, 64 65piety of, 6-9poetry of, 7as prophet, 5, 19-20, 56, 61-62, 64, 79,
336, 369quoted, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 56-57, 58-59, 67,
82, 113, 125, 199-200, 208, 293religious conversion of, 4, 368religious doubts of, 10second marriage of, 287sermons of, 4, 19, 42-43, 44, 45-46, 47,48, 49, 65, 79, 82, 88, 129, 171, 209,228, 275, 311, 336, 371as son, 5, 57, 371studiousness of, 7, 40-41will of, 369-370on witchcraft, 82, 110, 113see also Mather, CottonMather, Jerusha (daughter), 263, 270,
272-273Mather, Jerusha (sister), 39, 272Mather, Katharine ("Katy") (daughter),
263, 267-268, 269, 291-292Mather, Lydia Lee George (wife), 281-293, 308-313, 315, 316, 325, 346, 360,366, 397, 413, 421, 422, 427, 428background of, 281-283, 309Colman and, 146, 283, 284, 287, 289,
391Mather deserted by, 386-387personality of, 146, 283, 285, 309, 381-
386, 388-389wealth of, 282, 283, 287-288, 310, 317Mather, Maria (sister), 12, 39, 40Mather, Maria Cotton (mother), 5, 11, 15,20, 39, 111, 263, 369death of, 275Mather, Martha (daughter), 271, 272Mather, Nathanael (brother), 8, 12, 35,263, 372Cotton Mather's biography of, 39, 77death of, 76-77piety of, 39, 77studiousness of, 39, 40, 77Mather, Nathanael (son), 263Mather, Nathaniel (uncle), 4, 21, 195Mather, Richard (grandfather), 3-4, 5, 10,24, 159death of, 11, 57, 311, 368, 371
Mather, Samuel (brother), 38-39, 65-66,
194, 293-294, 370Mather, Samuel ("Sammy") (son), 2, 267,268, 270, 290-291, 308, 338, 357, 370,386, 387, 393, 406, 410, 419, 422, 428birth of, 263father of viewed by, 16, 27, 35, 71, 73,
262, 399, 421,424,425father's biography written by, 1, 427at Harvard, 291, 298, 310, 332, 369, 384inoculation of, 347-348ordination of, 401-402Mather, Samuel (uncle), 9Mather, Sarah (sister), 12, 39, 40Mather family, 3-6, 9, 76, 211, 262, 268ministers in, 4, 15, 143prestige of, 19, 23, 24, 159May, Samuel (Samuel Axel), 142measles, 56, 269-273, 336, 408Mede, Joseph, 108, 171, 239, 303, 439nMedicinal Experiments (Boyle), 407medicine, 22, 233, 247, 253, 270-271, 292,338, 361, 406-410see also epidemicsMelville, Herman, 54, 426Memorable Providences, Relating to
Witchcraft and Possessions (Mather),86-87, 88, 92Memorial of the Present Deplorable Stateof New England, A (Mather), 213,214, 220men, witchcraft and, 94Mico, John, 154Mico, Mary, 312, 314-316Middlekauff, Robert, 144Milborne, William, 69, 111Milk for Babes (Cotton), 86Miller, Perry, 326, 36lministry.
children of, 307
declining power of, 70, 326, 360
duties of, 46, 196, 402-404
fraudulent, 142
Mather on, 24, 227, 256, 402-404
ordination of, 9, 28, 44-45, 142-143,
147,148,150,366-368, 372-373prophecy avoided by, 107scandals in, 143witchcraft believed in by, 88wives for, 49
younger generation denounced by, 58Moby-Dick (Melville), 165Modest Inquiry, A (Hale), 95Modest Inquiry into the Grounds andOccasions of a Late Pamphlet(Joseph Dudley), 220Mohawk Indians, 75-76Mohegan Indians, 298
Mohra, Sweden, witchcraft in, 124Monitory, and Hortatory Letter, To those
English, who debauch the Indians, A
(Mather), 242Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 351, 352Moodey, Joshua, 48, 69More, Henry, 92Morgan, James, 47-48, 49Morton, Charles, 69, 88Moses, 34, 168Mr. Mainland's Account of Inoculating the
Small Pox Vindicated (Maitland),
352Myles, Samuel, 74, 375Mystery of Christ (Increase Mather), 86Mystical Marriage (Mather), 400
Nantucket, Mass., Indians on, 238
Natick, Mass., Indians in, 241
Navigation Acts, 63
Neal, Daniel, 327-328, 331
Negro Christianized, The (Mather), 264
New Brick Church, 333-334, 360
New England:
climate of, 56
decay of piety in, 57-59
as devil's territory, 106, 108, 115, 130,239
Dominion of, territorial composition of,63
earthquakes in, 417-419
illegitimacy in, 308
inhabitants of, British views on, 60, 68
inhabitants of, Dudley's slander of, 71,203
insecurity of, 56-59, 106
manners and morals in, 58-59, 60, 144,221, 308, 405
Mather's history of, see MagnaliaChristi Americana
religious sects in, 56, 62, 74, 140-141
secularization of, 70, 326, 360
smallpox in, 351
suicide in, 58
witchcraft as threat to, 106-108, 115,121,130New England Company, 239-242, 259NeivEngland Courant, 344, 353, 354-
362, 365, 376New-England Psalm Singer, The
(Billings), 306NeivEngland Weekly Journal, 1, 427New Hampshire, 63, 67New Haven:
rusticity of, 27-28
Yale founded at, 299New Jersey, 63Newman, Henry, 216
New News from Robinson Cruso's Island
(anon.), 326New North Church, 225-226, 332-333New Offer To the Lovers of Religion andLearning, A (Mather), 257-258, 260News from Robinson Cruso's Island
(Mather), 323-324, 326New South Church, 326newspapers, 249, 281, 365, 367, 423first American, 75, 199inoculation controversy in, 341-344,349,354-362Newton, Sir Isaac, 168, 199, 248, 249, 251,
282, 297, 298, 303, 329, 406New York, 63, 89Nishmath-Chajim, 408-410Nonconformists, see individual sectsNorth Church, 9-10, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27,42, 75, 77, 81, 101, 107, 124, 147, 149,162, 179, 194, 203, 221, 261, 289, 349,364, 372-373, 400, 421cemetery of, 427described, 13destroyed in fire, 20division of congregation of, 225-226,
334execution sermon at, 47Halfway Covenant and, 57, 118-120ordination ceremony in, 43-44prestige of, 45rebuilding of, 21, 225religious revivals in, 135, 418-419Norton, John, 159
Nottingham, Daniel Finch, 2nd earl of, 211Nowell, Samuel, 62Noyes, Oliver, 321, 322, 328Nuncia Bona, 232
Oakes, Urian, 18-19, 23, 37-38, 58
Obadiah, 290
Oldmixon, John, 222, 355, 403
Old North Church, see North Church
Oliver, Nathaniel, 313-314
Onesimus, 264-265, 290, 339, 355
Order of the Gospel, The (Increase
Mather), 150, 152-154Oriatrike (Helmont), 409original sin, 28Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion
(Mather), 309Orpbanotropbium (Mather), 232Oxford University, 3
Packanet, Michael, 313Palfrey, John Gorham, 210Parentator (Mather), 371Paris, Samuel, 95
Parkhurst, Thomas, 1SH, 22»Partington, Vernon Louis, 277"Parter's Portion," 146, 151"Particular Faiths," 173 L75, 18^ 186"Paterna" (Mather), 117, 175, 228. 268,
308, 3«8Paul, Saint, 50, 12SPel ham, Peter, 410Pemaquid, Maine, battle in, 113Pemberton, Fbene/.er, 219, 224Penhallow, Samuel, 377Pennsylvania, witchcraft in, 89Perkins, John, 246Perkins, William, 95, 104Philip (Metacomet), king of Wampanoag
tribe, 19-20Phillips, John (father), 50, 65, 66, 80, 179,
183, 283Phillips, John (son), 283Phips, Sir William, 79-81, 126, 129, 175,
247, 296death of, 139, 204
in French and Indian Wars, 75, 97, 113Mather's biography of, 161-165, 200in witchcraft trials^ 97, 100, 101-102,
104, 111, 112-113, 118, 120, 131Pbysica Vetus et Vera (Dickinson), 167Pbysico-Tbeology (Derham), 250Pietism, 230-235, 238, 258, 289, 301, 302,
399plague, 343, 344, 352Plymouth, Mass., 63
Cotton family in, 39, 143pneumatology, 93-94, 115, 122, 125, 251,
252,408-410, 439«Poem Dedicated to . . . Urian Oakes
(Mather), 37-38Pope, Alexander, 291Porter, John, 60Porter, Katherine Anne, 277Port Royal, Nova Scotia, in French and
Indian Wars, 75, 213-214, 218Post, Susannah, 106prayer, private vs. public, 31, 170, 173Presbyterianism, 150, 151, 152, 156, 204in United Brethren, I4O-I42, l-t8-149,
161Present State of New English Affairs, The,
73Prince, Thomas, 1, 37, 57, 202, 401, 411,
423,424,425, 426"Problema Theologicum" (Mather), 171Proclamation of Indulgence, 64Proctor, Elizabeth, 109Proctor, John, 105, 109Proposal for an Evangelical Treasury
(Mather), 400
Proposals for the Preservation of Religion
in the Churches (Mather), 143prostitution, 58, 212Prynne, William, 145psalmody, 148, 238, 303-306, 360Psalms of David Imitated in the
Language of the Neiv Testament(Watts), 304Psalterium Americanum (Mather), 304,
305, 426Publick Occurrences, 1^-ldPuritan culture:
children in, 90, 265fashion in, 145, 146fatherhood in, 25, 265ministry in, see ministrywomen in, 275, 309Puritans:
affliction as viewed by, 34, 76, 182, 269,
271, 273, 348-349American organization of, see
Congregationalismangels as viewed by, 125antimonarchical attitude of, 6lchurch membership of, see
Congregationalismgrace as viewed by, 28, 57, 118-120,
235, 301Indians as viewed by, 108insecurity of, in New England, 56-59interpretation of omens by, 56-57, 73,
107, 171, 303, 353migration to Massachusetts of, 3-4, 59original sin as viewed by, 28persecuted in England, 3-4, 5, 55, 160-
161political theory of, 60religious crises of, 30, 93scientific interests of, 41sermons of, 195, 196sexual code of, 58wigs denounced by, 145, 2()6Pylarinus, Jacob, 339, 340, 343, 344, 355
Mather on, 88, 99, 111, 238, 405
Mather attacked by, 221, 243
persecution of, in New England, 56, 77,99, 354Queen Anne's War, 211-214, 218, 295Queen's Chapel, 367, 373-374, 376Quick, John, 152, 158
Radcliffe, Ann, 54
Randolph, Edward, 6l, 62, 67, 69, 71, 74,
Randolph, Edward (cont.)
101, 106, 203, 209rape, 58, 281
Ratcliffe, Robert, 62, 64, 261Ratio Disciplinae (Mather), 404-405, 409Ray, John, 249-250Reflections upon Reflections, 323-324Reformation, 231, 238Reform Synod, 36, 59"Religio Generosi" (Mather), 297Remarkable Providences (Increase
Mather), 25, 246Restoration, 5, 8, 59Return of Several Ministers (Mather),
100-101revivalism, 299-300Rhode Island, 63, 269Richards, John, 107, 118-119, 194
Mather family and, 21, 77, 98, 101-102in witchcraft trials, 97, 98, 99, 101-102,
103Robbins, Chandler, 54Royal Society, 41, 93, 204, 215, 244-249,
252, 338-339, 341, 344, 352, 362-363,
406-407Mather's election to, 253-254, 260, 354,
355-357Rule, Margaret, 126-127, 130, 131-132,
Sadducism, 92
Sailours Companion (Mather), 198Salem Village, Mass., 83, 87, 95-117, 120-121, 126, 130, 239, 328, 354, 437n-43SnSalters' Hall controversy, 328-332Saltonstall, Gurdon, 284, 298, 299Saltonstall, Mrs. Gurdon, 284Saybrook, Conn., 299Schickard, Wilhelm, 22science:
Medical, 22, 233, 247, 253, 270-271,
292, 338, 361, 406-410religion vs., 93-94, 167-168, 249-252seventeenth-century, 22, 40-42, 93-94,167-168, 247, 248-249, 252-253Scotland, intellectual community of, 222-
223, 255, 257, 399Scott, Margaret, 113Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity
(Clarke), 329scurvy, 407Seahorse, 337sermons:
artillery, 36, 47election, 72execution, 47
sermons (cont.)length of, 195Puritan theory of, 196Sewall, Joseph, 385, 386, 391Sewall, Katharin George Howell, 290,316-317, 318, 319, 346, 360, 421Sewall, Samuel (nephew), 290, 314, 316-317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 346, 360-361,421Sewall, Samuel (uncle), 58, 62, 143, 199,207, 214, 215, 217, 219, 224, 227, 240,305, 314, 316-317, 318, 327, 353, 366,368, 369, 385, 396, 399, 401, 427-428on Cotton Mather, 48, 110, 145, 149,
207on Increase Mather, 46, 63, 207at witch trials, 97, 101-102, 109-110,118Sewall, Stephen, 112Shepard, Thomas, 51-52Short, Mercy, 120-125, 128, 129, 135Shute, Samuel, 295-296, 320-326, 328,331, 337, 343, 350-351, 355, 365,376-378, 397Signatus (Mather), 400Silentiarins (Mather), 348-349Simple Poem on the Authors and Designs
of This Book, A, 155slavery, 263-264, 281, 369, 451 nsmallpox, 39-40, 56, 75, 182, 184, 335-363,408in Boston, 39, 56, 182, 192, 335, 336-
363cycles of, 336
in England, 338-339, 351, 352, 362inoculation for, 192, 253, 335, 338-363in New England, 351symptoms of, 337-338Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
(SPG), 208, 216, 241-242Some American Sentiments on the GreatControversy of the Time (Mather),331Some Seasonable Advice unto the Poor
(Mather), 400Songs of the Redeemed (Mather), 303Souldier Told What He Shall Do, The
(Mather), 212South Church, 63
Spectator, The (Addison and Steele), 298spectral evidence, 104, 108, 110, 111, 112,113-114, 116, 120, 121defined, 98
Mather on, 98-99, 100Spener, Philipp Jakob, 302spirit, spirits, 301evil, see devil, devilsgood,123-130, 135-137
spirit, spirits (cont )
nature of, 92. 122, 1^1, 408-410plastic, 122, 252, 408 410study of (pneumatology), 93 5*4, l15,122, 125, 251, 252, 408 410, 439«Squire, John, 255, 257Steele, Sir Richard, 204, 297, 298Stepney, Francis, 58Stoddard, Solomon, 150-153, 156, 353,
401Stone, Samuel, 158Stone Cut out of the Mountain, The(Lapis e Monte Excisus) (Mather),300, 302, 303Stoughton, William, 97, 98, 99, 101-102,104, 111-113, 116-117, 118, 120death of, 139, 204Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 192stuttering, causes and treatment of, 15-17,
33-35, 303, 408, 452n, 433w-434rcSuspiria Vinctorum (Mather), 399Sweden, witchcraft in, 124Sydenham, Thomas, 338, 343
Tailer, William, 295
Tatler, The (Addison and Steele), 298
Taylor, Edward, 369
Terra Beata (Mather), 416
Thacher, Peter, 332-333, 419
Thacher, Thomas, 165
Things for a Distress 'd People to Think
Upon (Mather), 144Thirty Important Cases (Mather), 142Thornton, Timothy, 313-314Thursday Lecture, 195Timonius, Emanuel, 339-340, 342, 344Tituba, 96, 97, 98toleration, see ecumenism; liberty of
conscienceToleration Act, 140, 170, 176Tomlin, John, 58Tompson, Benjamin, 14, 158Toothaker, Mary, 106Transactions, 192, 253-254, 260, 339,
355, 406Trevor-Roper, H. R., 277-278Trinity College, Dublin, 4-5, 8"Tri-Paradisus" (Mather), 413-416True Christianity (Arndt), 231Turkey, inoculation in, 192, 338-340, 352
United Brethren, 140-142, 148-149, l6l,
299Utrecht, Treaty of, 295
Vane, Sir Henry, 6Vetch, Samuel, 212, 213Victorina (Mather), 292
Vigilius (Mather), 344
Vindication of the Ministers of Boston,
354Virgil, 160
Virginia, witchcraft in, 89Vital Christianity (Mather), 405
Wadsworth, Benjamin, 391
Waller, Edmund, 199, 297
Waller, Richard, 247, 253, 254, 356-357
Walter, Thomas, 305-306, 350
Wardwell, Samuel, 113
Warning to the Flocks, A (Mather), 142
Watts, Isaac, 1, 199, 304, 330
Webb, John, 226, 332
Whalley, Edward, 8
Whiston, William, 303, 329, 330, 416
Whittemore, Pelatiah, 313, 314, 315
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 191
Wholesome Words (Mather), 182
Wigglesworth, Michael, 8
Willard, Abigail Mather ("Nibby"), 182,
263, 269, 313, 348-349, 428Willard, Daniel, 290, 313, 314, 348, 381Willard, John, 109Willard, Samuel, 45, 58, 6l, 63, 69, 88,
111, 178, 216Williams, John (pamphleteer), 354, 359,
362Williams, John and Eunice (Mather's
relatives), 211Williams, William Carlos, 277William III, king of England, 67, 68-69,
73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 139, 140, 144, 170,
206, 208, 218Winslow, John, 69
Winter-Meditations (Mather), 94, 168Winthrop, Adam, 101-102Winthrop, John (1588-1649), 3, 59, 142,
163, 235, 253-254, 296Winthrop, John (1606-1676), 199, 221Winthrop, John (1681-1747), 246-247,
260, 292, 298, 326, 399Winthrop, Wait-Still, 68, 97, 101-102, 246Winthrop family, 246Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works
of the Creation, The (Ray), 249-250
witchcraft, 83-137, 36l
in Andover, 104-109, 111, 118
in Boston, 83-87, 95, 120-127, 136
Cotton Mather on, 83, 88, 91, 94-95,
98-99, 103, 107-109, 122, 133-134, 409cure for, 94, 127defined, 91, 122, 438«devils and, 85-86, 88-89, 91-92, 94,
103, 105-106, 119, 121, 130, 133-134,
239, 409, 438«-439«in England, 115, 116in Europe, 89, 106, 115, 116, 124executions for, 100, 104, 109, 112, 113,
120, 278in Germany, 89
Increase Mather on, 82, 110, 113New England threatened by, 106-108,
115, 121, 130physical manifestations of, 83-87, 89,
95possession vs., 103psychological explanation of, 90-91in Salem, 83, 87, 95-117, 120-121, 126,
130, 239, 328, 354, 437n-438nspectral evidence for, see spectral
evidencestereotypical features of, 89in Sweden, 124
women vs. men as practitioners of, 94Wodrow, Robert, 223, 260women:
Mather on, 275, 309, 379Puritan ideals of, 275, 309as witches, 94Wonders of the Invisible World (Mather),
114-118, 122, 134, 200Woodward, John, 247, 253, 338, 356-357Words of Understanding, The (Mather),
392Work of the Day, The (Mather), 327
Yale, Elihu, 298-299
Yale College, 298-299, 367-368, 401, 412yellow fever, 126, 143Young Mans Claim unto the Sacramentof the Lords-Supper (Quick), 152
Zalmonah (Mather), 411
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(continued from front flap)a years-long plague of lawsuits that nearlyput him in debtors' prison. Yet when hedied, he was eulogized and honored as noother American had been before.
Mr. Silverman's meticulously researchedbiography has been in preparation for sixyears, and contains much newly discoveredinformation about Mather. It thoroughly ex-plores the major events of the period—thestruggles of the neophyte Harvard Collegeto survive, the fires and epidemics that deci-mated Boston, political and theologicalrivalries, early conflicts with the Crownover policies and appointments—and drawstelling portraits of leading figures and familymembers. Reading it is to hold a mirror upto Boston at the end of the seventeenthcentury.
Born and raised in Manhattan, KennethSilverman has taught for twenty years atNew York University, where he is Professorof English and co-director oi the Program inAmerican Civilization. His other books in-clude Colonial American Poetry (1968), Tim-othy Dwight (1969), Selected Letters of CottonMather (1971), and A Cultural History of theAmerican Revolution (1976).
Jacket design © One + One StudioPortrait of Cotton Mather by Peter Pelhamcourtesy American Antiquarian Society
Harper & Row, Publishers10 East 53rd StreetNew York, N.Y. 10022
Advance comments about
The Life and Times of Cotton Mather
"It is a wonderful achievement, the pnly book I know which makesCotton Mather understandable, believable, yes, even likable. Ex^pert scholarship combined with superb writing.''
—Michael Hall, University of Texas at Austin
"It is clearly the best biography of Cotton Mather...a model ofhistorical scholarship, consistently interesting, full of new insightsand new facts about its subject, remarkable both for its enormouslearning and for its clarity of analysis."
—Sacvan Bercovitch, Harvard University
"With his thorough research, his profound knowledge of thecultural context, and his sensitive understanding of psychologyand human nature, Kenneth Silverman has given us the mostsensible, lucid, and engaging biography of Cotton Mather we have.Finally, this elusive, often maligned, but key figure of early Amer*ica is presented as the complex and extremely interesting personthat he was. A treasure for scholars and a lively account for anyoneinterested in early America, Silverman's work is now the definitivesingle volume on Cotton Mather."
—Emory Elliott, Princeton University
ISBN D-Db-DlS231-l