Astonishing New Allies—

The Star Clan of the Thennanin


(TOTH-toon) a Tothtoon /-ul Rosh -ul Kosh -ul Wortl -ul Thennanin -ul Paimin -ul Rammin -ul Ynnin -ul Olumimun -ul Garthling

Seven hundred and forty million years ago, proto-Tothtoon existed as a community of 3-meter-wide, shallows-dwelling octopi. After adoption, their patrons found that the new client race had been exploring pure mathematics for ages. Even before they were fully sapient. Tothtoon made important contributions to the wisdom contained in the Galactic Library.

They have gone through six different stages of personal reengineering over their 240-million-year history, most recently transforming from armored octopods, with chitinous shells, into helium-filled jellyfish, gliding the air currents of their Retirement worlds. (Thennanin have installed nutrient stations at strategic locations around these planets.) A Tothtoon’s arched gasbag flares out to four flat arms with feeder cilia on the underside, covered by nutrient-absorbing pleats. Though technically retired, they are active enough in Galactic affairs to advise younger races in their extended clan.

Today’s Tothtoon float in “contemplation groups” of twenty to a hundred, arranging complex patterns, like gatherings of sperm whales, hovering at altitudes from 600 meters to 4,600 meters. Some think Tothtoon communicate among themselves by psi-casting in groups.

After the recent alliance between the Thennanin and Earthclan, Terran officials were invited to meet some of these near-transcendent beings. The apparent scope of their philosophy eclipsed anything our scholars hope to achieve in millennia. Recording devices came back filled to capacity—and excruciatingly hard to interpret.

Late one night, a member of our delegation noted multicolored lightning in the distance. He realized there were no clouds. And the lightning flickered across the sky in complex geometric patterns.


(roosh) a Rosh /-ab Tothtoon /-ul Kosh -ul Wortl -ul Thennanin -ul Paimin -ul Rammin -ul Ynnin -ul Olumimun -ul Garthling

Rosh were found and uplifted by the Tothtoon 641 million years ago. They ran in herds, like tool-using buffalo. Surviving notes made by a Tothtoon poet marveled at the sight of 200,000 trunks raised in greeting above a vast plain of grass.

Rosh are 1.75 meters tall. Their massive teardrop bodies start with an elephantine trunk. The feet have large toenails along the front, and claws—probably for defense—on the outside. Two arms look minuscule compared to the body, but are more powerful than a human’s. Ancient herd dynamics still echo in their society. Leadership used to be won through physical combat to the death. Today, Rosh choose their leaders in complex rituals, testing the fittest Rosh in Olympic-style games.

Rosh were founding members of the Abdicator Alliance, having witnessed the departure of the Tarseuh and the six elder races, interpreting the event as a mystical evolutionary process. Like their client’s clients, the Thennanin, they have a reputation as fair, yet firm, never backing down on basic Abdicator tenets, perhaps hoping the Great Ghosts will come back through them or a client.

Though technically retired, Rosh seem to like a good party. Rosh delegates attend gala events, often seeming relaxed and informal. Nevertheless, these are senior patrons with high visibility, so you are advised to use all proper protocols. If possible find a Tymbrimi. They have extensive interaction with Rosh at social functions and seem good at striking the right note of easygoing respect. Business dealings are best passed through a Thennanin or Wortl.


(kaash) a Kosh /-ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon /-ul Wortl -ul Thennanin -ul Paimin -ul Rammin -ul Ynnin -ul Olumimun -ul Garthling

Kosh date back 80 million years, to the time of the Revolt of the Data, when they apparently volunteered to be temporarily altered into biological datastorage units, to save information then being lost to memetic plagues. After stable neural/passive storage units were created, they resumed their journey of Uplift.

Kosh are generally an odd shade of light lavender, reminding one of a purple cabbage. They feel to the touch like aloe vera cactus. 2.5 meters tall, they have a bipedal vertical musculature with alternating large and small tentacles arranged around the upper torso. The “head” consists of two flattened quatraspheres. These may be eyes or other sensory organs. Contracting and expanding the two flexible, boneless legs gives the Kosh a rolling gait like a sailor on a moving ship.

Kosh have gone to elder status, just short of retirement. But instead of retreating to some out-of-the-way world, hidden and protected by their clients, Kosh take a Zen-like attitude, immersing themselves in Galactic culture and observing anything they can be invited to watch. They show up at the oddest times. One Tymbrimi sage likened it to having your great-grandfather insist on coming along to the mall, claiming that he won’t get in the way. It takes some getting used to.


(WART-I) a Wortl /-ab Kosh -ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon /-ul Thennanin -ul Paimin -ul Rammin -ul Ynnin -ul Olumimun -ul Garthling

Kosh uplifted the Wortl 39 million years ago. As new citizens, Wortl helped coordinate the final hundred millennia of the Union for Self-Esteem, gaining respect for their earnest efforts. “Responsible as a Wortl” is a catchphrase.

They are 2.5-meter-tall bipeds with slim cylindrical heads. Faceted eyes bulge from either side, two-thirds of the way up their heads. The neck features gill-like breathing slits. Hands are rounded cones with eight mini-finger tentacles at the ends of multiple-jointed arms. Wortl wear robes covering most of their bodies.

Sometimes Wortl appear to play on their reputation for patience by deliberately showing signs of annoyance. Wortl still have great influence with their clients, the mighty Thennanin. They are obviously going to play an important role in the ongoing Uplift of Garthlings (Gorillas), so getting to know them better is suddenly a high priority.

Agents that recently met with Wortl found them more stuffy than the affable Rosh and Kosh. Others claim they are serious, but as open-minded as any Galactic. We can only hope for the best.


(the-NA-nin) a Thennanin /-ab Wortl -ab Kosh -ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon /-ul Paimin -ul Rammin -ul Ynnin -ul Olumimun -ul Garthling

Thennanin were uplifted 33 million years ago by the Wortl, a peaceful but highly manipulative race, well versed in Galactic law and its consequences. Having a keen sense for battle and tactics, Thennanin originally became the Wortl’s enforcement arm.

Since their release from clienthood, Thennanin have proceeded with a methodical enhancement of their role and power base within Galactic society. This has not been the rapid, fanatical expansion of the Soro or Tandu. Yet, Thennanin leadership has resulted in more planets being deeded to their Tothtoon Clan in the last 10 million years than any other Uplift family.


Thennanin biology most closely resembles reptiles, although warm-blooded like some dinosaurs. They are bipeds, averaging 2.75 meters in height, with short, elephantine legs. A ridge-crest extends from just between the eyes to the upper back of the neck, serving simultaneously as a filter for aiding in breathing, a means of regulating body temperature, and a sexually selected display. On the elbows of a male Thennanin’s powerful arms are spikes that can be flexed like bird feathers into position to preen the ridge-crest, though in the pre-sapient past it may have served other functions. They clean the elbow spikes with baleen-like teeth along the insides of their mouths. Their main breathing and communication is done through a series of vertical gill-like breathing slits in the thick neck. From this, we can conclude that their native world must have had a complicated atmosphere. Something made breathing a complicated process!

Thennanin coloring ranges from light tan to a reddish chocolate brown. Ridge-crest colors have been noted in a wide variety of colors, and may be dyed in some fashion trends. Coloring does not seem to correlate with social status.

Thennanin have two sexes and mate for life. Home and family are of major importance to Thennanin culture. Females lay clutches of one to three eggs at regular intervals timed to the year of their homeworld, but nowadays only two or three eggs are viable during the course of a lifetime.

Many parts of the Thennanin diet are edible to Terragens. In fact, toasted brill, a sort of avian crayfish, is a delicacy not to be missed at Thennanin state functions.

“Stuffy” is the term most Terragens use after meeting a Thennanin. This is obviously an oversimplification of the sense of spirituality and ritual that pervades Thennanin culture. They are not easily angered, although they do have deep passions about matters that concern them most.


Thennanin culture is framed by many Wortl rituals and ceremonies, instilling traditions, honor, and a resistance to change.


The Wortl, and the Kosh before them, passed on the tenets of the Abdicator Alliance. Abdicators date back approximately 600 million years, to the Tarseuh Incident. The “Lions,” a powerful alliance of races, dominated and ruined vast numbers of ecosystems through unchecked colonization.

The Tarseuh convinced six elder races, all thought to have “passed on” to a higher plane, to help stop the “Lions.” Afterward, the Tarseuh and the six elder races vanished forever.

This has led to the concept of ethereal beings, “Great Ghosts,” who are possibly related to the Progenitors, guiding events in the Five Galaxies. Legend speaks of Great Ghosts entering and imbuing themselves into pre-client species who are uplifted and eventually become powerful patrons, protecting and counseling the rest of Galactic society. The closest parallel in Earth culture is the Buddhist concept of an enlightened spirit who returns to the world in a new body in order to help ease the way for others.

Only in this case the messianic visit comes through an entire, sainted species, come back to guide all sapient life. This parallel makes the Abdicator philosophy one of the easiest Galactic belief systems for Earthers to understand. This does not necessarily make it attractive to us folk of the Terragens.

Thennanin have shown general neutrality toward the Terragens, neither helping nor hindering our efforts to find a place in the Five Galaxies. They did vote against giving humans patron-level status, and applied to adopt us “for our own good.” But this was apparently done without hostility. It is interesting to note that a moderate-level Thennanin official has attended nearly every Terragen event they were invited to, while many other clans and races continue to snub us socially. This seems to show an open interest in what we “wolflings” are up to. Though there may be an underlying agenda that we know nothing about.

UPDATE FOR THIS EDITION: Now we see the sudden, unexpected advent of an alliance with the Tothtoon Clan, and its vigorous leader-race, the Thennanin, bringing valuable aid when we were hardest pressed. For the reasons behind this alliance, see this page.


(PIE-min) a Paimin /-ab Thennanin -ab Wortl -ab Kosh -ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon

Paimin were accidentally discovered in a rain forest on their homeworld 1.9 million years ago, during a routine planetary survey. The planet had been left fallow for 5 million years. Paimin are 1.5- to 1.75-meters-tall bipeds. Their heads are reminiscent of an elephant because of the prehensile trunk. Paimin heads flare out into a large neck shield covering puffy air-slits. Coloring ranges from light taupe to lime green. Like their patrons, Paimin prefer Gal Six, but many are fluent in five or more Galactic languages. One recent emissary to Earth spoke almost perfect Anglic.

Paimin seem well adapted to serve as delegates for the Thennanin. They portray a stoic poker-face, then suddenly appear puppy-dog friendly, often taking you off guard. Alliance or no alliance, watch yourself around Paimin. They are smarter than they look.


(RAM-in) a Rammin /-ab Thennanin -ab Wortl -ab Kosh -ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon

Thennanin found the proto-Rammin languishing around the fading oases that dotted their desert homeworld, which had been written off by the Galactic Institutes as an ecological “lost cause.” During Uplift, these hardy beings became the Thennanin’s warrior caste. But when their indenture expired, they petitioned to pass this duty to the next client in line, the Ynnin.

1.5-meter-tall bipeds, the Rammin have two elbows on each arm. Their hands have two strong fingers and three opposable, dexterous fingers. Forward-facing optical sensors spread across the face. It is suspected these “see” in many different wavelength bands.

Rammin have been a low-key presence in Galactic affairs, tending to live somewhat apart from the rest of Galactic society, congregating in low-density star clusters. They are notoriously resistent to control by outsiders, even their patrons. They exhibit a languid yet stubborn fatalism that may seem charming—if you’re not trying to accomplish something with them.

Agents are advised not to fly with Rammin pilots. Every one of them has already made peace with its maker.


(JIN-in) a Ynnin /-ab Thennanin -ab Wortl -ab Kosh -ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon

Ynnin were uplifted 850,000 years ago by the Thennanin, who found a culture akin to a Neolithic trading society. Though already possessing a primitive form of writing, the Ynnin were nevertheless decidedly pre-sapient. The Thennanin chose proto-Ynnin for Uplift over other more promising candidates on planet Ynn. It seems that Ynnin were chosen because of their herd-oriented, nearly herbivorous heritage.

The Ynnin nursery world is currently held as an ecological preserve, pending extinction of the proto-Ynnin control population.

Both male and female Ynnin have a kangaroo-like posture and gait. Proto-Ynnin lived in moderate-sized herds typically containing twelve to forty females and young. During mating season, matrifocal herds dissolved as males competed for prime territory, displayed, and gathered temporary brood herds. As omnivores, proto-Ynnin would break open rotten logs and eat grubs, along with any scavenged meat they chanced upon. But most nutrition came from mixed scrub and grass. Ynnin armor evolved from fatty tissue, quilted between two layers of rhinoceros-like skin.

Like their Thennanin patrons, Ynnin seem earnest and fanatical, but scrupulously fair. Like many newly uplifted races, they can also be incredibly idealistic. Ynnin have become excellent ecologists, an aim that permeates their culture. So above all, do not even hint at Earth’s tragic Die-Off secret. We cannot afford even a rumor to undermine this crucial source of help.


(o-LUM-i-mun) a Olumimun /-ab Thennanin -ab Wortl -ab Kosh -ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon

The youngest direct Thennanin client race, Olumimun were uplifted 520,000 years ago, when crude circular villages of proto-Olumimun were observed with “highways” leading from all four compass headings to a central cooking pit. Daily, the proto-Olumimun would set a fire and wait. Soon, one or two animals would stagger in from a nearby wild herd and blindly drop into the pit. Olumimun apparently “wished,” and the animal—always a creature past its prime breeding age—just showed up. They also wished each “guest” to have no pain. (These behaviors, while moral and sophisticated, should not be mistaken for true sapiency. They had evolved over lengthy periods, and were less culturally than biologically determined.)

The Thennanin quickly petitioned to adopt these promising new clients.

Olumimun body proportions are hidden under all-concealing robes. We suspect they have been reengineering themselves since achieving release from their indenture, and are not ready to show off the finished product. Olumimun heads are shaped like art-deco hood ornaments. They have two sets of eyes, both below pronounced eyebrow ridges.

Though the Thennanin tend to dislike psi-powers, they desperately needed to have a race of adepts in their clan, or face profound disadvantage against foes like the Tandu. For this reason, the stolid, amiable Olumimun were a treasured find. Never intruding their mind-probes where they feel unwanted, Olumimun are now the psi-guards of Thennanin Clan, especially on warships or at state functions. Unlike the Tandus’ Episiarch slaves, the Olumimun are completely sapient, exercising conscious restraint in their use of power.

Some feel that if the Great Ghosts are going to return to the Galaxies, they would choose the most excellent vessels they can find. The Olumimun apparently plan to be those vessels.


(GARTH-ling) a Garthling /-zor Human -ab Thennanin -ab Wortl -ab Kosh -ab Rosh -ab Tothtoon

Garthlings are descendants of Earth Gorillas who were illegally transported to the colony on Garth. About forty years ago, a group of humans and neo-Chimps began an unsanctioned attempt to uplift an experimental population of Gorillas, violating a Terragen pledge to leave the species fallow for 1,000 years. The attempt was thwarted—half finished—when the Gubru invaded Garth.

Through a bizarre series of circumstances (that remain somewhat shrouded, even now) this combination of calamities actually worked to the benefit of Earthclan. One result was adoption of the Gorilla species by the legendary Thennanin. This made the Thennanin our allies at a crucial point in the latest Galactic crisis, perhaps saving Earth from imminent conquest. Since it appears we would have lost all rights to Gorillas anyway, this seems a positive outcome. At least we will have some voice in how they are uplifted by the kindly (but stiff) Thennanin.

Like their Terrestrial brethren, adult Garthlings average 400 to 500 kg. Because their Uplift is just beginning, there have been minimal changes so far, principally the posturing of enlarged frontal lobes and expanded sign-language ability. Preliminary observations show a perception of the grand scale of Galactic society. They show promise of becoming interesting people, with a distinct worldview all their own.