
They say you can find inspiration anywhere. I believe it now more than ever. When our little dog Spike injured his leg while playing in the yard with our larger dog Betty, I didn’t immediately think the incident would inspire a novel. But it did. It was after two or three appointments at the veterinarian clinic that I realized the twelve-week timeframe his recovery would take might be an interesting setting for a romance novel. I’m glad I did. It gave me a chance to turn an adventure that could have been nothing but sad, stressful, and oh so costly, into something much more positive and inspiring. So the first thank-you goes to our dogs.

The second goes to the wonderful Medora MacDougall, who worked hard to make my book better, hacking down hundred of “justs” and other useless words until we were left with a much lighter, enjoyable read. It was great working with you again and I hope it won’t be the last time.

I also want to thank Linda and the entire Bella Books team, for their constant support and encouragement. Thank you for working with me through my insecurities and multiple questions.

A very special thank-you goes to the young Maine artist who painted the injured Dingo used on the book cover. Zoe Walker is just seventeen years old but her talent goes well beyond her years. She’s one to watch! I sure will keep following her and can’t wait to see what she’ll paint next.

I also want to thank Denise, my partner, who never misses a chance to remind me when it’s time to write. Your support means the world to me, always.

Last but not least, thank you, dear readers. The fact that you choose my books among so many others will never be taken for granted. I write for you—and for me, of course.