Huge heartfelt thanks to:
Martin Shepard, Judith Shepard, and Alison Lowry, for believing.
The wonderful team at The Permanent Press.
Experts and enablers, muses and mentors:
Gertrude Maseko; Ndolo Mekwa; Makaziwe Ramateng; Pier and Philip Myburgh; Toni Strasburg; Amanda Davis; Eve Mothibe; Lila Cecil; Mthandeni Khumalo; Nadine Gordimer; Peter Carey; the gang at Mass Transmit.
The MacDowell Colony, where this book was born.
Consiglieri and readers who provided invaluable guidance:
Jennifer Robinson, Julie Barer, Adrienne Brodeur, Lisa Selin Davis, Juliet Koss, Susan Golomb, and Jean Fryer.
My family, who helped directly and indirectly:
June and David Schneider; John, Jack, Harry, and Sophie Schneider; Hope Cohn; Jessica, Tessa, Jonathan, Mark, and Claire Katzenellenbogen; Doda, Sara, Julia, and Frances Levy; Peter Saville; Max Henry Levy Schneider.
Of many insightful and valuable books I read, I am especially indebted to:
The World That Was Ours by Hilda Bernstein; Rivonia’s Children by Glenn Frankel; Side by Side by Helen Joseph; Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela; The Road to Democracy in South Africa by South African Democracy Education Trust; The Young Mandela by David James Smith.
It is my hope that this book pays tribute to the many heroes—both sung and unsung—of South Africa’s Struggle and liberation. They moved a mountain.