Chanel watched the final segment on the six o’clock news and then switched off the television. She was relieved there’d been no mention of Bryce’s investigation. Although it meant the killer was still on the loose, she was relieved her name hadn’t come to the attention of the media. It was bad enough that her brothers had called her parents, her sister and her other two brothers and told them of recent events. For the past few hours, she’d done nothing but field concerned phone calls from members of her family.

Not that she could blame them. They were a close family. If it had happened to one of her siblings, she’d have reacted just the same. ‘All for one and one for all’ was the unofficial motto of the Munro family. They looked out for one another and were there for each other when the occasion demanded. She loved that they cared so much, but would be happy when they backed off a little and went back to their normal lives.

The phone rang again for the umpteenth time. She bit back a sigh and reached for it where she’d tossed it on the coffee table. It was probably her sister again. Josie was about to undergo another round of IVF treatment and was on edge about everything. Chanel’s arrest was her sister’s latest worry project.

Checking the Caller ID, she frowned. The number was blocked. She thought about ignoring it, but then answered the call.


“Chanel, it’s Bryce.”

Her heart skipped a beat and then took off at a wild gallop. Just the sound of his voice was enough to send blood rushing through her veins. Despite everything, she wanted to see him again.

“Bryce, how are you?”

“I’m fine. I’m still at work. I wanted to bring you up to date on the investigation.”

“I just watched the news on TV. There was no mention of it. I take it there haven’t been any new developments.”

“Well, actually, there are. I found Tanya. We had a chat. She admitted to planting the medicine bottle in your apartment, although the way she tells it, she was unaware of its contents. The lab confirmed it contained ricin.”

Surprise surged through her, even though a part of her resisted the fact the bottle found in her home was linked to the deaths and had been placed there by her friend. Bryce’s original assertion that someone was trying to set her up for murder seemed more and more on the mark.

“Where did she get it from? I don’t believe Tanya’s capable of murder.”

“No one knows what they’re capable of until they’re put in the situation, believe me… But I agree, I don’t think she’s the mastermind behind this.”

“Then who?”

There was a pause and then Bryce said, “She told me she got it from Doctor Baker. According to Tanya, he led her to believe it contained some kind of herbal aphrodisiac.”

Chanel digested his words and then winced. She didn’t want to imagine her roommate and Doctor Baker getting down and dirty. The very thought was repulsive.

“Have you arrested him?”

“We only have Tanya’s word he gave her the poison. You can bet your last dollar he’ll deny knowing anything about it. Right now, it’s her word against his. We need more. I’m waiting for fingerprint analysis on the bottle. You never know, we might get lucky with one of his prints.”

“Surely, he wouldn’t be so stupid. He’s a very clever man.”

“Not clever enough. He chose an assistant who didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut, especially when put under pressure.”

“What did you threaten her with?”

“It doesn’t matter. The fact is, we got results. You should be thankful you’re well and truly off the hook.”

His words stung. “I thought you said earlier you believed me?”

“I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I do believe you, but it doesn’t hurt to have irrefutable evidence of someone else’s involvement. We’re also looking into the identity of the anonymous tipster.”

She mulled over his apology and decided he was being sincere. He was a cop. He couldn’t help thinking like one. It was all about evidence and proof. She’d lived with a family of police officers. She knew how it was.

His voice pitched lower. “What are you doing?”

“I’m on the couch. I was watching the news, remember? I was relieved when there wasn’t any mention of your investigation.”

“Yeah, we’re keeping this under wraps until we have more proof. I’m confident we’ll have something more definite soon.”

“Good. The possibility that Doctor Baker might be the one indiscriminately killing his patients is beyond belief.”

“I’m hearing you. He’s my grandmother’s physician. He admitted her a couple of days ago for treatment of her ulcer. She’s a diabetic.”

Chanel digested his words and did her best to contain her disquiet. “Doctor Baker’s an outstanding physician. One of the best we have. It’s why I’m finding it so hard to reconcile him with a cold-hearted killer. Not that we have any solid proof. At least, not yet. I’m… I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

Her reassurances were met with silence. Finally, he answered. “Yeah, of course she’ll be fine. She has a lifetime of confidence in him and he’s never treated her in an untoward way. Like you said, we don’t even know if it’s him. Tanya’s hardly an impartial witness. Besides, I phoned my grandmother right before I called you. She said she was fine.”


There was another pause, this one a little more awkward. Bryce broke it by asking, “So, have you eaten yet?”

“No. Have you?”

“Nope. I was just finishing up a report. I have my grandmother’s meatloaf defrosting on the kitchen counter, but I have a hankering for pizza.”

Chanel’s stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten since lunchtime. She loved pizza.

As if he read her mind, he added, “We could share one, if you like.”

“I’m…um… I’m not exactly dressed for going out. I’m in my pajamas. I had an early shower, washed my hair. You know, that kind of thing. I didn’t have anything better to do.”

“I could get takeaway and come over.”

His words sent a wave of excitement rushing through her. She drew in a breath and eased it out and did her best to get some control over her frantic heart rate. It had taken off the moment he mentioned coming over. They both knew if he did, it would lead to far more than sharing pizza.

She drew in a deep breath and then jumped off the cliff. “Pizza’s just about my favorite thing to eat. Do I get to help you choose the toppings?”

She heard him let out his breath on the other end of the phone in a soft sigh, as if he’d been holding it.

“Of course. Whatever you like.”

“Thin and crispy super supreme, hold the olives and anchovies, double the cheese.”

“That’s it?” he said dryly.

“Yep, that’s it.”

“Just as well I like supreme. I’ll be there in forty minutes.”

* * *

While Bryce waited for the pizza, he sent a quick text to his grandmother. His need to stay in contact with her might appear like paranoia, but with all that had gone on with her treating physician, he wanted to be sure she was all right.

Much to his relief, she texted him back straight away and assured him once again that she was fine and resting comfortably. Doctor Baker had stopped by earlier and was pleased with her progress. He even thought she might be able to return home in the next day or so.

Bryce thought again of the questions surrounding his grandmother’s doctor, but forced himself to let it go. What was he going to do? Charge into the ward and demand that she be discharged?

She was resting comfortably. She’d told him so. In a day or two, she’d be home and he could forget all about his unease. Besides, Baker was an excellent physician, one of the best, Chanel had said. If she had any concerns about him treating Bryce’s grandmother, he was sure she’d have voiced them.

At the thought of Chanel, his gut twisted into a knot of excitement. There was no doubt in his mind he’d end the night in her bed and the knowledge had the blood pumping through his veins.

Ever since their first night together, he’d yearned to be with her again. She’d made him feel alive for the first time in too many years to remember. Now that he’d finally laid his wife to rest, he was in a better state of mind to contemplate the future.

He’d never dreamed he might find love again, but ever since he’d been with Chanel, the possibility seemed very real. She couldn’t be more different from Angela, in every single way, yet he was still drawn to her. When he thought of the two of them together, he was filled with hope.

“Thin and crispy super supreme, no olives or anchovies, extra cheese,” the man behind the counter shouted.

Bryce stepped forward. “That’s me.” Handing over a few bills, he collected the pizza and headed back to his car.

Less than ten minutes later, he parked outside Chanel’s apartment complex and jogged up the steps, the pizza box in his hand. With his free hand, he knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. He wondered if she’d changed out of her pajamas and hoped she hadn’t. He was curious about her sleepwear. The image of a short, sexy black nightie skimming slim, tanned thighs crowded his mind.

And then she was there, on the other side of the open door, smiling and looking a little nervous. She wore a faded cotton T-shirt and long, striped pajama pants that should have looked anything but sexy, but on her… He winked at her.

“I come with pizza.”

Mm, it smells good. Come in and let’s eat. I’m starving.”

His gaze roved over her and he paused to take in the way her T-shirt moulded to her breasts. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her choice of sleepwear suddenly rose in his estimation. It wasn’t the only thing on the rise.

She turned away from him and headed in the direction of the kitchen and he swallowed a sigh of relief, but the view from behind was just as tantalizing and his relief was short-lived. The soft pajama pants outlined the sweet curve of her butt and it was all he could do not to reach for her. The hot pizza box in his hand reminded him there were other things to attend to and he resigned himself to having a hard-on for the duration of the meal.

Chanel chatted amiably while she went about gathering plates and napkins from the cupboard and he could only assume she was oblivious to his predicament. A small wooden table was wedged against one wall of the modest kitchen and a chair at either end provided enough room for two. She placed the crockery and napkins on the table and then urged him to sit.

Bryce set the pizza box down and opened the lid. The delicious aroma of freshly baked pizza made his mouth water and for the moment, he was happy to concentrate on satisfying a different kind of hunger.

They ate in silence amidst soft groans of appreciation. Chanel chewed on a long piece of stringy cheese, working away at it with her lips and her tongue until she finally captured it in her mouth. Her lips glistened and Bryce couldn’t drag his gaze away. She blushed and with a self-conscious swipe of her tongue, removed most of the sheen. Need surged through him, hot and fast and heavy.

His cock hardened almost painfully. Without thinking, he pushed away from the table and stood. He closed the small distance between them and pulled Chanel up from her seat. She stared at him, her eyes a deep cobalt, tumultuous as the ocean on a dark and stormy night.

He bent his head and grazed her lips with his, tasting the spicy warmth of the pizza on her tongue. He kissed her again, more urgently this time and was gratified by her response. She moaned quietly and pressed against him. Her arms crept up around his neck.

“Wait,” she gasped and hurriedly wiped her greasy hands on a napkin. “I don’t want to stain your jacket. It looks like it cost a bomb.”

“I don’t give a damn about the jacket,” he muttered, kissing her again. “All I want is you.”

“I want you, too,” she whispered and smiled up at him.

His breath caught at the invitation in her eyes and another thrill of desire coursed through him. With his hand against her back, he pressed her to him, needing to feel her close. She moved until there was nothing between them but their clothes.

He kissed her face, her lips, her eyes. He nuzzled in the sensitive spot behind her ears. She moaned deep in her throat and a surge of masculine pride rushed through him. His cock felt near to bursting and his breath came hard and fast.

She was equally affected. Her face was flushed and her eyes glittered like she was in the throes of a fever. He picked her up and carried her into the living room and put her down on the sofa.

“Wait, what about Tanya? What if she walks in?”

“She’s staying with her father tonight.”

Chanel frowned. “You’re sure?”

“I’m sure.”

At that, she relaxed against the cushions and reached for him. He gladly joined her on the couch. They sank into the soft leather and groaned their mutual need. Chanel tugged at his tie, got it loose and tossed it to the floor. She went to work on the buttons of his shirt and it went the way of his tie. A moment later, he felt her hands at his belt.

“Hang on a sec, why don’t we get the condom now? That way we won’t have to stop again.”

She growled her discontent, but nodded and climbed off the couch and left the room. She returned shortly afterwards with a fistful. He raised an eyebrow in silent query and she smiled.

“Who knows? It might be a long night. A girl can remain hopeful, can’t she?”

He grinned and swatted her on the ass. “Cheeky woman. Now, get over here and finish what you started.”

She pushed him down on the couch until he was lying on his back, but instead of following him, she knelt beside him on the carpet. Her fingers worked the buckle of his belt and slid it out of the loops of his pants. The button popped open and down went his zipper. She reached inside his underwear and caressed him. He growled in satisfaction.

She took hold of the waist band of his suit pants. “Lift your hips.”

He did as she ordered and she slid his pants and underwear down. He kicked at them, until they disappeared and sighed when she tightened her hold on his cock. Once again, she stroked him, her fingers soft and cool on his heated skin. When she bent her head and took him in her mouth, he couldn’t hold back a gasp.

“Oh, that feels so good. Keeping doing that.”

She ran her tongue up and down his shaft and swiped it across his slick head. She dipped it into the slit that was oh so sensitive and brought forth another groan of need. He tangled his fingers in her hair and held her head in place and prayed for it to never end. She continued to suck him hard until he was almost ready to explode.

“I’m going to come if you keep that up any longer…”

She lifted her head for a few seconds and stared at him, her eyes dark with desire. “So, come,” she murmured and then returned to her unbearable torture.

Once again, she took all of him in her mouth, deeper than he’d ever been. She sucked and stroked and tightened her hand in a rhythm that increased in pace. Having her permission to find his release, he bucked hard against her mouth. His fingers tightened in her hair until it was probably hurting, though she didn’t protest.

“Oh, God, oh, babe. I’m gonna come.”

With her hand still pumping his shaft, she released him from her mouth. Hot fluid spurted out and landed on his stomach. He groaned and reached down to cover her hand with his and make the most of the final moments of his climax. With a deep sigh of satisfaction, he closed his eyes for a moment and relaxed against the cushions.

“Now, it’s my turn.”

He opened his eyes and smiled. “You bet.”

* * *

The words fell out of Chanel’s mouth and she couldn’t believe she’d said them. When had she become so bold? She was hardly experienced in the bedroom. And yet, with Bryce, the passion seemed to come so naturally. She wanted to know every intimate part of him. She wanted to please him. She’d made him come with her hands and her mouth and the knowledge filled her with a glow of satisfaction. She’d only given oral sex a few times in her life and had basically relied on instinct. She couldn’t help but feel pleased with the result.

Bryce sat up and reached out and cupped her cheek in his palm. His skin was slightly rough against the softness of hers. She leaned into his hand and he stroked a thumb across her lips.

“You’re so damn beautiful. How did I get so lucky?”

She pressed a kiss against his palm in answer and he growled low in his throat.

“Lie down,” he commanded softly.

Desire surged through her at the determination in his eyes and with it a rush of heightened excitement. She wiggled down on the other end of the couch. Bryce leaned forward and slipped his hands beneath her T-shirt. His fingers splayed across her stomach and then stroked up and around the sides. He reached her breasts, bare beneath her shirt, and skimmed over her nipples. They hardened under his touch.

“Do you like it when I touch you?” he asked, his voice husky.

“Yes,” she whispered and fought back a blush.

“Good, because I’m going to do a whole lot more of it.”

Her insides quivered at the promise in his eyes and heat tingled deep in her core. He bunched up her T-shirt and then lifted it over her head, baring her breasts to his gaze. A moment later, his lips found them and his tongue stroked across her hardened nipples. Over and over and over again, he caressed her, until she was mindless with need.

While he laved one, his other hand squeezed and shaped her other breast and playfully pinched her sensitive nipple. Then his mouth fused itself to her breast and sucked greedily. She twisted and writhed beneath him and was surprised to feel his cock pressing hard and needy against her thigh. She melted at the thought of him once again deep inside her.

While he switched his focus to her other breast, his free hand stole under the waistband of her pajamas. It moved lower and lower still until his fingers slid in and out of her folds. She was slick and burning for his attention and squirmed beneath his palm. When two of his fingers slid inside her, she gasped with relief.

“Do you want me?” he rasped and worked his fingers in and out.


“How much?”

“I’m going to explode from the inside out if you don’t take me.”

“Do you want me to fuck you?”

His crudity sent another wave of white-hot desire rushing through her. She surged against his fingers.


“Good. But it will have to wait. I have other things to attend to.”

He withdrew his fingers and she groaned aloud from disappointment. “Bryce, please…”

He kissed her hard on the mouth to quieten her. “Be patient. It’ll be worth it. You’ll see.”

With that, he stripped off her pajama bottoms and positioned himself between her legs. He bent her knees and spread her thighs wide and then licked her soft, slick folds. She gripped the sides of the couch, too surprised to utter a sound. The feel of him on her sensitive flesh—his mouth, his lips, his tongue. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. His fingers returned to where they’d been and stroked her in a strong, sure rhythm. Once again, need built up inside her.

She squirmed and moved against his hand. His tongue was relentless. She clutched at his head, not sure if she wanted to hold him in place or tear him right away. Just when she didn’t think she could bear the torment a moment longer, he pulled his fingers from inside her and eased one into her ass.

She gasped with shock at the alien feel of it. “Bryce!”

He lifted his head and looked at her. “Do you like it?”

“I…I don’t know. I think so. No one’s ever done that to me before.”

His expression filled with satisfaction. “Good. I’m glad I’m the first. Relax. Trust me, you’re going to enjoy it.”

She wasn’t too sure about his reassurances, but was soon distracted when he buried his face back between her legs. His tongue kept up the rhythm of his finger and she was soon once again, mindless with desire. Her body was tense. She was hot all over. He increased the pressure of his tongue and his finger moved in and out faster.

“Oh, Bryce! I’m going to come. Oh, God, please…”

“Go with it, babe. Let yourself come. You’ve earned it.”

His words tipped her over the edge and she cried out in exquisite relief. Her muscles clenched around his finger.

A few moments later, he moved up and joined her on the couch. His cock protruded, thick and hard and nudged at her slick entrance. She didn’t think she could bear any more, but when he sheathed himself and plunged straight into her on a single, long swift stroke, she sighed with satisfaction.

“Oh, God. You’re so wet. You feel so good. I’m gonna come again,” he murmured.

She clung to him and rode the waves of his pleasure. It was a long moment before their breathing returned to normal.

“That was amazing,” she said softly.

“You were amazing.” He smiled and reached over to tenderly brush a loose strand of hair off her face.

She blushed and looked away. “Thank you.”

“How about we move to the bedroom? I’m just about spent.”

She quirked an eyebrow and grinned. “Only just about? I’ll have to try harder next time.”

He stood and pulled her up with him and swatted her butt again. “Cheeky girl. I might need to teach you a lesson.”

She pulled an innocent face. “Who me?”

He laughed and pulled her close to his side and together, they left the room.