Permissions and Thanks

I am grateful to the RAYMOND CHANDLER ESTATE for permission to quote from Chandler’s fiction and letters and to reproduce illustrations from the Chandler Archive held in Oxford’s Bodleian Library … in particular to Graham Greene, CBE, Ed Victor and Sarah Williams.

… to the staff of the BODLEIAN … in particular Colin Harris, Superintendent of the Department of Special Collections.

… to HAMISH HAMILTON for permission to reproduce their dust jacket designs for Chandler’s U.K. editions.

… to ALFRED A. KNOPF for permission to reproduce their original book jackets.

… to DULWICH COLLEGE—Chandler’s alma mater—for permission to publish the views of the college … in particular Calista Lucy, Keeper of the Archive.

… to PHOTOFEST for never failing to come up with just the picture you had in mind … in particular Howard and Ron Mandlebaum.

… to CRAIG TEMMEY of Harold Ober Associates Inc. for permission to reproduce James M. Cain’s letter to Chandler after Double Indemnity.

… and especially to my publisher, VICTORIA WILSON, who, over the years, has learned how—politely but firmly—to keep me on track!

And, as always, my agent and friend, ALAN BRODIE.