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HOLY FUCKING ORGASM. Amethyst remembered what Walter did as she stared into space at work. The whole thing was so fucking hot, she barely managed to watch him do it to her. Collin had never even gone down on her, so she had no idea what to expect. Not the best orgasm of my fucking life. Her wolf wagged her tail, wanting to get closer to Walter again.
Instead, she stocked the herbs she bagged the day before, her thoughts constantly wandering back to Walter. She needed to figure out if she truly was going to give him a second chance or just give up her wolf forever. Her wolf growled low in her head as the idea crossed her mind.
“Working hard I see,” Maria giggled behind Amethyst. She blinked a few times and turned toward her friend.
“Oh yes.” Amethyst set down the bags she held and gave Maria a quick hug. She always enjoyed seeing Maria. Amethyst hoped they would stay friends no matter what happened between herself and Walter.
“How are you?” Maria patted her back with a smile. Her thoughts drifted back to last night and the way Walter’s mouth felt. She pushed her hand through her hair trying to keep the memory from coming fully to the surface. Damn, he’s getting under my skin already.
“I’m okay.” Amethyst shrugged and looked around the almost empty store.
“How is Walter treating you?” Maria asked. More images flashed through her mind and her wolf wagged her tail.
“We’re good I think. We didn’t complete the bond, there is still so much to talk about but it’s a maybe right now.” Amethyst smiled. A very strong fucking maybe. Part of her just wanted to throw caution to the wind but she also needed to make sure he didn’t start controlling her like her ex.
“It would be nice to have you as a sister and not just a friend.” Maria winked. “But don’t let me persuade you. I’ll leave it to Walter,” Maria giggled, the brown specks in her green eyes twinkled a bit brighter than normal while Amethyst laughed with her. Amethyst had always thought of Maria as the sister she never had, so being closer by mating her brother seemed like a bonus for her.
“Anything I should know about Walter then?” Amethyst grabbed a bag and put it away when her boss walked into the main area. Amethyst wondered if she should be asking Maria, but she wanted to know someone else’s view of the man. Maria tapped on her lower lip with a puzzled look.
“I don’t think so. Personally, I wouldn’t bring up Kerine, the bitch.” Maria puckered her lips before throwing a chip in her mouth. Amethyst kept the name in the back of her mind. “Oh, on the day of the solar eclipse his powers will be stronger.” Maria leaned past her and grabbed a bag of herbs from the box and set it on the counter next to them. Her green eyes sparkled. Amethyst wanted to know about Kerine and what she had to do with Walter but she would wait and get Maria back on that topic later. Is Kerine a bad ex? Amethyst pushed down the thought of Walter being with another. She didn’t like the idea and her wolf growled with frustration.
“What do you mean stronger? He seemed pretty strong with his house building skills.” Amethyst bit at her lip, while she wondered if she should be considering mating with a witch. She wouldn’t get one side without the other. Vivian bounced up to her mother with a sweet smile on her face. Maria dropped the bag of chips to her level.
“Thank you, Momma.” The love in Vivian’s eyes almost made Amethyst’s heart jump, she wanted a child who loved her. Will Walter be ready to have children?
“Yeah, the whole street of witches did it a month back. I’m lucky enough not to have to do it with Derrick’s place. Plenty of space there in the alpha house.” Maria smiled. She pulled out another bag of chips and popped one in her mouth.
“Still didn’t explain.” Amethyst tried to bring her back on topic. When Maria rubbed her swelling belly, Amethyst’s wolf pushed pictures of herself swollen with Walter’s child.
“During certain events, like the Blood Moon, any eclipse or the two solstices, a witch’s powers grow stronger. There’s more of a reserve. Let’s say on a normal day it takes two witches to heal someone but those days it only takes one. See where I’m going with this?” Maria kept her voice low like normal. She popped another chip into her mouth.
“I see.” Amethyst set another bag of herbs in their place. She wished witches were out of the closet so she could read a book and understand more. The need to fully understand Walter rolled under her skin.
“Oh, I need that one for Baven to help him sleep. The little brat is trying to stay up till eleven.” Maria clicked her tongue. “These two sleep like a dream.” Vivian and Owen bounced on the seats up front.
“What’s it like having kids who can shift?” Amethyst glanced at the twins.
“Oh, the little ones can also do magic like me.” Maria pointed her finger like she was trying to make a point. Amethyst blinked a few times as she tried to wrap her mind around raising a little witch with a wolf side. She had a hard enough time daydreaming a little wolf baby.
“Really, so are they like you or do they feel their wolf all the time?” Amethyst whispered. Maria chewed on another chip and shrugged.
“Baven says he feels his wolf at times but not all the time. I’m not sure, he’s not old enough for me to ask but when he gets there, I’ll let you know.” Maria smiled. “How are you adjusting to your new wolf?”
“Haven’t tried to shift again but I think I like having her. The heightened senses are a bit much at times but I think I’m okay.” Amethyst was still pissed at Collin for changing her but she liked the new addition in her head. Her wolf wagged her tail in agreement.
“Well, I need to get home and cook lunch. I’ll see you later.” Maria grabbed her wallet and paid for the herbs before walking out. The little ones followed close behind. Her mind wandered back to what it would be like to have her own children. Amethyst returned to stocking the shelves and right as she placed the last bag the door chimed. A woman a few years older than Amethyst headed straight for her. The way her eyes were completely focused on Amethyst made her wolf growl in her mind.
She smiled brightly but Amethyst’s new wolf seemed put off by the female. She stayed at the edge making Amethyst’s stomach tighten.
“How can I help you?” Amethyst gave her the normal customer smile, it never reached her eyes but most didn’t comment on it.
“I’m wonderful. I’m here to pick up a few things. Would you help me find them?” Her singsong voice filled half the store.
“Sure. What do you need?”
“Well, I have a list.” The woman dug into her purse, the sound of glass clinked inside. After digging around, she pulled out a piece of paper. She handed her the list, and an odd mixture soaked into her hands. That’s a funny lotion. Amethyst read the list and pulled off the three herbs she needed.
“Anything else?” Amethyst returned the list and tried to rub the excess lotion onto her jeans as nonchalantly as possible.
“Yes,” she said and moved closer to the herb selection. “Where is the ginger?” Her eyes narrowed, and she roamed over to the first row where the bag for ginger sat.
“Right here.” Amethyst grabbed the bag.
“Oh, thank you.” The woman rubbed Amethyst’s back making her uneasy. “I need to get glasses someday but just don’t have the money.” The woman shrugged with a smile. Amethyst grinned again, her wolf growled in her head. She motioned toward the counter to ring the woman up. Amethyst collected the money from her and the woman walked out.
“Hey, you can go early today, but I need you here longer tomorrow for inventory,” Mark, her boss, called out through the store.
“So, an hour?” Amethyst called back. He nodded, and she pulled out her phone to text Walter about the slight change in her schedule. Before she hit send the door chimed. Walter walked in with a bunch of lilac flowers in his hand.
“Are your ears burning?” Amethyst asked with a smile. The lilac scent filled her lungs.
“What do you mean?” Confusion filled his blue eyes.
“I was just about to text you. I’m getting off early.” Amethyst shook her phone and Walter shrugged.
“Well, it looks like I have good timing.” Walter handed her the flowers, their fingers grazing which made him smile. “I’ll just look for the present Maria said I should get myself.”
“When is your birthday again?” Amethyst placed the flowers on the counter. She had never been given flowers, but she liked it.
“In two days.” Walter shrugged and walked around the store. Every time he reached the edges of the building, Amethyst felt an odd pulling sensation in the pit of her stomach like someone grabbed her behind the bellybutton and yanked but she ignored it as she wrapped up her to do list before she clocked out.
“I’m ready to go. Did you find something you like?” Amethyst walked up behind Walter who leaned next to a coffee table.
“I’m not sure. There’s something I want but can’t have.” He turned toward her and a strange scent filled her nose.
“Why can’t you have it?” Amethyst tried to remember the last time she caught the heady scent.
“Because she’s fighting the connection.” Walter raised one of his eyebrows. Amethyst figured out where he was headed with this and played along. Arousal is the scent.
“Well, flowers are always a good go to. Women also love to come home to a good dinner.” Amethyst nodded and smiled.
Walter winked. “Let’s go. I need to start cooking then.”