Where Does It Belong?

25% of the way into your story.


STORIES ARE A series of scenes. Some of those scenes are expected. Some of them are even purposefully repetitious for the sake of emphasis. But some scenes change everything. These game changers are the plot points. They introduce significant elements and events that alter the subsequent course of the story. Your story can have any number of plot points, some relatively minor, some shockingly huge. Plot points are what keep your story moving forward. They mix things up, keep the conflict fresh, and propel your character far away from any possibility of stagnancy.

The First Plot Point (which occurs around the 25% mark in your story) is the moment when the setup ends and everything changes for your character. This is an event that either incorporates or is directly followed by the character’s reacting in a strong and irrevocable way. The First Plot Point marks the end of the First Act, and the character’s reaction to it marks the beginning of the Second. In a sense, the First Plot Point is the Climax of the First Act.