The Dramatic Question
YOUR DRAMATIC QUESTION might be a plot question or a theme question—or both. But in order for the ending to resonate, the dramatic question must be presented in the first scene. It will always be a yes-or-no question along the lines of “Will the good guy win?” or “Will the hero learn his lesson?”
Keep in mind that when you choose to answer your story’s main dramatic question is also important. The moment you answer this question, your story is going to be effectively over. Answer it too soon, and what’s left of your plot and your character’s arc will die a slow and boring death.
Exercise #1: Sum up your story’s generic dramatic question.
Exercise #2: Refine your story’s dramatic question by filling in specific details.
Foreshadowing Exercise: How can you foreshadow your First Plot Point in your first chapter?
Reference: Structuring Your Novel, chapter 2, pages 30-31.