“Are you sure this is it?” Zenith asked, cupping his hands around his eyes as he looked inside the dark sedan parked just inside the trees off the highway. Nothing in the car suggested Pelagic had driven it there.
Acumen rolled her eyes. “Who else would it be? This isn’t exactly Omni’s number one vacay spot. Of course it’s Pelagic and the goon squad.”
Allay sighed. “I’m so glad we weren’t too late, but what do we do now?”
Acumen lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “We wait.” She tapped on her communicator. “He’s still off the grid, but”—she patted the hood of the car—“he’ll need this, so I’m sure—”
Zenith pointed, and Acumen and Allay turned.
A shock of blonde hair appeared on the opposite side of the road as Harmony pushed aside a thin branch and paused. Zenith heard his brother’s voice but couldn’t make out the words. Harmony glanced over her shoulder before stepping from the trees. She moved to her left, giving Pelagic a full view of Acumen, Zenith, and Allay. Sunlight glinted from the gun Pelagic was holding. Pelagic has a gun? What a fool! Zenith would never be able to get him out of trouble. He’d hoped that by catching them before they escaped with the girl he could save his brother from a media scandal, but he’d never dreamed he’d be dumb enough to have brought a weapon. Attempted kidnapping was bad enough, but holding her hostage at gunpoint—Zenith crossed his arms and glared.
Pelagic’s eyes widened before he lowered his head and let the gun hang loose beside him. When he lifted it again, a huge smile split his face, and he tucked the gun into his pocket. He swept his hand gallantly before him and bowed. He crossed the crumbling highway, not bothering to see if Harmony followed. She looked back at the trees like a skittish rabbit.
Acumen waved her hand toward them. “Come on, Harmony. We’re the good guys.”
Still looking as though she might run, she hesitantly crossed behind Pelagic.
“Hello, brother, you’re looking . . . angry today,” Pelagic said to Zenith. Pelagic’s smile tightened into a grimace as he slid his eyes to Allay. “I take it you’re not here for a visit.”
Zenith lunged at Pelagic, balling the front of his jacket in his fists as he twisted them around and slammed his brother’s back against the car. “What the hell are you thinking? No! Don’t answer that because clearly you aren’t thinking at all! Kidnapping a citizen is bad enough but an important Artist, Pelagic? You’ve lost what little sense you haven’t drunk away!” He stared into Pelagic’s narrowed eyes, his mouth a slash of tension. “I’ll never be able to get you out of this!”
“I haven’t asked you to.” Pelagic kept his hands motionless beside him, not bothering to defend himself.
He’s completely insane. Zenith shook his head. Reaching into the pocket of Pelagic’s jacket, he palmed the cool metal of the gun as he looked down at it. Releasing his brother, he stepped back, holding the gun out for Acumen to take. But when she only raised her brows, he shook it slightly. “Take this before I use it on him and put me out of my misery,” he barked.
“What am I supposed to do with it?” She eyed the gun like it was a snake about to strike.
“Take it!” She jumped and fumbled, taking it from his hand before slipping it into her bag. “Thank you,” he said, inhaling deeply and closing his eyes to regain control. He watched Pelagic yank his jacket back into place. His eyes met Harmony’s. She blinked rapidly and took a half step back, right into Allay, who smiled down at her and squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “Are you all right, Artist Harmony?”
She nodded and fidgeted with the bottom of her pink hoodie. “I . . . I’m fine.”
“Where are the others? Axis and Malice?” Allay asked.
“I don’t know. Axis took Bijou—my friend—into the woods and didn’t return.” She motioned with her chin toward Pelagic. “He sent Malice to find him.”
Zenith nodded. He didn’t have any idea what to do with Pelagic, in the end, but he knew he couldn’t make a final decision right now. He turned his gaze back to his brother, who was leaning against the car as though he hadn’t just been caught committing a serious crime. “Go back to Omni.”
“What! You’re letting him go?” Acumen stepped in front of him. “No way! You can’t do that!”
Zenith didn’t bother looking at her but held his brother’s gaze over her shoulder. “I can, and I am.”
“I won’t let you do this.” She opened her bag, but Allay grabbed her arm, pulling her close to him as he held closed the top of the bag and prevented her from removing the gun.
Allay shook his head. “Leave it alone, Acumen.”
“Leave it alone! How can you of all people say that? He’s been after you for almost twenty years.” She clutched the hand that still held her bag. “He’ll never leave you alone.”
“He can’t hurt me now. I have nothing to lose.”
“How about your life? He could come after you. He came after her”—she flipped her hand toward Harmony—“and he didn’t hate her!”
“But he won’t.” Allay turned to Pelagic. “I’m sorry you lost your friend, Pelagic, but I won’t apologize for helping Hope and Pilot. I’ve resigned my position and given up everything. That’s what you wanted. You win. It’s over.”
Pelagic chuckled mirthlessly as he shook his head. His jaw tightened along with the fists at his sides. “You think it’s that easy? Give that life for this one, and everything is all better?” His chest heaved. “You haven’t suffered!”
Allay stepped closer to him, his stance still relaxed despite the fury in Pelagic’s voice. “I suffered every day, knowing that Pierce was growing up without his parents, working like a slave while I went home to my life built on a lie. I once swore to help people, to make their lives easier, not to create suffering for a little boy who was born without a permit because his parents made the mistake of falling in love.” He threw up his hands. “You won’t believe it, but I have suffered—until this morning when I finally told the truth.” He put his hand on Pelagic’s shoulder. “You have to let this go.”
Pelagic swatted his hand away. When Allay didn’t move, Zenith moved between them. “He will.” Zenith looked over his shoulder at Acumen. “And so will you.” Putting his finger in his brother’s chest, he said, “Go back to The Trident and wait for me.” He stepped back.
“We had him, and you let him go!” Acumen put her hands on her hips. “You can’t be that dense! He won’t wait.”
I hope not. Zenith just wanted this over. He hoped his brother got on that damn boat and didn’t look back. If he actually stayed, he’d have to punish him, and he didn’t know if he’d be able to do that. Pelagic may have been a momentary kidnapper, but he was his brother forever. “I’m going to ignore your tone.” He looked at Harmony. “Can you take us to them?” At her nod, he turned his back on Acumen and Allay and walked toward the trees. “We’re not finished.”